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Iranian Chill Thread

Guys look at how fake this looks. Azeri's can't even bother to make evidence look convincing ? It's so obvious they dug the soil out of the ground and placed the bomb there. FAKE just like the alleged Armenian attacks on the power station and gas lines that have also been proven and confirmed fake.

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Does anyone believe this propaganda anymore ? LOL Yeah they forgot to mention the kindergarten

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هر وقت ترکیه یا عربستان از یک کشور غربی ناراضی باشند وحوش وهابی مهاجر در اون کشور سری رو ذبح می کنن که افکار عمومی جابجا شه و تحت فشارشون بگذارن

جالیه این غلطا رو تو امریکا نمیکنن

بعضی از مخالفان ترامپ با دیدن حرکات این وحوش وهابی در فرانسه به سمت ترامپ متمایل میشن. چون ترامپ می خواد نشون بده با قلدری امریکا رو امن کرد ولی در واقع با حمایت سعودی و ترکیه امن شد. عربستان با همین وحوش اوباما رو تحت فشار میگذاشت تا ترامپ اومد

ما کنار ترکیه ماکرون رو محکوم کردیم و مکرون دوست ما نیست مسلما‌
اما وحشی گری وحوش رو به اسم عربستان نمینویسن

خلاصه امر
حملات وحشیانه در فرانسه هدیه انتخاباتی اردوغان و عربستان برای ترامپ ه​
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Mighty Xerxes has risen from the ashes to give trolls the Logic pill yet again. Speaking of trolls, One of the moderators banned me for "TROLLING" the biggest troll on this forum. I wasnt even trolling. A pity whats happening in this forum these days. If it was fair 1/3 of posters on PDF wud get banned as well. But ofcourse, even after repeated reports for far worse posts, nothing ever happens to them.
Mighty Xerxes has risen from the ashes to give trolls the Logic pill yet again. Speaking of trolls, One of the moderators banned me for "TROLLING" the biggest troll on this forum. I wasnt even trolling. A pity whats happening in this forum these days. If it was fair 1/3 of posters on PDF wud get banned as well. But ofcourse, even after repeated reports for far worse posts, nothing ever happens to them.
Welcome back bro!! You were massacring the trolls so badly man, even i had to learn from it. I also got banned for trolling ,but it was also very subjective...the mod thought i was attacking China and took it sensitively. The other mod Web master dude was using the moving the goal post fallacy to discount my argument about ISI and Pakistani govt supporting Jundollah in previous times...
Mighty Xerxes has risen from the ashes to give trolls the Logic pill yet again. Speaking of trolls, One of the moderators banned me for "TROLLING" the biggest troll on this forum. I wasnt even trolling. A pity whats happening in this forum these days. If it was fair 1/3 of posters on PDF wud get banned as well. But ofcourse, even after repeated reports for far worse posts, nothing ever happens to them.
Worry about your own content so you don't get banned. If everyone done that, PDF would be clean.
Worry about your own content so you don't get banned. If everyone done that, PDF would be clean.

I'll worry about my own content ofcourse. But it seems sum are not at all worried for what they post for sum mysterious reason. albeit, that mysterious reason is very obvious to me. Sum guy on the same thread called sumone FIRE WORSHIPPER repeatedly. I was checking too see if he was getting a ban. As far as im aware, he didnt get banned. As I said. sum in here are not at all worried. For a MYSTERIOUS REASON, sumthing so mysterious that its obvious to me.
Welcome back bro!! You were massacring the trolls so badly man, even i had to learn from it. I also got banned for trolling ,but it was also very subjective...the mod thought i was attacking China and took it sensitively. The other mod Web master dude was using the moving the goal post fallacy to discount my argument about ISI and Pakistani govt supporting Jundollah in previous times...
thanks bro, I may get banned again anytime, I dont know. Lets see If i get banned or not, maybe even standing up for ur opinion isnt considered a right in here anymore.
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Welcome back bro!! You were massacring the trolls so badly man, even i had to learn from it. I also got banned for trolling ,but it was also very subjective...the mod thought i was attacking China and took it sensitively. The other mod Web master dude was using the moving the goal post fallacy to discount my argument about ISI and Pakistani govt supporting Jundollah in previous times...

In the past I got carried away and got banned understandably. But this time i was confused. I just didnt think my ban served any purpose. Its what the mods decided and I accept it. The post I got banned for is in response to a certain fella in here whom You and I, know all too very well. I think you can tell who that is.
In the past I got carried away and got banned understandably. But this time i was confused. I just didnt think my ban served any purpose. Its what the mods decided and I accept it. The post I got banned for is in response to a certain fella in here whom You and I, know all too very well. I think you can tell who that is.
Create a thread in in GHQ in your defense so we can review your ban. In addition, if someone was able to go scott free you can create another thread in GHQ if reporting didn't resolve your issue. Thanks.
as IRGC backed group " said at 1:20 AM Friday there will be a cyber attack " and there was.

"Power cut reported in parts of Tel Aviv, Bnei Brak, Jerusalem, Sderot and Beersheva "

"Appears to be a widespread power cut in Israel, unclear cause as of now. "

" Following the widespread power cut in Israel, many reports coming into rescue services of people trapped in elevators. "

breaking news: U.S. military, intelligence and law enforcement officials were briefed late last month on a threat against the Pentagon's most senior leaders while they are on American soil - it was suggested the threat may be potential retaliation for the killing of Iranian Gen. Soleimani - NBC

Israel is under large cyber attack unlike they ever experienced before

"Something more is going on with this outage. Last reserve count was 2,751 megawatts. A blackout this large would have to be triggered by something pretty powerful."

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