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Iranian Chill Thread

There is one thing that worries me despite all the progress Iran is making, and it is no small thing. It's about things like information and intelligence. The reason why I say that is that this, above all, has been proven time and again in history to be decisive for war and can even be more important than the modern weapons and systems that are used. In Ukraine you can actually see it very clearly that the advance of the Russian troops was not necessarily prevented by a few Himars or a few drones, but by precise and intelligent military reconnaissance. It's not that Russia doesn't have artillery pieces that aren't accurate. But awacs, artificial intelligence calculations, satellite reconnaissance (almost all satellites up to 80 percent in orbit are American origin), starlink, electronic warfare, strong intelligence reconnaissance and the study of asymmetric resistance have ensured that ukraine uses its weapons with enormous precision can. Of course there are also problems on the Russian side, but in general Ukraine can act very efficiently due to the enormous amount of information and efficient informarions processing. Another example is, for example, the Battle of Britain from World War II. Great Britain had the radar system unnoticed for Germans for a long time and thus the British could always know the current position of the German attacks. Then there was the fact that the Enigma code was cracked and the entire radio traffic of the German Air Force, Navy and the German Army could be intercepted. The Germans actually had comparatively good, if not better, fighter planes and even better pilots and larger masses, but the British managed to beat back this larger war machine simply on the basis of the fact of more precise information. Of course you can say that the Americans also played a role in this, but the Battle of Britain was lost before the Americans entered the war. Then there is the fact that the German pilots flew over England and their planes crashed were completely lost while British pilots dropped over their own territory and could thus be used again. Those were all small details, so small pieces of the puzzle, but all in all they played a very, very big role and were instrumental in the sum total of Nazi Germany not being able to achieve supremacy over the Atlantic and ultimately also losing the air battle made an invasion of England utterly impossible. One must also not forget that the warriors of the future will be guided entirely on the basis of information technology and artificial intelligence, and you can say what you want, but the USA are simply number one. That alone says the fact that the USA is the only monopoly on chip production and on the production machines one must not be misled into thinking that all chip production all over the world takes place in Taiwan or in Japan. These are all just producers who produce American Intel or AMD products. For example, there is not a single Russian or European or Chinese or Indian chip manufacturer comparable to Intel or AMD. Have you ever noticed that? How did you notice that recently? Of course you can say that the Chinese are also good at artificial intelligence and so on and that they are also in the process of building up their own chip industry, but even that is still more than ten years behind the current technical level.

Just that the Americans developed an almost quantum computer or a very early model of a quantum computer via Google is extremely violent. Of course you can say that this is just a machine that could only solve a predefined type of task and yes, that's true, the machine is still very strong for a quantum computer in its infancy, but so far not a single other nation has managed to do this project or when I think about the commercialization of space travel with Elon Musk Tesla electric cars and above all starlink, then I do think that the Americans are aiming for a completely different type of warfare, especially when you consider that all the protests in Iran were probably controlled and supported by some kind of artificial intelligence. I really think the Americans have realized that in the conventional military arena, willy-nilly, other countries will catch up, but they have a very different strength and they're investing heavily, and I just find it scary because I think they're strategically important areas are sometimes completely ignored by us or pushed far too little. There is no question that artificial intelligence is also used very heavily in Iran. The drones are also a great example and a lot of what's happening there is great, but I think there's a lot of deficits in this one area and that's worrying
The move towards better and better SLVs is a pre-requisite to achieve even 1/10th of this level of intel gathering that is at the disposal to NATO. Which thankfully is well understood, but sadly takes time to create the technology which would be completely indigenous and without exaggeration, a strategic capability for the country (To reach Ghaem-120 & beyond).
Iran International is really the most disgusting "media" I've ever saw in my life, even Israeli channels are more watchable than Iran International, they literally broadcast 24/24 7/7, without ads, about the same things, the majority of them are unsourced or "anonymous sources", their website looks like a conspiracy theory website using murky sources and according to them Iran is the crappiest country on earth and everyone is starving here fighting against the regime...

They even make hilarious "military articles" written by doctors and lawyers (search the logic lol) and they trashtalk on everything Iran unveils without any basic knowledge nor even specs at their disposal, they rely on US specs about weapons rather than Iran specs, they were also in 2017/2018 the medias that were saying Iran missiles are Saddam scuds and everything, same for drones, and immediately changes the narrative once they work. Even Wikipedia listed them as a non-reliable source i believe.

Replace the first button with "Iran military is hilarious, Iran is a crap country everyone is starving they are going to fall at any moment"
And the second with "Iran is a global threat using advanced drones and missiles and should be stopped immediately by the international community otherwise they are going to launch a Jihad against the world"

Then you got the Schrödinger's Iran

Seeing false reports of Esmail Qaani being killed in latest syrian strikes. What a bunch of jaghoos they are reporting this bullshit, we live in the age of rapid misinformation.

According to IRNA's regional office in Damascus, since this morning, some news and virtual channels have published claims regarding the martyrdom of a number of Iranian officials in Damascus and also the targeting of Imam Khomeini's school, none of which are true. The place where the rocket hit is a few buildings away from the Imam Khomeini complex and even the windows of this complex were not damaged

This morning (Sunday), the bombers of the Zionist regime targeted several areas in Damascus, around Damascus and southern Syria with aggressive airstrikes, as a result of which 13 Syrians, most of whom are civilians, were martyred and a number were injured.

The Syrian army has announced that its air defense and missile defense units have been able to intercept and destroy some of the rockets fired from the occupied Golan Region
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I don't understand the logic of Israeli zionist trolls and their state, it seems they are so hungry to kill Iranians, Iran is full of Iranians, why bombing civilians in Syria? Why they don't bring their massive fleet of technological bombers and invincible F-35s inside Iran airspace and bomb Iran at will? I will never understand their logic
Someone [relatively] important was def at that apartment complex. Or near it (in case military grade jammers were used to throw the missile off course by tens of meters by spoofing/causing it to lose GPS connection).

The last time Israel struck inside Damascus residential neighborhood was to kill those two Iranian air defense operators. They have bombs designed to destroy just rooms in a building (built from their constant air strikes in Palestine). But this bomb appeared to be designed to destroy most of the inhabitants of the building.

In this shadow war we will likely never know who or what was targeted unless Iran itself says something thru various channels.

This might have retribution for the recent Iranian drone strike against an Israeli Billionaire businessman’s commercial shipping vessel this week.
base what source ?
You will not find a source for it the same way you will not find a source for Israel.

We have 84% confirmed according to IAEA report today (slowly it is being acknowledged by global community). Small Boy used by USA in Japan was 80% at 64kg, for comparison.
You will not find a source for it the same way you will not find a source for Israel.

We have 84% confirmed according to IAEA report today (slowly it is being acknowledged by global community). Small Boy used by USA in Japan was 80% at 64kg, for comparison.

yeah i read it also some minutes ago. Great news. 86%. IAEA didnt mentioned how much uranium it was actually.
I think the world already knows that Iran will go the path of nuclear weapons. They only think about strategy how to deal with it.

Honestly, what should weexpect? Let's face it: the US ended the 2015 nuclear agreement and forced almost all other countries in the world to participate in the sanctions.
After that, Ghassem Soleymani was assassinated and only recently there was an attempted regime change in Iran that was not without danger.
And these were just some main points.
The country has already paid an enormous financial and economical cost for this program, might as well finish it off. This program isn't cheap to build. To not get anything out of it in the end would be a waste.

Although worth mention small batch of 84% doesn't mean we are stockpiling, probably just testing and training for 90%. Still significant though.

What I think is that perhaps they went up to 90% enrichment, did alittle bit and inject low grade no purely natural uranium into the 90% batch down reduce its purity down to 84%. Main take away is perhaps their is ongoing training and testing to be prepared when the order is given.
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