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Iranian Chill Thread

Facts are the air defense commanders killed in Damascus suburb and the most recent roadside bomb that killed another IRGC member in Syria. Iranian nuclear head Fakhrizadeh inside Tehran with a robotic controlled machine gun. Explosions within Natanz facilities some of which were planted years in advance.

Israel has had success eliminating and sabotaging Iranian assets. Wether that has produced the desired ultimate outcome is not the topic at hand.
Ultimately, we can say that while their has been some success. They have not been able to change regional or technological equations through these attacks. Still, the targeted industries are advancing.

The bigger concern is the state of the economy and value of the rial.

I think the bigger story here is, why Iran has allowed this low-intensity war to go on without establishing any deterrence.
They insist on using low yield shahed-136 on a Israeli owned tanker instead of blowing it up with anti-shipping divers or missiles. A shahed attack won't change any decisions.

Mirdāmād Boulevard, Eskān residential towers.

Located just north of 'Abbās Ābād, Mirdāmād runs in the east-west axis connecting Shar'iati Street (formerly Jāddeye Qadime Shemrān (Old Shemiran Road)) to Valie 'Asr Street (formerly Pahlavi Street) with a length of about 3,2 km.

View attachment 917623

It is flanked mostly by all sorts of offices pertaining to private businesses or government, as well as some retail stores in addition to the Pāyetakht mall at the western edge, close to Vali 'Asr intersection. Other than the Eskān complex opposite Pāytakht center, there aren't many residential units along Mirdāmād. The eastern segment of the street features mostly low rise edifices whereas from the middle of the street westward, the landscape is shaped by a number of towers and larger buildings.

This can be considered a quite orderly street where space, density, proportions, decorations and functionality have been thought through rather well. Green traffic isles separating the opposite lanes and pots of flowers contribute to embellishing Mirdāmād. Special lighting effects switch on after dark, similar to some other major arteries in town.

Other views from Mirdāmād:







Qadir Mosque:



Meydāne Mādār (Mother Square):


Pāytakht shopping center, specializing in computers:



Central Bank of Iran (CBI) main entrance gate:



La'l commercial building:


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Mirdāmād metro station:



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Royal Mirdāmād commercial complex:

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Mirdāmād overpass (overhead Modarres Expressway among others):

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Mirdāmād - Vali 'Asr intersection:


The interior's been thoroughly modernized (equipment-wise).

View attachment 917605
thats Mir'Damad from the lenz of camera of a professional photographer , a Normal dude who walk the street probably won't see such fantastic view .its 30min from where i'm now , i'm tempted go there and take several photo and show another face of that street.

View attachment 917652

سخنگوی دولت با اشاره به ابلاغ آیین نامه «حمایت از نخبگان غیر ایرانی» که به گفته وی با هدف بهره مندی از دانش و تخصص نخبگان غیر ایرانی تدوین شده، صدور پروانه اشتغال یا جواز کسب، خدمات بانکی و بیمه و صدور گواهینامه و سیم کارت را از جمله امتیازاتی عنوان کرد که نخبگان خارجی می توانند با انتخاب ایران برای اقامت و فعالیت خود از آنها برخوردار شوند.

به گزارش دیده بان علم ایران، علی بهادری جهرمی در خصوص شرایط برخورداری نخبگان غیر ایرانی از امتیازات مندرج در آیین نامه مذکور به ایسنا گفت: به موجب این آیین‌نامه، نخبگان غیر ایرانی در صورت دارا بودن شرایط نخبگی از تمام امتیازات شهروندی به استثنای تابعیت و تصدی مناصب مذکور در ماده ۹۸۲ قانون مدنی برخوردار می شوند

بررسی لایحه بودجه سال ۱۴۰۲ کل کشور نشان می دهد با وجود رشد ۸۰ درصدی مجموع اعتبارات هزینه ای و تملک دارایی های سرمایه ای در لایحه بودجه سال ۱۴۰۲ نسبت به قانون بودجه سال ۱۴۰۱، مقدار شاخص شدت تحقیق و توسعه همچنان ثابت و به مقدار ۰٫۲۴ درصد باقی مانده است که فاصله بسیاری با مقدار ۱٫۵ درصد پیش بینی شده در برنامه ششم توسعه دارد.

البته بخش زیادی از اعتبارات برنامه ای، صرف فعالیتهای پژوهشی دانشگاهی و مؤسسات تحقیقاتی ذیل وزارتخانه های مختلف می شود و در مقام مقایسه، سهم حوزه تجاری سازی نتایج تحقیقات (با تمرکز بر نقش حمایت معاونت علمی و فناوری و صندوق نوآوری و شکوفایی) بسیار کمتر است

در تداوم پروژه های متعدد تولید واکسن کووید ۱۹ در ایران: نخستین واکسن mRNA ایرانی به مرحله کارآزمایی بالینی رسید​

خستین واکسن mRNA ایرانی که در مجموعه دانش‌بنیان رناپ تولید شده با موافقت سازمان غذا و دارو به مرحله کارآزمایی بالینی رسید.
به گزارش دیده بان علم ایران، بسیاری از واکسن‌ها برای ایجاد پاسخ ایمنی، یک میکروب ضعیف یا غیر فعال شده را وارد بدن می‌کنند، اما در مورد واکسن‌های mRNA اینگونه نیست. این واکسن‌ها حاوی mRNA ساخته شده در آزمایشگاه هستند و بعد از وارد شدن به بدن باعث تولید پروتئینی می‌شوند که پاسخ ایمنی ایجاد می‌کند. این پاسخ ایمنی در واقع آنتی‌بادی‌هایی هستند که پس از تزریق واکسن تولید شده و وقتی ویروس به بدن ما وارد می‌شود، مانع ایجاد عفونت و بیماری در بدن می‌شوند.​
این الدنگ ها همین ایرانی ها رو فراری ندهند ، اون پیشکش ....

البته منظورتون از نخبه خارجی‌مشتی ریاکار تملق جوی خودشون هست که به بهانه ش پول ها رو بالا بکشند
thats Mir'Damad from the lenz of camera of a professional photographer , a Normal dude who walk the street probably won't see such fantastic view .its 30min from where i'm now , i'm tempted go there and take several photo and show another face of that street.

By definition every photography can be charged with subjectivity. Including pictures of the imperfections you'd cherry pick, the angles you'd select and the objects you'd zoom onto. What's more, amateur work is more likely to twist the real picture because amateurs have less of an idea as to how a view is accurately captured.

Personally I've been there often as well and can say these photographs reflect the feel and visuals of the place faithfully enough. I see no significant distortion. Not to mention that if the aim was to cover up disharmonious details, then several of those pictures would have had to be taken differently.

So the above quoted argument has no meaningful purpose nor validity to it.
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این الدنگ ها همین ایرانی ها رو فراری ندهند ، اون پیشکش ....

البته منظورتون از نخبه خارجی‌مشتی ریاکار تملق جوی خودشون هست که به بهانه ش پول ها رو بالا بکشند​
درسته، اینجا ما خودمون کسانی که با آب و نون خالی یه جاهایی که کمتر هم شناخته شده هستند کار میکنند ,کم نداریم

جالبه که توی حمایت بودجه براشون کم گذشته می‌شه ، شاید خودشون برای مصرف شخصی اینجور چیز هارو نخواند ولی حتما محیط کارشون باید مجهز باشه

برای افراد خارجی باز خوبه که توی قانون این حمایت وجود داره ولی طرف یا عاشق چشم و ابروی ایران و سیستم هست یا محاسبه گر و آینده نگر که باز اینجا هم باید متناسب با هر نوع شخصیت مدل تعریف بشه

و قطعا اگه تو انتخاب آدمش اشتباه نشه ، ارزش اینجور آدم‌ها خیلی بیشتر از این سیم کارت و فرصت کاری هست که قراره در اختیارشون گذاشته بشه

جالبه که این کشور‌های خارجی برای کسی که مثلا اینجا تو خیابون‌های ما عربده کشی راه میندازه و خدا میدون بعضی از این افراد چه کار‌های دیگه میکنند ، هم ویزا میدند هم امکانات دولتی و شاید آموزش زبان وحتی خانم و دوست دختر دولتی

ما اینجا برای آدم علمی کمتر ارزش قائل بشیم ؟​
By definition every photography can be charged with subjectivity. Including pictures of the imperfections you'd cherry pick, the angles you'd select and the objects you'd zoom onto. What's more, amateur work is more likely to twist the real picture because amateurs have less of an idea as to how a view is correctly captured.

Personally I've been there often as well and can say these photographs reflect the feel and visuals of the place faithfully enough. I see no significant distortion. Not to mention that if the aim was to cover up disharmonious details, then several of those pictures would have been taken differently.

So the above quoted argument has no meaningful purpose nor validity to it.
While we are on the subject of buildings..some of my foreign friends ask me why there are no skyscrapers in Iran..and my answer has always been that skyscrapers are not allowed in Iran due to many earthquake fault lines criss crossing Iranian landscape. I recall few years back Tehran city planners vetoed a proposed skyscraper of Iranian Gas company .. is this true that permits are not issued for skyscrapers in Iran..

PS: China got a $300 million dollars order to sell artilary to UAE....and you wondered about last months China statement when they visited Arbs of the Persian Gulf...well Chinese know how to oil these people ..Lube them is the name of the trick..lol
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By definition every photography can be charged with subjectivity. Including pictures of the imperfections you'd cherry pick, the angles you'd select and the objects you'd zoom onto. What's more, amateur work is more likely to twist the real picture because amateurs have less of an idea as to how a view is correctly captured.

Personally I've been there often as well and can say these photographs reflect the feel and visuals of the place faithfully enough. I see no significant distortion. Not to mention that if the aim was to cover up disharmonious details, then several of those pictures would have been taken differently.

So the above quoted argument has no meaningful purpose nor validity to it.
my plan was set my phone camera on video turn it on and put it in my breast pocket and walk around the street .
its realy hard to call it cherry picking . it will be exactly a guy see walking that street. and believe me my photography usually consist of wide angle photos , my tele and zoomed photos usually look like shit

While we are on the subject of buildings..some of my foreign friends ask me why there are no skyscrapers in Iran..and my answer has always been that skyscrapers are not allowed in Iran due to many earthquake fault lines criss crossing Iranian landscape. I recall few years back Tehran city planners vetoed a proposed skyscraper of Iranian Gas company .. is this true that permits are not issued for skyscrapers in Iran..

PS: China got a $300 million dollars order to sell artilary to UAE....and you wondered about last months China statement when they visited Arbs of the Persian Gulf...well Chinese know how to oil these people ..Lube them is the name of the trick..lol
are they arming themselves against KSA ?
my plan was set my phone camera on video turn it on and put it in my breast pocket and walk around the street .
its realy hard to call it cherry picking . it will be exactly a guy see walking that street. and believe me my photography usually consist of wide angle photos , my tele and zoomed photos usually look like shit

are they arming themselves against KSA ?
gets export order 300M$ from UAE for AR3 MRLS 8x8 System. Its version High Altitude PHL-16 used by Chinese PLA. Can fire 370/300 mm dia guided rockets 2 Pods 4 Launchers with 220 km range Fire Dragon 480 tactical BM 750 mm with 400 - 450 km range TL-7B ASh missile

I also noticed they have named one of their Corvettes with the Iranian Island of "Bigger TOUNB"....so yes the little mouse has some designs in mind..lol
gets export order 300M$ from UAE for AR3 MRLS 8x8 System. Its version High Altitude PHL-16 used by Chinese PLA. Can fire 370/300 mm dia guided rockets 2 Pods 4 Launchers with 220 km range Fire Dragon 480 tactical BM 750 mm with 400 - 450 km range TL-7B ASh missile

I also noticed they have named one of their Corvettes with the Iranian Island of "Bigger TOUNB"....so yes the little mouse has some designs in mind..lol
then i must say only 300 million , weapon with that range are not cheap , they need to spend far more if they want it to be meaningful
While we are on the subject of buildings..some of my foreign friends ask me why there are no skyscrapers in Iran..and my answer has always been that skyscrapers are not allowed in Iran due to many earthquake fault lines criss crossing Iranian landscape. I recall few years back Tehran city planners vetoed a proposed skyscraper of Iranian Gas company .. is this true that permits are not issued for skyscrapers in Iran..

It could well be, I wouldn't know to be honest. The only building in Iran to meet the definition of a skyscraper is the residential 56-storey Tehran International Tower right next to the ASP blocks, at 162 meters of height. There are no others.







Considering Tehran is built upon two geological fault lines, I guess proliferation of skyscrapers wouldn't be an ideal option. I'm assuming the measures required to make such buildings quake-proof are costly. As an engineer you'll have better insight into this.

There's also the fact that the urban development model in Iran has produced cities of high to very high population density. As an example Tehran's population in the 22 inner city districts is said to stand at around 9,38 million, for a surface area of exactly 730 square km. Contrast this with Greater London - 9,54 million inhabitants spread across... 1569 square km. And a more or less comparable percentage of built up area. The high density model has disadvantages of its own, especially when it reaches such orders of magnitude. Disadvantages amplified by said earthquake risks.

Now in reality a cluster of skyscrapers can very well present lower population density - including in daytime if the skyscrapers are non-residential - than a low rise neighborhood. Depending on the space between buildings etc. In Iran such a development would require consequent planning and strict implementation of regulations, to the detriment of those seeking to reap benefits from speculative investment in the real estate sector. A challenging task onto itself, given the superior margin skyscrapers could generate on expensive plots in Tehran.

There's a third aspect which in my opinion speaks against skyscrapers, and this one is of cultural and social-psychological nature. I share similar reservations about massive shopping malls by the way, seeing how these are manifestations of globalist consumerism. In addition, the expensive and luxurious ones are off limits to the masses, intensifying social resentment. Not to mention how these exquisite malls are feeding corruption both in their construction phase (see the Ayande Bank affair in relation to Iran Mall) and during operation since they offer a perfect money laundering opportunity for economically powerful but corrupt entities.

Also do not underestimate the cultural-political impact of these projects. It may be called Iran Mall by name, but more than one awestruck compatriot frequenting these places will gradually and subconsciously be led to conclude "the USA cannot be as mischievous a government as I used to think, after all these types of eye-catching works originate from there". The exact same process affects many regular viewers of Hollywood films, notwithstanding the fact that some of these films on the surface might appear critical of USA politics and/or society. That Hollywood (and Hollywoodism) has consistently been weaponized as a key vector of soft war, psy-ops and cultural imperialism by USA security services, the Pentagon and the State Department for about a century is a thoroughly studied and documented occurrence.

At the end of the day we need to decide whether we want to ape the patterns of globalist capitalism by opting for a purely interchangeable type of urbanism which will yield localities resembling any random, "normalized" city across the world - including in its social, economical, political and cultural ramifications; or, and my preference would naturally gravitate towards this second rationale, think outside the box and devise from scratch a solution anchored in Iran's distinct civilizational heritage. This could possibly imply standardized low rise edifices intertwined with gardens, urban textures of lesser overall density, traditional networks of water conduits utilizing modern technology where convenient, elements of classic Iranian architecture in close contact with the surrounding natural environment and more.

I'd dare go as far as postulating, along with some historians indeed, that a rather ill-conceived modern urbanism from the late Qajar era through the entire Pahlavi period, profoundly shook Iranian society. And that social-political distress in Iran since the advent of modernity has stemmed in no small part from this somehow alienating phenomenon of sustained urbanization.

The disorderly tumult of Tehran end up producing a certain charm of its own, not least thanks to the city's juxtaposition to the Alborz range in combination with a myriad of architecturally, decoratively or functionally (parks etc) interesting features which tend to stand out and are discernible in virtually every corner of town. Nonetheless I'd advocate a radical revision of urban planning in favor of a heterodox, innovative development path grounded in tradition and emancipated from the cultural hazards of the conformist approach (given that the contemporary globalist norm is antinomical to tradition).
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Overall, okay article. Main take away is we should be expecting more Iranian support for Russian military industry than just Shahed-131/136. It does explicitly mention Artillery shells and tank ammo were also delivered. More things expected to be delivered as well.
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