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Iranian Chill Thread

This is what I've been saying all along. Zelensky is not only a puppet but a madman. Asking for NATO to impose a no flyzone is basically the equivalent of WW3. He's a lunatic. Now Russia has seized documents which prove that the Zelensky government were actually developing chemical weapons. I can't blame Russia for doing what they did.

As far as Venezuela is concerned it's obvious why. Russia is the worlds 2nd largest crude exporter. Iran is number 5. Venezuela has the worlds largest reserves of crude, mostly heavy crude (tar sands) but still. Right now petrol prices are at an all time high with no end in sight. It's become plainly obvious for the US that they cannot sanction Russia, Iran and Venezuela all at the same time, hence the negotiations with Venezuela and the renewed efforts to revive the JCPOA.

The US seems to be focusing now the big fish, Russia and China. With the recent Russian threat of sending missiles to Venezuela and Cuba, the US might very well try to pluck Venezuela and others away from the Russian orbit. The Americans are realizing that if all of the nations which they have sanctioned, end up working together, not to mention nations like India which are neutral, those nations can easily turn into a new work order.

US is trying to turn Venezuela and (to a much lesser extent) Iran into “Italy” of axis powers circa WW2 and swing them to “ally” side.

The big issue is - oil prices. This outreach is worth next to nothing once oil prices settle back down to the $70-$80 a barrel range.

Thus thankfully reformist are not in control or they would try to seize this opportunity to reach detente with US (at whatever cost).

Keep in mind detente with US will ALWAYS be short term (just like how US violated JCPOA they would violate detente once Iran does something they don’t like). US uses carrot of detente to trap you in its behavior modification scheme where not changing unwanted behaviors leads to the stick again (sanctions).

Without a non-aggression pact between Iran and Israel, true detente with US cannot be reached as long as Zionists are under the sword of the axis.
I don't see prices going back down anytime soon. Actually many analysts are expecting prices to rise much higher but who knows. The price of crude has almost doubled from $70 a barrel, which is a huge benefit to Iran. This situation with Russia has actually created lots of opportunities for Iran.

Right now the situation is looking bleak for Iran. Basically half of the population is living below the poverty line, inflation is very high, unemployment is high and Iran is about to become a long term gasoline importer. If Iran's leadership don't take full advantage of the current situation then they're imbeciles.

US is trying to turn Venezuela and (to a much lesser extent) Iran into “Italy” of axis powers circa WW2 and swing them to “ally” side.

The big issue is - oil prices. This outreach is worth next to nothing once oil prices settle back down to the $70-$80 a barrel range.

Thus thankfully reformist are not in control or they would try to seize this opportunity to reach detente with US (at whatever cost).

Keep in mind detente with US will ALWAYS be short term (just like how US violated JCPOA they would violate detente once Iran does something they don’t like). US uses carrot of detente to trap you in its behavior modification scheme where not changing unwanted behaviors leads to the stick again (sanctions).

Without a non-aggression pact between Iran and Israel, true detente with US cannot be reached as long as Zionists are under the sword of the axis.
Putin states that "Ukraine may cease to exist if they continue to do what they are doing"

Iran is about to become a long term gasoline importer. If Iran's leadership don't take full advantage of the current situation then they're imbeciles.

JCPOA will do nothing to aid this.

Iran has zero LNG infrastructure. Has terrible oil infrastructure (oil production was double underneath Shah and that was with much less oil fields found and cruder tech), and refinery infrastructure is lacking.

Iran needs over 100B+ in investment. Only guys who can provide that type of Investment alongside the NEEDED TECH are oil giants like Total, Shell, Exxon, etc.

Those guys aren’t coming to Iran and risking their assets if JCPOA gets ripped up in 2-3 years.

Also remember a lot of the currency depreciation is due to Iran’s own mismanagement. The currency was 3-4 toman when JCPOA was signed. Now it’s 27-29 toman.

Without major economic reform and a big corruption crackdown, Iran will just be a junkie living off of high oil revenue like it was during Ahmadinejad era. Eventually oil will come back down to a more reasonable long term sustainable price. And yet Iran will have nothing to show for it
The troops of Commander Madjidov (forces of the Republic of Chechnya in Ukraine), are preparing for the Battle of Kiev and promise a dark spell to Neo-Nazis

Senegal stops Ukraine’s ‘illegal’ recruitment of its citizens to fight Russia​

Senegal stops Ukraine’s ‘illegal’ recruitment of its citizens to fight Russia

March 04 17:20 2022 by Jesupemi Are

Senegal has condemned a call by Ukraine’s embassy for Senegalese volunteers to join its fight against Russia.

The West African country said it learned of a Facebook post by the embassy of Ukraine in Dakar, appealing to foreign citizens for help.

Senegal’s foreign ministry said Yurii Pyvovarov, ambassador of Ukraine to Senegal, was subsequently invited to verify the publication — and he confirmed that 36 volunteers were already registered.

“In view of the seriousness of such facts, the Ministry officially notified, on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Senegal, a note verbale of protest strongly condemning this practice which constitutes a flagrant violation of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, in particular with regard to the obligation to respect the laws and regulations of the receiving State,” the foreign ministry said in a statement issued on Thursday.

“Consequently, the Ministry urged the Embassy to immediately withdraw the above-mentioned appeal and cease, without delay, any procedure for enlisting persons of Senegalese or foreign nationality, from Senegalese territory.

“Failing this, the Department reserves the right to make any decision that the situation calls for. The Ministry would like to point out that the recruitment of volunteers, mercenaries or foreign fighters on Senegalese territory is illegal and punishable by the penalties provided for by law.”

In response, the Ukrainian embassy announced that it had stopped registration for volunteers in Senegal.

Meanwhile, some Nigerians have shown interest in travelling to Ukraine to fight Russian forces.

Ukraine’s embassy in Nigeria had however said the volunteers must provide $1,000 for tickets and visas.

Over a span of just 20 days following a presidential decree, the administration of Ebrahim Raisi solves the issue of illegal appropriations of coastal land adjacent to the Caspian Sea (restored to 100%) and Persian Gulf (restored to 90%), as well as along river banks. An army of bulldozers was set in motion, demolishing walls and other structures constructed too close to the waters.

This is what we call swift, decisive action in the public interest. Another major success for President Raisi early on during first term at the helm of the executive branch. Astonishing display of political will, well calibrated use of authority, sense of responsibility towards people and nation, as well as an ability to mobilize the necessary organizational skills and technical means to implement urgent policies with full force, at a time when the enemy is desperately and unavailingly trying every trick to bring Iran to it knees.

Five related videos can be watched at the link below.


۱۹:۰۷ ۱۴۰۰-۱۱-۳۰​

پایان ضرب‌الاجل ۲۰ روزه رئیسی/ 100 درصد سواحل شمال و 90 درصد سواحل جنوب به نفع مردم آزاد شد

مهلت 20 روزه رئیس جمهور به دستگاه‌های اجرایی برای آزادسازی سواحل به پایان رسید و و براساس آمار اعلام شده 100 درصد سواحل شمالی و 90 درصد سواحل جنوبی آزاد شده است.

پایان ضرب‌الاجل ۲۰ روزه رئیسی/ 100 درصد سواحل شمال و 90 درصد سواحل  جنوب به نفع مردم آزاد شد

خبرگزاری فارس، سردبیری استان‌ها: کشور ما هفت استان دارد که همسایه دیوار به دیوار دریا هستند و استان‌های ساحلی محسوب می‌شوند. این هفت استان در مجموع، ۵۸۰۰‌کیلومتر خط ساحلی دارند که ۸۹۰ کیلومترآن متعلق به شمال و ۴۹۱۰ کیلومترش متعلق به جنوب است.

تصرف حریم ساحل و ساخت‌و‌سازهای غیرمجاز در این محدوده در طی دهه‌های گذشته موجب شد تا مردم به تدریج از سواحل محروم شوند و انبوه ویلاها و سازه‌ها حصاری بین مردم و دریا ایجاد کند. در بین ویلاهایی که در حریم ساحل ساخته شده اند هم مالکت شخصی و هم مالکیت متعلق به برخی نهادهای دولتی دیده می‌شود.

اولین بار ۸ بهمن ماه و در سفر سیدابراهیم رئیسی به استان گیلان بود که بحث آزادسازی سواحل ‏بر سر زبان‌ها افتاد: ‏‏«دستگاه های اداری باید بیش از دیگران خود را موظف به رعایت قوانین بدانند و برای ایجاد و احداث ‏بنا باید مقید به قانون باشند، وقتی آنها مجری قانون باشند مردم هم رعایت می کنند.» ‏

آیت الله رئیسی گفت: «ساحل حریمی دارد و طبیعتا در جهت احداث بنا باید رعایت شود و ‏جاهایی که رعایت نکردند باید رعایت کنند لذا اگر دستگاهی مانع استفاده و آزادسازی سواحل برای ‏مردم شوند باید قانون را رعایت کنند و اجرای این موضوع در شورای اداری هم مطرح شد و صرفا ‏برای گیلان نیست و شامل مازندران هم می شود و ساحل برای همه هست.‏»

رئیس جمهور بلافاصله بعد از بازگشت از گیلان ‏به دستگاه های دولتی 20 روز مهلت داد تا بدون استثنا به آزادسازی مناطق ساحلی تصرف شده تا مرز قانونی ‏حداقل ۶۰ متر از ساحل اقدام کنند.


عکس| دستور رئیس جمهور مبنی بر آزادسازی سواحل

آزادسازی سواحل و پیگری های مسؤولان دولتی برای به نتیجه رسیدن این موضوع باعث شد بخش زیادی از سواحل شمالی کشور آزاد شوند. در پی دستور رئیس جمهور و اقدام نهادهای اجرایی در آزادسازری سواحل دریا، نهادهای نظامی و دفاعی کشور هم با این اقدام همراه شدند و در همین راستا روز گذشته ستادکل نیروهای مسلح اعلام کرد که کلیه اماکن تابعه سازمان‌ها و یگان های نیروهای مسلح در سواحل شمالی کشور به میزان ۶۰ متر از اماکن غیر عملیاتی در سواحل دریای خزر که جنبه غیر نظامی و تفریحی دارند، عقب نشینی کردند.

مرکز ارتباطات و تبلیغات دفاعی ستادکل نیروهای مسلح در همین باره تاکید کرد: پیرو تدبیر ریاست جمهوری اسلامی ایران و به تبع آن دستور رئیس ستادکل نیروهای مسلح مبنی بر عقب نشینی یگان های تابعه نیروهای مسلح از اماکن غیرعملیاتی در سواحل دریای خزر، تیم بازرسی استقرار یافته در مناطق مذکور پس از نظارت و بررسی های میدانی به عمل آمده، در اطلاعیه ای اعلام کرد: کلیه اماکن تابعه سازمان ها و یگان های نیروهای مسلح در سواحل شمالی کشور با هماهنگی استانداری های گیلان، مازندران و گلستان تا تاریخ ۱۴۰۰/۱۱/۲۷ بر اساس ضوابط تعیین شده به میزان ۶۰ متر از اماکن غیر عملیاتی در سواحل دریای خزر که جنبه غیر نظامی و تفریحی دارند، عقب نشینی کردند.

۱۰۰ درصد از سواحل شمالی و ۹۰ درصد از سواحل جنوبی آزاد شد

طبق گفته میرحامد اختری مدیرکل منابع طبیعی و آبخیزداری گیلان، یک روز مانده به پایان مهلت قانونی رئیس جمهور تمامی سواحل گیلان که در اختیار دستگاه دولتی بود، آزادسازی کامل شدند
حسینی پور استان مازندران می گوید: از اولین روز دستورات رئیس جمهور با تمامی دستگاه های اجرایی و نظامی انجام شد که بعد از گذشت ۲۰ روز تمامی سواحل (صد در صد) که ۱۹ کیلومتر در اختیار وزارت اطلاعات بود، آزاد شد.

حال با آزادسازی تصرفات دستگاه های دولتی در استان های شمالی، نوبت اجرای طرح های گردشگری و تسهیل در سهولت مردم از سواحل رسیده است، ضمن آنکه با توجه به نگرانی تصرف مجدد سواحل، بحث آزادسازی از طریق تصاویر‌ماهواره ای باید رصد و پایش شود تا این امر رخ ندهد.

به گفته حسینی پور، با آزادسازی سواحل برای مرحله بعدی اجرای این کار مبنی بر زیباسازی آماده می شویم که طرح های متعددی در این راستا مطرح شده است.

مهدی دوستی استاندار هرمزگان نیز با اشاره تحقق ۱۰۰درصدی دستور رییس جمهور مبنی بر آزادسازی سواحل و رعایت حریم ۶۰متری دریا، اظهار کرد: با آزادسازی ۵۴هزار مترمربع از اراضی ساحلی در محدوده منطقه ویژه اقتصادی خلیج فارس در روزهای اخیر، حریم ۶۰متری ساحل در اختیار دستگاه های دولتی هرمزگان به‌طور کامل رفع تصرف و آزادسازی شد.

در استان همدان طبق دستورالعمل وزارت نیرو مبنی بر رفع تصرف حرایم رودخانه‌ها، کار آزادسازی در همدان نیز آغاز شده و طبق اولویت‌بندی انجام می‌شود، در حال حاضر آزادسازی دو کیلومتر از حریم رودخانه آبشینه انجام شده، کار در رودخانه چشمه‌قصابان در حال انجام است و به زودی حریم رودخانه گنجنامه نیز آزاد خواهد شد.


عکس| آزادسازی حریم «آبشینه» در همدان

همچنین یکی از مناطقی که در بحث آزادسازی مورد توجه جدی قرار گرفته است حریم رودخانه کرج در محور کرج به چالوس است. در این محدوده تعداد زیادی رستوران و ویلا در حریم آب ساخته شده بود که مانع از دسترسی عموم مردم به رودخانه بود. همچنین در این مسیر ۱۹ دستگاه حاکمیتی اقدام به ساخت و ساز کرده اند که تا به امروز ۱۰ دستگاه از جمله قوه قضاییه، محیط زیست، وزارت نیرو، کمیته امداد امام خمینی (ره)، وزارت فرهنگ و ارشاد اسلامی، بنیاد شهید و امور ایثارگران، وزارت راه و شهرسازی و وزارت کشور و چند دستگاه حاکمیتی دیگر نسبت به آزاد سازی حریم رودخانه اقدام کرده‌اند.


عکس | آزادسازی سواحل جنوب

حسین فاضلی هریکندی رئیس کل دادگستری البرز در خصوص آخرین اقدامات انجام شده در راستای آزادسازی حریم رودخانه کرج بیان کرد: با توجه به تاکیدات رئیس دستگاه قضا برای زمانبندی در اجرای کار آزاد سازی اراضی ملی و طبیعی، کمیته تخصصی آزاد و حریم رودخانه کرج برای آزادسازی حریم رودخانه کرج تشکیل شد.

فاضلی هریکندی با بیان اینکه مقرر شده است کار تخریب ساخت و ساز‌ها در حاشیه رودخانه کرج از ساختمان‌های متعلق به دستگاه‌های دولتی و نظامی آغاز شود، گفت: دستگاه‌هایی که در حاشیه رودخانه کرج اقدام به ساخت و ساز کرده بودند، شناسایی شده اند که در اولین اقدام ساختمان متعلق به قوه قضاییه تخریب شد.

با توجه به اینکه پدیده ساحل‌خواری و محروم کردن مردم از مواهب طبیعی در سال‌های گذشته به شدت رواج یافته بود قطعا اقدام دولت سیزدهم در برخورد با ساخت‌و‌سازهای غیر مجاز در حریم سواحل و رودخانه‌ها یکی از اقدامات ماندگار این دولت خواهد بود اما باید نظارت ها را تداوم بخشید تا در آینده و با گذر زمان باز هم پای سوء استفاده کنندگان به حاشیه سواحل و رودخانه‌ها باز نشود

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I'm pretty sure that Iran can increase output, all they need is investment, not necessarily western tech. The real issue in Iran is over consumption. The average Iranian uses twice as much gasoline as the average German. Iran is about to become a gasoline importer. I'm not sure what the solution is, perhaps price increases or even rationing for a while. Recently in Canada there was rationing because of a shortage. Anyways if the Germans and Europeans want to pay an arm and a leg for crude and natural gas that's up to them.

JCPOA will do nothing to aid this.

Iran has zero LNG infrastructure. Has terrible oil infrastructure (oil production was double underneath Shah and that was with much less oil fields found and cruder tech), and refinery infrastructure is lacking.

Iran needs over 100B+ in investment. Only guys who can provide that type of Investment alongside the NEEDED TECH are oil giants like Total, Shell, Exxon, etc.

Those guys aren’t coming to Iran and risking their assets if JCPOA gets ripped up in 2-3 years.

Also remember a lot of the currency depreciation is due to Iran’s own mismanagement. The currency was 3-4 toman when JCPOA was signed. Now it’s 27-29 toman.

Without major economic reform and a big corruption crackdown, Iran will just be a junkie living off of high oil revenue like it was during Ahmadinejad era. Eventually oil will come back down to a more reasonable long term sustainable price. And yet Iran will have nothing to show f

Zelensky is going to turn Ukraine into the next Syia. I wouldn't be surprised if Erdogan sends his radical fighters into Ukraine. I wonder how radical Islamist fighters are going to get along with freaking neo Nazi battalions. You really can't make this up anymore.

Putin has warned that "Ukraine will cease to exist if they continue to do what they're doing" Zelensky, if he had a brain, would have agreed to the Minsk agreements. I can't believe how stubborn this guy is. He's subsequently losing more and more territory but refusing to come to terms with reality.

Senegal stops Ukraine’s ‘illegal’ recruitment of its citizens to fight Russia​

Senegal stops Ukraine’s ‘illegal’ recruitment of its citizens to fight Russia

March 04 17:20 2022 by Jesupemi Are

Senegal has condemned a call by Ukraine’s embassy for Senegalese volunteers to join its fight against Russia.

The West African country said it learned of a Facebook post by the embassy of Ukraine in Dakar, appealing to foreign citizens for help.

Senegal’s foreign ministry said Yurii Pyvovarov, ambassador of Ukraine to Senegal, was subsequently invited to verify the publication — and he confirmed that 36 volunteers were already registered.

“In view of the seriousness of such facts, the Ministry officially notified, on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Senegal, a note verbale of protest strongly condemning this practice which constitutes a flagrant violation of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, in particular with regard to the obligation to respect the laws and regulations of the receiving State,” the foreign ministry said in a statement issued on Thursday.

“Consequently, the Ministry urged the Embassy to immediately withdraw the above-mentioned appeal and cease, without delay, any procedure for enlisting persons of Senegalese or foreign nationality, from Senegalese territory.

“Failing this, the Department reserves the right to make any decision that the situation calls for. The Ministry would like to point out that the recruitment of volunteers, mercenaries or foreign fighters on Senegalese territory is illegal and punishable by the penalties provided for by law.”

In response, the Ukrainian embassy announced that it had stopped registration for volunteers in Senegal.

Meanwhile, some Nigerians have shown interest in travelling to Ukraine to fight Russian forces.

Ukraine’s embassy in Nigeria had however said the volunteers must provide $1,000 for tickets and visas.

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I'm pretty sure that Iran can increase output, all they need is investment, not necessarily western tech. The real issue in Iran is over consumption. The average Iranian uses twice as much gasoline as the average German. Iran is about to become a gasoline importer. I'm not sure what the solution is, perhaps price increases or even rationing for a while. Recently in Canada there was rationing because of a shortage. Anyways if the Germans and Europeans want to pay an arm and a leg for crude and natural gas that's up to them.
Indeed you`re quite right.One of the biggest problems is the very cheap subsidized fuel,and the resulting smuggling of cheap iranian petrol to neighboring countries like pakistan that it encourages.
One solution to this would be to redirect fuel subsidies away from petrol and instead towards alternative fuels like lpg and cng as these are much,much harder to smuggle and in addition are much less nastier when it comes to air pollution.
One way that this could be done would be by mandating that all cars over a certain age,as well as newer ones that fail to meet basic fuel efficiency and emissions standards,would have to be converted to alternative fuels,for which the government could provide a subsidy to cover the conversion costs.
Both reducing demand and making more efficient use of existing production capabilities makes a hell of a lot more sense in the short to medium term than building yet more refineries.
I'm pretty sure that Iran can increase output, all they need is investment, not necessarily western tech. The real issue in Iran is over consumption. The average Iranian uses twice as much gasoline as the average German. Iran is about to become a gasoline importer. I'm not sure what the solution is, perhaps price increases or even rationing for a while. Recently in Canada there was rationing because of a shortage. Anyways if the Germans and Europeans want to pay an arm and a leg for crude and natural gas that's up to them.

Zelensky is going to turn Ukraine into the next Syia. I wouldn't be surprised if Erdogan sends his radical fighters into Ukraine. I wonder how radical Islamist fighters are going to get along with freaking neo Nazi battalions. You really can't make this up anymore.

Putin has warned that "Ukraine will cease to exist if they continue to do what they're doing" Zelensky, if he had a brain, would have agreed to the Minsk agreements. I can't believe how stubborn this guy is. He's subsequently losing more and more territory but refusing to come to terms with reality.
Indeed you`re quite right.One of the biggest problems is the very cheap subsidized fuel,and the resulting smuggling of cheap iranian petrol to neighboring countries like pakistan that it encourages.
One solution to this would be to redirect fuel subsidies away from petrol and instead towards alternative fuels like lpg and cng as these are much,much harder to smuggle and in addition are much less nastier when it comes to air pollution.
One way that this could be done would be by mandating that all cars over a certain age,as well as newer ones that fail to meet basic fuel efficiency and emissions standards,would have to be converted to alternative fuels,for which the government could provide a subsidy to cover the conversion costs.
Both reducing demand and making more efficient use of existing production capabilities makes a hell of a lot more sense in the short to medium term than building yet more refineries.

The issue is Russian and Chinese oil investment firms either don’t have the capital or don’t have the high end oil tech.

Even Russian imports western tech for its arctic drilling. I am not quite sure status of Chinese tech so I won’t speak to that. But past Chinese investments in energy in Iran have been disastrous.

As for increasing gas prices, we saw what small increases did in Iran and Kazakhstan. Massive protests and almost unraveling governments as CIA assets are activated to cause color revolutions. Very risky for Iran.

Rationing has already been going on and does little. You have to realize German cars get excellent gas mileage, most of Iran’s cars are 1970’s and 1980’s copies of French cars. What is the average mileage of a Peugeot copy car or pride that Iran produces?
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