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Iranian Chill Thread

But even those cars consume the same or less than an average Benz. 7-8 L / 100 KM. Most experts agree than Iranians over consume. Like I said either the price has to be increased gradually, or the government has to work on public awareness or rationing.

Another idea would be to create a registration system where every vehicles consumption is catalogued. Those who consume excessively should pay more for petrol. Of course transport or delivery vehicles should be except from this scheme.

I read several months back that Iran had built several facilities to process gas (gas flaring) from crude oil production so obviously Iran has the technology. They're planning to bring gas flaring to an end by 2023, in Iranian terms that means probably by 2028 LOL

I don't think that fracking is on Iran's agenda. I'm not sure Iran needs to frack with all the oil deposits it has. Isn't fracking detrimental to the environment ?

1) this is 1990/2000’s car?

View attachment 821667
View attachment 821668

Some of these cars don’t have basic safety features and basic modern tech like power steering!

This is what caused gasoline problem (alongside peykan). At one point you could buy a pride for 15,000 toman! Families had up to 3 cars! In what developing country does this happen?

2) you confuse Iran keeping its oil out going with = self sufficiency or optimal production. That couldn’t be further from the truth. A lot of these oil fields are from years ago.

Let me give you an example, Iran’s oil tech does gas flare burn off instead of gas recapture technology. Which means Iran literally burns of millions of dollars in natural gas that comes up with its oil instead of a recapture system that modern tech employs.

Iran has SIGNIFICANT shale oil deposits, but it does not have the tech (nor the investment) to drill those areas (fraking).

3) Chinese BIG investments in energy usually never went anywhere. Much like Chabahar port and India they ended up dragging their feet over and over because of sanctions. Then tried to get better deals because they knew they were the only firms that could invest in Iran given political climate. Chinese firms have been kicked off projects and replaced with IRGC backed companies.

Let’s see if this so called 25 year deal brings any major investment to Iran’s aging energy infrastructure.

4) You don’t become a net gasoline importer if your “self sufficient” in tech. You just don’t.

Look at Iran’s natural gas industry vs Qatar’s. Iran is 2nd in world in proven natural gas yet has such a low production and most of its production is CONSUMED BY ITSELF.

The amount of mismanagement in Iran’s energy sector is just simply astounding. Terrible and treasonous don’t even begin to explain it.
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در شرایط فعلی آقایون یا باید برجام خیلی خوبی ببندند یا سرعت هسته ای موشکی رو‌ شدیدا زیاد کنند

این قضیه بحران ده سال طول نمیکشه که آروم پیش برند و شرایط دست نخوره
این فرصته
اگر چه دیگه روسیه هم روسیه سابق نمیشه
Putin has stated that Russia will immediately cease all operations IF Ukraine agrees to their terms.

1) Ukraine should cease all military actions
2) Change constitution to enshrine neutrality
3) Acknowledge Crimea as Russian territory
4) Recognize Luhansk and Donetsk (Donbas) as independent states

Honestly these terms are not even too harsh considering the situation on the ground. Notice that these terms are infact more demanding than the Minsk agreements however Ukraine was never willing to accept those terms, to allow the Donbas to be autonomous, and relentlessly shelled the Donbas, killing 14,000 people, mostly ethnic Russians.

Putin has stated that if the government in Kiev continue on the current path, that likely Ukraine will cease to exist. If I were the Ukrainians I would accept the terms now. Otherwise Russia will likely want more territorial gains after the war is over and they've made so many sacrifices in blood and treasure. Likely Russia will look to annex all the territory from Transnistria, who are extremely pro Russian, to the Donbas, including all of Ukraines coastal territory in the south.

Mariupol is currently surrounded and civilians are being evacuated. Afterwards Russia will annihilate anything that moves and they will storm the city by air (paratroopers), land and sea (amphibious landing by marines).

After Mariupol the rest of the dominos will fall one by one, including Kharkiv, which is the second largest city and the industrial heart of Ukraine. By then Kiev will be surrounded and it will only be a matter of time.

Sometimes in life you have to cut your losses and honestly, I don't think that the Ukrainians can win this war.

Putin has stated that Russia will immediately cease all operations IF Ukraine agrees to their terms.

1) Ukraine should cease all military actions
2) Change constitution to enshrine neutrality
3) Acknowledge Crimea as Russian territory
4) Recognize Luhansk and Donetsk (Donbas) as independent states

Honestly these terms are not even too harsh considering the situation on the ground. Notice that these terms are infact more demanding than the Minsk agreements however Ukraine was never willing to accept those terms, to allow the Donbas to be autonomous, and relentlessly shelled the Donbas, killing 14,000 people, mostly ethnic Russians.

Putin has stated that if the government in Kiev continue on the current path, that likely Ukraine will cease to exist. If I were the Ukrainians I would accept the terms now. Otherwise Russia will likely want more territorial gains after the war is over and they've made so many sacrifices in blood and treasure. Likely Russia will look to annex all the territory from Transnistria, who are extremely pro Russian, to the Donbas, including all of Ukraines coastal territory in the south.

Mariupol is currently surrounded and civilians are being evacuated. Afterwards Russia will annihilate anything that moves and they will storm the city by air (paratroopers), land and sea (amphibious landing by marines).

After Mariupol the rest of the dominos will fall one by one, including Kharkiv, which is the second largest city and the industrial heart of Ukraine. By then Kiev will be surrounded and it will only be a matter of time.

Sometimes in life you have to cut your losses and honestly, I don't think that the Ukrainians can win this war.

Ukraine is not Armenia. US will not allow Ukraine to accept this humiliation. An Afghanistan quagmire is what US is preparing for Russia down the road plus a huge energy rebalance in a few years.

They need a few years to be independent of Russia. Same was with Iranian oil.

High prices will not stay forever.
Prices are set to increase according to any analyst I've listened to. It will take years, especially for Europe to transition away from Russian gas and it will cost them alot more. The average consumer will have to pay the price.

Right now gasoline costs more than $2 a liter where I live. I've heard that the price of household heat has increased four fold in the UK. Once the bills come in average people will be devastated. Some people simply cannot afford to pay such prices.

With the price of gasoline so high that means the price of transportation will increase, so everything will cost more. Remember last year when the UK out of fuel. These politicians don't give a damn. They're all millionaires and couldn't care less but people in the west will suffer, not just Russians.

Anyways the terms are not humiliating for Ukraine considering the alternative. Remember Crimea was given to Ukraine by Khruzchev for arbitrary reasons. The Donbas was also handed over to Ukraine by the Communists. They had a chance to keep the Donbas if they merely gave them autonomy but they refused.

Remember it was the Ukrainian government, after the 2014 CIA backed coup, who banned the Russian language in a bilingual country where 1/3rd are ethnic Russians. It was the Ukrainians who shelled the Donbas and killed 14,000 (mostly ethnic Russians) according to the UN.

I'm sorry but what they expect ? What did they think would happen ? Ukraine is quickly turning into the next Syria/Afghanistan of Europe. This can be prevented but sacrifices must be made for the sake of peace. Otherwise, like Putin said, Ukraine WILL cease to exist.

Right now Erdogan has sent representatives to meet with the leader of HTS so that they can send radical fighters to Ukraine. So far 2 million Ukrainians have become refugees. Most of those women and children will either become prostitutes or work for cheap labor. Is this what Zelensky the comedian/clown wants for his people ?

Is this what these NATO stooge imbeciles want for their country ? Like Putin said, if they continue on this path, then Ukraine will cease to exist. Russia can annex Kharkiv, the entire southern coast of Ukraine and more.

Sometimes in life you have to cut your losses. This situation is getting worse and worse for Ukraine. Guerilla warfare won't work. The Russians will surround the cities, evacuate civilians then bomb anything that moves until the fighters run out of ammunition or food.

Most of their nuclear plants which generate power for the country are in the hands of the Russians. It's just a matter of time now before the Dominos begin to fall. They should accept the terms while they still can.

Ukraine is not Armenia. US will not allow Ukraine to accept this humiliation. An Afghanistan quagmire is what US is preparing for Russia down the road plus a huge energy rebalance in a few years.

They need a few years to be independent of Russia. Same was with Iranian oil.

High prices will not stay forever.
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These people had a comfortable lives two weeks ago now look at them..leaving everything behind and becoming refugees in other lands...who do U think did this to them!! not Russians if you ask me.:undecided:
meanwhile back in Iran life is good and gasoline is 5 cents/liter and they have so much natural gas that Iranians open the windows instead of reducing the thermostat when the house gets too hot!.. Be grateful for what you have.:azn::azn:

Saragha lake, north Iran

azar rude.jpg

Azar_ rood Western Iran..
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I just hope this satellite weighs more than 20 kg otherwise they're not passing any thresholds. Remember Iran launched Omid in 2009 and that weighed around 20 kg as well. Sure it's a nice morale boost but nothing more. Atleast the space agency is trying to place small satellites into space, not micro sized ones repeatedly.

People can criticize the space agency as much as they want but with every repeated attempt they advanced through stages. The the last Simorgh rocket, only the last stage failed. They failed but atleast they attempted to place a 100 kg payload into space.

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Ashfar turks are just recent late bloomers in Iran political rule sphere main while The Seljuqs which are modern day Turks Oghuz have been rulers in Iran and there was also others who passed thru are the following khwarezmian empire, Samanid dynasty, Ghorid, Ghazanvids, Timurid, ilkhanate including the short lived Hotaki all made their inroads in Iran.. Which means the Ashfar came much recent to power around 1600s or maybe mid 1500s..

You making them out to be an unconquered civilization which is unfortunately untrue hence geolocation wise the iranian plain was the highway link between west and east hence any great empire that rose had to pass thru iran by default

You as a Pakistani have no understanding of the Irano-Turkic civilization. Outsiders usually have that problem. Iran, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan etc are all mixed nations of Iranian and Turkic populations.

None of the Empires that you mentioned except Ilkhanates have been of foreign blood/culture/genetics to Iranic Plateau. All are either Iranic (mostly) or Oghuz (some). Both groups are connected by overlapping genetics and culture and have been native to Iranic Plateau for thousand years. Do you want me to go geno mapping again?

And we Afshar Turks first came into the scene when we destroyed Ottoman Army in Anatolia under Timur in the 13th Century. The same Afshars later reunited Iran, defeated Ottomans, Russians, Mughals and our remnants later defeated Maratha Indians (Ahmed Shah Durrani was a commander of Nader Shah).

You are invited to my house.

Bring Pakistani variety of Halim Gandomi.
They have absolutely no evidence. It's extremely unrealistic. That's what I've been saying all along. Everyday, like clockwork they add 1000 to the casualty count. 10,000 on day 10, now 12,000 on day 12. Is this a joke ?

I mean this makes Turkish propaganda look like child’s play.

128 aircraft? Why not 500? 1000?

They pick such unrealistic numbers. Trying to win the Twitter war instead of the actual war

They have absolutely no evidence. It's extremely unrealistic. That's what I've been saying all along. Everyday, like clockwork they add 1000 to the casualty count. 10,000 on day 10, now 12,000 on day 12. Is this a joke ?

We are entering a VERY dangerous period in global society where “propaganda war info” is being accepted by society as a way to “boost morale” of the people and defending armed forces.

This is a VERY slippery slope and a page straight out of the book 1984.

When ordinary people ACCEPT that is okay for GOVERNMENT to LIE about reality on the ground you are paving the way for loss of FREEDOM and RISE of FACISM.

I was mocked on this board for my views for years that Russia is being surrounded and losing the war of public opinion and its geopolitical buffer zone (eastern Europe bloc countries). I was mocked that the West is planning to cripple Russia slowly but surely.

I was mocked that Russia screwing over other countries over and over would make it have no allies when push comes to shove. Well who came to Russia’s defense?

China played the usual geopolitical game
India is as reliable as a wet sock
Pakistan couldn’t even finish a gas pipeline to feed its peoples energies needs due to fear of Iran sanctions. Russia has no real allies.

People said how can the West compete against the Russian war machine or Russian nukes or Russian energy machine? Putin will smack the world around. Well you see the reality. Russia is very much on the defensive at this time like Iran was on the defensive entering Syria in 2010. Russia HAS to win this battle to have a chance at winning the long term geopolitical war.

you are seeing these sanctions didn’t “suddenly” get prepared overnight. They were long in the CIA/Pentagon vault for use at the proper time.
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I mean this makes Turkish propaganda look like child’s play.

128 aircraft? Why not 500? 1000?

They pick such unrealistic numbers. Trying to win the Twitter war instead of the actual war

Sounds like the iraqis back in 91.....🙄
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