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Iranian Chill Thread

You see several outstanding issues in the JCPOA have not been resolved. The US wants to keep some sanctions in place. Also according to reports, the US wants to go through with the deal without Russia. They say the JCPOA has nothing to do with Ukraine but they want to use the deal to humiliate Russia.

This is the US playing games but Iran will not give in. Iran refuses to go through with the deal until the remaining issues are resolved, all sanctions are removed. Also Iran refuses to go through with the deal without Russia on board.

The Turkish economy is finished. Last year around 40% of Turkish tourists were from Russia and Ukraine. Turkey also depends heavily on Russia / Ukraine for food imports, including fruits/vegetables and more importantly wheat, etc. Russia is a major fertilizer producer and supplier. As a result of the sanctions, fertilizer prices have recently increased by 400%, which won't help matters either.

Turkey also imports lots of raw materials including precious metals from Russia since Turkey is a net importer of raw materials. Prices for all these imports are now skyrocketing. Turkey also imports a significant amount of Russian natural gas, which supplies most of its electricity needs.

Turkey has been spending atleast $2 billion a week supporting the plummeting Lira. As a result they are now running out of foreign currency reserves to pay for their debts. 2/3rd of Turks now use the US Dollar rather than the Lira to buy and sell goods.


I truly do not understand Erdogan's mentality. On one hand, he ignores all of the top economists in the country and keeps lowering interest rates because of his quote "religious beliefs". On the other hand he conducts business with Israel and rules over a country rife with western tourists, prostitution and alcohol ? LOL
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Talks have collapsed. EU saying a break is in happening, but negotiations may never begin again.
The Americans are unwilling to remove all the sanctions and they just seized 2 Iranian tankers. Expect a response from the IRGC, especially if this deal doesn't go through. As for Russia, if they were the only thing standing between Iran and a deal, then Iran might very well have to consider going ahead without them. However at this point, that is not the case.

if the Americans want to continue on this path, then Iran might very well go nuclear. I mean it's not like Iran will have anything to lose at that point right ? Meanwhile the west will pay more and more for gasoline, food, furniture, raw materials, everything. Their economy could very well collapse with inflation going through the roof.

I said it as soon as this war started, Russia is too big to sanction effectively. There will be a recoil effect on the west. Now we're seeing it. America is about to be surpassed by China economically and soon military. Out of desperation, they have now weaponized the dollar, SWIFT and even politicized everything from news to sports to music.

These decisions will end up biting them in the ***. The eastern nations and much of the world will soon establish an alternative global order with its own neutral financial system. If no deal goes through we might very well even see Iran send drones and weapons into Ukraine.

Talks have collapsed. EU saying a break is in happening, but negotiations may never begin again.
As for Russia, if they were the only thing standing between Iran and a deal, then Iran might very well have to consider going ahead without them. However at this point, that is not the case.

Impossible. It’s P5+1 for a reason. Couldn’t move without Russia as Russia is also key to the deal in terms of nuclear steps taken for Iran to come back into compliance and nuclear tech work on converting Arak reactor.
At the end of the day this deal is between America and Iran. The rest of the parties are spectators and tag alongs. The Americans hold the levers of power. They alone can remove the financial sanctions. The Europeans never wanted the sanctions in the first place and Chinese don't really care either way.

The Americans are talking about cutting Russia out of the deal and Iran handing over its enriched Uranium to China instead. They suggesting that with help from China/France and the IAEA, that Russia's role can be replaced.

I'm not sure how feasible that is but right now the Americans aren't even willing to remove all the sanctions that were part of the maximum pressure campaign so signing a deal is not feasible.

Realistically though what the Russians are asking for has absolutely nothing to do with the terms of the deal. The JCPOA is about Iran's nuclear program and sanctions in relation to Iran. There's nothing in the agreement about sanctions in relation to Russia or any other member.

Especially demanding that Russian military cooperation with Iran be except from sanctions makes no sense. Russia's military has been sanctioned for years by the west. It has nothing to do with the JCPOA.

If the Americans agree to remove all the sanctions and the only thing standing in the way is Russia. If Iran can't negotiate with Russia and somehow accommodate them then Iran should just sign the agreement without them. That's what I would anyways, but unfortunately it's not up me.

Impossible. It’s P5+1 for a reason. Couldn’t move without Russia as Russia is also key to the deal in terms of nuclear steps taken for Iran to come back into compliance and nuclear tech work on converting Arak reactor.

Haven't seen any evidence of the Ukrainian airforce being functional lately. Ukrainian cities are being bombed into oblivion and Russia is even flying drones freely. Russian air defenses and fighter jets make it almost impossible for the Ukrainian airforce to be active. If the Ukrainians have jets then why are they constantly begging for Polish mig-29s ?

You know it's 100% true when DW posts this. They'll probably remove it soon so I'll take a screen shot.

ukraine african mercenaries.jpg
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