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Iranian fleet hunts australian recognition (sonar) devices

No... because unlike Australia, Iran wasn't a penal colony. We have 5000 years recorded history. anyways, I don' think if I should state all the reasons for why we are important, any relatively educated person should be able to figure that out by themselves, if you are unable to do so, then please get an education.

Australia wasn't a penal colony. There was no prisoners here in 1902 when the nation was created. Australia has 40,000+ years of history, that's when this land was first settled.

You have a high sense of self worth and Iranians nationalistic sense makes you all think you are very important and very powerful. Like i explained in my last post, it's why you aggressively pursue nukes and spew rhetoeric about the so called scary "west"

About the nukes, firstly our nuclear program is entirely peaceful and secondly, we do what we have to do, in my opinion we should develop nuclear weapons and use them to defend our country if necessary, however that decision is not up to me nor are our national objectives any of your concern (No offence!).

Obviously not as the nuclear infrastructure your country has isn't designed for nuclear power, but instead, nuclear weapons hence the sanctions against your country.
And please have some originality! By the way you communicate, I don't even think you're an Australian "native" if that's what they want to call themselves nowadays!

I'm just stating facts, unlike yourself who tries to say something about Australia and gets it completely wrong like "Iran is richer than Australia" which it obviously isn't. Also i love when you are called out on something you have said, you automatically ignore it and quickly change topic. :no:
Indoctrinated? Do you even know the meaning of that? Technically you are being indoctrinated by local and international media (everyday) without even knowing, you're being indoctrinated when you watch an advertisement that makes you believe you should buy a certain cosmetic product to make girls like you more, you're being indoctrinated when you are forced to believe that latest model of certain brand of smartphones makes you look cool!

I do know the meaning of it. Iranians are so obsessed with the media. It's hilarious that you think if someone see's an advertisement they are automatically brainwashed into buying it. :lol:

Minerals Basics - Geoscience Australia

I'm sorry having too much coal and diamond, won't fuel your car!

Iran is extremely rich in natural resources, however Iran's mineral sector is greatly under-invested.

Your problem is that you do quick Google searches without actually reading or researching further into what you are talking about.

Australia provides China with most of its resources, that alone says enough.

1- I already gave you a very comprehensive answer.

Not really. You posted a fudged up figure of Irans oil reserve wealth. When i said Australia is 3x richer than Iran, i was comparing GDP not resources. Australia could buy Iran 3x over. Your economy is pretty low level and not that wealthy. I find it very humours you tried to say Australia was poor and that Iran was richer. :lol:

Lol what?! If that's the case why you're buying so many weapons?

Procurement programme of the Royal Australian Navy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Preparing for the next Kangaroo invasion? (I really love the Kangaroo jokes They never get old!)

Upgrading an old navy with new equipment, nothing aggressive about that.

And that last sentence (although you didn't use period) goes to show your ignorance, Iran never invaded any country in over 200 years!

I never said Iran had invaded anyone. I was talking about your countries aggressive military rhetoric.

No its not my "opinion" officially Queen Elizabeth has sovereignty over Australia! Don't they teach you that in your schools? Noch... noch... noch!

See once again, talking about something you know nothing about noch... noch... noch! She is our Queen correct. She is also the Queen of Britian and many other nations. But Britain has no control or power here, just like Canada doesn't or New Zealand.
If 1980 is your DoB thaen i should call you Uncle.

I used Kid because you showed a juvenile attitude in your posts.

Anyway feel free to discuss the matter on one to one basis. xdrive is here and i would not be having any further say in your fight.

I wasn't born in 1980! Juvenile attitude?! I think my answers were pretty straightforward, I just don't like to sugar coat everything!

I read your post later! BB for now!
Australia wasn't a penal colony. There was no prisoners here in 1902 when the nation was created. Australia has 40,000+ years of history, that's when this land was first settled.

Obviously not as the nuclear infrastructure your country has isn't designed for nuclear power, but instead, nuclear weapons hence the sanctions against your country.

I never said Iran had invaded anyone. I was talking about your countries aggressive military rhetoric.

well , the first part is debatable , maybe not in 1902 but what about 19 century

about the second part I wonder what part of or nuclear technology geared toward military , can you enlighten us on that .

well I don't see anything aggressive about Iran military strategy and rhetoric . show me a case that we threatened a country while not mentioned if they were attacking us first . on other hand compare us with the other countries who have a habit of threatening us with all options on the table . and won't forget Iran is the only nonnuclear country in the world that the great bully (USA president) allowed first nuclear strike against it

U.S. threatens first strike on Iran
First thing with this civilizational upmanship......

The fact that Persia existed 5000 years ago does not means current Iran is an ancient civilization.Arab invasions have changed Persian civilization beyond recognition.

You think so? I still think we kept our traditions much better than Indians. Yes, I don't deny the fact that we were conquered by Arabs and Mongols militarily, and our country and culture suffered greatly because of that. But what is your point? I didn't claim to be the direct descendant of the Cyrus the Great if that is what you got from my post. I was merely pointing out the the historical facts that Iran succumbed to foreign plots quite a bit, especially in the last 200 years, so please excuse us if we don't take kindly to foreign threats.

And if we go by your criteria,nearly every country has 5000 year old civilization.

There are tribes that have been around for more than 65,000 years. But what have they contributed to the world?

For all the fancy calculations you are making,you have no understanding of economics and relative worth.

You have shown your lack of economic understanding in this thread

I know more about economy than you do (among other things), I did a very simple calculation, shouldn't be too hard for you to do. Iran recoverable liquid hydrocarbon reserves (means oil) at the end of 2006 was 138,4 billion barrel, multiply that number by the current market demand per barrel. Of course the market prices change, I simply gave an estimate for current market price.

It was you who gave me that link in that thread? I think you should read that yourself. Don't worry about me I started learning economy when I was 12 today I just finished with Joseph Stiglitz book: the Price of Inequality! Great book you should read it!

Amazon.com: The Price of Inequality: How Today's Divided Society Endangers Our Future (9780393088694): Joseph E. Stiglitz: Books

where you refused to acknowledge the difference between absolute and PPP concept.I did not pressed matter there as i thought that it is useless to argue with someone who is so brainwashed that he would not even click on the links.

I think my above answer was very clear. Do you even know what PPP means?! Because to me it looks like you just learned a term and you're using it to sound smart?
Read this: https://pwt.sas.upenn.edu/papers/Stanford4.pdf
You might even learn something.

In this post also you have not even tried to understand the meaning of content of your own link.

And where did you get that from? I usually check every single word I write 20 times, that is why you see me edit my posts so many times.

It clearly points out that Australia is among top 5 countries to have resources for all major minerals.

I never said Australia wasn't rich in mineral resources, diamond and coal don't have strategic value of oil and gas.
Venezuela has the largest oil reserves in the world? Then why Saudi Arabia is usually ranked the number 1 exporter of oil? Because of the lack of investments?

All for all the fancy number with lot of zeros you have produced.Iran's current estimated reserve at $90/barrel would come out to be $13.5 trillion

Good, good! And all these years I thought Arabs invented zero! It turns out it was you all along!

Australia has second/third strongest navy in IOR.

So? Do you understand the meaning of logistics?

Being Indian i would say second is Indian navy more so because we have aircraft carriers.

There are two countries in the world that have the capability and logistics to invade countries thousands of km away from their shores, and those countries are: United States, Russia.

In addition Royal navy is also very disciplined.
Australia wasn't a penal colony. There was no prisoners here in 1902 when the nation was created. Australia has 40,000+ years of history, that's when this land was first settled.

Really? Do you think I don't have access to the internet?

"During the late 18th and 19th centuries, large numbers of convicts were transported to the various Australian penal colonies by the British government. One of the primary reasons for the British settlement of Australia was the establishment of a penal colony to alleviate pressure on their overburdened correctional facilities. Over the 80 years more than 165,000 convicts were transported to Australia." Wikipedia

Those were the Australian natives! The indigenous people! Not white men! By the way, tell me of your natives contribution to the well-being of human race in these 40,000 years?

You have a high sense of self worth and Iranians nationalistic sense makes you all think you are very important and very powerful. Like i explained in my last post, it's why you aggressively pursue nukes and spew rhetoeric about the so called scary "west"

We don't have "a high sense of self-worth" we are important and that is why your regime is harbouring MKO terrorists, would you have liked it if we provided safe-haven to angry Kangaroos that were involved in murder of Australians? :D

No we are not afraid of "the west", if you think we pursue nukes I can't do anything to change your mind, but I personally believe we should if aggressions continue.

Obviously not as the nuclear infrastructure your country has isn't designed for nuclear power, but instead, nuclear weapons hence the sanctions against your country.

Sanctions and aggressions against us may eventually lead us to acquire nuke! You are supporting terrorists, arming our enemies, waging economic wars against us, I don't see why we shouldn't build the bomb actually?

I'm just stating facts, unlike yourself who tries to say something about Australia and gets it completely wrong like "Iran is richer than Australia" which it obviously isn't. Also i love when you are called out on something you have said, you automatically ignore it and quickly change topic. :no:

Australia is rich, I never said it isn't but we are richer. Your resources (beside gold) don't simply have strategic value to sustain you in long term. By the way, when I say resources I mean cheap extraction, I know Australia has massive shale oil reserves. You also have to take geopolitical factors and human resources into consideration when you want to see how rich a country really is.

I do know the meaning of it. Iranians are so obsessed with the media. It's hilarious that you think if someone see's an advertisement they are automatically brainwashed into buying it. :lol:

What media? To my knowledge majority of Iranians don't even watch TV whether its local or international tv! And by the way, what I said is a marketing fact, am I the only one who read here?

Your problem is that you do quick Google searches without actually reading or researching further into what you are talking about.

Oh really? How can I do quick Google search when I'm using 56kbps? Its not so quick! You really think that I don't know anything about Australia? I lived (5 years) from 2003 through 2008 in Australia, graduated from High school there ;)

Australia provides China with most of its resources, that alone says enough.

With coal mainly, and China provides Australia with its people :D

Not really. You posted a fudged up figure of Irans oil reserve wealth. When i said Australia is 3x richer than Iran, i was comparing GDP not resources. Australia could buy Iran 3x over. Your economy is pretty low level and not that wealthy. I find it very humours you tried to say Australia was poor and that Iran was richer. :lol:

Really? Really? Are you comparing a sanctioned country with Australia in terms of GDP? I'm sorry, but do you know how moronic is that? Our economy is low level?! What does that mean?! If you're referring to Nelon's economic concept. I must say that the current economic problems are mainly result of 35 years of very harsh sanctions that targeted the Iranian people!

Upgrading an old navy with new equipment, nothing aggressive about that.

Then why shouldn't we?

I never said Iran had invaded anyone. I was talking about your countries aggressive military rhetoric.

We are not threatening anyone, we are merely responding to aggressions.

See once again, talking about something you know nothing about noch... noch... noch! She is our Queen correct. She is also the Queen of Britian and many other nations. But Britain has no control or power here, just like Canada doesn't or New Zealand.

Technically she has the power, but it all depends on whose running your country ;)

By the way, no hard feelings?
Really? Do you think I don't have access to the internet?

Your problem is that you do quick google searches and read 1 thing and instantly believe that you know something thoroughly as i'm about to demonstrate with my next quote.

"During the late 18th and 19th centuries, large numbers of convicts were transported to the various Australian penal colonies by the British government. One of the primary reasons for the British settlement of Australia was the establishment of a penal colony to alleviate pressure on their overburdened correctional facilities. Over the 80 years more than 165,000 convicts were transported to Australia." Wikipedia

It's incorrect for them to use the name "Australia" as "Australia" didn't exist before 1902 nor did much of the independent states that formed Australia. Van Diemen's Land was a British penal colony.
We don't have "a high sense of self-worth" we are important and that is why your regime is harbouring MKO terrorists, would you have liked it if we provided safe-haven to angry Kangaroos that were involved in murder of Australians?

You do, which you have demonstrated plainly in this thread. You think Iran is some rich and powerful superpower, when in reality its far from it. You still continue to make wild claims that turn out to be incorrect.

Sanctions and aggressions against us may eventually lead us to acquire nuke! You are supporting terrorists, arming our enemies, waging economic wars against us, I don't see why we shouldn't build the bomb actually?

My country doesn't support "terrorists" stop making things up. Most Countries around the world have sanctions against your country, and its for a reason and that reason is not "because we want to wage war" Like i said Iranians are too nationalistic. I don't know why on earth you would defend your governments actions.
Australia is rich, I never said it isn't but we are richer.

You aren't which has already been proved. Your economy is ranked number 26th in the world, Australias is ranked 12th. Why keep saying things that are clearly not true? This all goes back to Iranians high sense of self worth. You actually convince yourself that Iran is a massive rich and powerful country when it couldnt be further from the truth.

Your resources (beside gold) don't simply have strategic value to sustain you in long term. By the way, when I say resources I mean cheap extraction, I know Australia has massive shale oil reserves. You also have to take geopolitical factors and human resources into consideration when you want to see how rich a country really is.

With each post you make, you prove further and further you know absolutely NOTHING about Australias resources, not to mention the fact that you are trying to claim a countries resources is what makes a country rich when infact its the economy. Australia is a major export of iron ore, coal, gold, uraniaum and pretty much everything else. We are China's main supplier.

What media? From my knowledge majority of Iranians don't even watch TV whether its local or international tv! And by the way, what I said is a marketing fact, am I the only one who read here?

Whenever Iranians are in a discussion or argument, they always bring up the "Media" as you did in your last post. It's like it is an automatic fallback line to bring up where you pretend that the "Media" is some sort of massive brain washing machine. If i had a dollar for everytime an Iranian said "CNN" or "Fox" news in an argument/discussion i'd be very rich. They seem to think that those 2 american media organizations are the only ones in the world despite there being about 100,000 +

You really think that I don't know anything about Australia? I lived (5 years) from 2003 through 2008 in Australia, graduated from High school there

You don't as proved by me above numerous times and by others.

With coal mainly, and China provides Australia with its people

With iron ore mainly and Chinese immigration is only ranked third in Australia. See what i mean? Time and time again you say things that are incorrect. You get almost everything you say wrong. :rolleyes:

Really? Really? Are you comparing a sanctioned country with Australia in terms of GDP? I'm sorry, but do you know how moronic is that? Our economy is low level?! What does that mean?! If you're referring to Nelon's economic concept. I must say that the current economic problems are mainly result of 35 years of very harsh sanctions that targeted the Iranian people!

A countries wealth is determined by GDP, not an estimated resource reserve in the ground. Your country is a low level economy.

Then why shouldn't we?
I never said you shouldn't? I love how you say things, i respond and then you respond pretending i'v said something else. :disagree:

We are not threatening anyone, we are merely responding to aggressions.
Imagined aggressions.
Technically she has the power, but it all depends on whose running your country
Correct, but Britian has no power here. The Queen may be the Queen of Britian, but she does not = Britain. Britain has no say here.
@xdrive Man... you're free to believe in whatever you want, we won't be able to change one another's mind and we end up wasting each other's time as well. I waste 30 minutes, gather sources, check their validity, etc... but you change the subject without even reading my posts.

However, whatever I posted earlier remains true. If you have any doubts please refer to the references I provided.

Australia support for MKO terrorists is a public knowledge, please look it up.

And to our Indian friend, sorry about that... I am sorry for my improper behaviour earlier, I tried editing my post, but it would seem that its not possible.


Whatever I explained in "Iran can wipe Israel topic" is based on "Principles of Economics" a book written by Carl Menger.

However, to better understand my posts, please read this:


And by the way, I don't do a quick search I read them word by word, I can read up to 1000 wpm :D
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good for Iran .we got some spying devices for free
Australia wasn't a penal colony. There was no prisoners here in 1902 when the nation was created. Australia has 40,000+ years of history, that's when this land was first settled.


SO why is The Aborigines are trying to kick you out ? Please don't imply you own that land 40,000 because you don't

and you said the Queen is yours therefore she runs you, you can't make Political decisions .

Your problem is that you do quick google searches and read 1 thing and instantly believe that you know something thoroughly as i'm about to demonstrate with my next quote.


~I think everyone knows who does a quick google search and read one thing and instantly believe that you know something thoroughly. Calling the Kettle black me thinks

Australia is a British colonial relic has nothing to do with settlers of 40,000 since indigenous Australians did not have any knowledge, whatsoever, of any other existing countries, therefore did not find any reason in naming their home. It wasn't necessary to their way of life to identify a whole continent, given that they did not have any concept of a continent. They identified only what was necessary to their locality.

Idea of naming and creating countries all around the world is a western idea done by divide and conquer.

My country doesn't support "terrorists" .

YES YOU DO ! Go and read up on the word terrorist and its exact meaning. Terrorist are not someone who has a beard and has a wife that wears a burqua. That very same country (which Austraila supports) was responsible for assassinating leaders in the ME from 1950- 1979.

And you have derailed this thread for 4 pages of Aussie crap, when the titles about Iranian fleet hunts australian recognition (sonar) devices....what gives ? In retard mode are you ?
If you can't handle the truth or the topic go somewhere else otherwise keep to the topic at hand. Pissing contest is over, Iran wins ;)
Is this story even real? Is there any other non iranian source for this that is in English without the poor English grammar?

That is the problem with you people.

Anything that your country or press says it is considered the truth when a country in the developing world says something it is false and lies.

Saddam Hussain had WMD didnt he? That is why he was found in a cave and unshaven for months yes?! That is why he didnt attack when the forces invaded in 2003 yes? He was too busy fantacising over the WMD in his cave in a sexual manner and that is why he didnt use them yes?

Seriously you people need to grow some thinking capacities, but wait you cant because you too busy living off on state benefits you aint bothered as long as you get money for your McDonalds!
That is the problem with you people.

Anything that your country or press says it is considered the truth when a country in the developing world says something it is false and lies.

Saddam Hussain had WMD didnt he? That is why he was found in a cave and unshaven for months yes?! That is why he didnt attack when the forces invaded in 2003 yes? He was too busy fantacising over the WMD in his cave in a sexual manner and that is why he didnt use them yes?

Seriously you people need to grow some thinking capacities, but wait you cant because you too busy living off on state benefits you aint bothered as long as you get money for your McDonalds!

they can't even show Iran on the map !!! ( even own countries !!! ) :omghaha:
they can't even show Iran on the map !!! ( even own countries !!! ) :omghaha:

35°41′46″N 51°25′23″E

Ok now thats solved perhaps we could get back on topic?

Like why the sudden need to bash Australia a 300 million trade partner with a good relationship?
SO why is The Aborigines are trying to kick you out ? Please don't imply you own that land 40,000 because you don't

They aren't? Aborigines are Australians too.

and you said the Queen is yours therefore she runs you, you can't make Political decisions .

Elizabeth 2 is our queen, and no she doesn't run the government.

Australia is a British colonial relic

Australia isn't a British colony nor has it been 1 for over 100 years.

has nothing to do with settlers of 40,000 since indigenous Australians did not have any knowledge, whatsoever, of any other existing countries

Incorrect. Try doing some research before speaking about a topic you know nothing about :woot:

therefore did not find any reason in naming their home. It wasn't necessary to their way of life to identify a whole continent, given that they did not have any concept of a continent. They identified only what was necessary to their locality.

Idea of naming and creating countries all around the world is a western idea done by divide and conquer.

This is the biggest load of garbage i have ever read. You are claiming the idea of naming a country is a "western idea" when pretty much every civilization on earth since the beginning of time has called their country/land a name. :disagree:

YES YOU DO ! Go and read up on the word terrorist and its exact meaning. Terrorist are not someone who has a beard and has a wife that wears a burqua. That very same country (which Austraila supports) was responsible for assassinating leaders in the ME from 1950- 1979.

A terrorist is a person who commits acts of violence for a political agenda. The Australian government has never been involved in any Assassinations.
Finally some confirmation.

Melbourne, Australia — An Australian Defence Force spokesperson confirmed Iranian reports that two of its warships had encountered a Royal Australian Air Force reconnaissance aircraft in the Indian Ocean earlier this month, but denied there was a confrontation.

“An Australian AP-3C Orion encountered an Iranian frigate during a routine Operation Gateway patrol on 10 March 2013,” said a Defence Department spokesperson.

The Iranian Navy ships were reportedly heading home after a port visit to Zhangjiagang in China and were nearing Sri Lanka when they were intercepted by the Australian aircraft.

The Iranian Fars News Agency claims Iran’s 24th fleet, which comprises the support ship Kharg and the frigate Sabalan, forced the aircraft to turn away.

“The reconnaissance plane changed its flight route immediately after receiving the warships’ warning but dropped some subsurface detection devices in their path. All the dropped devices were hunted skillfully by the timely action of the Iranian Navy forces,” it quoted Iranian Navy Lt. Cmdr. Of Operations, Adm. Siyavash Jarreh, as saying.

“Jarreh said that the Navy’s 24th Fleet of warships managed to monitor the moves of over 130 floating and flying military units during its mission in the international waters,” it reported.

The Australian Defence spokesperson said there was no confrontation but would not comment on the reported deployment of surveillance sensors.

“Communications between the Iranian warship and the AP-3C Orion were friendly and professional,” the spokesperson said.

Australian maritime surveillance Orions regularly patrol the north Indian Ocean and south China Sea.

“Operation Gateway is Australia’s enduring contribution to the preservation of regional security and stability in South East Asia,” said the spokesperson. “It helps maintain the bilateral Defence relationship between Australia and Malaysia and is part of the support to Australia’s efforts to counter people smuggling in the region.”
nobody claimed for confrontation, sending warning to closing ships or planes is normal, the only important matter for us was those recognition devices which will give us plenty of information and study work. in fact the real user of this incident is a third party country, guess who.
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