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Iranian Chill Thread

Fair enough, but this is quite a punishment/cost that Russia has to endure to take Ukraine with these weapons so proliferated. Too many vehicle losses in so far.
Russia in some ways is fortunate not to see Ukraine with donated tanks, UAVs, and AD batteries from neighbouring countries.
look like Russians on purpose are acting like this to slowly put pressure on eu by increase of oil and natural gas and refugee ...
look like Russians on purpose are acting like this to slowly put pressure on eu by increase of oil and natural gas and refugee ...

The refugees are gonna become a huge problem people aren't even speaking about it.. Already 2 million refugees has left and entered into neighbouring countries and the country that will bear the burden is gonna become Poland.

The Ukrainians are nasty people as I know them inside and out. I have been in Ukraine the Polish are gonna taste what criminals look like in the flesh meet Zee-Ukrainians they are legitimate thugs and not the best of folks to have behind your borders.. You can easily intermingle with them as they are social people but crime is completely normalized amongst them and the thuggish way of life is just viewed as normal life.
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A ton of Ukrainian tanks, ammunition, weapons have been captured in the last few days. This is another base abandoned by Ukrainian forces recently. It seems that Ukrainians are transitioning to guerilla warfare tactics. The Russians however are using a very effective method against the Ukrainians by effectively surrounding their cities, evacuating civilians and then bombing and starving out the remaining fighters.
Learned tactics from the Syrian battlefield? I also feel Iran either started, or perfected, or used alot, this same tactic in Syria. wow, that Syrian war is so long.
They are already sanctioned way more then Iran but this will not deter russia as they know ways to lift the sanctions

Hearing something about Russia being more sanctioned than Iran.

What a world we live in.....if confirmed.

On paper yes...

Russian oil/gas is NOT sanctioned. Iran’s oil IS SANCTIONED.

Russia is #2 oil exporter in world and supplies 60% of oil to Europe. It supplies most of Europe’s natural gas as well.

Europe has few ways to cut reliance in short term. Just won’t happen. Germany has already refused.
I don't know how many times I have to repeat this to people who don't know anything about economics but comparing the nominal exchange rate of various nations is not an accurate way to gauge it's economic strength .

For example 1 USD = 115 Japanese Yen. Are you saying that Turkey's economy is stronger than Japan's because of that ? In Japan you probably need 200 - 500 yen to buy a drink. That's just the way their currency works.

I know you looked on google for the 42,000 rate, but it's inaccurate. In reality right now it's 250,000 rial to 1 USD. However in Iran half of that can buy you a sandwich. Also the currency is being reformed and soon 1 US will be equivalent to 25 Toman, so simplify financial transactions.

In the early 2000's Turkey removed 6 zeros from the Lira. 1 USD was equivalent to 1 MILLION Lira's. When they removed 6 zeros to simplify the currency in Turkey, for a while 1 USD was worth 1.2 Lira. Then it went up to 3, then 5, now 14. Their economy is in ruins.

You can call Erdogan a king but that doesn't change the fact that because he continually defied economists and un-neccessarily lowered interest rates, which led to the destruction of his own economy. The sad thing is it's so un-neccessary. If Erdogan had slightly raised the interest rate over the last couple of years instead of lowering the interest rate, Turkey's economy would be doing just fine now.

Unfortunately now it's gotten to the point where the Erdogan has launched a scheme to collect peoples gold in exchange for Lira's. Nice king, more like a beggar king, begging his own people for their gold.

Well that is better then 42k Iran Rial for 1 USD.. But atleast congrats to Iran it has a functioning economy but the same can't be said for Balkanized partitioned Syria.

But aside for my trolling I actully do enjoy your posts.

Your takes on Ukraine aren't that different perhaps we are two brothers from different angles but intially see things same
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Also the currency is being reformed and soon 1 US will be equivalent to 25 Toman, so simplify financial transactions.

In the early 2000's Turkey removed 6 zeros from the Lira. 1 USD was equivalent to 1 MILLION Lira's. When they removed 6 zeros to simplify the currency in Turkey, for a while 1 USD was worth 1.2 Lira. Then it went up to 3, then 5, now 14. Their economy is in ruins.
that's what I fear . its not the time to remove the Zeros . we must reduce the inflation to 1 digit numbers first . we must solve the problem with our economy and then remove the zeros . otherwise it only worsen the situation
Iran has been a national entity since ancient times, since Cyrus founded the first Persian empire. You can try to give credit to Azeris or Turkomen but I don't buy it and neither do the vast majority of historians.

No empire can last forever and Iran is in the middle of the world, right in the middle of the Eurasian continent. Different rulers came and went. Different ethnic groups had their time under the sun, but regardless no one was able to successfully colonize Iran or eradicate it's culture, not even the Mongols.

All those who invaded Iran because culturally Persianized/Iranianized, just like those who invaded China became Sinofied. All those who invaded Iran became culturally assimilated. Btw my grandfather on my mothers side was half Azeri but that doesn't change the facts or history.

You need to learn first before saying faulty things.


Why would we want a separate nation when we literally are the creators of a wealthy nation called Iran ? I am a qizilbash Azeri Turkoman, the nation that you know as Iran now is our product not Persians or Kurds. Persians had mighty cross-continental empires stretching from North India to Libya at their peak .... but Iran of now is a creation of us Turkomans. We created this Turko-Iranic country and imposed Shia faith (our own product) and then blocked Ottomans and Russians from entering Iran for centuries. The Republic of Azerbaijan that you know now was taken by Czar Russia from us by war not too long ago. They did not leave or wanted to. Russians divided us and failed. Even today 90+ % of them are qizilbash shias and quite radical ethnonationals. Genetically or culturally speaking, there is literally no difference between an Iranian Azeri or Republic one just like there is least difference between Iranian border region Kurd or one from Turkey. My Turkoman tribe branches live inside Republic Azerbaijan and Turkey as well. We are called Afshars, the tribe of Nader Shah the Great. At our peak we owned everyone. Iran is lucky to have got the royal lineages of Azeris. The Current supreme leader Khamenei is a Bayat Turk, Current chief of the military is an Afshar Turk. Dig deep into the Azerbaijani military and you will same tribal affiliations.

Anyways, this is the map of the Afshar Turkoman empire at its peak. We beat the Ottomans, Mughals, Russians, Indians simultaneously.


One day we Turkomans will take over entire region ... Sorry Persians, move aside (j/k this is a chill thread)

Genes matter, opinions do not. Azeris of Iran and Republic both cluster hardcore with each other and overlap with Kurds, Anatolian Turkish and Northern Persians.

Well one thing they're doing right is that they're removing the zeros gradually instead of abruptly so that nobody gets confused or over excited. What they've done with the transitional bills is actually brilliant, fading the 4 zeros instead of flat out removing them.


Yeah they have to bring down inflation by raising the interest rate. That's obvious but even in the west where inflation is through the roof currency, they say 5-8% but in reality it's more like 20% or more, they've just raised the interest rate .5 of a percent. Iran should realistically raise the interest rate by 5% at the least right now but according to the IMF inflation in Iran is expected to shrink over the next few years, so they probably don't see a need. That's without the JCPOA being revived. if it is revived then likely the inflation will go down, just like what happened under Rohani.

that's what I fear . its not the time to remove the Zeros . we must reduce the inflation to 1 digit numbers first . we must solve the problem with our economy and then remove the zeros . otherwise it only worsen the situation

Well one thing they're doing right is that they're removing the zeros gradually instead of abruptly so that nobody gets confused of over excited. What they've done with the transitional bills is actually brilliant, fading the 4 zeros instead of flat out removing them.


Yeah they have to bring down inflation by raising the interest rate. That's obvious but even in the west where inflation is through the roof currency, they say 5-8% but in reality it's more like 20% or more, they've just raised the interest rate .5 of a percent. Iran should realistically raise the interest rate by 5% at the least right now but according to the IMF inflation in Iran is expected to shrink over the next few years, so they probably don't see a need. That's without the JCPOA being revived. if it is revived then likely the inflation will go down, just like what happened under Rohani.
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