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Iranian Ground Forces | News and Equipment

Talk is cheap.. Bookmark this you won't open that front for atleast decades until the otherside open it when they feel it is time.. You can bookmark this instead
The irony coming from you. Mr. Turkish nationalist.

You are literally all talk here with your 110 million "armed to the teeth" remark, Turkey superpower. Literally makes you look like a clown.
No one in here claims such crazy things beyond yourself. You have no understanding of the geography of the area either clearly.

Ironically Iran literally has two separate militaries and domestic Basji (Popular mobilization) militias along with numerous international armed groups and this clown is talking about Turkey.
No Turkey is not a militarized nation, it is a liberal democracy and has not fought a serious war since their independence war. It has 0 stomach for casualties. You watch too much Ertugal.

I will bookmark your comment to make fun of you later. When will you shown your allegiance to Israel next I wonder. Iran will de-zionize your sweetheart state of Azerbaijan and Nakhchivan.

Talk is cheap.. Bookmark this you won't open that front for atleast decades until the otherside open it when they feel it is time.. You can bookmark this instead

Ground work being layed. You're the only with "all talk" here.
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The irony coming from you. Mr. Turkish nationalist.

You are literally all talk here with your 110 million "armed to the teeth" remark, Turkey superpower. Literally makes you look like a clown.
No one in here claims such crazy things beyond yourself. You have no understanding of the geography the area either clearly.

Ironically Iran literally has two separate militaries and domestic Basji (Popular mobilization) militias along with numerous international armed groups and this clown is talking about Turkey.
No Turkey is not a militarized nation, it is a liberal democracy and has not fought a serious war since their independence war. It has 0 stomach for casualties. You watch too much Ertugal.

I will bookmark your comment to make fun of you later. When will you shown your allegiance to Israel next I wonder.

I know one or two things.. Neo-Persia is currently weak and in rebuilding stage for atleast the next 50 years. I believe around the 2070s They can start to restruct the forgotten dream of another Persia rising. Hence I called your bluff. I know the timing and the watch of neo-persia.. Rome was not build in a day and I know your stragetists have been unusually patient. They don't wanna burst an immature project but waiting for the project to mature but it is unsure whether the others will allow the 30-50 years time frame..

The Turks, Israelis and gulfies and others in town will get impatient... They are not anti-Iran but they are against the idea of another neo-Persia coming into birth.. In my estimation they will eventually pull the trigger down the line could even be decades from now but will be forced to pull the trigger.

Because in a Neo-Persia world it is life without them hence they will mount or attempt to disrupt project in it's development stage
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I know one or two things.. Neo-Persia is currently weak and in rebuilding stage for atleast the next 50 years. I believe around the 2070s They can start to restruct the forgotten dream of another Persia rising. Hence I called your bluff. I know the timing and the watch of neo-persia.. Rome was not build in a day and I know your stragetists have been unusually patient. They don't wanna burst an immature project but waiting for the project to mature but it is unsure whether the others will allow the 30-50 years time frame..

The Israelis, Turks, and gulfies and others in town will get impatient... They are not anti-Iran but they are against the idea of another neo-Persia coming i not birth.. In my estimation they will eventually pull the trigger

Your comment rings from the 1990's. Fast forward 30 years!

What you are speaking about right now is happening today! Why do you think they are ganging up with the Israeli's in the Gulf right now? Traditional Arabs working with zio's.

The politics of the region is complicated, can't say how things will form, but it does appear that this so-called coalition will not form with the re-openning of diplomatic relations with Kuwait and UAE, and secret negotiations with Saudi Arabia. As far as it appears, Iran and Arab gulfies will normalize and it will turn its attention elsewhere.
Turks are nothing..

They were slaves of Iranians and greeks for 1000 years
Waiting for the comment that will say Turks ruled Iran for 1000 years, when they don't understand Iran is a multi-ethnic concept since it's founding 2500 years ago.

They are so Turkish, they named their kids with Persian names lol
Waiting for the comment that will say Turks ruled Iran for 1000 years, when they don't understand Iran is a multi-ethnic concept since it's founding 2500 years ago.

They are so Turkish, they named their kids with Persian names lol
Half of their words from their babies names to their military achievements (american british israeli south korean copies) are Persian
Half of their words are Persians
A large part of Turkish language was Persian during the Ottoman era, any Turkish historian would know this. But overtime, the replaced those words with new words of their own after their independence war.

I agree the IRI is preparing the ground for some sort of action. Not sure military or not.
One way or another.

They didn't create Hosseiniyoun for no reason. Nakhchivan will return not because we want, but because we are forced to because of the NATO+Israel plans for the Caspian Sea.
Turks are nothing..

They were slaves of Iranians and greeks for 1000 years

Safavid, Arsharid and Qajarids conquered half of what today is called Turkey :laugh:

The Turks were not even in the known world in that time they were in the steppes and once they came well that is history... Iran and Greece are formerly turkish territories lets just leave it at that

A large part of Turkish language was Persian during the Ottoman era, any Turkish historian would know this. But overtime, the replaced those words with new words

Turks spoke Persian as their first langauge to be honest many places did.. The persian language was the french or parisian of the old world back then and the lingua franc.. Eventually the Persian languages was replaced in many places but it was trendy at one point but kinda of lost it's stem over time just like latin once did.. Tho Farsi is still a beautifully sounding langauge
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After 40 years, I am afraid to post the picture of the 55th airborne brigade based in Shiraz. Nothing seems to have changed, I think i'd just rope out of embarrassment if I was the commander, or just resign. Clearly no one gives a shit about these people to equip them properly. These are supposed to be elite paratroopers by the way. This brigade is not capable of fighting in todays age at all. Just a cosmetic force really. Did anyone else see them?

nagaran misham chegadr fesad momkene dare etefagh mishe toye artesh. Bad az chehel sale mage mishe hanooz tachizate zamane shah daran estefade mikonan. Hishki to majles chizi nemigan? Cheshm nadaran?
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After 40 years, I am afraid to post the picture of the 55th airborne brigade based in Shiraz. Nothing seems to have changed, I think i'd just rope out of embarrassment if I was the commander, or just resign. Clearly no one gives a shit about these people to equip them properly. These are supposed to be elite paratroopers by the way. This brigade is not capable of fighting in todays age at all. Just a cosmetic force really. Did anyone else see them?

nagaran misham chegadr fesad momkene dare etefagh mishe toye artesh. Bad az chehel sale mage mishe hanooz tachizate zamane shah daran estefade mikonan. Hishki to majles chizi nemigan? Cheshm nadaran?
The question is WHY is this the state of matters? There are reasons whether good or bad. Budget? Incompetence? Playing possum? Perhaps you can share your thoughts your conjectures. etc...
The question is WHY is this the state of matters? There are reasons whether good or bad. Budget? Incompetence? Playing possum? Perhaps you can share your thoughts your conjectures. etc...

I don't know, could be a couple.

I think their is some embezzlement that is going on that is depriving the armed forces from more resources they could be getting. But this is probably not significant.

Budget is one thing, BUT even with a low budget, I'd still expect 65th and 55th airborne bridges, the most trained units of Iran to be in better material shape, I understand with the average rank and file to be behind, but special units should be prioritize because they will be the mostly likely to complete dangerous and important tasks. The price of a single Kaman-12 could probably equip many units with improved helmets, and combat vests. I'm not even talking cutting edge, just something from this century.

Probably negligence is another factor, I understand the lower level commanders have little means to get more resources for their men, and let's also be realistic, I'm sure if either one of us were in charge, we would work to fix this issue, so clearly this problem is due to the lack of care from the upper chain of command, why do they care so little about these Pahlevans that jump out of planes. Basically sending them to their death. Besides for show (which is actually not something you'd want to show), these units actually have little capacity in the modern battlefield.

Unfortunately only the IRGC, maybe Zanjan armoured brigade and 65th brigade are the only units with combat readiness.

IRGC ground forces have improved alot over the last few years, one must ask Artesh why it's main units are wearing Shah era-equipment. Was their not a single year from 2010 to 2022 where a priority budget could've been given to them? I would honestly figure at this point they'd be to embarrassed to show these scenes.
Any ideas?

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