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Iranian Chill Thread

It’s like I said a lot of it is western technology transfers I never said they built their industry from scratch even Iran needed help in the beginning, regardless of how I feel about a bunch of yuppie sheikhs.

There is NO western technology transfer. Please stop spreading this.

Yemen,Ukraine, and Libya are major weapon testing centers for the worlds arms manufactures. Iranian arms, Turkish arms, Chinese arms, Russian arms, western arms are routinely being tested. And yet where are the Arab produced arms?

There production is limited to what the western contractors and supplies allow them to produce.

Iran had Bell factories and arms production in its country….under the control of western contractors.
There is NO western technology transfer. Please stop spreading this.

Yemen,Ukraine, and Libya are major weapon testing centers for the worlds arms manufactures. Iranian arms, Turkish arms, Chinese arms, Russian arms, western arms are routinely being tested. And yet where are the Arab produced arms?

There production is limited to what the western contractors and supplies allow them to produce.

Iran had Bell factories and arms production in its country….under the control of western contractors.
So you say they can produce weapons even if it’s limited in scope there is no transfer of technology, but either way like I said I wasn’t trying to argue that a bunch yuppies are a leader of Arab or Muslim interests. Also so @Daylamite Warrior is back………………
Never been really my favorite country just another Arab country that’s more into building a flashier country than helping Muslims, much like Saudi Arabia. But you got to admit their weapons industry has evolved rapidly in a very short amount of time, the difference without sanctions and heavy western technology transfers.
Here is the story of UAE Arms development as I was told by an Arb member in the PDF..Few years back when South African arms developer "denel" went bankrupt ,UAE bought the whole enterprise including the people..Yes they gave citizenship to Denel engineers and tech and IP and brought them in the UAE..The designs you see are from them (these are mock ups and design concepts)..The Idea is that by having native UAE engineers/Techs and these "Foreign" techs they will finally achieve an indigenous UAE based arms industry..if this plans works or not I do not know but I wait to see what they actually produce in the field..cardboard mockups are just a start.

Egyptian are doing another style of developing Arms industry and it is based on massive amount of "TOT". They are shopping from anyone that gives them TOT..so this is another "SHORT CUT" to arms development..

Saudis are developing a propaganda style arms industry..by paying people to write about wonderful and supper advanced arms they have developed.. so here you have it ..three different "short cuts" to development. you be the judge of it.:undecided::undecided::undecided:
So you say they can produce weapons even if it’s limited in scope there is no transfer of technology, but either way like I said I wasn’t trying to argue that a bunch yuppies are a leader of Arab or Muslim interests. Also so @Daylamite Warrior is back………………
You are entirely missing the point by insisting and rewriting you're 'arguments'. That's why the soup's hit the fan and in your face. Just stop with the psuedoaphorisms go read more and come back with better knowledge. Don't worry we're softies ( 😆 ). Yes the sky is blue and no they do not have any weapons industry. Period (again).
What is the mission for a twin rotor UAV? Cargo delivery??
Probably remotely operated Cargo drop on combat zones.

here are some more photos..

this one for SF ..I know Iran has various forms of these Buggies. but this one looks to have more meat to it..lol



Glad to see they are copying from Iran..lol

another coaxial

You are entirely missing the point by insisting and rewriting you're 'arguments'. That's why the soup's hit the fan and in your face. Just stop with the psuedoaphorisms go read more and come back with better knowledge. Don't worry we're softies ( 😆 ). Yes the sky is blue and no they do not have any weapons industry. Period (again).
But I wasn’t really making it an issue I think you guys have thought more into what I said in passing wasn’t really even close trying to make it into something
Probably remotely operated Cargo drop on combat zones.

here are some more photos..

this one for SF ..I know Iran has various forms of these Buggies. but this one looks to have more meat to it..lol



Glad to see they are copying from Iran..lol

another coaxial


Taliban made helicopter...yes you need to start somewhere.


This isn’t very far off than how we started.

But I wasn’t really making it an issue I think you guys have thought more into what I said in passing wasn’t really even close trying to make it into something
Please don’t try one way or another. Do. Just do it correctly.
Lol their entire weapons industry is based on import of parts.

If a country like Russia struggles with development of arms after being cut off from components for 1-5% of a total finished product. What will happen to these PGGC when they rely on western components and tech for their entire supply chain?

Turkey maybe the only non Israeli country in Middle East that could keep SOME of its industry alive without western tech. But even the majority of their products are filled with western components and tech.

Forget the Arabs. That’s all show.
Almost everything in Israel is western tech they don’t have indigenous programs the same goes for the Turks all of their weapons have western tech parts if the west cut the technology from Them they would be like Iran after the revolution.
Never been really my favorite country just another Arab country that’s more into building a flashier country than helping Muslims, much like Saudi Arabia. But you got to admit their weapons industry has evolved rapidly in a very short amount of time, the difference without sanctions and heavy western technology transfers.
I'm curious about the employees of these companies and if they bring experts around the world to make designs or if it's purely from domestic engineers. These countries don't have a large population pool to pull people from, so I am more inclined to think theirs some foreign workers that are well paid.
What do you think Hajizadeh was talking about when he said their will be a new number#1 priority issue?

"At one time, the nuclear issue was the enemy's first priority, then the precision missile became their first issue, and then they saw that the drone was more dangerous, and their priority became the drone, and in some time, it will become a new issue that will become the enemy's first priority."
What do you think Hajizadeh was talking about when he said their will be a new number#1 priority issue?

"At one time, the nuclear issue was the enemy's first priority, then the precision missile became their first issue, and then they saw that the drone was more dangerous, and their priority became the drone, and in some time, it will become a new issue that will become the enemy's first priority."

Hypersonic glide capability and indirectly ICBM.
I kinda put that under the "missile category" but I think perhaps he was alluding to both HGV capability but more importantly removing the 2000km barrier
Hypersonic glide capability and indirectly ICBM.
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