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Iranian Chill Thread

Very dangerous development as far as NATO and Russia goes. They're escalating this conflict very quickly.

I wonder if the IRGC will conduct some sort of operation against the Zionist enclave after two more soldiers got killed.

Last time IRGC pubically acknowledge that IRGC advisors were killed (not affiliates) was 2018 T4 airbase attack.

I think in response Iran launched 20 artillery rockets into the Golan. Then that gave Israel excuse to attack a lot of bases across Syria.

So unless IRGC has a specific plan that can inflict IDF casualties it should hold off on revenge if all they plan to do is fire some rockets. It will only lead to more Iranian assets Being targeted.

These strikes mostly slow the rate of growth, Iran’s entrenchment is permanent. And with more money coming in from JCPOA, material losses won’t affect Iran as much.
Last time IRGC pubically acknowledge that IRGC advisors were killed (not affiliates) was 2018 T4 airbase attack.

I think in response Iran launched 20 artillery rockets into the Golan. Then that gave Israel excuse to attack a lot of bases across Syria.

So unless IRGC has a specific plan that can inflict IDF casualties it should hold off on revenge if all they plan to do is fire some rockets. It will only lead to more Iranian assets Being targeted.

These strikes mostly slow the rate of growth, Iran’s entrenchment is permanent. And with more money coming in from JCPOA, material losses won’t affect Iran as much.

I keep forgetting that Israel completely failed in getting Iran out of Syria and only emboldened IRGC's operation in and around the LEVANT.

Agreed, just continue and bide their time. But one wonders when that confrontation will come to a head. This status-quo can't continue ad-infinitum.
Last time IRGC pubically acknowledge that IRGC advisors were killed (not affiliates) was 2018 T4 airbase attack.

I think in response Iran launched 20 artillery rockets into the Golan. Then that gave Israel excuse to attack a lot of bases across Syria.

So unless IRGC has a specific plan that can inflict IDF casualties it should hold off on revenge if all they plan to do is fire some rockets. It will only lead to more Iranian assets Being targeted.

These strikes mostly slow the rate of growth, Iran’s entrenchment is permanent. And with more money coming in from JCPOA, material losses won’t affect Iran as much.

What happened after killing the British and Romanian sailors? Remember?

An attack on a tanker and oil price up another 10 percent

If Russian can have 10000 killed for Ukraine, Iran can have 100 killed in Four countries.
Putin has stated that Russia will immediately cease all operations IF Ukraine agrees to their terms.

1) Ukraine should cease all military actions
2) Change constitution to enshrine neutrality
3) Acknowledge Crimea as Russian territory
4) Recognize Luhansk and Donetsk (Donbas) as independent states

Honestly these terms are not even too harsh considering the situation on the ground. Notice that these terms are infact more demanding than the Minsk agreements however Ukraine was never willing to accept those terms, to allow the Donbas to be autonomous, and relentlessly shelled the Donbas, killing 14,000 people, mostly ethnic Russians.

Putin has stated that if the government in Kiev continue on the current path, that likely Ukraine will cease to exist. If I were the Ukrainians I would accept the terms now. Otherwise Russia will likely want more territorial gains after the war is over and they've made so many sacrifices in blood and treasure. Likely Russia will look to annex all the territory from Transnistria, who are extremely pro Russian, to the Donbas, including all of Ukraines coastal territory in the south.

Mariupol is currently surrounded and civilians are being evacuated. Afterwards Russia will annihilate anything that moves and they will storm the city by air (paratroopers), land and sea (amphibious landing by marines).

After Mariupol the rest of the dominos will fall one by one, including Kharkiv, which is the second largest city and the industrial heart of Ukraine. By then Kiev will be surrounded and it will only be a matter of time.

Sometimes in life you have to cut your losses and honestly, I don't think that the Ukrainians can win this war.

Consider this though.

Accepting Golestan and Turkmenchay treaties were a bitter pill to swallow, and everyone categorically blames the leadership at the time for it.

This is the Golestan treaty for the Ukrainians and anyone who accepts it will be shamed into history even if it is logical. They are better off losing the whole country and fighting for a war of independence (Qausi-afghanistan supported by NATO) than legally ceding these territories. I wouldn't blame them if they did.


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Well 90% of Crimea's population are ethnic Russians. Same thing with the Donbas. They had a chance to hold onto Donbas by giving them autonomy but they refused. Now they have a chance to end the war by giving up the Donbas but they are refusing.

Soon Mariupol will be taken and then all of southern, coastal Ukraine including Odessa. Kharkiv is basically the industrial heart of the Ukraine. The Russians control all of their nuclear plants as well so they can turn the lights off.

It's not in Ukraine's interest to continually fight Russia in a war they can't win, however the US is encouraging them with weapons and false promises. Think about it the war in Afghanistan ended. Defense contractors need a new war to sell their weapons. Ukraine is just being used as a sacrificial lamb for the greater neo-con cause, that's all.

Even this talk about sending fighter jets to Ukraine is just a money making scheme. Think about it Poland will give their MIG-29s to Ukraine and then to replace them they will have to purchase F-16s from the US. A huge win for the US. These Europeans have no backbone. They're basically vassals of the American empire.

I doubt the Poles are going to let the jets fly into Ukraine from their airspace so there's a good chance they'll be destroyed while being transported. Also all of the Ukrainian airports and airbases have been bombed to oblivion. How are they even going to get off the ground? Even if they manage to they'll likely be destroyed by Russians SAMs or fighter jets.

Even if they are able to survive that, the Russians will bomb their air bases so they have nowhere to land. Then will they land in Poland ? Will the Russian SAMs shoot them down over Poland ? Will the Russians bomb a Polish airbase if they land there ? Are the Poles crazy enough to let them take off from their air bases ? This is risking WW3. It's madness.

Think about it, the war on Syria did not benefit Europe. The flow of refugees, radicalization, attacks on their cities, etc Bombing Libya, again thousands of refugees are trying to flow into Europe every day. Ghaddafi was holding back those refugees. Even cancelling the Iran nuclear deal, it did not benefit the Europeans but they blindly went along with it. Even the Swiss are no longer neutral but rather neutered. Europeans are a sad bunch. They're just a bunch of American puppets.

Consider this though.

Accepting Golestan and Turkmenchay treaties were a bitter pill to swallow, and everyone categorically blames the leadership at the time for it.

This is the Golestan treaty for the Ukrainians and anyone who accepts it will be shamed into history even if it is logical. They are better off losing the whole country and fighting for a war of independence (Qausi-afghanistan supported by NATO) than legally ceding these territories. I wouldn't blame them if they did.
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Venezuela frees two Americans after talks with US officials

Americans are talking about implementing the JCPOA without Russia if they don't withdraw their last minute demands

Americans are trying to flood the market with more oil to counteract the recent price hikes. The Russians obviously want oil prices are keep increasing in order to hurt the west and for financial profit.

Russia is demanding that the Americans give them exceptions in order for Russia to freely conduct business with Iran. Blinken has stated that the JCPOA has absolutely nothing to do with Russian sanctions imposed over the Ukraine issue.

Unfortunately Iran is now stuck in the middle of this dispute. Realistically the Russians should consider the fact that if the sanctions are lifted on Iran, then Iran, like China, can help Russia with investments and by purchasing Russian military hardware.

I'm not sure what will happen with this, but if the Russians are the only thing standing between Iran and a deal, likely the deal will have to go ahead without the Russians. This will be extremely humiliating for Russia on the diplomatic front.

As the saying goes, in politics there are no friends, only interests.
OMG Russian troops now waving the flag of the Soviet Union. The USSR is back!

Damn it I knew the Simpsons were right all along. First they predicted Trump, then Corona, now this!

Likely they will wait for an excellent opportunity to avenge those two soldiers. Probably after the JCPOA is settled. I still don't understand why the IRGC sends operatives near the Israeli border. Obviously Israel has a major advantage there, just like Iran would have a major advantage near its own border.

Yes sending fighter jets into Ukraine is a MAJOR escalation and could lead to WW3. The US just wants to make money selling F-16s to Poland but they don't realize how dangerous this could be.

Very dangerous development as far as NATO and Russia goes. They're escalating this conflict very quickly.

I wonder if the IRGC will conduct some sort of operation against the Zionist enclave after two more soldiers got killed.
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