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Iranian Chill Thread

No being mountainous or arid don't by default exclude use of the land for agricultural work. It means more planning and harder work . It means newer techniques and way to transport water.
If we stop using flooding techniques and using trenches and open and dirt waterways to transport water that alone at least reduce 30% of our water use . Greenhouses instead of open fields that also not only reduce the amount of water needed but also increase the production by several fold and as a bonus it also reduce the need for pesticides and allow the farmer to have harvest in all year long

I'm not saying that Iran should give up on all other industries, but first and foremost, the government should focus on optimizing these industries. Iran produces 2.7 million barrels a day right now. Saudis produce 6 million. During the Shah era Iran produced 6 million barrels a day. Obviously the war had a detrimental effect on production and even in the 90's some analysts were expecting
Produce more oil for what ? To export more crude for foreigners to make money of it and use those money against us . We screaming that we must not export crude oil and minerals and you say we must export more.
Food security is important and I'm not saying that Iran should not produce all of its own food. However farmers carelessly using outdated farming methods is having a devastating effect on Iran's environment. Iran's agricultural sector needs to be modernized, however this will take time and money.

Now the question is, where will the money come from ? Like I said, the world is slowly but surely leaning towards renewables. There is no reason for Iran not to pump out as much oil as possible right now.

The alternative is for Iran to wait until oil becomes worthless and there's no more demand. I'm not sure what the point of that would be considering the fact that Iran currently has enough oil reserves to last for the next 100 years.

If Iran were to double its oil production from where it is today and also begin distributing natural gas and invest in the mining sector, not only would the nation become extremely wealthy, but imagine all the employment opportunities.

Iran could then invest the funds acquired from the energy/mining sector and easily boost several other industries in the country, including agriculture, science and technology, automotive industry, education sector and much more.

No being mountainous or arid don't by default exclude use of the land for agricultural work. It means more planning and harder work . It means newer techniques and way to transport water.
If we stop using flooding techniques and using trenches and open and dirt waterways to transport water that alone at least reduce 30% of our water use . Greenhouses instead of open fields that also not only reduce the amount of water needed but also increase the production by several fold and as a bonus it also reduce the need for pesticides and allow the farmer to have harvest in all year long

Produce more oil for what ? To export more crude for foreigners to make money of it and use those money against us . We screaming that we must not export crude oil and minerals and you say we must export more.

Russians took over yet another nuclear plant in Ukraine after it was shelled. No nuclear weapons for Ukraine and no power either. This nuclear plant produces 25% of Ukraine's power. It's basically game over for Zelensky.
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UK families told to turn down heat by 1C to cut reliance on Russian gas

LOL the west is going mad with hysteria. Targeting Russian opera singers, footballers, entertainers, Russian Paralympic, disabled athletes not allowed to take part in the Olympics.

Even wealthy Russians who don't even live in Russia anymore are being targeted for being Russian. They call them oligarchs but why don't they refer to American billionaires as oligarchs ?

Anyways Russia and Iran are the 2nd and 5th largest oil exporters respectively. At the moment $2 a liter for gasoline is not uncommon in the west and this is only the beginning.

The price of natural gas has also reached an all time high. In the UK, the price of household heating has gone up four fold. The price of bread, meat is also set to increase since Russia and Ukraine produce 30% of the worlds wheat.

Globally inflation is set to increase and this will have a detrimental effect on the global economy, which is just trying to recover after the Covid pandemic.
No way to verify this, much like the IL-76's they claimed were downed.

I believe Ukrainian air defenses are still active, but I am in doubt their air-to-air capabilities are "strong" at all.

2 SU-25’s and a helicopter were downed today(last 24 hours). Photo and video evidence of both is available. In 10 years Hamas/Syria/HZ have not been able to down 1 Israeli jet. The closet they came was that F-16 damaged by Syrian air defenses.

And I have counted at least maybe up to 5 TOR-M2/Pantsir being captured by Ukraine or Ukraine civilians.

If NATO has stockpile of ammo these could be quickly brought up to be used against Russia.

If true, Russian Air Force is much weaker then we could have ever imagined.

Russia’s drone FLIR tech seems to be outdated compared to US/Israel and even Iran.

Quality of feed/sharpness of image/magnification/sensors/etc all point to older tech on one of their major drones.
Thats just what I was thinking too,the quality of the images is surprisingly poor.
The other thing thats somewhat surprising is that the "guided munition" actually appears to be nothing more than an atgm like the kornet adapted for air launch,rather than a dedicated hellfire type air launched atgm such as the vikhr or ataka.
Thats just what I was thinking too,the quality of the images is surprisingly poor.
The other thing thats somewhat surprising is that the "guided munition" actually appears to be nothing more than an atgm like the kornet adapted for air launch,rather than a dedicated hellfire type air launched atgm such as the vikhr or ataka.

This is not surprising, watching tens (maybe over hundred drone strikes and air strikes by fighter jets) in Syria you saw Russian accuracy was quite bad. Missed direct hits on major convoys missed direct major hits on gatherings of troops. Meanwhile Azeribajian and Ukraine have hit the heart of the target.

Also the US will drop a bomb and the entire area lights up with a massive explosion from the bomb impact. Russia would drop bombs and they would be relatively mute. Points to not a lot of PGM.

Another area they are behind is in targeting pod where US and Israel lead the way in that tech, Russia is behind.

Based on what I have seen, Iran‘s use of UAVs, mass production, variety, and versatility points to Iran being 10+ years ahead of Russia in drone integration and tech.
It's outdated but it got the job done. Have the Russians even mass produced drones or are these prototypes being used ? How is it that Iran can its hands on better equipment than Russia ? Yes it seems the Russians have some work to do when it comes to their drones.

From what I've heard, so far the Russians have been reluctant to commit a large part of their air power to the war in Ukraine. Despite what you hear on the mainstream media, only 300 civilians have died in Ukraine. Compare that to the 13,000 Russian Ukrainians killed in the Donbas in the last 7 years before the war.

If true, Russian Air Force is much weaker then we could have ever imagined.

Russia’s drone FLIR tech seems to be outdated compared to US/Israel and even Iran.

Quality of feed/sharpness of image/magnification/sensors/etc all point to older tech on one of their major drones.

If true, Russian Air Force is much weaker then we could have ever imagined.

Russia’s drone FLIR tech seems to be outdated compared to US/Israel and even Iran.

Quality of feed/sharpness of image/magnification/sensors/etc all point to older tech on one of their major drones.
They are very behind in drone tech. I don't remember they seriously design and built their own drone until I think the last few years recently until they bought or built some. They did introduce the the Okhotnik and then made some improvements on it. But I think it's still a prototype.
Realistically there could be a column moving ahead of this column. For all we know there could also be helicopters and jets providing air support. The system likely has a friend or foe identification system.

TOR-M2 protecting convoy.....Russians do something right......then have an air defense vehicle lead a convoy while being defenseless against anti tank weapons.....then Russians do something stupid.
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