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Please make up your mind.

The 65th brigade despite it's drawbacks is still much better equipped than the 55th. They are also being experimented on with new equipment recently. Are you going to debate this with me?

But they still aren't to the level of material shape they need to be. They still are the premier forces in Iran, and do present high readiness for combat as they are frequently used in drills. Just underequiped from what is expected of a modern first-line combatant.

The 55th brigade look like cannon fodder and has much to do to catch up. The post I made was solely focused on the 55th brigades air drill using Shah era steel helmets

The 65th brigade despite it's drawbacks is still much better equipped than the 55th. They are also being experimented on with new equipment recently. Are you going to debate this with me?

But they still aren't to the level of material shape they need to be. They still are the premier forces in Iran, and do present high readiness for combat as they are frequently used in drills. Just underequiped from what is expected of a modern first-line combatant.

The 55th brigade look like cannon fodder and has much to do to catch up. The post I made was solely focused on the 55th brigades air drill using Shah era steel helmets

My remark was referring to what seemed to be conflicting notions about the 65th Brigade (initially the suggestion that they ought to be in better material shape and subsequently that they may be combat ready nonetheless). I may have misunderstood.
My remark was referring to what seemed to be conflicting notions about the 65th Brigade (initially the suggestion that they ought to be in better material shape and subsequently that they may be combat ready nonetheless). I may have misunderstood.
Understood, I did not word it well in my previous post. We saw 65th in Fatehan Kheybar drills 1 year ago if you recall, and again here. So clearly this brigade is valuable to them and their value for this brigade should be reflected in their equipment. Their are some encouraging signs for them specifically, photos with new plate carriers, night vision, rifles which are clearly being experimented with them which is why I was not critical.
Basir laser guided artillery,looks like at least 3 different versions based on the poster,plus the designator with a clip on thermal sight from the looks of it.
What in the actual fuk is this.... This sounds like someone who has mental fartness wrote it.

What's with South Asians and poo-piss-fart jokes? is it a thing there?

What is all this with sectrianism, ethnic outcries have to do with what I said.. Are you retarded or something I pointed out something clear but you replied with a bunch of gibberish and off-topic elements..

You will offcourse call it gibberish since you are a south asian/indo-pak outsider. Azeri identity is built around militant Irano-Turkic Shiaism. You as an Indo-pak has no idea of it even though you were conquered by us multiple times. The tribes who gathered in NW Iran and Eastern Anatolia called themselves Qizilbash, they laid waste to Ottomans which resulted in Turkish-Iranian boundary some 500 years ago. These tribes are now called Azeris.

"but oh wait I Azeris have a defence pact with Holy Turkey" LOL

PKK? how is that Russia engaging Turkey..:lol: Are you on drugs or something what does PKK even have anything to do with this or in that matter some Shia peasant farmers in this is also irrelevant..

You are a indo-pak fool who was claiming that Russia has nothing to do with Turkey and will not do anything against Turkey and now you have no answer for it when the issue of Russian origin PKK is raised. Obviously, you have no knowledge of the biggest national problem of the Turkish government called PKK. Yes Kurdish separatist PKK, the designated separatist organization, has or is killing the Turkish military more than anyone else has done. It was a Soviet/Russian KGB/FSB operation through the Azeri republic and the Aliyev family (rulers of Baku, I bet you did not know that either). Many of you indo-paks think that there is some holy alliance of Turkey and Azeris going on when in fact both have been staunch enemies Shias and Sunnis historically waging wars against each other. Azeri republic was used against Turkey in Cold war too and still its role is not clarified because it refuses to take action against anti-Turkish elements. PKK is the prime example which Aliyevs in Baku refused to even designate as a terrorist organization for 20+ years despite Istanbul pleading them to do so.

And Why would they ? Azeris and Turkish have a bloodbath history for centuries. You belong to a country which is 60 years old so you think history started just recently.

Also Azerbaijan is with Turkey they have signed a defense treaty pact get with the program. Iran suppports Armenia over Azerbaijan. this is not as how you like it and ground reality is different and they don't have less populations

and Iran leads and defence treaty signed alliance of Iran Russia Iraq and Syria, Hezbollah:agree:


Does that mean in case of conflict Turkey will be surrounded by Russia, Iran, Iraq and Syria, Hezbollah, Greece from four sides, a combined population of some 300+ Million warrior ethnicities who all have at some point occupied Anatolia, and its only ally according to you will be ... get this ... a Shia militant nation of Irano-Turkic blood that historically has been massacring Turkish ? ... Thats some hardcore strategy right there. No wonder India used to get invaded like pulp.

and Iran is a theocracy that can mobilize a million+ shia militant fighters from every country including yours, not as cannon fodders but as defenders of their faith. We showed this strategy in Syria. We have zero problems with mobilizing men but thats not even the point. KSA can do same btw. It's also a theocratic monarch as well.

In case of conflict with Turkey, there will be no men to men since Turkey and Iran can't invade each other through the mountainous ranges. It will be Iranian Missiles+AD+UCAV vs Turkish AF+UCAVs. Missile power of IRGC just can't be matched by Turkey at all. Technically nobody can in the region.

Also I don't understand all this shia shia stuff you screaming about Iran itself has been under Sunni control for over 1000 years..

You are a delusional man with no knowledge of History. Ever since Iran turned Shia (early 15th century), it has never ever been occupied by any outsider forces. Prove me wrong?

and 1000 year rule ? lol you are confusing Iran with your own always-conquered Indic genes I think. Out of 2900 years since Medes (ancestors of Kurds, Azeris, NW Persians) found first Iranian empire, Iran has been under foreign Sunni (non-geno clustering group) rule for 128 years of Arabs + 120 years of Ilkhanates = thats 248 years. That is 93 % of free history. Even if I count or Timurid period (Qizilbash were allied with Timurids against Ottomans) then that is still an 85 % independent period stretching across 3 millenias. That is nothing in the history of ~2800 years esp if thick part of those 2800 years were centuries of cross-continental empires of our own in which we ruled from Indus to Libya. Persians had their glorified Millenium, and then Irano-Turkics revived Iran. Your own region was under persian and Irano-turkic rule for centuries.

Sunni don't see Shia some sort of great evil but just another branch that is small that they have always protected.

Lol your own countrymen here post hate filled BS here and you think you can fool us with some shia sunni unity rhymes. Your country has massacred thousands of Shias and you think the shia-sunni rivalry is nothing, wow stop shittin on your own massacred countrymen who were killed because they were shiites.


Shia Sunni rivalry is as real as it gets which is why the following wars happened.

Syrian war happened
Iraq got fractured
Yemeni Houthis are firing Iran supplied Missiles and drones at Saudis/UAE
Saddam was being paid billions by Persian Gulf sheikhdoms against Shia theocracy Iran
Ottoman vs Safavid, Afshar, Qajar, Zand (Azeri)
Fatimid vs Abbasid
Hashemite vs Ummyaid

Turkics have ruled Iran for nearly 1000 years and you talking shxt.

HAHAHA funny indo-pak guy, Turkics of Iran are not real chinky midgets of Altai mountains lol. We Iranian Turkoman are genetically as Indo European as Armenians or Greeks or Persians. Azeris in particular are 80-85+ % Medes Aryans who created Iranic empires even before than Persians. Look below and find them, forget Azeris, find Turkish and their genetic proximity to Iranians. There is no real Turkic is West Asia. Its an adapted linguistic identity at best. I do not want to insult Turkish here because of some rando Indo-pak false flaggers but Turkish identity is not really Turkic. I like them, we are neighbors and have a shared blood history but reality cant be changed. So this fetish of some Altaic Turkic with chinky eyes ruling Iran and Turkey are just fetishes of outsiders with ZERO scientific evidence. The Turkic genetics in west Asia has always been local which is why people supported them otherwise populations would have revolted in both Iranic plateau and Anatolia against foreigners but that did not happen.


Whatever I was talking about was academic and ground realities.. I said they won't engage the turks I meant the Russians without a nuclear warfare nobody contested that because it is a simple fact from a militaristic point of view or conventional stragetic point of view.

Here is another academic and ground reality for you. IRGC has ~HGV arsenal that comes down dancing on an MaRV at 4-5 Mach carrying cluster munitions. It cant be intercepted by AD (Turkish do not even have AD). As soon as the conflict starts IRGC will turn few Turkish ABs to rubble. There you go the Turkish attack arm is gone. Forget Russia they cant deal with us.

The Turks are in Iraq, Syria and Azerbaijan not because they are weak because they are strong.

Again the south asian man has no idea what is he talking about West Asian politics.

Turkey attacked Kurdish YPG in Syria which is a separatist Kurdish group that would have caused a fracture in Syria, connecting the autonomous Kurdish region under YPG with Iraqi Kurdistan and hence seeds of Kurdish separatism would have reached Turkey and Iran which resulted into Turkish incursion and Iran turned a blind eye towards the operation. It suited Iran as it suited Iraq and Syria. Nobody wants Kurdish separatist state in the heart of West Asia. Had Iran been against this Turkish action we would have armed the YPG to teeth with Ballistic and Cruise missiles, AD batteries, SAMS, ATMs, and Loitering drones like what we did with Houthis or Hezbollah. Our Qiam-I is Houthis Burkan, our Ya-Ali CM is their Quds-I ... list goes on. But nothing of that sort happened because it suited Iran, Syria, Iraq wherever Kurds live. Even Assad just did not do much in favor of YPG and why would he ? they wanted his country fractured.

It will play out conventionally as I said you don't need to be math genius to understand it unless you are just a layman then I won't blame you for that

So tell us online General from Indic planes, how would Turkey respond when within 20 mins all its bases will become rubble by IRGC fired LACM,MaRVs, HGV. You want me to guide you to the names of missiles, UCAVs and their capabilities as noted by western authors that will unleash hell on turkish bases ?

This is what we did to American bases that cracked heads of their ~150 soldiers stationed there and entire base dysfunction. If there would have been some 2-3 squadrons of aircrafts parked they would have turned to rusty rubble too. So what would Turkish do please tell us ?

You are a indo-pak fool who was claiming that Russia has nothing to do with Turkey and will not do anything against Turkey and now you have no answer for it when the issue of Russian origin PKK is raised. Obviously, you have no knowledge of the biggest national problem of the Turkish government called PKK. Yes Kurdish separatist PKK, the designated separatist organization, has or is killing the Turkish military more than anyone else has done. It was a Soviet/Russian KGB/FSB operation through the Azeri republic and the Aliyev family (rulers of Baku, I bet you did not know that either). Many of you indo-paks think that there is some holy alliance of Turkey and Azeris going on when in fact both have been staunch enemies Shias and Sunnis historically waging wars against each other. Azeri republic was used against Turkey in Cold war too and still its role is not clarified because it refuses to take action against anti-Turkish elements. PKK is the prime example which Aliyevs in Baku refused to even designate as a terrorist organization for 20+ years despite Istanbul pleading them to do so.

And Why would they ? Azeris and Turkish have a bloodbath history for centuries. You belong to a country which is 60 years old so you think history started just recently.
He doesn't know the closeness of relations between Turkey and Azerbaijan was due to Israel not due to some brotherhood. This relations only grew in 2010's when Israel became to use Azerbaijan as a base. National interests are more important that "brotherhood". He thinks this relationship is historical.

So tell us online General from Indic planes, how would Turkey respond when within 20 mins all its bases will become rubble by IRGC fired LACM,MaRVs, HGV. You want me to guide you to the names of missiles, UCAVs and their capabilities as noted by western authors that will unleash hell on turkish bases ?

This is what we did to American bases that cracked heads of their ~150 soldiers stationed there and entire base dysfunction. If there would have been some 2-3 squadrons of aircrafts parked they would have turned to rusty rubble too. So what would Turkish do please tell us ?
Not even Russia can match the volume of fire Iran can raise.

Once the air threat is largely degraded and eliminated, crossing the Zagros mountains into Iran is impossible, but he likely isn't aware of the geography of Iran-Turkey border.

Iran's whole missile doctrine is around quashing air threat. you'd end up with an artillery war in the mountains, I.e. impossible to win for anyone.

More over, he is so absorbed by propaganda that he's unable to put down a "brotherhood" that he is not a part of in exchange for practical realism. In other words, Turkeys relations with Iran is more important and more valuable than a small country like Azerbaijan. Turkey exports product to a 85 million people market, has business and chains in Iran, and make alot of money from doing business. Far more than anything Azerbaijan offers.
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He doesn't know the closeness of relations between Turkey and Azerbaijan was due to Israel not due to some brotherhood. This relations only grew in 2010's when Israel became to use Azerbaijan as a base. National interests are more important that "brotherhood". He thinks this relationship is historical.

Azeri Republic is just a reminder to Iran of what happens when the central government becomes weak and caught up in domestic problems. Russia walked in and got that chunk away from us, even though Azeris fought to the point that Russia was at one point pulling back seeing the ferocity of the Azeri fighters.

This is the letter of a Qizilbash Azeri Chieftain Javad Khan Qajar to Russian Czar when Iran and Russia clashed in Georgia.

"You have seen yourself fighting, the fight of ottomans but you have not seen the strike of the Qizilbash"


The man literally died holding the gate of fort he was defending. A true Azeri son of Iran.

Not even Russia can match the volume of fire Iran can raise.

Once the air threat is largely degraded and eliminated, crossing the Zagros mountains into Iran is impossible, but he likely isn't aware of the geography of Iran-Turkey border.

Iran's whole missile doctrine is around quashing air threat. you'd end up with an artillery war in the mountains, I.e. impossible to win for anyone.

Turkey because of its small geography is the most vulnurable country in the region to Iranian strikes, they barely have one forward airbase facing Iran in Diyarbakir, next ones are Amasya and Ankara. Even if we count Ankara, in the first wave, of IRGC's missile attack consists of of the following

HGVs (Haj Qassem, Kheybar Shikan), Skip Glide
Emad-II, Ballastic
Dezful, Quasi-Ballastic
Hoveyzeh CM Cruise
Shahed-136 Loiterers
Shahed-191 PGM

And the Turkish airbases are gone. Reduced to rubble. The attack arm is gone. Next will be the infrastructure that will be brought down with continues missile and UCAV strikes. If the conflict lengthens up Shia Sunni strife will start emerging like it happened in Syria which will be destructive to Turkey since it is surrounded by hardcore Shia entities of Iran, Azeri Republic, Iraq, Hezbollah.

More over, he is so absorbed by propaganda that he's unable to put down a "brotherhood" that he is not a part of in exchange for practical realism.

Most of the these online weirdos from pakistan are staunch poodles of KSA or Turkey. This a pshycological disorder from some people of that country that they will always be extremely loyal to foriegners except their own country. They grow up thinking oh Iran is nothing, weak, no history, Shias .. when you start posting deep strength of military of Iran or its scientific supremacy, its glorious genetics, history of empires regining cross continetally or the fact that literally everyone in west asia (including Turkish) are just some type of Iranics who linguisticaly may have drifted but still genetically just a base line Iranics .. these people go in denial mode like this multi account troll Titanium/battalion/khan thing.

Irony is that same Pakistan has also produced Waz, aHeyder, Abid, azighbal ... all respectful sensible members here who post in Iranian section and if I dont see their flags I will probably feel they are Iranians by their calm, noble, thick skinned behaviour. I guess this KSA/Turkish *** licking is limited to diaspora lower tier pakestanis who have an identity crisis thing going on.

In other words, Turkeys relations with Iran is more important and more valuable than a small country like Azerbaijan. Turkey exports product to a 85 million people market, has business and chains in Iran, and make alot of money from doing business. Far more than anything Azerbaijan offers.

Turkey is not stupid, even at worst times of Syrian war it continued doing deep business with Iran and maintained an overall atmosphere of harmony. You mentioned the business which is a HUGE factor I acknowledge but there is another factor as well. The vulnurability of Turkey against Iran is the incoming demographic change in Turkey where Kurds will become majority or atleast equivalent in numbers to Turkish. Around same time the deep state weakening of Iraq and Syria may result in Kurdish autonmy increasing on periphery of Turkish borders, joining with Kurdish areas of Turkey. Its a death sentence against the Turkish republic. To curb back this Kurdish problem Turkey needs Iran in Iraq to control the Barzani Mafia and YPG in Syria. This is the reason that Erdogan visits Tehran and seeks permission before making moves in Iraq and Syria. They know what kind of damage Iran can deliver to Turkey if it wants but it won't.
What's with South Asians and poo-piss-fart jokes? is it a thing there?

You will offcourse call it gibberish since you are a south asian/indo-pak outsider. Azeri identity is built around militant Irano-Turkic Shiaism. You as an Indo-pak has no idea of it even though you were conquered by us multiple times. The tribes who gathered in NW Iran and Eastern Anatolia called themselves Qizilbash, they laid waste to Ottomans which resulted in Turkish-Iranian boundary some 500 years ago. These tribes are now called Azeris.

"but oh wait I Azeris have a defence pact with Holy Turkey" LOL

You are a indo-pak fool who was claiming that Russia has nothing to do with Turkey and will not do anything against Turkey and now you have no answer for it when the issue of Russian origin PKK is raised. Obviously, you have no knowledge of the biggest national problem of the Turkish government called PKK. Yes Kurdish separatist PKK, the designated separatist organization, has or is killing the Turkish military more than anyone else has done. It was a Soviet/Russian KGB/FSB operation through the Azeri republic and the Aliyev family (rulers of Baku, I bet you did not know that either). Many of you indo-paks think that there is some holy alliance of Turkey and Azeris going on when in fact both have been staunch enemies Shias and Sunnis historically waging wars against each other. Azeri republic was used against Turkey in Cold war too and still its role is not clarified because it refuses to take action against anti-Turkish elements. PKK is the prime example which Aliyevs in Baku refused to even designate as a terrorist organization for 20+ years despite Istanbul pleading them to do so.

And Why would they ? Azeris and Turkish have a bloodbath history for centuries. You belong to a country which is 60 years old so you think history started just recently.

and Iran leads and defence treaty signed alliance of Iran Russia Iraq and Syria, Hezbollah:agree:


Does that mean in case of conflict Turkey will be surrounded by Russia, Iran, Iraq and Syria, Hezbollah, Greece from four sides, a combined population of some 300+ Million warrior ethnicities who all have at some point occupied Anatolia, and its only ally according to you will be ... get this ... a Shia militant nation of Irano-Turkic blood that historically has been massacring Turkish ? ... Thats some hardcore strategy right there. No wonder India used to get invaded like pulp.

and Iran is a theocracy that can mobilize a million+ shia militant fighters from every country including yours, not as cannon fodders but as defenders of their faith. We showed this strategy in Syria. We have zero problems with mobilizing men but thats not even the point. KSA can do same btw. It's also a theocratic monarch as well.

In case of conflict with Turkey, there will be no men to men since Turkey and Iran can't invade each other through the mountainous ranges. It will be Iranian Missiles+AD+UCAV vs Turkish AF+UCAVs. Missile power of IRGC just can't be matched by Turkey at all. Technically nobody can in the region.

You are a delusional man with no knowledge of History. Ever since Iran turned Shia (early 15th century), it has never ever been occupied by any outsider forces. Prove me wrong?

and 1000 year rule ? lol you are confusing Iran with your own always-conquered Indic genes I think. Out of 2900 years since Medes (ancestors of Kurds, Azeris, NW Persians) found first Iranian empire, Iran has been under foreign Sunni (non-geno clustering group) rule for 128 years of Arabs + 120 years of Ilkhanates = thats 248 years. That is 93 % of free history. Even if I count or Timurid period (Qizilbash were allied with Timurids against Ottomans) then that is still an 85 % independent period stretching across 3 millenias. That is nothing in the history of ~2800 years esp if thick part of those 2800 years were centuries of cross-continental empires of our own in which we ruled from Indus to Libya. Persians had their glorified Millenium, and then Irano-Turkics revived Iran. Your own region was under persian and Irano-turkic rule for centuries.

Lol your own countrymen here post hate filled BS here and you think you can fool us with some shia sunni unity rhymes. Your country has massacred thousands of Shias and you think the shia-sunni rivalry is nothing, wow stop shittin on your own massacred countrymen who were killed because they were shiites.


Shia Sunni rivalry is as real as it gets which is why the following wars happened.

Syrian war happened
Iraq got fractured
Yemeni Houthis are firing Iran supplied Missiles and drones at Saudis/UAE
Saddam was being paid billions by Persian Gulf sheikhdoms against Shia theocracy Iran
Ottoman vs Safavid, Afshar, Qajar, Zand (Azeri)
Fatimid vs Abbasid
Hashemite vs Ummyaid

HAHAHA funny indo-pak guy, Turkics of Iran are not real chinky midgets of Altai mountains lol. We Iranian Turkoman are genetically as Indo European as Armenians or Greeks or Persians. Azeris in particular are 80-85+ % Medes Aryans who created Iranic empires even before than Persians. Look below and find them, forget Azeris, find Turkish and their genetic proximity to Iranians. There is no real Turkic is West Asia. Its an adapted linguistic identity at best. I do not want to insult Turkish here because of some rando Indo-pak false flaggers but Turkish identity is not really Turkic. I like them, we are neighbors and have a shared blood history but reality cant be changed. So this fetish of some Altaic Turkic with chinky eyes ruling Iran and Turkey are just fetishes of outsiders with ZERO scientific evidence. The Turkic genetics in west Asia has always been local which is why people supported them otherwise populations would have revolted in both Iranic plateau and Anatolia against foreigners but that did not happen.

View attachment 877786

Here is another academic and ground reality for you. IRGC has ~HGV arsenal that comes down dancing on an MaRV at 4-5 Mach carrying cluster munitions. It cant be intercepted by AD (Turkish do not even have AD). As soon as the conflict starts IRGC will turn few Turkish ABs to rubble. There you go the Turkish attack arm is gone. Forget Russia they cant deal with us.

Again the south asian man has no idea what is he talking about West Asian politics.

Turkey attacked Kurdish YPG in Syria which is a separatist Kurdish group that would have caused a fracture in Syria, connecting the autonomous Kurdish region under YPG with Iraqi Kurdistan and hence seeds of Kurdish separatism would have reached Turkey and Iran which resulted into Turkish incursion and Iran turned a blind eye towards the operation. It suited Iran as it suited Iraq and Syria. Nobody wants Kurdish separatist state in the heart of West Asia. Had Iran been against this Turkish action we would have armed the YPG to teeth with Ballistic and Cruise missiles, AD batteries, SAMS, ATMs, and Loitering drones like what we did with Houthis or Hezbollah. Our Qiam-I is Houthis Burkan, our Ya-Ali CM is their Quds-I ... list goes on. But nothing of that sort happened because it suited Iran, Syria, Iraq wherever Kurds live. Even Assad just did not do much in favor of YPG and why would he ? they wanted his country fractured.

So tell us online General from Indic planes, how would Turkey respond when within 20 mins all its bases will become rubble by IRGC fired LACM,MaRVs, HGV. You want me to guide you to the names of missiles, UCAVs and their capabilities as noted by western authors that will unleash hell on turkish bases ?

This is what we did to American bases that cracked heads of their ~150 soldiers stationed there and entire base dysfunction. If there would have been some 2-3 squadrons of aircrafts parked they would have turned to rusty rubble too. So what would Turkish do please tell us ?

View attachment 877800

Delusions are dangerous for one own-self and trying to create fantasy into a distorted thing.. You need to take pills if you think there was a rivalry outside of protected minority majority of the times really. I don't even want to bother with this anymore honestly it is just below me engaging in fantasy's outside of ground realities and actual occurances... I don't venture into fantasy... If you wanna believe it then be my guest
He doesn't know the closeness of relations between Turkey and Azerbaijan was due to Israel not due to some brotherhood. This relations only grew in 2010's when Israel became to use Azerbaijan as a base. National interests are more important that "brotherhood". He thinks this relationship is historical.

For one, yes, regional allies of the west tend to assemble. So do West Asian states that have relations with Tel Aviv. This said, Turkey's outreach to former Soviet Republics where Turkic languages are spoken, goes back to the 1990's, even if common ties to the western orbit facilitated it. Pan-Turkist ideology was instrumentalized among other things in this context. In regards to the Republic of Azarbaijan, former president of Baku Heydar Aliyev coined the phrase "one nation, two states" in reference to his country and Turkey. So while this is a post-Soviet development in essence, the Turkic linguistic factor has been used by both sides to add a cultural dimension to the relationship.

these people go in denial mode like this multi account troll Titanium/battalion/khan thing.

The "khan" account is manned by the person behind the Saif al-Arab one. If required I can share examples where they rehash the same phrases, same content, even identical maps and charts etc.
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