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Iranian Chill Thread

Much faster than I expected.



What does this remind you of? When NATO emptied their warehouses to support Israel, leaving themselves vulnerable to the Warsaw Pact, except in this case if NATO stockpiles are dramatically depleted & assuming Russia can be successful in this conflict. I pity the vulnerability of NATO Baltic states.

Begs the question how quickly US manufactures can profit from this war.

Of course, this article is pretty much lobbying for US military industrial complex so they have to do their little advertising at the end of it. "More investment" i.e. give me more money $$
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My prediction and I have already mentioned it in the past is that Iran has already made a modernized copy of the engine J79 for some time. As usual, Iran retains this type of announcement for later in time. It is my prediction based on intuition and observation​

J79 Key metrics
  • Max dry thrust 52.8 kN
  • Max thrust with afterburner 80kN
  • Thrust-to-weight ratio: 3.1 dry / 4.7 with afterburner
AL-21 Key metrics
  • Max dry thrust 76.4 kN
  • Max thrust with afterburner 109.8 kN
  • Thrust-to-weight ratio 4.6 / 6.6 with afterburner

AL-21 destroys J-79 being in relative same weight class. Fuel consumption is comparable with a slight nod to AL-21.
J79 Key metrics
  • Max dry thrust 52.8 kN
  • Max thrust with afterburner 80kN
  • Thrust-to-weight ratio: 3.1 dry / 4.7 with afterburner
AL-21 Key metrics
  • Max dry thrust 76.4 kN
  • Max thrust with afterburner 109.8 kN
  • Thrust-to-weight ratio 4.6 / 6.6 with afterburner

AL-21 destroys J-79 being in relative same weight class. Fuel consumption is comparable with a slight nod to AL-21.

And just so you can see how far behind these 2 engines are against the F-135 Gen 1 (F-35 engine) as they are all in same weigh class of 3700-3900 lbs

F-135 Gen 1 stats
  • Max dry thrust 128kN
  • Max thrust with afterburner 192 kN
  • Thrust-to-weight ratio: 7.47:1 dry thrust, 11.47:1 augmented

So yes, Iran has ALOT of work to do in this field. And J-79 doesn’t solve anything.
J79 Key metrics
  • Max dry thrust 52.8 kN
  • Max thrust with afterburner 80kN
  • Thrust-to-weight ratio: 3.1 dry / 4.7 with afterburner
AL-21 Key metrics
  • Max dry thrust 76.4 kN
  • Max thrust with afterburner 109.8 kN
  • Thrust-to-weight ratio 4.6 / 6.6 with afterburner

AL-21 destroys J-79 being in relative same weight class. Fuel consumption is comparable with a slight nod to AL-21.

I said J79 modernized !!

I have mentioned for a long time that Iran had made a F-4 SM (super improved) with a new cell. The photos have been presented on the forum

They are tried the new J79 in the modernized F-4. The tests were conclusive and they announced working on a new heavy hunter in 2020.

My prediciton is based on logic and some evidence. A modernized J79 will probably be better than the origin

It's my prediction
I said J79 modernized !!

I have mentioned for a long time that Iran had made a F-4 SM (super improved) with a new cell. The photos have been presented on the forum

They are tried the new J79 in the modernized F-4. The tests were conclusive and they announced working on a new heavy hunter in 2020.

My prediciton is based on logic and some evidence. A modernized J79 will probably be better than the origin

It's my prediction

How much better? 10%? 20%? MANPA is able to improve turbines by 3% after decades of work.

So any “modernization”, is not suddenly going to make J-79 compete with AL-21 let alone cutting edge jet engines in the field. It will be small 0-5% range improvement and even that is big improvement for the engineers. But grand scheme of things it isn’t much.

J-85 and J-79 (if it exists) are good stepping stones.

But you ideally need something with AL-21 power at the minimum if you are thinking of building a interceptor. Which is what Iran needs the most. Bombers can wait. Iran needs something to replace the F-14 by 2040.
If you watch the full video of the parade you can see Karrar tank, but only or a few seconds. I don't understand these parades. Why don't they simply roll the tanks and armored vehicles down the street instead of having them on trucks ? Why don't they allow the viewer to get a good, full view of the weapons, front, sides and back, rather than a quick glance ? Just weird. Are amateurs in charge of the production ?

Is this a Zulfighar 3?

Was there any Karrar’ in this years Parade?

I’m actually impressed by this Turkish military operation. Professionally done and incorporating many elements of armed forces.

This is the type of showing we would have expected out of Russia...
Honestly I hope it doesn't come to this but a few dozen missiles will definitely put them in their place. Armenia is a member of the CSTO (Collective Security Treaty Organization) and after the Nagorno-Karabakh war, Russia has deployed peacekeepers to Armenia. Basically Armenia is now a defacto protectorate of Russia.

If the Baku gov thinks they can pounce on internationally recognized Armenian territory and initiate another Armenian genocide, they're in for a rude awakening. They'll be taught a very harsh lesson indeed. Iran will surely annex Nakhchivan, while Russia and Iran will, at the least annihilate their military with missiles.

What are they going to do in response ? Send a few Bayraktars to Iran or Russia ? LOL Russia has shot down countless Bayraktars in Ukraine. We haven't seen any footage from them in more than 30 days. Worse case scenario for them Iran will annex Nakhchivan and Iran and Russia could even annex their eastern portion as well, with Russia taking Baku and Iran taking southern territory.

According to Zelensky, Ukraine has only lost only 3000 troops and Russia has lost 20,000. But he also added that Ukraine has 10,000 troops that are injured and he doesn't know if they are going to make it... LOL The fact of the matter is that Ukraine has lost over over 40,000 troops. Yesterday Russia hit 300 targets in Ukraine, the day before 80 targets. This is an everyday occurrence

In Mariupol Russia controls 98% of the city. The only area Russia doesn't control is the Azovstal plant, where the Azov battalion (neo-Nazis) are holding out, despite being low on food and bullets. They're surrounded from all sides and hiding in underground tunnels like rats. Regardless they area refusing to surrender because they know that if they're caught, they will be treated like war criminals rather than combatants. I guess some of them would rather die like their roll model Hitler, than surrender.

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So far the Americans have provided Ukraine with 5000 Javelins, 1400 Stingers and 7000 other anti armor systems. That's right FIVE THOUSAND Javelins. Then add to that Ukraine's own ATGMs from before the war, numbering in the thousands, not to mention supplies from other nations, for example the UK has donated 4000 MBT LAW while Canada 4500 M72 LAW.

Now if we assume that even only a quarter of those weapons have made it to Ukraine then it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that there is DEFINITELY something fishy going on here. The company in charge of supplying the US army with Javelins must be celebrating with champagne and caviar. I have no doubt about that.

The USA has given so many Javelins and Stingers to Ukraine that their own inventory is completely depleted and they're now claiming that soon they won't be able to send anymore. The Americans are also claiming that because of how many Javelins they have sent to Ukraine, that it will take years to replenish their own stocks. LOL

Believe it or not, Ukrainians are currently demanding 500 Javelins a day. LOL According to some reports, the Ukrainians are actually selling these weapons on the black market. I believe they are because the numbers simply don't add up. For trucks and armored vehicles, even RPGs will suffice. Actually a well placed RPG can even destroy any tank. Realistically advanced and high end ATGMs are really only meant for tanks and high value targets.

What I'm wondering is this. Are western countries donating these weapons to Ukraine or does Ukraine have to pay them back with loans in the future ? Either way, corrupt military officials seem to be having a field day selling these weapons. Even if some American officials know that Ukraine is selling these weapons, as long as defense contractors continue making a profit, they won't stop transferring them. Don't expect to hear anything in the MSM or controlled social media that bans and cancels anyone who defies the official narrative.

Ukraine’s Use Of Stinger And Javelin Missiles Is Outstripping U.S. Production​

Russian Army Continues To Capture Western Weapons From Kiev Forces (Photos)​



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I don't think Iran would support Russian attack at all politically.

Also they have to much pride to ask, and If they give ToT for RD-33's It might be worth considering but they won't.
why old smokey rd-33 , why not brand new RD-93
I bet with anyone we can get ToT for Volvo-RM12 from Sweden far sooner than Russia give us TOT for Klimov RD-33
If you watch the full video of the parade you can see Karrar tank, but only or a few seconds. I don't understand these parades. Why don't they simply roll the tanks and armored vehicles down the street instead of having them on trucks ? Why don't they allow the viewer to get a good, full view of the weapons, front, sides and back, rather than a quick glance ? Just weird. Are amateurs in charge of the production ?

MBT ruins the asphalt even with plastic add on
President Assad for the crisis and calling into question Iran's policy of supporting the Damascus government. However this western-apologetic camp doesn't get to decide on these sorts of topics, thank God.
he was partly responsible , for keeping special situation in Syria tat was in place since his father war with Israel , that made discontent in Syria , it gave the government special power , that made people unhappy and it was unnecessary by any measure you calculate the situation and he later scrapped it but it was late then and foreigners at the time infiltrated the country , strangely he didn't need it even when terrorists were controlling outskirt of Damascus
Russians actually follow the Geneva convention. I have seen to proof of Russians using widespread torture and abuse against prisoners of war. Mobile crematoriums ? Absolute rubbish. Hogwash.

Ukrainian forces on the other hand, well the evidence is all over the place. Torturing and murdering captured Russian soldiers is common place. Even Aljazeera has published verified footage of this.

Remember the footage of that captured Russian soldier. He was allowed to call his mother after being badly beaten, while he was panicking, after being told he would be killed soon, just so the Ukrainian interogators could take the phone away and tell his mother that he's not coming home.

This is why the last holdouts of the Azov battalion in Mariupol are so reluctant to surrender. They're hiding in tunnels underground, like rats, with no food or ammunition, but still refuse to surrender because they know what fate awaits them. They will be treated as war criminals and formally executed, probably hung like common criminals like many of their role models at Nuremberg.

The most hardcore Azov members of course would rather die like their ultimate roll model Adolph Hitler, by suicide. Atleast they'll make good fertilizer right ?

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