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Iranian Chill Thread

It doesn't seem like they're is really serious about doing this. First of all, giving the jets to Ukraine would be a loss out of pocket for Poland. They could easily sell them to some African country right ? Then they have to buy F-16s from the US which won't be cheap. It will take time for their pilots to train. In the meantime Poland won't have an active airforce.

Then there's the issue of where they would take off from. Polish airbases ? Ukrainian airbases ? But Ukrainian airbases have been bombed into rubble. Using Polish airbases could lead to retaliation by Russia.

Honestly these jets are likely to get shot down as soon as they cross into Ukrainian airspace but anyways even if they are able to bomb a Russian target, the Russians WILL retaliate. The Poles don't seem to want any part of this so they have suggested handing over the planes to the US and have suggested the US use a German airbase to send them into Ukraine.

I don't think the Germans want any part of this either. I mean America may be safe on its own continent but the Poles/Germans and other NATO countries would have to deal with the fallout. It honestly doesn't look like this is going to realistically happen.

Iran's economy grew 5% in 9 months till December. This is under sanctions. If the JCPOA is reactivated Iran's economy will likely grow in double digits.

Biden calls MBS and UAE leader. Both reject his call. Most likely Biden wants help in driving down oil prices. However the Saudis and Persian Gulf monarchs seem happy with the current prices.

Iran's economy grew 5% in 9 months till December. This is under sanctions. If the JCPOA is reactivated Iran's economy will likely grow in double digits.

Read the fine print

The report cited figures from the Iranian government’s statistics agency (SCI) and said that the GDP growth calculations were based on fixed prices reported in 2011 when the US dollar was worth around 120,000 against the Iranian rial.

Currency prices have more than doubled since then and the GDP figure reported for Iran for the March-December 2021 period is currently equal to $215.5 billion.

However, the report by Fars said
that Iran’s GDP without oil had increased 3.8% year on year in March-December to reach 45,460 trillion rials.

This news article doesn’t make sense

2011 exchange rate was 12,000 rial (1,200 toman) not 120,000 rial.

But it says currency rate has more than doubled? No for it to double would be 120,000 rial which would mean 12,000 toman and that was back in 2018ish not 2011. It has increased 20x since 2011 not double.

Right now rial is 260,000 (26,000 toman)

Another factually incorrect garbage article by press tv.
Well regardless Iran's economy grew more than expected. Iran's budget this year is based on selling 1 million barrels per day at $60-$70. Right now it's $130 a barrel and Iran is selling more than 2 million barrels a day average.

The economy is set to go into a surplus. If the JCPOA is reactivated Iran's economy will likely go into double digits. That is what happened under Rohani. Inflation also went down to single digits briefly.

US admits that Ukraine has biological research facilities. Cites Russian threat.

Read the fine print

The report cited figures from the Iranian government’s statistics agency (SCI) and said that the GDP growth calculations were based on fixed prices reported in 2011 when the US dollar was worth around 120,000 against the Iranian rial.

Currency prices have more than doubled since then and the GDP figure reported for Iran for the March-December 2021 period is currently equal to $215.5 billion.

However, the report by Fars said
that Iran’s GDP without oil had increased 3.8% year on year in March-December to reach 45,460 trillion rials.

This news article doesn’t make sense

2011 exchange rate was 12,000 rial (1,200 toman) not 120,000 rial.

But it says currency rate has more than doubled? No for it to double would be 120,000 rial which would mean 12,000 toman and that was back in 2018ish not 2011. It has increased 20x since 2011 not double.

Right now rial is 260,000 (26,000 toman)

Another factually incorrect garbage article by press tv.
The issue with MANPADs is that they can only hit targets at an altitude of 4 KM. They're great for helicopters or fighter jets that are flying low to avoid radar. It seems that at first Russia was deploying some of its less capable fighter jets.

Now however they seem to be using better fighters with more advanced targeting pods. Recently they even destroyed a Ukrainian S-300 system. Anyways I wonder what percentage of weapons shipments actually make it into Ukrainian hands with Russia bombing the crap out of everything.

Honestly Russia's lack of UAV usage is disappointing to say the least. They're deploying some but obviously not on a large scale. I never thought that Iran would be ahead of Russia in missile and UAV technology.

Necessity truly is the mother of invention. Russians would be performing much better with Iranian UAVs on their side. The thing about drones is that you never have to worry as much about losing them since they're much less expensive.

Posted in wrong thread

View attachment 822430
View attachment 822431

This is a complex lethal manpad traveling at Mach 4.

I am surprised that Iran has not produced something similar, would be very helpful in Palestine, Lebanon, and Yemen.

Maybe Quds force can acquire it by putting a bounty on it if any are captured by mercs or Ukrainian Separatists.
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The MANPAD Iran produces (Misagh-2) has a maximum speed of MACH 2.8 and use infrared homing. Pretty much fire and forget. Starstreak uses radio command guidance (SACLOS) where the user points at the target the entire time until impact. Pretty remarkable how it goes to MACH 4 with 3 separate warheads made of Tungsten. Pretty cutting edge even today although it was made in the 80's.

Posted in wrong thread

View attachment 822430
View attachment 822431

This is a complex lethal manpad traveling at Mach 4.

I am surprised that Iran has not produced something similar, would be very helpful in Palestine, Lebanon, and Yemen.

Maybe Quds force can acquire it by putting a bounty on it if any are captured by mercs or Ukrainian Separatists.
I never thought that Iran would be ahead of Russia in missile and UAV technology.

1) star streak II has 7KM range (meaning helicopters are very vulnerable) and 5KM altitude engagement using 3 projectiles.

2) Russia was so behind in UAV tech they had to strike a deal with Israel for ToT. Even now Russia is very lacking in UAV and its armament.

Iran doesn’t have good airforce so it relies on UAV and constantly looking to improve it to bring it up to parity with a fighter jet bomber. UAV are vital part of war doctrine.

Russia has a good airforce so it neglected UAV tech and didn’t see it as vital part of war doctrine.

The MANPAD Iran produces (Misagh-2) has a maximum speed of MACH 2.8 and use infrared homing. Pretty much fire and forget. Starstreak uses radio command guidance (SACLOS) where the user points at the target the entire time until impact. Pretty remarkable how it goes to MACH 4 with 3 separate warheads made of Tungsten. Pretty cutting edge even today although it was made in the 80's.

Yes but infrared doesn’t do well against flares. SACLOS negative is outweighed by harder to jam.

Nour 2 is trackable
Global petrol prices. Iran has the 3rd lowest gasoline prices in the world @ 5 cents a liter. Venezuela is the cheapest at 2 cents a liter. Libya 3 cents a liter. Russia 37 cents. Azerbaijan 58 cents, Pakistan 84 cents. USA $1.17, China $1.36, Canada $1.48. Keep in mind, these are national averages for nations. In Canada for example, prices can be as high as $2 a liter.

You will not see this on the western mainstream media. When asked if the Ukraine has biological or chemical weapons, US official Victoria Nuland stated that "Ukraine has biological research facilities" Let me guess these facilities were sponsored by the US (CIA) to cure Cancer ? LOL Can you blame Russia for intervening ?

Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland admits Ukraine has "biological research facilities"​


Cases of fuel theft reportedly rising amid record-high gas prices​

Russia admits to sending conscripts to Ukraine after an initial denial by Putin. They also admit that some conscripts have been captured.

These words of Russian foreign minister yesterday in Turkey reported by the BBC caught my attention .. Iranians can relate to these words:

Mr Lavrov :
Russia would cope with Western sanctions and "come out of the crisis with a better psychology and conscience", he said.

"I assure you we will cope and will do everything not to rely on the West ever, in any areas of our lives," he said.
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