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Iranian Chill Thread

Iran has been under western sanctions for decades now but regardless is currently the 5th largest oil exporter in the world. Iran is self sufficient in this field and even exported technology to Venezuela which has helped them get back on their feet.

Extracting crude oil and producing gasoline is not the most difficult or sophisticated technology out there. Iran just needs more investment in order to expand operations. Sure it would be nice to get the most cutting edge technology from the west but right now the issue in Iran is over consumption.

To combat this Iran could increase petrol prices slightly, not double overnight or anything drastic. More like 10% increase at the most. One thing that should be noted is that although the price increases last time caused major protests, fuel consumption went way down. Rationing and creating awareness can also bring down consumption.

German cars do get excellent gas mileage but aren't most Iranian cars economy cars, like all those Peugeot cars built under license or IKCO Saman, Soren models for example which are used as taxis ? You see alot of them on the road and I don't think they consume that much. I know someone who drives a Benz and actually they consume alot of fuel, since they are luxury cars.

I honestly don't remember that many cars from the 70's or 80's on the road in Iran. It seems to me that in Iran there are lots of cars from the late 90's, early 2000s and beyond, but again they tend to be economy cars. The newer cars produced by Iranian automakers, as far as I know they're up to EURO 5 emission standards so they don't consume too much fuel.

I honestly don't think the issue in Iran is that the cars consume more fuel. It's a proven fact that when fuel, electricity, heating or water are extremely cheap, people will always over consume and become completely careless.

Yes its definitely a tremendous challenge. The Iranian government needs to invest in the energy industry and power generation but at the same time they have to figure out a way to bring consumption down. Investing in more public transit and hybrid / electric cars is another potential solution.

Also how have past Chinese investments in Iran's energy sector been disastrous ? Chinese firms charge alot less than western counterparts and as long as there's quality control then it's fine. I know that several Chinese industrial sites in Iran have a combination of Chinese and Iranian workers working side by side. This is contrary to many western firms who only bring in their own workers from abroad. You see alot of this in the Arab kingdoms in the gulf.

The issue is Russian and Chinese oil investment firms either don’t have the capital or don’t have the high end oil tech.

Even Russian imports western tech for its arctic drilling. I am not quite sure status of Chinese tech so I won’t speak to that. But past Chinese investments in energy in Iran have been disastrous.

As for increasing gas prices, we saw what small increases did in Iran and Kazakhstan. Massive protests and almost unraveling governments as CIA assets are activated to cause color revolutions. Very risky for Iran.

Rationing has already been going on and does little. You have to realize German cars get excellent gas mileage, most of Iran’s cars are 1970’s and 1980’s copies of French cars. What is the average mileage of a Peugeot copy car or pride that Iran produces?
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A ton of Ukrainian tanks, ammunition, weapons have been captured in the last few days. This is another base abandoned by Ukrainian forces recently. It seems that Ukrainians are transitioning to guerilla warfare tactics. The Russians however are using a very effective method against the Ukrainians by effectively surrounding their cities, evacuating civilians and then bombing and starving out the remaining fighters.

So according to the Pentagon, Russia has fired 600 missiles into Ukraine since the start of the conflict. That is honestly not a significant number. The Americans would have likely fired 500-1000 in the first week. Even military experts have pointed out that the Russians were initially very tame against the Ukrainians.

Recently however the Russians have stepped up their efforts but regardless they continually attempt to evacuate civilians before they storm cities. The Americans never did that in Iraq as far as I recall. They simply went in and annihilated anything that moved. The Russians are much more civilized and humanitarian compared to the American military. Yes the Russians can be ruthless, but only when they have to be.

So far 1.7 million refugees have fled Ukraine into Europe going west. Since the start of the civil war in 2014, atleast 2 million ethnic Russian refugees have fled east into Russia as well. As fighting rages on the numbers continue to increase.

Russia is warning that Ukraine is planning to launch a nuclear provocation by targeting nuclear plants under Russian control .

Recently Ukrainian security forces killed one of the negotiators who had been involved in negotiations with Russia, accusing him of being a treason
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Iran storing fuel for future export as energy crisis looms over Europe: Official​

ByIFP Editorial Staff
March 6, 2022

Iran is storing fuel for future export ahead of expected hikes in energy prices as a result of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, an Iranian official says.
Jalil Salari, the CEO of National Iranian Oil Refining and Distribution Company, made the announcement on Sunday, explaining that the firm has developed some additional export capacity but is currently focused on ensuring fuel storage, besides meeting domestic demand.
“Given the predictions of a hike in fuel prices, our interest is in and focus is on currently storing fuel and postponing exports to the future,” Salari said.
He said Iran had exported three shipments of diesel fuel to Asian countries last month.
Europe is facing a potential energy crisis amid war in Ukraine. Russia launched a military offensive against Ukraine on February 24 over concerns about NATO’s expansion toward Russian borders.
Europe, a major importer of Russian energy, has been scrambling to decrease its energy dependence on Russia over the offensive, which Western countries have described as unprovoked, and unless alternative suppliers are found, the continent risks plunging into a major energy crisis.
Gas prices have already hit record highs in the days since the Russian offensive began, disrupting energy markets.
Iran has been under western sanctions for decades now but regardless is currently the 5th largest oil exporter in the world. Iran is self sufficient in this field and even exported technology to Venezuela which has helped them get back on their feet.

Extracting crude oil and producing gasoline is not the most difficult or sophisticated technology out there. Iran just needs more investment in order to expand operations. Sure it would be nice to get the most cutting edge technology from the west but right now the issue in Iran is over consumption.

To combat this Iran could increase petrol prices slightly, not double overnight or anything drastic. More like 10% increase at the most. One thing that should be noted is that although the price increases last time caused major protests, fuel consumption went way down. Rationing and creating awareness can also bring down consumption.

German cars do get excellent gas mileage but aren't most Iranian cars economy cars, like all those Peugeot cars built under license or IKCO Saman, Soren models for example which are used as taxis ? You see alot of them on the road and I don't think they consume that much. I know someone who drives a Benz and actually they consume alot of fuel, since they are luxury cars.

I honestly don't remember that many cars from the 70's or 80's on the road in Iran. It seems to me that in Iran there are lots of cars from the late 90's, early 2000s and beyond, but again they tend to be economy cars. The newer cars produced by Iranian automakers, as far as I know they're up to EURO 5 emission standards so they don't consume too much fuel.

I honestly don't think the issue in Iran is that the cars consume more fuel. It's a proven fact that when fuel, electricity, heating or water are extremely cheap, people will always over consume and become completely careless.

Yes its definitely a tremendous challenge. The Iranian government needs to invest in the energy industry and power generation but at the same time they have to figure out a way to bring consumption down. Investing in more public transit and hybrid / electric cars is another potential solution.

Also how have past Chinese investments in Iran's energy sector been disastrous ? Chinese firms charge alot less than western counterparts and as long as there's quality control then it's fine. I know that several Chinese industrial sites in Iran have a combination of Chinese and Iranian workers working side by side. This is contrary to many western firms who only bring in their own workers from abroad. You see alot of this in the Arab kingdoms in the gulf.

1) this is 1990/2000’s car?



Some of these cars don’t have basic safety features and basic modern tech like power steering!

This is what caused gasoline problem (alongside peykan). At one point you could buy a pride for 15,000 toman! Families had up to 3 cars! In what developing country does this happen?

2) you confuse Iran keeping its oil out going with = self sufficiency or optimal production. That couldn’t be further from the truth. A lot of these oil fields are from years ago.

Let me give you an example, Iran’s oil tech does gas flare burn off instead of gas recapture technology. Which means Iran literally burns of millions of dollars in natural gas that comes up with its oil instead of a recapture system that modern tech employs.

Iran has SIGNIFICANT shale oil deposits, but it does not have the tech (nor the investment) to drill those areas (fraking).

3) Chinese BIG investments in energy usually never went anywhere. Much like Chabahar port and India they ended up dragging their feet over and over because of sanctions. Then tried to get better deals because they knew they were the only firms that could invest in Iran given political climate. Chinese firms have been kicked off projects and replaced with IRGC backed companies.

Let’s see if this so called 25 year deal brings any major investment to Iran’s aging energy infrastructure.

4) You don’t become a net gasoline importer if your “self sufficient” in tech. You just don’t.

Look at Iran’s natural gas industry vs Qatar’s. Iran is 2nd in world in proven natural gas yet has such a low production and most of its production is CONSUMED BY ITSELF.

The amount of mismanagement in Iran’s energy sector is just simply astounding. Terrible and treasonous don’t even begin to explain it.
In a war of attrition, Russia will win. After all Ukraine isnt producing more UAVs, tanks, and most important air defense systems.

As these get eliminated they won’t be replaced. Once the skies fall to Russia, gains will be rapid.
Can't say you should rely on this too much.

NATO nations are dumping weapons in the thousands.

Run out of MANPADS? Here's some more, run out of javelins? Heres more. Need German anti-tank, heres a couple thousand.
They will replace anything the Ukrainians needs. Russia losses on this front as its inventory depletes faster than production.
Can't say you should rely on this too much.

NATO nations are dumping weapons in the thousands.

Run out of MANPADS? Here's some more, run out of javelins? Heres more. Need German anti-tank, heres a couple thousand.
They will replace anything the Ukrainians needs. Russia losses on this front as its inventory depletes faster than production.

Air defense systems, tanks, APCs, Fighter jets, UAVs, helicopters won’t be replenished.

Manpads and Javelins won’t change the reality on the ground once frontlines start breaking.
Syria fought against the same weapons with 1/10 the weapons that Russia has. Only reason it didn’t take the whole country was because US and NATO joined the war. Not going to happen here.

Once Sumy, Kharkiv and Mariupol fall the Russians will advance very rapidly. They are already on 3 sides of Kiev.

I’d give it maybe to end of March till most of East Ukraine has fallen and till end of April for battle for Kiev to start/fall.
You are comparing a king across many countries to a puppet who has no economy... The King of Turkey, North Syria, Northern Iraq, Libya and Azerbaijan to this warlord whos not even ruler of his own country..

You tell yourself whatever delusions you want.

I have both visited and lived in Turkey many times throughout my life.

LIRA/USD was 2 in 2015....3-3.5 in 2017...and now 14.5

Great “King” you have.
You tell yourself whatever delusions you want.

I have both visited and lived in Turkey many times throughout my life.

LIRA/USD was 2 in 2015....3-3.5 in 2017...and now 14.5

Great “King” you have.

Well that is better then 42k Iran Rial for 1 USD.. But atleast congrats to Iran it has a functioning economy but the same can't be said for Balkanized partitioned Syria.

But aside for my trolling I actully do enjoy your posts.

Your takes on Ukraine aren't that different perhaps we are two brothers from different angles but intially see things same
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Well that is better then 42k Iran Rial to for 1 USD.. But atleast congrats to Iran it has a functioning economy but the same can't be said for Balkanized partitioned Syria.

But aside for my trolling I actully do enjoy your posts.

Your takes on Ukraine aren't that different perhaps we are two brothers from different angles but intial see things same

I enjoy Turkey. Many family members can speak it fluently and Persian Turkic as well.

I do not agree with Erdogan, I’m sure he is better than a western stooge. But his arrogance is hurting a country that I really do like visting. Great memories of Turkey in the 90’s, great period of time living in Istanbul.

As for Syria, it unfortunately fell to western designs much like Ukraine did. It was offered to abandon Iran in exchange for “relations”
With the West, but Ghaddafi will tell you how much those promises are worth.

The West excels at destroying countries that try to stand up to it (Turkey, Syria, Yemen, Lebanon, Iran). In case of Iran and Turkey, this is done via their favorite tool of economic warfare. Russia is now caught in that web as well.
In case of Iran and Turkey, this is done via their favorite tool of economic warfare. Russia is now caught in that web as well.

Washtington is caught up in a nasty international game of thrones and at times bumping heads with allies and foes alike this could eventually hurt them in the long run.

The Americans are thinking Russia will be occupied in Europe after they finish Ukraine. Imho Russia should finish Ukraine followed by Finland and then together with Russia, China and North Korea go directly thru the Alaska channel go right inside the den of the snake, Take them out inside their homes and bring the fight right to them where they don't expect it in a 1 million years.

The Americans are to comfortable they are not expecting an invasion into mainland North America perhaps that is why they must carry it out instead of charging at Romania, Poland or Germany etc etc open the front in the most unexpected place which is at the heart of America herself.

And Land one morning on the shores of California and from Alaska and the Arctic they won't even be expecting this which could play into their favors alot hence there will be the element of surprise.

In My honest opinion they could sooner or later reach the point where they become to much insufferable and have to be removed from the world picture and would serve humanity right. This is what they truly want in Moscow and Beijing the feeling is mutual in both capitals
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