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Iranian Chill Thread

Azerbaijan is mix between ancient Azerbaijan and Turkic culture. Their culture and history is worthy of envy.
Kurdish never had a state. So you never had the chance to develop your own history and culture.
It is better for Kurds to live under foreign flags. This way they can assimilate into modern civilizations and contribute.
With all due respect sir, may I ask you not to insult an Iranian respected ethic here.
The major key of Iranian success throughout their long history has always been their passion for each other apart from their ethic originality, and we are not willing to lose it in the future.
Azerbaijan is a Persian name. It refers to the old Achaemenid-Persian satrap Atropanes. Its known history is either Caucasian or Persian. Turks have nothing to do with the history of these lands. Kurds on the other hand are a people who speak a Northwestern Iranian language, like the Medes and same other people. Their known history goes back thousands of years, when your people were still dwelling Central Asian steppes. We have sites that are thousand years old in Kermanshah, like Taq-e Bostan. You guys on the other hand only have your yurt-tents to point out.

During Parthian era ( 246 BC to 200 AC ) , Persian dynasty of Mithridates VI of pontus was governing there .

I didn't say anything about Iran.

Only about Kurds. They never had a state. This is not racist or repulsive. It is just fact.

If I started to swear or something, that would be racist and repulsive.if anything is repulsive it is some Kurds saying Azeri don't belong in their land.

No need to be so sensitive.

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