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Iranian Chill Thread

yeah it's 6:35 to be precise and the exam will start in 8. I should go now. See you guys in few hours :)
OK, pas agha sari' tar boro ke be emtehan ham beresi. medaad, paak kon, maashin hesaab, kaart e shenaasaayi, yek botri aab, dastmaal kaaghazi va ye kam shokolaat ya biskouit faraamoush nashe ;)
ishaallaa ke miterkouni ;)
Boro be salaamat :)
I guess he is too much of a pragmatist, he is trying to get a Palestinian state under any circumstances while Hamas are more idealists.

They are and it comes with a cost, isolation, siege, pressure....however, Hamas has future goals which in the long term serve us better and they save theirselves the headache of having to deal with a fake world and process led by international community which will dictate the terms. Hamas is actually more organized and professional than Fatah, they have bright thinkers and have accomplished much success in security, military, national law, alternatives, education, culture, religion, society sectors. They would be able to get economy functioning but situation from outside is preventing it.
I'd guess we could praise Abu Mazen for his UNGA success, release of many Palestinian prisoners and a new political awareness in Europe for Israeli settlements. On the other hand, if the negotiations would fail, which I expect, all his efforts have been useless.

On the other hand, it seems as if the Salafists are increasingly stepping up their presence in the West Bank as well, which has recently resulted in secret joint operations between Fatah and Israel.
I'd guess we could praise Abu Mazen for his UNGA success, release of many Palestinian prisoners and a new political awareness in Europe for Israeli settlements. On the other hand, if the negotiations would fail, which I expect, all his efforts have been useless.

On the other hand, it seems as if the Salafists are increasingly stepping up their presence in the West Bank as well, which has recently resulted in secret joint operations between Fatah and Israel.

The top is true, we will see how it plays out near the deadline. The bottom though is over exaggerated don't take it seriously. :)
Surenas is a respected member and I ENJOY reading his contribution to this forum. I don't agree with his political affiliation BUT what he writes on military and geopolitics is insightful and interesting. I certainly never witnessed any trollish behavior from Surenas only professionalism (except when he talks about religion) I think it’s funny how some trolls here feel the need to be so racists.
who call whom racists last time i remember he was insulting turkmens and oh you can check internet to see who is the real racists even in this forum

@Serpentine Good Luck :smart:
yeah it's 6:35 to be precise and the exam will start in 8. I should go now. See you guys in few hours :)
Hey dude, you are definitely one of the calmest guys I have ever seen in my life.
I remember my own days of university entrance exams, and the way I had to take pills to be able to sleep in a week left to exam date. The day before the BA exam I was forced to visit a doctor in order to cure my out of stress vomiting problem.
I hope you the best, and will pray for your success.
too many Turkish members ang out here, just go back through this thrednd see it for yourself. Obviously this forum is open to all regardless of your nationality. But I'm wondering why torks spend so much time in Iranian chill thread, you have your own thread for casual talk.

Believe it or not, i like to spend time / chat with my Iranian friends, same case for xenon too.

kim bilir belki bende turkum,bu bir sorun yaratmaz sanirsam..

Problem has never been your nationality, it was your attitude as an indiviual person.
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I am going to wait until the first season is finished, that way I can watch them one after another. I don't like waiting a week just for a new episode. :cheesy:

Yeah, that would be ideal. Wish i had some patience like you :D

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