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Iranian Chill Thread

Are you sure it's just 50,000 because protests have broken out all throughout Iran. I'm pretty sure it's much worse than that.
He’s probably going to say photoshopped and conspiracy by western governments and media
Absolutely right.

The whole population that practiced in these rallies is about 50,000

While in 22th Bahman millions of people practice in pro IR rallies
you knew the difference between 22 of Bahman gathering and these protest?
do you like me list them
The girl might have been the catalyst
Shaah will not comeback
wow he’s actually at a loss for words I don’t think that people protesting want the shah to come back he was corrupt as the rest

who want him to come back , some 80+ year old fossil and specially this useless gutless drunk who is hiding behind terrorists like NCRI and his mother skirt
Lol we were thinking the same thing
Well the pictures of her in the hospital did not show every angle but I'm not buying that a young healthy girl her age got a "heart attack" That's ridiculous. Sure she could have died from the heart attack but what caused the heart attack ? Also in the hospital why did her face look so swelled up ? I don't know it's just all very suspicious and also the youth in Iran simply aren't happy with the current economic situation and this was just like a catalyst.


No swelling visible here. And who knows what induces a random fatal cardiac arrest? Could have had a stroke brought about by anxiety (this happens).

How is rioting, damaging public property and disrupting the city for weeks helping the economic situation they're supposedly so angry about?
In the end these protests are likely to die down simply because there is no cohesive leadership or opposition.

The girl might have been the catalyst

wow he’s actually at a loss for words I don’t think that people protesting want the shah to come back he was corrupt as the rest

Lol we were thinking the same thing
In the last picture her face and ears look pretty swelled up and realistically she has alot of hair on her head, so there could be a bump somewhere we can't see. I really doubt if she got a stroke from stress and passed away from it. I just can't buy that.

I don't know but a few years ago there was a healthy young man while his two children riding their bicycles near my house and the man fell off his bicycle, hit his head on the ground and died as a result of the impact. He had no helmet.

Sometimes the human body can be more resilient than people think but sometimes more frail. I'm no expert on impact / trauma injuries but sometimes all it takes is getting hit at the wrong angle with enough velocity and the person dies.

No swelling visible here. And who knows what induces a random fatal cardiac arrest? Could have had a stroke brought about by anxiety (this happens).

How is rioting, damaging public property and disrupting the city for weeks helping the economic situation they're supposedly so angry about?
In the last picture her face and ears look pretty swelled up and realistically she has alot of hair on her head, so there could be a bump somewhere we can't see. I really doubt if she got a stroke from stress and passed away from it. I'm just can't buy that.
Appears to me her face itself was quite chubby. What appears as bumps at first is just the natural swell of her cheeks.

@SalarHaqq You should post about that German man's death again. I don't know how deep in this thread the article is buried.

Sometimes the human body can be more resilient than people think but sometimes more frail. I'm no expert on impact / trauma injuries but sometimes all it takes is getting hit at the wrong angle with enough velocity and the person dies.
Even so, it would be impossible for her to struggle on two-three days if she was subjected to multiple blows to the head.

Even hardened MMA fighters die if the damage is bad enough and all of them have bruising.

Sometimes the human body can be more resilient than people think but sometimes more frail. I'm no expert on impact / trauma injuries but sometimes all it takes is getting hit at the wrong angle with enough velocity and the person dies.
Even so, it would be impossible for her to struggle on two-three days if she was subjected to multiple blows to the head.

Even hardened MMA fighters die if the damage is bad enough and all of them have bruising.
Appears to me her face itself was quite chubby. What appears as bumps at first is just the natural swell of her cheeks.

@SalarHaqq You should post about that German man's death again. I don't know how deep in this thread the article is buried.
discussed before that man showed the signs of heart attack , this girl didn't show that
discussed before that man showed the signs of heart attack , this girl didn't show that
Then what in your professional opinion happened? She said "Sike!" and bailed out?

A person who's been beaten so severely on the head that she passes away couldn't stand still, let alone walk into a police station and hold a conversation for several minutes before collapsing. Can you imagine the kind of concussion she would have had in that case?

Nothing points to her being roughed up so far apart from her family's statements which I don't trust at all.
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