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Iranian Chill Thread

I believe When a Turk born and lived in a foreign country, comes and sees Turkey.... He will never have the feeling of being at home in an other country.

I second that !

no place feels like home :)

@atatwolf did not insult anyone, although that kurdish guy insulted us

trolls be like :

I second that !

no place feels like home :)

Yeap, but i want to expand my view a little bit;

Think about a Third generation Turk who had been born in Holland. From his point of view Holland should be his home. He borned their, learned dutch, attended school, had friends, etc...

Now let me tell you this. I have been in Holland their people is not like us. They are cold, human relations are so much better in Turkey.

After caming and seeing Turkey, warm hearted Turkish people (I had many Turk expat friends in holidays.) Discovering his roots, his point of view of home will change from Holland to Turkey.

Anyways that's what i believe. :)

Mate, i didn't apologized , i just explained the issue. I said the same thing you told me to haman when he apologized for one of his countryman. :)[]



Mate, you came early today :) Come and join us. :cheers:
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Yeap, but i want to expand my view a little bit;

Think about a Third generation Turk who had been born in Holland. From his point of view Holland should be his home. He borned their, learned dutch, attended school, had friends, etc...

Now let me tell you this. I have been in Holland their people is not like us. They are cold, human relations are so much better in Turkey.

After caming and seeing Turkey, warm hearted Turkish people (I had many Turk expat friends in holidays.) Discovering his roots, his point of view of home will change from Holland to Turkey.

Anyways that's what i believe. :)

Mate, i didn't apologized , i just explained the issue. I said the same thing you told me to haman when he apologized for one of his countryman. :)[]
VIVA Turkey.:rap:
Can you speak Persian language? I just saw that you rated one of my persian written posts.:cheesy::victory:
Sinan, it depends on the person. I did my Erasmus in Istanbul and some European-born Turks loved it, and some hated it. I met some Danish Turks and they hated it. They love Turkey, they are more Muslim than local Turks, they don't like alcohol but they told me they prefer Denmark. I personally like my stay. I hanged out with Erasmus people. Cheap food but alcohol is expensive. Housing is kind of bad in Istanbul. But the people is what makes Turkey great. It is very easy to make friends. I think when you are young it is better to live in Europe and when you are getting older it is better in Turkey.
Sinan, it depends on the person. I did my Erasmus in Istanbul and some European-born Turks loved it, and some hated it. I met some Danish Turks and they hated it. They love Turkey, they are more Muslim than local Turks, they don't like alcohol but they told me they prefer Denmark. I personally like my stay. I hanged out with Erasmus people. Cheap food but alcohol is expensive. Housing is kind of bad in Istanbul. But the people is what makes Turkey great. It is very easy to make friends. I think when you are young it is better to live in Europe and when you are getting older it is better in Turkey.

I wonder why they have hated Turkey.... ? If it related with housing, expence, etc... they might be true.

But i guarentee you, that you can't find any people like Turks. Also Istanbul.......... i don't know mate. Istanbul is a cosmopolitan You should also try cities from central Anatolia. People are much more great there.
If you want to discuss the Kurdish question, do it with someone neutral. They will tell you the exact same thing as me. But do not listen to me either. But for the love of God, do not listen to the racist Turks on this board either.
Why are Turks racist for you? Did you ever read something racist from Turks against Kurds here in PDF?
We allways mentioned that we differ between Kurds and terrorist worshippers like you.
You call me a racist because i hate pkk, but how can i be racist if pkk isnt a race anyway?

On a side note; I think it is not pleasant to call me a troll in a thread I am not even active in. Be men, not cowards, and discuss with me, instead of mentioning me random places on off topic notes. Because, as you can see, you have opened another box which makes free room for other anti-Kurdish posters.

Do you think i affraid of a discussion with you directly? I just dont wanna have a useless discussion with someone like you who even derails his own threads, just to spread his terror propaganda.
I wonder why they have hated Turkey.... ? If it related with housing, expence, etc... they might be true.

But i guarentee you, that you can't find any people like Turks. Also Istanbul.......... i don't know mate. Istanbul is a cosmopolitan You should also try cities from central Anatolia. People are much more great there.
They didn't like the school system, state bureaucracy, and they were kind of living in their own world. It is funny since they are much more Muslim than I but they still prefer Christian country Denmark.

Istanbul is great. A lot of history. Museums and other attractions. A lot of bars and clubs. I don't know if Anatolia is like that. I heard from foreign friends that Ankara is very boring but costal lines are more fun which also matches my exp. I went to fethiye. I had time of my life there.

The thing in Turkey. You need money. My uncle in central Anatolia told me. Only foreigners are enjoying Turkey. The locals never get to travel and have fun in turkey. They get to buy the best property,etc. it is kind of sad but I hope it changes in the future.
They didn't like the school system, state bureaucracy, and they were kind of living in their own world. It is funny since they are much more Muslim than I but they still prefer Christian country Denmark.

System in European countries are definetly better. But if they are choosing Denmark for the system. Than they are no Turks anymore. :)

Istanbul is great. A lot of history. Museums and other attractions. A lot of bars and clubs. I don't know if Anatolia is like that. I heard from foreign friends that Ankara is very boring but costal lines are more fun which also matches my exp. I went to fethiye. I had time of my life there.

It depends what you are expecting. If you wanna party and stuff of course Istanbul is better. But for me Istanbul is too chaotic, i would prefer Ankara 10 times over Istanbul.

The thing in Turkey. You need money. My uncle in central Anatolia told me. Only foreigners are enjoying Turkey. The locals never get to travel and have fun in turkey. They get to buy the best property,etc. it is kind of sad but I hope it changes in the future.

Not true bro, not true.... ;) Trust me not true.

You can travel and have fun. But if you have money you would live like kings. :)

Ever heard of Bodrum, Katamaran ?


System in European countries are definetly better. But if they are choosing Denmark for the system. Than they are no Turks anymore. :)
I don't know. We were talking and they can't wait to get back. They said they grew up there and grown accustom to Denmark.

It depends what you are expecting. If you wanna party and stuff of course Istanbul is better. But for me Istanbul is too chaotic, i would prefer Ankara 10 times over Istanbul.
I'm going to bursa with some Italian friends. Are you familiar with that place? Where should we go?

Not true bro, not true.... ;) Trust me not true.
your family is maybe from more prosperous region. My relatives in Central Anatolia always get to whine foreigners buy the best land and get to travel a lot haha. Industrialization hasn't reached those parts. My father friends who have a house at golden horn in Istanbul is very different. They live better than average European. They have servants etc. but I think most Turks are not like that.

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