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'Karrar Tank' symbol of Iran entering into modern armored technology

Tehran (IP)- The Defense Industry Organization of Iran's Mistry of Defense and the Support of Armed Forces has taken great steps in the field of military and weapon self-sufficiency in recent years, with the design and production of a variety of military vehicles, including armored vehicles.
One of the most important measure in this field is the design and production of the main tank of the battlefield, "Karrar" because the Iranian tank, which was designed and built in the Defense Ministry's Defense Industries Organization for three years which has been unveiled at the beginning of March 12, 2021, at the same time the production line was inaugurated. In fact, according to military experts, there is a very heavy Iranian promotion on the Russian "T-72", which has somehow made it look like a powerful, well- known "T - 90" tank.

Karrar is using a new motor with an optimized structure that is expected to be between 1,000 and 1200 horsepower. There is also the possibility of using the national diesel engine with 1300 - horsepower that its production line opened a while ago.
The tank is equipped with a computer fire control system and electro-optic equipment with a range of 10, 000 m, a ballistic computer, and capability to target fixed and moving targets at night and day, and the capability of precision firing missiles.
Specifically, in the area of targeting and optical equipment, Karrar tank has a third-generation computer fire control system, and its artillery monitoring and targeting systems include 1K13-49 night monitoring and targeting system belonging to T-72 tank (as a secondary site) and multi-channel monitoring and targeting system made by Iran's electronics industry (as the main site of firing).

The 1K13-49system for laser guidance of the ballistic missiles used in Karrar, ie the Thunder laser missile, has been installed on this tank. This laser-guided missile is currently produced in Iran.
In the weapons section, this tank is armed with a standard 125 mm cannon of the T-72 tank, which is a tested and safe weapon and can shoot a wide variety of ammunition at various targets.

A remote control machine gun is also installed on this tank that its user can easily activate it from inside the tank and shoot at the targets. This weapon control system has an optical system for monitoring and targeting.
This type of weapon remote control system is one of the upgrades that have recently been installed in the world's advanced tanks and armor and can rotate 360 degrees and engage infantry and light targets. Inside the tank, several monitors are used to monitoring the area around the tank and target day and night and all weather conditions.
The digital navigation screen as well as the tank status screen are among the other monitors available in this tank. The combination of these cameras and monitors installed in the Karrar tank reduces the pressure on the crew and facilitates the operation.

The design of the Karrar tank turret and the protective cover installed on it are reminiscent of a "T90 MS" tank. The tank turret is almost completely covered with new armor and the sides of the turret are also covered with an integrated protective plate.
On the side and rear of the body, there are armored covers as well as cage armor, which are especially used against threats from anti-tank rockets such as RPG 7. A laser lock warning system made in Iran is one of the other protection systems installed on the Karrar tank.
This system is used to detect laser beams emitted from weapons guidance systems or laser range-finding systems of enemy equipment, warning and also the use of smoke grenades to create a camouflage smoke cover to protect the tank against laser-guided weapons.
The tank also has special covers to withstand heatwaves and can also hide from the view of thermal detectors. This is very important and effective in countering new anti-tank weapons and new target detection systems.
Karrar tank has the ability to cross areas with landforms, pits, rivers, and rocky places and move underwater, and has the ability to camouflage against anti-tank weapons. Karrar tank has high mobility even on steep slopes.

Also, the Karrar tank is equipped with a navigation system and its display for the tank driver and a machine gun automation system for firing from inside the war corridor in different conditions. In the field of survival, the Karrar tank is equipped with armor protection resistant to all types of anti-armor weapons and is camouflaged to protect against all types of anti-armor weapons.
Multi-spectrum camouflage, modern telecommunication facilities and digital battlefield management, and the ability to fight electronic warfare are other features of the Karrar tank.
According to Brigadier General Kiomars Heidari, commander of the Ground Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Karrar tank has 10 options more than modern tanks. This tank is considered as the art of the Ministry of Defense and is the best battlefield tank.

Specifications of Karrar tank:
The main type: Battlefield tank
Manufacturer: Bani Hashem Droud Industries affiliated with the Ministry of Defense
Production date: from 2016 until now
Weight: 51 tons
Length: 7 meters (body length) 9.5 meters (including Cannon tube)
Width: 3.7 meters
Height: 2.3 meters
Crew: 3 (commander, driver, gunner)

Do you think that the geography of South Lebonan is comparable to that of Khuzestan Province in south western Iran?
I missed your message.
I don't know whether you are tankist, or a soldier, anyway just a quick reminder. Let's talk a little bit about Desert Storm, the war between the US and Iraq in 1991. About this war, unfortunately, most of the narrative belongs to the Americans, then these bastards a free to say what they want regarding their interests. Thus pitiable propagandists they called "historians", "Specialists" etc.. like Zaloga for example tell what they like.
U will have to know that most of the Iraqi ground forces in Kuwait were slaughtered during their withdrawal ordered by Saddam without taking care to ensure any guarantee. He was the most responsible for Iraqi's tragedy. Thus it nullifies any success of US forces, neither their technologies nor the "courage" of their soldiers.
Nevertheless, among battles that occurred during Desert Storm, there was one that was very interesting "Phase Line Bullet".
Iraqi Officers use in a very clever way their assets and they succeeded to stop US forces. To stop US forces lost several M1 Abrams, and several IFV. The US were stopped by Iraqi T-55, T-62, T-72, and anti-tank missiles like AT-3, and AT-5.
It shows you that no matter the geography or the landscape if the commanders are enough intelligent US cannot win. Of course, the US narrative prevails in this Wikipedia page, but a day or another the truth will surge about this battle.

So just because Israel was defeated in Lebonan in 2006 you think that proves the "unusefullness" of modern MBTs? The only thing that the war in 2006 proved was that not knowing/ underestimating your enemy + using poor tactics lead to defeat.
Everywhere in the world where the tank meets anti-tank missiles, there are too many casualties with tanks. The battle of Grozny where Russians lost several dozens of their state of the art T-80 at that time. Yemen Saudi and emirates lost too many tanks. It is not swaggered by the West but during the war between NATO and Serbia in 1999 US fear to confront Serbian ground forces. During the war of Syria, Syrian ground forces lost nearly half of their tanks, etc...
Everywhere in the world where the tank meets anti-tank missiles, there are too many casualties with tanks. The battle of Grozny where Russians lost several dozens of their state of the art T-80 at that time. Yemen Saudi and emirates lost too many tanks. It is not swaggered by the West but during the war between NATO and Serbia in 1999 US fear to confront Serbian ground forces. During the war of Syria, Syrian ground forces lost nearly half of their tanks, etc...
T-80B and T-80BV... lol
In the case of T-80BV often without Kontakt-1 ERA because of the poor condition of the army, corrupt officers, tankists who sold the ERA tiles, to can buy some drugs/food/etc.
Chechen knew to fight, were trained by soviet army, many were vets from Soviet-Afghan Colonial War.
I don't even saw a destroyed T-80U or T-80UK.
Only diverse T-62M, T-72A (obrig 1979), T-72AV, T-72B (which has better armour than T-80B/BV) and T-80B and T-80BV).
"State of the Art" tanks for the Chechen wars would have been T-72B obrig. 1989, T-80U, T-80UK and T-72BU aka T-90 (model 1992).
But even most modern tanks like M1A2C, Merkava Mk IVM, T90M or futuristic" Leopard 2A8" with German made APS, extremly addon AMAP armour etc. would fail with wrong usage.
You need to use tanks ALWAYS with other stuff.
Turks did pretty pathetic job with using their Leo2A4 (which were from 1 and 2nd batch aka type I armour :D).
In their case, "a most possible upgraded Leo2" would have survived (AMAP, APS, MUSS 2.0) but still bad tactics. It's like comparing Hezbollah (lebanese) with Saudi soldiers.
You can have relative primitive (but working) weapons and know how to use them vs "high tech weapons" but if the soldiers do a bad job, the outcome will be clear.
Don't ge me wrong, Saudi army could win vs spear carrying African tribesmen because the advantage is on another lvl but vs light, highly motivated Infantry in hilly terrain, the Saudis would do much worse than the Israelis 2006.
...but if the soldiers do a bad job, the outcome will be clear.
Well said. Who said the contrary?

... Saudi army could win vs spear carrying African tribesmen because the advantage is on another ...
Same, who did say you the contrary?
The purpose of my post is to demonstrate that at this stage no one can invade a powerful industrial country like Iran. Whatever the battlefield is.
As Iranians are mass-producing sophisticated anti tanks missiles like HJ-12, HJ-12, 9M123 Khrizantema etc... beside Karrar, and millions of very motivated soldiers no one can dare to invade Iran no matters the way, and the area.
Well said. Who said the contrary?

Same, who did say you the contrary?
The purpose of my post is to demonstrate that at this stage no one can invade a powerful industrial country like Iran. Whatever the battlefield is.
As Iranians are mass-producing sophisticated anti tanks missiles like HJ-12, HJ-12, 9M123 Khrizantema etc... beside Karrar, and millions of very motivated soldiers no one can dare to invade Iran no matters the way, and the area.
Many in this forum underestimate Iran (as a whole).
I mean, from the point of Realpolitik(s) (nice German word :D) they (Americans) can't.
We know why - blowing up oil facilities, especially the ones in Saudi Arabia, close/mine/laying ambushes in the Strait of Hormuz, destroy most of Israel, activate Hezbollah for "all in war" (in which Israel, Lebanon, maybe Syria but defintely Iran will be parking spaces).
The Western weakness of Liberalism.
The hypocritcal Media which inflames/prepares for war but can't take real war situations like massacres, blown up people, crying children, dead women and elderly and all this stuff.
But 1v1, with whole industrial might, when activated, nobody matches murricans (chinese NOW maybe but they wanna make $ too and time plays for them) Iran would lose vs the USA with Murrican mind (Fighting spirit) of 1940-60s.
Good thing for the one who can be targeted by America (sadly they spread this disease over the whole world... fun fact Israel too hihi) that Murricans have not the nuts anymore.
Iran will be targeted here and there like sanctions (which are inhumanly - "Muh bad Mullah Regime, so let's starve ordinary Iranians, maybe they become angry cause of the stubborn Gov and revolt against them" - no matter if Babies and Eldery die because of sanctions...), blowing up/murdering scientists etc. but there will be NO (conventional) direct war. War like with the USSR, yes but not more.
Some people need to look at real circumstances and have to factor in other things.
M1A2C with Murrican support IS just better than a, I write it again wonderful T-72S (export variant of T-72B obrig. 1985) upgrade in 1v1.
Anyway I hope the best for Iran.
BTW any news on BMP-2 upgrades or the BTR-82 (BTR-60PB) variant with new hull/BMP-2 turret?
Wanna update my Iranian Armed Forces Battleorder List. :cheesy: 😂
Many in this forum underestimate Iran (as a whole).

No one in this world, that has a minimum of brain and responsibilities can afford to despise, or underestimate Iran. History witnesses Iran is a great nation with huge potential. Notice that I was amazed to learn that the only women that won medal fields that I know is an Iranian. It does mean too much.

If the great powers underestimate Iran do you think they will spend too much energy to do this blockade?
A country that is really despised by most of the people is among others Saudi Arabia. Because Saudi Arabia is not a country, was never a country, and in the next future will disappear without any embargo. Don"t you realize that West sold them several dozens of their state of the art F-15.
On the contrary, Iran underwent a severe blockade done by not only the west but made by Russia and China.

I am amazed to learn that Iran in spite of this blockade is capable to build sophisticated tanks like Karrar. It does prove that Iran now has the infrastructure to go forward. Regarding Metallurgy, tools producing machinery, and tools control machinery, electronic, chemistry, etc.. moreover competent engineers, scientists, thus, significant know-how.

I am absolutely sure in the next future, Iran will unveil a new 100% indigenous heavy fighter bomber, with its own Iranian jet engines.

I am absolutely sure in the next future, Iran will unveil a new 100% indigenous heavy fighter bomber, with its own Iranian jet engines.
I hope so but I think for that they need a bit more stability in certain sectors.
Iranians need first air superiority and/or (enough) multirole fighter jets.
Heavy fighter bomber isn't teaming up with Iranian doctrine from the moment (which IS VERY effective).
Their BM paired with underground "hit & run" tunnel tactics, armored/sheltered BM sites + very sophisticated AA network are enough. Give this the improved conventional part - better planes which can fly against the enemy - like (North)Vietnam during Vietnam war, they used for the most part their (conventional) resources excellent.
Army/IRGC rivaly MUST stop, this shit did bad in Germany WW2, bad for Murrica, for everybody were it happened because it was often not under control.
It's good when different branches are "a bit" fighting against each other to motivate themselves.
But where are top tier regular Artesh divsions/brigades?
I see relative recent training videos from Artesh, they are running around with wooden rpg-7, not polymer-DIO (more modern) RPG-7 which recieves Hezbollah (even in 2006). Where are bulletproof vest, modern kevlar helmet.
Now somebody will say it's training. Well especially in training it should be "war-near" with all equipment, Roman legionaries trained with double so heavy swords during training, more sweating, less bleeding.
It's insane.
In the end, I hope they just get nukes, then there is thicc Kimmi Boi mode and nobody can ever dare to touch them like before. Maximum = only sanctions which are in power anyway.

I hope so but I think for that they need a bit more stability in certain sectors.
Iranians need first air superiority and/or (enough) multirole fighter jets.
Heavy fighter bomber isn't teaming up with Iranian doctrine from the moment (which IS VERY effective).
Their BM paired with underground "hit & run" tunnel tactics, armored/sheltered BM sites + very sophisticated AA network are enough. Give this the improved conventional part - better planes which can fly against the enemy - like (North)Vietnam during Vietnam war, they used for the most part their (conventional) resources excellent.
Army/IRGC rivaly MUST stop, this shit did bad in Germany WW2, bad for Murrica, for everybody were it happened because it was often not under control.
It's good when different branches are "a bit" fighting against each other to motivate themselves.
But where are top tier regular Artesh divsions/brigades?
I see relative recent training videos from Artesh, they are running around with wooden rpg-7, not polymer-DIO (more modern) RPG-7 which recieves Hezbollah (even in 2006). Where are bulletproof vest, modern kevlar helmet.
Now somebody will say it's training. Well especially in training it should be "war-near" with all equipment, Roman legionaries trained with double so heavy swords during training, more sweating, less bleeding.
It's insane.
In the end, I hope they just get nukes, then there is thicc Kimmi Boi mode and nobody can ever dare to touch them like before. Maximum = only sanctions which are in power anyway.
Also, Roman Legionnaires would carry 20-30kg of equipment on their persons.
No one in this world, that has a minimum of brain and responsibilities can afford to despise, or underestimate Iran. History witnesses Iran is a great nation with huge potential. Notice that I was amazed to learn that the only women that won medal fields that I know is an Iranian. It does mean too much.

I am amazed to learn that Iran in spite of this blockade is capable to build sophisticated tanks like Karrar. It does prove that Iran now has the infrastructure to go forward. Regarding Metallurgy, tools producing machinery, and tools control machinery, electronic, chemistry, etc.. moreover competent engineers, scientists, thus, significant know-how.
I think iran is a truly beautiful example of the old Nietzschean maxim that what doesnt destroy you only makes you stronger.
I think iran is a truly beautiful example of the old Nietzschean maxim that what doesnt destroy you only makes you stronger.

In my view, -maybe I am wrong, we will see in decades, if Iam alive ;-) - Iran is on the road to becoming the new Japan or new Germany. Western elites now are really afraid of the rise of China, a process that is now unstoppable. The only way to contain Chinese expansion is Iran. However, a such choice will be at the expense of Israel, thus Israel can no longer exist, then against the Rothschild's family's interests. At this stage Western elites are lost, they cannot choose, and they are seeing powerless history fleeing from their fingers.
In any way, with or without the West's consent Iran will become a new Japan soon.
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I think it is even worse for the pedophilic western ellites.... in Japan, they have a strong military presence..... when Iran becomes a globl scientific power, the west will have no such lever of pressure on the country.
In my view, -maybe I am wrong, we will see in decades, if Iam alive ;-) - Iran is on the road to becoming the new Japan or new Germany. Western elites now are really afraid of the rise of China, a process that is now unstoppable.
Good points here.
The only way to contain Chinese expansion is Iran.
Not India? Obviously Us would like Iran to turn into a more America- "compliant"/friendly state primarily, but making this Iran's special purpose for the US seems a bit distant for me.[/QUOTE]
Not India?

India is a typical failed state. India, for example, is not capable to manage a project such as the Iranian Karrar tank. Nearly all of Indian's projects collapsed. We were many at the beginning of this century to think that India could be another Japan, but we were wrong.
The awful caste system hampered, if not deter any India's progress. For example, if you are Indian, U can work with another Indian colleague, less competent than you, but he considers you as an under-man. However, if you go to the UK, US, Germany, etc..., U would be considered certainly as a foreigner, but at least as human, but not in India. Thus India lost many of its precious elites.
In the best case, India could only a state that buys Sukhoi, Migs, Russian submarines, etc...but nothing better.
Indians succeeded in their wars against Pakistan because most of the great powers did make blockade against Pakistan, meanwhile, India had been receiving the USSR, and now Russia's state of the art weapons. India could painfully match against under blockade Pakistan, but can no longer match with China. In the case of conflict, India will be totally erased. Nowadays no one can match China, and this is only the beginning.
I think if Pakistan's elites fight and overcome corruption, they can easily win against India and free Kashmir province.
Thus for the West, it does not exist too many options.

Consequently, for the Westerners, the only option stays Iran, because its population is well educated, disciplined, and not far from the American, European mentalities. After all, U like or not, Iranians are Indo-Europeans, ethnic people.
West like or no, in the coming years, Iran will emerge as great power like Japan.
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