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Iranian Chill Thread

Russia has lost 1000 soldiers a day ? Where is the evidence for this. I call BS on this. Ukrainians are obviously exaggerating.

The evidence for these claims in the last 24-48 hrs is really lackluster. All together they likely shot down a fraction of that. Also Ukrainians continue to claim any destroyed Ukrainian equipment as being Russian.

Likely some of the Ukrainian assets that were shot down are being claimed as being Russian. No doubt Russia is taking losses but nowhere on the scale that Ukrainian sources are claiming. It's a smart propaganda move by Ukrainians though, taking advantage of the fact that they mostly share the same equipment as Russian forces.

Pretty decent and impartial analysis of the war thus far.

Basically there is a reason why Zelensky yesterday lashed out at NATO, calling NATO useless and pathetic. Despite staunch resistance, Ukraine's major cities are mostly surrounded. Imagine having no power, no water, while running low on food and even ammunition.

Handing out guns like candy may have been a huge mistake as the crime rate seems to have spiked in Kiev. As desperation sets in, people may very well begin to turn on each other for rations and supplies.

1) losses can mean casualties which mean dead and wounded. If it’s casualties then number seems to be somewhat accurate. If we are talking dead then I would imagine 3000 on low end and 5000 on high end.

2) 80% of the claims downing in last 24 hours have video backing including pictures of captured pilot. So “lackluster” evidence is false. Anyone with decent OSINT sources can see the footage. Cant spoon fed all the news going on.

Oryx is a paid page. Nothing against your news but I am against Oryx since it gets paid for promotions.

If they post news that is accurate I will post it. He is non-biased posts both Ukrainian and Russian losses. Where as Alphe x and ELINT Zionist only post Ukrainian positive news. Nonetheless I still use them as well to post news as long as it’s news:

Very few Russian sources left on Twitter. Many got banned.
Pro-Russian map of control


Pro-West Russian map of control

Pro-Russian map of control

View attachment 821155

Pro-West Russian map of control

View attachment 821156
The pro-russia map seems very much generous.
If it is true, it looks good for them, but Kharkiv is not surrounded and neither is Sumy, but they are probably working on surrounding them.
Resistance in stiff in Kharkiv, and that is a good indication of what to expect from Kiev if not more.

I'd give it a few more days until Kiev is in some serious trouble on the map. If no peace deal is signed, Kiev will be burned.

Might even better to allow Kiev to remain open for more time, allow more fighters to flood in, including foreign fighters, that want to defend the city like some sort of symbolic Stalingrad. and then lock the place up and trapping them in.
Most of the resistance against Russia is held up in Kiev, Cherniv, Kharkiv, Sumy and the entire South east front + Spec ops. There is little manpower deployed west of the Dnipyr, preventing an escape to fight another day is important to Russia I think.
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Southfront map. (probably one of the most accurate and verifiable maps)


At a high price, these gains can be reverse or at least halted. And in many places they are halted.
Southfront map. (probably one of the most accurate and verifiable maps)

View attachment 821183

At a high price, these gains can be reverse or at least halted. And in many places they are halted.

In a war of attrition, Russia will win. After all Ukraine isnt producing more UAVs, tanks, and most important air defense systems.

As these get eliminated they won’t be replaced. Once the skies fall to Russia, gains will be rapid.

Right now the threat of medium and long range system is forcing Russian fighters and helicopters to fly within Manpad range.

Also lack of Russian PGM and lower quality targeting pods tech means Russian fighters have to fly lower and closer to the target. This was always an Achilles heel, it just never was exposed in Syria.

Russian helicopters and UAV I’m not sure what PGM munitions they have, but it seems they are behind even Iran in this field.

Very shocking and very disappointing. Not sure what all of those petro dollars went to upgrade in the Russian military all these years. They lack tech that now is standard across the world let alone leading tech.

I mean even Houthis and Hezbollah have better/more quantity UAVs than Russia
The pro-russia map seems very much generous.
If it is true, it looks good for them, but Kharkiv is not surrounded and neither is Sumy, but they are probably working on surrounding them.
Resistance in stiff in Kharkiv, and that is a good indication of what to expect from Kiev if not more.

I'd give it a few more days until Kiev is in some serious trouble on the map. If no peace deal is signed, Kiev will be burned.

Might even better to allow Kiev to remain open for more time, allow more fighters to flood in, including foreign fighters, that want to defend the city like some sort of symbolic Stalingrad. and then lock the place up and trapping them in.
Most of the resistance against Russia is held up in Kiev, Cherniv, Kharkiv, Sumy and the entire South east front + Spec ops. There is little manpower deployed west of the Dnipyr, preventing an escape to fight another day is important to Russia I think.
Actually the Russians are in more trouble than believe with the bridges blown and the weather and their logistics problem just sitting there stuck and waiting, so Kiev is not in trouble as thought in the North west side, just have to focus on the eastern side.

Very shocking and very disappointing. Not sure what all of those petro dollars went to upgrade in the Russian military all these years. They lack tech that now is standard across the world let alone leading tech.

I mean even Houthis and Hezbollah have better/more quantity UAVs than Russia
It went into the pockets of Putin and his cronies. Where do you think a President with a salary have such a nice yacht?
One of the issues is that the Russians are fighting on multiple fronts. Not one or two or even three, but half a dozen or more. If it were me I would increase missile strikes, drone strikes and bombing runs and try to focus on one objective at a time. You can tell the Ukrainians are getting desperate by the way they're pleading and begging for a no fly zone, Zelensky even going as far as to insult NATO.

Anyways I would continue bombing runs, artillery, MLRS strikes, work on slowly surrounding Kiev, Kharkiv, Sumy, etc. I would continue bombing Odesa but avoid opening up another front in the south west, just bomb them mercilessly while focusing on Mariupol which is completely surrounded.

I would bomb the sh#t out of Mariupol. Target not only their weapons and militants but also their food supplies, cut off their power, water, starve them out. bomb anything that moves. Give them the option of allowing civilians to leave through humanitarian corridors. After that I would launch a massive offensive on Mariupol with paratroopers, amphibious marines and armored columns from the army and send in the Donbas militants in there as well as the Chechens.

Once Mariupol falls it will be a major blow to the morale of the Ukrainians. The next focus after that should be to launch a multi pronged offensive from the north and south to envelope the Ukrainian forces facing the Donbas. That will be another major blow to the Ukrainians. After that forcus on Odesa, Kharkiv, by then Kiev should also be surrounded and begin starving them out.

One thing the Russians should really focus on is preventing the flow of weapons into Ukraine from the west, including Poland. The Russians are claiming to have recently destroyed a warehoue which was storing weapons from NATO in the city of Zhytomyr. According to the Russians, they have destroyed 2000 infrastructure targets in Ukraine since the start of the war. Obviously surrounding cities is one of the best ways to prevent the flow of weapons but they also need to focus on disrupting or destroying the NATO supply line into Ukraine.

Southfront map. (probably one of the most accurate and verifiable maps)

View attachment 821183

At a high price, these gains can be reverse or at least halted. And in many places they are halted.
I don't know. I've taken a good look at some of the evidence of downed Russian planes and in many cases you see a burning wreck in a field from afar with a caption "Russian SU-30 shot down" no close ups, in many cases no insignia or way to verify who the equipment belonged to or what it even is.

In many cases, destroyed tanks turn out to be Ukrainian, destroyed TOR SAMs are shown but they have no Russian insignia, no Z or V and Ukraine also operates 100 of these, so how do we know if they're Ukrainian ?

Obviously Russia is taking losses, but realistically a large portion of the evidence provided is insufficient or can't be verified. Much of the evidence is coming from bias sources who outright refuse to post any evidence of Ukrainian equipment being captured or destroyed. Even Liveuamap is run by Ukrainians and Oryx is extremely anti Russian so you can't trust his posts.

I'm not buying that Russia as lost 10,000 soldiers. Even underneath that post it says "to be verified" and they're claiming 1000 armored vehicles ? What is this the battle of the bulge ? I mean Ukrainians are even posting their own destroyed equipment and claiming it as Russian, so they're going out of their way to post anything and everything they come across. So where are the 1000 destroyed armored vehicles ? If you say 200 I would believe it but they're obviously exaggerating.

1) losses can mean casualties which mean dead and wounded. If it’s casualties then number seems to be somewhat accurate. If we are talking dead then I would imagine 3000 on low end and 5000 on high end.

2) 80% of the claims downing in last 24 hours have video backing including pictures of captured pilot. So “lackluster” evidence is false. Anyone with decent OSINT sources can see the footage. Cant spoon fed all the news going on.

If they post news that is accurate I will post it. He is non-biased posts both Ukrainian and Russian losses. Where as Alphe x and ELINT Zionist only post Ukrainian positive news. Nonetheless I still use them as well to post news as long as it’s news:

Very few Russian sources left on Twitter. Many got banned.
Unspoken US deterrence method is a full blown attack on Venezuela or use the leverage to attract Maduru.

The oil giant can balance Russian oil well.
As far as Venezuela is concerned it's obvious why. Russia is the worlds 2nd largest crude exporter. Iran is number 5. Venezuela has the worlds largest reserves of crude, mostly heavy crude (tar sands) but still. Right now petrol prices are at an all time high with no end in sight. It's become plainly obvious for the US that they cannot sanction Russia, Iran and Venezuela all at the same time, hence the negotiations with Venezuela and the renewed efforts to revive the JCPOA.

The US seems to be focusing now the big fish, Russia and China. With the recent Russian threat of sending missiles to Venezuela and Cuba, the US might very well try to pluck Venezuela and others away from the Russian orbit. The Americans are realizing that if all of the nations which they have sanctioned, end up working together, not to mention nations like India which are neutral, those nations can easily turn into a new work order.

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