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Iranian Chill Thread




This is the good part guys and what you saw above is usually written by guys while some girls use very dirty ways :disagree:
Man nemidounam ke in che harkat e zaaye'i hast ke mellat mikonan. man khodam taa haalaa 2 ta dars ra, midterm va final ra tou daneshgah sahih kardam :-) daghighan moshaabeh e hamin ha ra didam. Albatte ghalat emlaayi haye injouri na, vali eltemaas va inaa ra chera. man ham ke miresidam be in bakhsh haash, ma'moulan skip mikardam, vali ye baar barge ra daadam be ostaad, goftam ke ostaad faghat in ra bebin va bekhand, vali ounam khound va be taraf dar ja 2 nomreh ezaafeh kard :o:
man daghighan injouri shodam :
Akhe chera ostaad ha be inha nomre midan? man motma'en hastam ke kollishoun ham khaali band hastand va mashrout ham nemishand. Taaze age beshand ham haghgheshoune. mashrouti ra aslan gozaashtan baraaye hamin aadam ha.
. .
ایرانی ها سال گذشته در گوگل چه جستجو کردند؟
در جستجوهای" گوگل ایمیجز" (گوگل تصویر) نیز 10 کلمه پرجستجوی ایرانیان برای دیدن تصاویر در سال 2013 عبارت بودند از : عکس و موارد بعدی به نوعی به جنس مخالف مربوط است!
شرکت گوگل که بزرگ ترین موتور جستجوی اینترنتی جهان به شمار آمار کلمات پرجستجوی سال 2013 برای ایران را اعلام کرد.

به گزارش عصر ایران ، در میان کلمات پرجستجو در ایران در سال 2013 میلادی، 10 کلمه ای که بیشترین جستجو را داشته عبارتند از:

1- دانلود
2- عکس
3- بازی
4- دانلود آهنگ
5- فیلم
6- چت
7- yahoo
8- گوگل
9-دانلود فیلم
10- اس ام اس

گفتنی است بخش قابل توجهی از دانلودها ، عکس ها و فیلم های جست و جو شده ، مضامین غیراخلاقی و جنسی را شامل می شود.

همچنین در سال 2013 ، کلمات انتخابات،رمان،قیمت خوردو،قیمت طلا،دانلود آهنگ جدید، چت ، چت روم و کلمات مرتبط با پرونوگرافی بیشترین افزایش جستجو را در ایران در سال 2013 داشته اند.

در جستجوهای" گوگل ایمیجز" (گوگل تصویر) نیز 10 کلمه پرجستجوی ایرانیان برای دیدن تصاویر در سال 2013 عبارت بودند از:عکس،دختر،زن، hot، girl،لباس،تصویر،لخت،فیلم و عروس بوده است.

وضعیت 10 کلمه پرجست و جوی ایرانی ها در گوگل در 10 روز نخست سال جدید میلادی ()2014 نیز نشان می دهد 10 کلمه پرجستجو عبارتند از: دانلود، آهنگ، عکس، دانلود آهنگ، بازی، فیلم،چت،اندروید، google و دانلود اهنگ.

گفتنی است در سال گذشته میلادی(2013) 10 کلمه پرجستجوی موتور جستجوی گوگل در جهان عبارت بودند از:
نلسون ماندلا ،پاول واکر، آیفون اپل 5 اس، کوری مونتیت،رقص هارلم شیک، انفجار بوستون آمریکا، نوزاد سلطنتی، گوشی های سامسونگ گالکسی اس 4، دستگاه های پلی استیشن سونی اس 4 و کره شمالی.
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Man nemidounam ke in che harkat e zaaye'i hast ke mellat mikonan. man khodam taa haalaa 2 ta dars ra, midterm va final ra tou daneshgah sahih kardam :-) daghighan moshaabeh e hamin ha ra didam. Albatte ghalat emlaayi haye injouri na, vali eltemaas va inaa ra chera. man ham ke miresidam be in bakhsh haash, ma'moulan skip mikardam, vali ye baar barge ra daadam be ostaad, goftam ke ostaad faghat in ra bebin va bekhand, vali ounam khound va be taraf dar ja 2 nomreh ezaafeh kard :o:
man daghighan injouri shodam :
Akhe chera ostaad ha be inha nomre midan? man motma'en hastam ke kollishoun ham khaali band hastand va mashrout ham nemishand. Taaze age beshand ham haghgheshoune. mashrouti ra aslan gozaashtan baraaye hamin aadam ha.

kamelan movafegham . bebin aks'haye bala ro mamulan pesar ha minevisan .

man ye dusti daram tu daneshgahe Kaare Qazvin ke ba yeki az osdadash kheili jur bud va mamulan miumad khunashun .

ostade migoft ke dokhtarha tahe barge ya vasatash shomare , ... minevisan va hazeran har kari bokonan ta ghabul shan ( s e x )

taraf migoft bavaram nemishod ostade jeloshun zang zade bud be yeki az in shomare ha ke dokhtar bud , taraf alanan ok dade bud ke ba ostad bekhabe ta ghabul she .

Omghe faje'e ro tu daneshgah ha bebin :suicide2:
فرار سرکردگان داعش با لباس زنانه+تصاویر
برخی فعالان رسانه ای در سوریه تصاویری از یکی از سرکردگان جبهه النصره در پوششی کاملا زنانه منتشر و اعلام کرده اند وی درنظر دارد با این پوشش از میدان نبرد بگریزد.
به گزارش مشرق، مهر به نقل از پایگاه لبنانی الخبرپرس نوشت: اخیرا برخی فعالان شبکه های اجتماعی در سوریه تصاویری از یکی از سرکردگان جبهه النصره که تلاش داشته با استفاده از پوشش زنان از میدان نبرد با ارتش سوریه بگریزد، منتشر کرده اند.
فعالان شبکه های اجتماعی اعلام کرده اند که وی یکی از فرماندهان جبهه النصره بوده که پس از پوشیدن لباس زنان و انجام آرایش زنانه تلاش داشته از سوریه وارد لبنان شود.

البته نیروهای امنیتی توانسته اند این سرکرده جبهه النصره را در منطقه الجوسیه بازداشت و وی را روانه زندان کنند.

از سوی دیگر، پایگاه عراقی المسله در گزارشی به نقل از منابع امنیتی در استان الانبار اعلام کرد: اعضای گروه تروریستی داعش اخیرا با تراشیدن موی سر و ریش خود تلاش کرده اند با استفاده از لباسهای زنانه از میدان نبرد فرار کنند، اما توسط نیروهای امنیتی بازداشت شده اند.

بنابراین گزارش، اعضای داعش پس از شکستهای متعدد در الانبار مجبور به فرار از میدان نبرد شده اند و در این راستا به پنج فروشگاه لباس زیر زنانه یورش برده و لباسها را سرقت کرده اند.


یکی از سرکردگان جبهه النصره در لباس و پوشش زنانه



عضو گروه تروریستی داعش بازداشت شده در عراق

Yes, I would like more information especially regarding how common these punishments are if you don't mind.

I don't agree with the last paragraph. Stoning is very brutal regardless of the crime she had done.
first of all zina has a strict meaning and it's when the front section of male goes inside the front section of female, even the minimum amount of insertion to count it as zina is specified by low. anything else isn't zina.
Zina's punishment for a single person is 100 lashes for the first three times and death in the fourth time and for the married one it's 100 lashes plus stoning. (in the stoning they burry the half body of the person, stones shouldn't be that big to kill him with a few shots. by start of stoning, if he takes himself out of the hole, the stoning will be stopped.
but all of these are the maximum punishments, in most cases the judge will consider the environmental situations, age and his/her regret and penitence.

unlike what you think, these punishments isn't for the action itself, but it's for the publicizing of the big sin or the unwanted result which would be a child (ba$tard). and I will tell you how many obstacles Islam has created to stop the publicizing and it's punishment result.
Islam insist on hiding these kind of sins from other humans and just asking the forgiveness from God himself, and the reason is to prevent the breaking of a Taboo for these sins.
also in all Abraham religions a bastard is considered to have big potential for big sins,(to know how we think, there is an urban story that Satan and a bastard challenged each other to see which one will commit more sins in one day, in the end of the day that ba$tard proudly named a dozen of his sins, but Satan said I only made one sin, I persuaded a man and woman to have zina and the result would be a ba$tard like you which repeat the same thing everyday. a movie like Carrie while it's for fun and exaggerates on everything, yet it's a clear sign of this belief)

but let see the obstacles that Islam has created to stop the publicizing of this sin:
zina can be proved through two way, confession or testifying of witnesses. confession must be voluntary and without using torture or any threat..

and the harsh conditions for the witnesses:
they should be 4 man or woman, they must be sane, mature and impartial, and impartial must be approved through investigations. all of them must testify at the same place and time, they should have seen the insertion clearly, and they shouldn't have violated the private life of the person.
if any of the above conditions doesn't match, the testifier will be punished for false accusation with 80 lashes. for example even if three of them have the above conditions and the impartiality of the fourth one couldn't be verified, each one of the 4 persons will receive the 80 lashes for the false accusation.
however by science advancements the judge may refer to other means like the video which couples have created for themselves and later leaked out. but even in such a case it all depends on the families, for example the father of the girl may say they have married secretly or had a temporary marriage (sigheh);
and actually we had such a case a few years ago, the s3x video of one of famous Iranian actresses leaked out, but we didn't hear anything about zina punishments. even your wikipedia source says this kind of punishments are extremely rare. in real life except some claims from western sources I haven't seen or heard such a punishment myself.
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. . .
فرار سرکردگان داعش با لباس زنانه+تصاویر
برخی فعالان رسانه ای در سوریه تصاویری از یکی از سرکردگان جبهه النصره در پوششی کاملا زنانه منتشر و اعلام کرده اند وی درنظر دارد با این پوشش از میدان نبرد بگریزد.
به گزارش مشرق، مهر به نقل از پایگاه لبنانی الخبرپرس نوشت: اخیرا برخی فعالان شبکه های اجتماعی در سوریه تصاویری از یکی از سرکردگان جبهه النصره که تلاش داشته با استفاده از پوشش زنان از میدان نبرد با ارتش سوریه بگریزد، منتشر کرده اند.
فعالان شبکه های اجتماعی اعلام کرده اند که وی یکی از فرماندهان جبهه النصره بوده که پس از پوشیدن لباس زنان و انجام آرایش زنانه تلاش داشته از سوریه وارد لبنان شود.

البته نیروهای امنیتی توانسته اند این سرکرده جبهه النصره را در منطقه الجوسیه بازداشت و وی را روانه زندان کنند.

از سوی دیگر، پایگاه عراقی المسله در گزارشی به نقل از منابع امنیتی در استان الانبار اعلام کرد: اعضای گروه تروریستی داعش اخیرا با تراشیدن موی سر و ریش خود تلاش کرده اند با استفاده از لباسهای زنانه از میدان نبرد فرار کنند، اما توسط نیروهای امنیتی بازداشت شده اند.

بنابراین گزارش، اعضای داعش پس از شکستهای متعدد در الانبار مجبور به فرار از میدان نبرد شده اند و در این راستا به پنج فروشگاه لباس زیر زنانه یورش برده و لباسها را سرقت کرده اند.


یکی از سرکردگان جبهه النصره در لباس و پوشش زنانه



عضو گروه تروریستی داعش بازداشت شده در عراق

Is that a guys dressed as women? :o:
. . .
first of all zina has a strict meaning and it's when the front section of male goes inside the front section of female, even the minimum amount of insertion to count it as zina is specified by low. anything else isn't zina.
Zina's punishment for a single person is 100 lashes for the first three times and death in the fourth time and for the married one it's 100 lashes plus stoning. (in the stoning they burry the half body of the person, stones shouldn't be that big to kill him with a few shots. by start of stoning, if he takes himself out of the hole, the stoning will be stopped.
but all of these are the maximum punishments, in most cases the judge will consider the environmental situations, age and his/her regret and penitence.

unlike what you think, these punishments isn't for the action itself, but it's for the publicizing of the big sin or the unwanted result which would be a child (ba$tard). and I will tell you how many obstacles Islam has created to stop the publicizing and it's punishment result.
Islam insist on hiding these kind of sins from other humans and just asking the forgiveness from God himself, and the reason is to prevent the breaking of a Taboo for these sins.
also in all Abraham religions a bastard is considered to have big potential for big sins,(to know how we think, there is an urban story that Satan and a bastard challenged each other to see which one will commit more sins in one day, in the end of the day that ba$tard proudly named a dozen of his sins, but Satan said I only made one sin, I persuaded a man and woman to have zina and the result would be a ba$tard like you which repeat the same thing everyday. a movie like Carrie while it's for fun and exaggerates on everything, yet it's a clear sign of this belief)

but let see the obstacles that Islam has created to stop the publicizing of this sin:
zina can be proved through two way, confession or testifying of witnesses. confession must be voluntary and without using torture or any threat..

and the harsh conditions for the witnesses:
they should be 4 man or woman, they must be sane, mature and impartial, and impartial must be approved through investigations. all of them must testify at the same place and time, they should have seen the insertion clearly, and they shouldn't have violated the private life of the person.
if any of the above conditions doesn't match, the testifier will be punished for false accusation with 80 lashes. for example even if three of them have the above conditions and the impartiality of the fourth one couldn't be verified, each one of the 4 persons will receive the 80 lashes for the false accusation.
however by science advancements the judge may refer to other means like the video which couples have created for themselves and later leaked out. but even in such a case it all depends on the families, for example the father of the girl may say they have married secretly or had a temporary marriage (sigheh);
and actually we had such a case a few years ago, the s3x video of one of famous Iranian actresses leaked out, but we didn't hear anything about zina punishments. even your wikipedia source says this kind of punishments are extremely rare. in real life except some claims from western sources I haven't seen or heard such a punishment myself.
Thank you very much for taking time for the reply but you didn't answer one question. Wikipedia says in Iran it is illegal for a non-Muslim male to have a relationship (not a sexual relationship) with a Muslim female and if caught, the non-Muslim male will receive death penalty. Is this true? Can you please elaborate on that?
Yes, it is.
It is a news about ISIL group in Syria and Iraq. But, the news seems to be false and not verified by any high reputation source yet.
No trying to say that they (terrorists) don't drift that way, but there is a possibility that they might want to humiliate him, in their views being a Woman is something that you should be ashamed of! Retarded view if you ask me.

To hell with AQ and all the radicals anyway.
No trying to say that they (terrorists) don't drift that way, but there is a possibility that they might want to humiliate him, in their views being a Woman is something that you should be ashamed of! Retarded view if you ask me.
To hell with AQ and all the radicals anyway.

@xenon54 , @Ahriman 's post can be true as well.
BTW, The same exist in IR government. A few months ago, mullahs forced some criminals to were women clothes in public to humiliate them. But, instead of it, people got angry about inhumane views of mullahs regarding women.

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