He's a problem, other Fatah leaders aren't so much of a problem but he puts who he wants in his administration and takes out who he doesn't like. He doesn't know what he's doing, although I credit him for something's, such as the UN statehood vote, however he has fell for the American/Israeli trap which is get a few million here and there under some conditions and we'll give you some light weapons and jeeps to build a security force which we hope does what we want. Basically if he's in power there is corruption and he won't find any need to make different moves to deal with the ever increasing occupation, at the same time we can't blame him what can he do? I want to see reconciliation under a national government but Hamas representatives represent Gaza and theirs represent the West Bank and they declare policy jointly and share budget, etc...
However, his party doesn't want that, last week they came to visit Gaza to meet members there and discuss how to bring back Fatah activities to Gaza. They want to completely take control of Gaza and make sure Hamas enters elections so they can take it and he's already said he would demilitarize a Palestinian state as a pre condition and we know how reliable US/Israel are with their guarantees. What's odd is back in 2007 they tried doing the same thing, Hamas won, they refused to allow them to operate in the West Bank and tried ridding them in Gaza but failed miserably(With US weapons coming in through Israel even though US called for elections and of course didn't respect the results).
So even if such a scenario follows they wouldn't give up power. Hamas isn't going to give up power in Gaza, they will agree to a national government with Abbas as president and agree to mutual cooperation, policy, initiatives yet Fatah wants more than that.