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Iranian Chill Thread

Why I support Armenia is non of your concern. It could be for a number of reasons, not what you think in your sick racist head. Anyway I will not respond to you again, so say whatever you like. :) Good luck with your life and with your separatist movement.
haha, you asked why your acts is considered as trolling and I explained to you. Now, go and have fun with your butthurt clown friend.
This guy has a really nice firing range, in Iran the firing ranges are mostly in barren areas and when you shoot there is a lot of dust so it ruin the experience to some degree, it was nice specially the firing of that pistol(Beretta 92 if I am not mistaken).

From when I was a kid I had a thing for pistols, my father service pistol was a M-1911(they call it 11.43 in Iran) although he never brought it home(although when we were in Zabol in 1370s-it was the time when Iran wanted to invade afghanistan- he carried his gun with himself) but he showed me how to use it unfortunately I never get the chance to fire it.

Although to be realistic pistols don't have much of the use in battlefield.

Beautiful range indeed. The most beautiful 'range' I've seen in Iran was this one:





I was a fan of guns too when I was young. In fact, my parents had great experience with weapons as well. My Mother, Kurdish, was trained by her grandfather when she was young, to protect our 'ranch'.

It seems that the meaning of getting ignored is not yet defined in the caves.

Just like civilization has never been defined in yurt-tents as well. Pssht, get out. Yalla. Qit!
Beautiful range indeed. The most beautiful 'range' I've seen in Iran was this one:





I was a fan of guns too when I was young. In fact, my parents had great experience with weapons as well. My Mother, Kurdish, was trained by her grandfather when she was young, to protect our 'ranch'.
Wow, it is a beautiful range at least by Iran's standard, every range I have been was a barren desert.

I think i have seen this cameo once but it is not the standard basij cameo, they are now issuing a digital jungle(for Imam hussein battalions) cameo which will replace the cameo which i believe is known in the west as Woodland or something.
Wow, it is a beautiful range at least by Iran's standard, every range I have been was a barren desert.

I think i have seen this cameo once but it is not the standard basij cameo, they are now issuing a digital jungle(for Imam hussein battalions) cameo which will replace the cameo which i believe is known in the west as Woodland or something.

The ranges near Tehran as well? Have you ever been close to the ranges where foreigners train in Iran, like Iraqis or Lebanese fighters? If I'm right, they are highly secret, right?

I have also seen a new urban setting for IRGC SOF to train, like this one in Tehran:




Although the urban training setting in Jordan is great as well. Perhaps even the greatest in the region.
buddy, has your new semester started? which EE courses do you wanna take?
not yet, you know the system its not working with student's will, i should wait and see witch one i can take.
how about you how much left to become a doctor :D
The ranges near Tehran as well? Have you ever been close to the ranges where foreigners train in Iran, like Iraqis or Lebanese fighters? If I'm right, they are highly secret, right?

I have also seen a new urban setting for IRGC SOF to train, like this one in Tehran:




Although the urban training setting in Jordan is great as well. Perhaps even the greatest in the region.
I have been to khavaran firing range(which is in south east Tehran) and another on around Karaj highway and they are sh!ty specially the one at khavaran, well I haven't seen any foreigners, and I believe this urban training is for Imam Ali security battalions, Imam hussein battalions are military battalions which are more geared toward fighting against foreign Forces.
not yet, you know the system its not working with student's will, i should wait and see witch one i can take.
how about you how much left to become a doctor :D
I needed to take some courses here in addition to my research. Hopefully, only a few is left and my coursework would be finished in the next fall, although I need to do research for 2-3 more years. But, I am currently thinking of getting a Master's degree in Physics, in addition to my PhD in EE. In this case, I need to take bunch of other courses as well :(
I understand how taking courses sucks in Iran. But, what are the remaining EE courses that you may took some of them in this semester?
I needed to take some courses here in addition to my research. Hopefully, only a few is left and my coursework would be finished in the next fall, although I need to do research for 2-3 more years. But, I am currently thinking of getting a Master's degree in Physics, besides my PhD in EE. In this case, I need to take bunch of other courses as well :(
respect bro,at least you are in right direction but i dont know what to do.leave or stay continue, or start a business :laugh:

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