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Iranian Chill Thread

just check out China and Turkey economic relations and infrastucutre project china is doing in Turkey , compare it with china relation with Iran before making long posts ...

And this relates to the BRI how? The latter is meant to be a high-capacity system of cargo transportation spanning the Eurasian landmass safe from American interference.

When the alternate corridor through the Caspian starts carrying the amount of merchandise envisaged by China, you may reach that conclusion. Until then there's no reason for such an assumption.

This is close one

They are doing this for Turkey while they don't even willing to sell normal outdated metro wagons to Iran ...

There's nothing outdated about newer generation metro wagons in Iran, so no idea what you're referring to.


Kindly explain, how is what I'm given to ride in the 'capital' of Europe any better?



I'll take Tehran Metro carriages over this aesthetic monstruosity any day of the week.

Uighur is a minority who are greatly suppressed and has no chance of standing against Hans in china , you are overrating them ...

Don't underestimate China's sensitivity towards this question. If they didn't think of it as a serious matter they wouldn't be going to such lengths in suppressing them, to use your terminology.

Not least because Beijing has traditionally been wary of the domino effect separatist threats may have. If a separatist movement manages to destabilize a single province in China there's a realistic chance of emulation in other provinces, gradually putting at risk the country's territorial integrity. This includes Han-populated regions where Mandarin isn't the native idiom such as Guangdong, which has cultural specificities of its own. The Chinese aren't taking lightly any centrifugal tendency no matter how weak, which is understandable considering the China's size and history.

Also even if there wasn't any danger at all, supporting or having had a recent history of supporting separatist groups against China will affect bilateral ties to an extent. Ask Chinese forum members how they'd rate Sino-Turkic relations. Or let me help:


This was in response to another Iranian user with a negative take on the majority of topics. It's good to have non-Iranians jump in and correct such views from time to time. If an Iranian told them the same thing, the moaners would dismiss it out of hand wouldn't they.
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So I noticed Neutrino has a recently created Youtube account where he uses Text-To-Speech in English to talk about military infrastructure and tech in good detail.

I would recommend people not familiar with Farsi, who are curious or following along to check out some of his videos on his channel. His videos are easy to follow along.
@Iraqi soldier
Trying to think of anyone else.


I did not truly realize the scale of the Qom missile corps let alone its existence

This is an excellent YouTube channel. Clears up many technical questions. Kudos.

The 5th Technology Investment Meeting (TIM 2023) will be held in Tehran Pardis Technology Park on February 26-27,

TEHRAN (Iran News) –The 5th Technology Investment Meeting (TIM 2023) will be held in Tehran Pardis Technology Park on February 26-27, with participants from the “D-8”, the group of eight Islamic developing countries.
D-8 includes major Muslim developing countries namely, Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Turkey.
Some 105 knowledge-based companies, startups, and technology centers from Iran, Turkey, Armenia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Kenya, as well as 52 investors and business delegations from Iran, Turkey, Armenia, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Syria, Afghanistan, Kenya, and Guinea, have announced readiness to participate in TIM 2023.
Seeing alot of big talk from small states and separatist organizations against Iran as of late.

I believe they think the country is falling apart because some trash cans were burned on the street. This impression is not positive. Around these times is when a spectacular unveiling is done. Hopefully, a HGV will be shown soon.
Seeing alot of big talk from small states and separatist organizations against Iran as of late.

I believe they think the country is falling apart because some trash cans were burned on the street. This impression is not positive. Around these times is when a spectacular unveiling is done. Hopefully, a HGV will be shown soon.
The west in general is becoming much more aggressive, likely they have realized time is against them in terms of global power balance. I think they are pushing their vassal states and terror groups to be much more aggressive around the world.
Iran supplying Russia with drones, Bavar-373 improving, HGV announced, Su-35 expected, underground airbase shown, Qaher-313 becoming an UCAV. Spicy.
Certainly witnessing alot of activity in the airforce sector as of late & naval sector.

With arrival of HGV, and R&D for a majority of Iran's long range fires needs covered already (production is only required), priority can be focused on other needs.

Texas wants to pass a law that will make it illegal for all Iranians and certain other nationalities to own land, including homes, in their state.

The bill, introduced by state Sen. Lois Kolkhorst, a Republican, also covers citizens and entities of North Korea, Iran and Russia. It doesn’t delineate any exceptions for legal permanent residents, visa holders or dual citizens.

The governor has already stated he will sign it.

Texas wants to pass a law that will make it illegal for all Iranians and certain other nationalities to own land, including homes, in their state.

The governor has already stated he will sign it.
Huge L for the folks there.

I think they would have to withdraw their citizenship to become valid or move.
There is one thing that worries me despite all the progress Iran is making, and it is no small thing. It's about things like information and intelligence. The reason why I say that is that this, above all, has been proven time and again in history to be decisive for war and can even be more important than the modern weapons and systems that are used. In Ukraine you can actually see it very clearly that the advance of the Russian troops was not necessarily prevented by a few Himars or a few drones, but by precise and intelligent military reconnaissance. It's not that Russia doesn't have artillery pieces that aren't accurate. But awacs, artificial intelligence calculations, satellite reconnaissance (almost all satellites up to 80 percent in orbit are American origin), starlink, electronic warfare, strong intelligence reconnaissance and the study of asymmetric resistance have ensured that ukraine uses its weapons with enormous precision can. Of course there are also problems on the Russian side, but in general Ukraine can act very efficiently due to the enormous amount of information and efficient informarions processing. Another example is, for example, the Battle of Britain from World War II. Great Britain had the radar system unnoticed for Germans for a long time and thus the British could always know the current position of the German attacks. Then there was the fact that the Enigma code was cracked and the entire radio traffic of the German Air Force, Navy and the German Army could be intercepted. The Germans actually had comparatively good, if not better, fighter planes and even better pilots and larger masses, but the British managed to beat back this larger war machine simply on the basis of the fact of more precise information. Of course you can say that the Americans also played a role in this, but the Battle of Britain was lost before the Americans entered the war. Then there is the fact that the German pilots flew over England and their planes crashed were completely lost while British pilots dropped over their own territory and could thus be used again. Those were all small details, so small pieces of the puzzle, but all in all they played a very, very big role and were instrumental in the sum total of Nazi Germany not being able to achieve supremacy over the Atlantic and ultimately also losing the air battle made an invasion of England utterly impossible. One must also not forget that the warriors of the future will be guided entirely on the basis of information technology and artificial intelligence, and you can say what you want, but the USA are simply number one. That alone says the fact that the USA is the only monopoly on chip production and on the production machines one must not be misled into thinking that all chip production all over the world takes place in Taiwan or in Japan. These are all just producers who produce American Intel or AMD products. For example, there is not a single Russian or European or Chinese or Indian chip manufacturer comparable to Intel or AMD. Have you ever noticed that? How did you notice that recently? Of course you can say that the Chinese are also good at artificial intelligence and so on and that they are also in the process of building up their own chip industry, but even that is still more than ten years behind the current technical level.

Just that the Americans developed an almost quantum computer or a very early model of a quantum computer via Google is extremely violent. Of course you can say that this is just a machine that could only solve a predefined type of task and yes, that's true, the machine is still very strong for a quantum computer in its infancy, but so far not a single other nation has managed to do this project or when I think about the commercialization of space travel with Elon Musk Tesla electric cars and above all starlink, then I do think that the Americans are aiming for a completely different type of warfare, especially when you consider that all the protests in Iran were probably controlled and supported by some kind of artificial intelligence. I really think the Americans have realized that in the conventional military arena, willy-nilly, other countries will catch up, but they have a very different strength and they're investing heavily, and I just find it scary because I think they're strategically important areas are sometimes completely ignored by us or pushed far too little. There is no question that artificial intelligence is also used very heavily in Iran. The drones are also a great example and a lot of what's happening there is great, but I think there's a lot of deficits in this one area and that's worrying
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Seeing false reports of Esmail Qaani being killed in latest syrian strikes. What a bunch of jaghoos they are reporting this bullshit, we live in the age of rapid misinformation.

Texas wants to pass a law that will make it illegal for all Iranians and certain other nationalities to own land, including homes, in their state.

The governor has already stated he will sign it.
This is chilling because it could over time lead me and others being put in a concentration camp; I remembered the experiences of George Takei and others who were born in America as first generation diaspora outside of their ancestral country and still ended up in those camps. It happened once, it can happen again under the right circumstances and sometimes scares me...
This is chilling because it could over time lead me and others being put in a concentration camp; I remembered the experiences of George Takei and others who were born in America as first generation diaspora outside of their ancestral country and still ended up in those camps. It happened once, it can happen again under the right circumstances and sometimes scares me...
I hear drums of WW III...
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