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Iranian Chill Thread

That is really good, I don't think that we have something like this here although Artesh Nohed and Sepah Saberin receive good training here.

I'll guess the Saberin forces are the best trained forces in Iran? Or does the Artesh provides better training for their SOF?
I understand how taking courses sucks in Iran. But, what are the remaining EE courses that you may took some of them in this semester?
i am working on a project but sanctions f ed us.now i am taking some other classes beside my uni.
respect bro,at least you are in right direction but i dont know what to do.leave or stay continue, or start a business :laugh:
Dude, I think it is OK, if you want to study different majors, and pick one of them. BTW, do not feel yourself obliged to necessarily finish a specific major. Anyway, make up your mind. If you want to stay in Iran, choose a high-income major there. I think power engineering is very good in this regard. @Islam shall be the winner , am I right bro? But if you want to immigrate to US or Canada, ... the story would be totally different ;)
i am working on a project but sanctions f ed us.now i am taking some other classes beside my uni.
uhh, which type of classes do you attend? something related to EE like AVR, DSP-boards... or totally different majors?
I'll guess the Saberin forces are the best
forces in Iran? Or does the Artesh provides better training for their SOF?
I am pretty sure Saberin forces are better then anything the Army has.
Saberins were established in late 70s, they are the best equipped special force in Iran but I am not sure about the training, Artesh really take it serious and Army is a lot more strict on discipline, Sepah is more lax, it has somewhat a brotherly atmosphere(specially the older generation Sepahis, those who have been to war and hadn't gone to Imam hussein officer school are mostly down to earth people)
I am pretty sure Saberin forces are better then anything the Army has.

Yeah, I was thinking the same. Makes me wonder why them haven't been fully deployed on our Southeastern borders? Or even the Artesh SOF?

Saberins were established in late 70s, they are the best equipped special force in Iran but I am not sure about the training, Artesh really take it serious and Army is a lot more strict on discipline, Sepah is more lax, it has somewhat a brotherly atmosphere(specially the older generation Sepahis, those who have been to war and hadn't gone to Imam hussein officer school are mostly down to earth people)

That was my impression as well. The Artesh seem to resemble the traditional disciplined organization, which we saw during the Shah as well, while the IRGC seem to have this Islamic brother thing. Both have their advantages though.
Yeah, I was thinking the same. Makes me wonder why them haven't been fully deployed on our Southeastern borders? Or even the Artesh SOF?
I don't know, maybe because we do not want to offend Pakistan. Also there isn't a full blown conflict in that area. It is just once in a while where some rag tags come and cause trouble then disappear into the sunset. I think elite forces would be mainly wasted there. It is about having better border control in general.
I don't know, maybe because we do not want to offend Pakistan. Also there isn't a full blown conflict in that area. It is just once in a while where some rag tags come and cause trouble then disappear into the sunset. I think elite forces would be mainly wasted there. It is about having better border control in general.

I know its not really a war zone, but I think it would help to establish some bases for rapid forces in that region.
Yeah, I was thinking the same. Makes me wonder why them haven't been fully deployed on our Southeastern borders? Or even the Artesh SOF?

That was my impression as well. The Artesh seem to resemble the traditional disciplined organization, which we saw during the Shah as well, while the IRGC seem to have this Islamic brother thing. Both have their advantages though.
Saberins are stationed in Tehran(they are know as Tipe vije tehran) but they go on operation in places like Kurdistan and Balouchistan and I am sure that they had send some there.
Another thing, why are most men who've been deployed to Syria been the older generation Sepahis, while the new generation aren't seen over there?
I know its not really a war zone, but I think it would help to establish some bases for rapid forces in that region.
Yes, but then these forces would also need special permission, like being able to go onto Pakistani soil. That is the real problem. Also our problem with the Afghan border. Pakistan and Afghanistan seem not to secure their borders correctly.
Yes, but then these forces would also need special permission, like being able to go onto Pakistani soil. That is the real problem. Also our problem with the Afghan border. Pakistan and Afghanistan seem not to secure their borders correctly.

Both Afghanistan and Pakistan wouldn't be able to secure their borders for the next years. And Iran has already threatened to move into Pakistani territory if terrorists retreat back there. Its inevitable. The current situation is unbearable.
Another thing, why are most men who've been deployed to Syria been the older generation Sepahis, while the new generation aren't seen over there?
I don't know, maybe because they have real fighting experience and maybe they are the same guys who trained Hezbollahis and also know Arabic although I have seen young ones funerals too.
Both Afghanistan and Pakistan wouldn't be able to secure their borders for the next years. And Iran has already threatened to move into Pakistani territory if terrorists retreat back there. Its inevitable. The current situation is unbearable.
As has been said before, our rapprochement with the west would ease a lot of our issues. Right now we can not afford to alienate Pakistan by going into their territory. If we improve our relations with US and her allies, then that affords us a lot of leeway to do what we want. Wether it is to do with Azerbaijan, Arabs or Pakistan border.

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