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Iranian Chill Thread

ایرنا نوشت: امیرسرلشکر موسوی گفت:امید داریم به جهت نزدیکی بین سینما و ارتش که در سال‌های اخیر رخ داده است بتوانیم از این به بعد کارهای بیشتری را انجام دهیم. هم ارتش از هنر تاثیرگذار سینما بهره گیرد، هم مردم از این هم‌افزایی ارتش و سینما استفاده کنند

فرمانده کل ارتش جمهوری اسلامی ایران در پاسخ به این پرسش که آیا سینماگران می‌توانند به مدد این توافق برای همکاری نسبت به دسترسی به آرشیو ارتش امیدوار باشند، گفت: بسیاری از این آرشیو از طبقه بندی خارج شده است و این یعنی سینماگران می‌توانند از آنها استفاده کنند؛ برخی هنوز طبقه بندی دارند و قطعا نمی‌شود از آنان استفاده شود اما مابقی می‌تواند در اختیار فیلمسازان قرار گیرد.

وی توضیح داد: بعضی از مسائل و موارد هستند که بعد از چند سال از طبقه‌بندی خارج می‌شوند و برخی مسائل هستند که به صورت «موضوعی» از طبقه بندی خارج می‌شوند؛ خیلی از موضوعاتی که مرتبط با دفاع مقدس و بعد از آن هستند شامل همین طبقه بندی‌اند؛ مثلا همین حضور ارتش در دفاع از حرم تا چندین سال جزو موضوعاتی بود که نمی‌شد در مورد آن صحبت کرد اما امروز بخش عمده آن از طبقه‌بندی خارج شده و می شود در مورد آن کار کرد و فیلم ساخت

What do you think Hajizadeh was talking about when he said their will be a new number#1 priority issue?

"At one time, the nuclear issue was the enemy's first priority, then the precision missile became their first issue, and then they saw that the drone was more dangerous, and their priority became the drone, and in some time, it will become a new issue that will become the enemy's first priority."
Many things can be possible, technicall possible:

-Hypersonic Missile (99%)
-ICBM (90%)
-Nuclear Bomb (80%)
-Advanced Space industry (Advanced Sattelites and SLV) (70%)
-Iranian Father of all Bombs smaller version for Ballistic missiles (60%)

the thing is that Iran has not implemented everything that is technically feasible for Iran. For example, the range of missiles has always been limited because it was a conscious decision, or the construction of nuclear weapons, etc.
Iran has left many jokers open that can now be played.
I find it impressive how farsightedly and strategically Iran works with such things. Although Iran was technically capable of many things, it saved these jokers for the right moment and thus proved how much it is in control of the situation. This is a true sign of power and of how aware they are of their own capabilities, but also of the capabilities of their adversaries.

Iran could have pushed ahead with its nuclear program more quickly after the failure of the deal. The escalation of the individual steps was controlled and often comprehensible to the West. However, the work was deliberately done in small steps, so that after the end of the nuclear deal, the progress made over the long term could be seen as a slight background noise in the context of world political events. Similar to frogs that are boiled to death in slowly heating water.
Sam Rajabi, a "Jiujitsu Warrior dissident", screaming at old women voting in the Iranian elections. Filming himself insult random Iranians, harassing wrestling coaches who represent Iran, was apparently hospitalized at an intensive psychiatric unit facility in the county of Los Angeles for posing a danger to himself and others. He is following an intensive psychiatric treatment.

I'm curious about the employees of these companies and if they bring experts around the world to make designs or if it's purely from domestic engineers. These countries don't have a large population pool to pull people from, so I am more inclined to think theirs some foreign workers that are well paid.
Basically what I was saying Stryker a bunch rich yuppies buying the know how but I guess you said it better than I could didn’t think it was going to get dramatic on this thread thank you
It is a slow day..not much happening..so I went looking for some photos of old places I used to go in Tehran..My favorite Avenue in Tehran was Vali-Asr (old Pahlavi) ..I can still imagine it 43 years ago.
Vali Asr avenue.jpg

I wonder if "chattanooga" restaurant is still there!

Here is another good clear photo of good looking Apts in a street I do not remember !!!..notice all thos cell antennas.

Keshavarz (old Elizabeth) boulevard....Had one of the best stand up fast food (sausage and beans) places 43 years ago.
Keshavarz boulvard.png

Tehran's Central Train station..(has not changed)
Train central.jpg
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Egyptian are doing another style of developing Arms industry and it is based on massive amount of "TOT". They are shopping from anyone that gives them TOT..so this is another "SHORT CUT" to arms development..

Come on…Egypt?

  • The country that is bankrupt and has to have SiSi visit Saudi Arabia to beg for money?
  • The country that couldn’t even afford the French helicopter carrier and had to have daddy Saudi Arabia pay for it?
  • Or maybe the country with a terrible economy and high % of illiterate citizens?
None of these countries have true arms development programs like Iran or NK. The US won’t allow them. Plus the corruption within their own country is too great. Just look at Russia’s corruption within its own arms industry, and their industry predates WWI!

You sanction Egypt with even 25% of the sanctions on Iran and it will collapse within itself let alone be able to pump out any significant amount of arms. That to me isn’t self sufficiency. If you can only build a screw when money is flowing in, parts are flowing in, and everyone is friendly with you =/= self sufficiency

What do you think Hajizadeh was talking about when he said their will be a new number#1 priority issue?

"At one time, the nuclear issue was the enemy's first priority, then the precision missile became their first issue, and then they saw that the drone was more dangerous, and their priority became the drone, and in some time, it will become a new issue that will become the enemy's first priority."

People are reading too much into the quote and not understand the geopolitical reference.

He is saying the issue is with Iran and its ruling government not with anything Iran does. If they fix one thing (negotiate or give up) they will come up with another then another. And he is saying in the future it will be something else.

Supreme Leader has said this many times for years. The Nuclear Program is an excuse. If we give it up, then it will be our missiles. Then it will be our guns. Then it will be something. Eventually when you are toothless and changed your structure of government and society they invade you/overthrow you because you are no weak with no arms and no strong central government and no fabric of society.
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I wonder if "chattanooga" restaurant is still there!


Here is another good clear photo of good looking Apts in a street I do not remember !!!..notice all thos cell antennas.

Mirdāmād Boulevard, Eskān residential towers.

Located just north of 'Abbās Ābād, Mirdāmād runs in the east-west axis connecting Shar'iati Street (formerly Jāddeye Qadime Shemrān (Old Shemiran Road)) to Valie 'Asr Street (formerly Pahlavi Street) with a length of about 3,2 km.


It is flanked mostly by all sorts of offices pertaining to private businesses or government, as well as some retail stores in addition to the Pāyetakht mall at the western edge, close to Vali 'Asr intersection. Other than the Eskān complex opposite Pāytakht center, there aren't many residential units along Mirdāmād. The eastern segment of the street features mostly low rise edifices whereas from the middle of the street westward, the landscape is shaped by a number of towers and larger buildings.

This can be considered a quite orderly street where space, density, proportions, decorations and functionality have been thought through rather well. Green traffic isles separating the opposite lanes and pots of flowers contribute to embellishing Mirdāmād. Special lighting effects switch on after dark, similar to some other major arteries in town.

Other views from Mirdāmād:







Qadir Mosque:



Meydāne Mādār (Mother Square):


Pāytakht shopping center, specializing in computers:



Central Bank of Iran (CBI) main entrance gate:



La'l commercial building:



Mirdāmād metro station:




Royal Mirdāmād commercial complex:


Mirdāmād overpass (overhead Modarres Expressway among others):



Mirdāmād - Vali 'Asr intersection:


Tehran's Central Train station..(has not changed)

The interior's been thoroughly modernized (equipment-wise).


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@SalarHaqq ..Thank you Salar jan..Tehran is soooo much changed...great photos...now I have a question to you or any one else who may know,,

It is now more than a year that we saw new defence minister tour the Kowsar production line..We saw in the photos 12 to 18 airframes being completed yet we still have not seen any more Kowsars being delivered beside the 4 already given to the air force..I know they have a slow production rate for Owj engine..(may be 6 or 8 in a year not sure of exact number)..so by now we must have at least 4 more Kowsars delivered..does anyone know if any more were delivered..

One theory I have is that the new Owj engines are now being diverted to new Q313 UCAVs..

2nd Question: does any one know what happened to our PDF member @drmeson

As I talked about earlier, the use of bugged cellphones (Solemani got his cellphones from dubai) and moles by Mossad mean the IRGC needs to improve encrypted communications and OPSEC.

It’s clear Israel is able to gain valuable real time intelligence on Iranian activities thru various channels. More focus should be on protecting lives of its personnel.

As I talked about earlier, the use of bugged cellphones (Solemani got his cellphones from dubai) and moles by Mossad mean the IRGC needs to improve encrypted communications and OPSEC.

It’s clear Israel is able to gain valuable real time intelligence on Iranian activities thru various channels. More focus should be on protecting lives of its personnel.

You are reiterating internet anecdotes and comments not facts.
People are reading too much into the quote and not understand the geopolitical reference.

He is saying the issue is with Iran and its ruling government not with anything Iran does. If they fix one thing (negotiate or give up) they will come up with another then another. And he is saying in the future it will be something else.

Supreme Leader has said this many times for years. The Nuclear Program is an excuse. If we give it up, then it will be our missiles. Then it will be our guns. Then it will be something. Eventually when you are toothless and changed your structure of government and society they invade you/overthrow you because you are no weak with no arms and no strong central government and no fabric of society.
His qoute seemed to reference something specific but yes it can be interpreted in that way.
You are reiterating internet anecdotes and comments not facts.

Facts are the air defense commanders killed in Damascus suburb and the most recent roadside bomb that killed another IRGC member in Syria. Iranian nuclear head Fakhrizadeh inside Tehran with a robotic controlled machine gun. Explosions within Natanz facilities some of which were planted years in advance.

Israel has had success eliminating and sabotaging Iranian assets. Wether that has produced the desired ultimate outcome is not the topic at hand.

His qoute seemed to reference something specific but yes it can be interpreted in that way.

Iran has already admitted to a Mach 20+ HGV design being tested. If it was that he could just mention it specifically.

Any Iranian weapon tech that is deadly will be used by the West to demonize Iran and justify why Iran needs to “change” its behavior.

Meanwhile Saudi Arabia builds missiles - no condemnation

Turkey builds missiles - no condemnation

Hypocrisy is real.


سخنگوی دولت با اشاره به ابلاغ آیین نامه «حمایت از نخبگان غیر ایرانی» که به گفته وی با هدف بهره مندی از دانش و تخصص نخبگان غیر ایرانی تدوین شده، صدور پروانه اشتغال یا جواز کسب، خدمات بانکی و بیمه و صدور گواهینامه و سیم کارت را از جمله امتیازاتی عنوان کرد که نخبگان خارجی می توانند با انتخاب ایران برای اقامت و فعالیت خود از آنها برخوردار شوند.

به گزارش دیده بان علم ایران، علی بهادری جهرمی در خصوص شرایط برخورداری نخبگان غیر ایرانی از امتیازات مندرج در آیین نامه مذکور به ایسنا گفت: به موجب این آیین‌نامه، نخبگان غیر ایرانی در صورت دارا بودن شرایط نخبگی از تمام امتیازات شهروندی به استثنای تابعیت و تصدی مناصب مذکور در ماده ۹۸۲ قانون مدنی برخوردار می شوند

بررسی لایحه بودجه سال ۱۴۰۲ کل کشور نشان می دهد با وجود رشد ۸۰ درصدی مجموع اعتبارات هزینه ای و تملک دارایی های سرمایه ای در لایحه بودجه سال ۱۴۰۲ نسبت به قانون بودجه سال ۱۴۰۱، مقدار شاخص شدت تحقیق و توسعه همچنان ثابت و به مقدار ۰٫۲۴ درصد باقی مانده است که فاصله بسیاری با مقدار ۱٫۵ درصد پیش بینی شده در برنامه ششم توسعه دارد.

البته بخش زیادی از اعتبارات برنامه ای، صرف فعالیتهای پژوهشی دانشگاهی و مؤسسات تحقیقاتی ذیل وزارتخانه های مختلف می شود و در مقام مقایسه، سهم حوزه تجاری سازی نتایج تحقیقات (با تمرکز بر نقش حمایت معاونت علمی و فناوری و صندوق نوآوری و شکوفایی) بسیار کمتر است

در تداوم پروژه های متعدد تولید واکسن کووید ۱۹ در ایران: نخستین واکسن mRNA ایرانی به مرحله کارآزمایی بالینی رسید​

خستین واکسن mRNA ایرانی که در مجموعه دانش‌بنیان رناپ تولید شده با موافقت سازمان غذا و دارو به مرحله کارآزمایی بالینی رسید.
به گزارش دیده بان علم ایران، بسیاری از واکسن‌ها برای ایجاد پاسخ ایمنی، یک میکروب ضعیف یا غیر فعال شده را وارد بدن می‌کنند، اما در مورد واکسن‌های mRNA اینگونه نیست. این واکسن‌ها حاوی mRNA ساخته شده در آزمایشگاه هستند و بعد از وارد شدن به بدن باعث تولید پروتئینی می‌شوند که پاسخ ایمنی ایجاد می‌کند. این پاسخ ایمنی در واقع آنتی‌بادی‌هایی هستند که پس از تزریق واکسن تولید شده و وقتی ویروس به بدن ما وارد می‌شود، مانع ایجاد عفونت و بیماری در بدن می‌شوند.​
Israel has had success eliminating and sabotaging Iranian assets. Wether that has produced the desired ultimate outcome is not the topic at hand.

Iran has already admitted to a Mach 20+ HGV design being tested. If it was that he could just mention it specifically.

Any Iranian weapon tech that is deadly will be used by the West to demonize Iran and justify why Iran needs to “change” its behavior.

Meanwhile Saudi Arabia builds missiles - no condemnation

Turkey builds missiles - no condemnation

Hypocrisy is real.

Best Iran can do is mitigate Israeli efficacy in their sabotage/assassination campaign through whatever means as IDF-ISR around Lebanon and Syria is just too good. I think the bigger story here is, why Iran has allowed this low-intensity war to go on without establishing any deterrence.
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