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Iranian Chill Thread

" In conjunction with the blackout in large areas, the website of the Israeli Electricity Company is also offline. "

" Some users received server busy errors when the power went out. Could simply have been thousands of people trying to report an outage. The electric company phone number also went down temporarily. "

" Also in Haifa "



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"recent incident involving a senior DOD leader after he left Pentagon recently in a government-owned black SUV driven by a member of his security detail, when an unknown vehicle driven by an Iranian national began to follow them. "

The briefings have included information that suggests the targets of the threat are U.S. military leaders who were involved in the decision and operation to assassinate Soleimani, officials said. The briefings have also included information about a list, compiled by adversaries, of the names of military leaders who are to be targeted, according to two senior U.S. officials.

Notably, Defense Secretary Mark Esper has been traveling in the Middle East and South Asia this week, but the trip was shrouded in even more secrecy than usual, suggesting a possible security concern. Reporters traveling with Esper were not allowed to report his visits to Bahrain or Israel until after he left each country, even though he spent two nights in Bahrain.

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"recent incident involving a senior DOD leader after he left Pentagon recently in a government-owned black SUV driven by a member of his security detail, when an unknown vehicle driven by an Iranian national began to follow them. "

The fear was so baseless that looks like they did not even talk to the driver.

Check this part:
“The FBI investigated the incident and determined it was not part of any larger threat to senior military leaders or connected directly back to Iran, officials said.”


ترامپ سریع به حملات فرانسه اشاره کرد و توییت زد اگه بایدن ببره سوری ها و یمنی ها و سومالی ها میریزن به ایالتهای دریاچه بزرگ

میدونه با این وضع فعلی فقط ایالتهای دریاچه بزرگ کافیه تا ببازه

هدیه انتخاباتی اردوغان و سعود به ترامپ توسط وحوش تونسی و چچنی​
The fear was so baseless that looks like they did not even talk to the driver.

Check this part:
“The FBI investigated the incident and determined it was not part of any larger threat to senior military leaders or connected directly back to Iran, officials said.”


ترامپ سریع به حملات فرانسه اشاره کرد و توییت زد اگه بایدن ببره سوری ها و یمنی ها و سومالی ها میریزن به ایالتهای دریاچه بزرگ

میدونه با این وضع فعلی فقط ایالتهای دریاچه بزرگ کافیه تا ببازه

هدیه انتخاباتی اردوغان و سعود به ترامپ توسط وحوش تونسی و چچنی​
yes they only got the license plate and got away as fast that they could
The fear was so baseless that looks like they did not even talk to the driver.

Check this part:
“The FBI investigated the incident and determined it was not part of any larger threat to senior military leaders or connected directly back to Iran, officials said.”


ترامپ سریع به حملات فرانسه اشاره کرد و توییت زد اگه بایدن ببره سوری ها و یمنی ها و سومالی ها میریزن به ایالتهای دریاچه بزرگ

میدونه با این وضع فعلی فقط ایالتهای دریاچه بزرگ کافیه تا ببازه

هدیه انتخاباتی اردوغان و سعود به ترامپ توسط وحوش تونسی و چچنی​
tonight was crazy US defense minister is in Tel Aviv too and the cyber attack hit half of Israel that's big
Today 440 of Iranians died from Covid-19 ... as our health related officials are saying , the real number is 2-3 times of the official reported number ...

1) Health officials making such dubious claims are liberals. They are the ones who practically advocate capitulation to the US - exactly the kind of attitude you condemned in other recent posts (luckily enough, the Supreme Leader and IRGC are preventing them from having their way though).

But when these same liberals issue gratuitious statements which make the Islamic Republic appear under a negative light, then suddenly they become worthy of being quoted? I would recommend to stay consistent.

2) There were proven cases of people spreading disinformation about the extent of the corona toll in Iran.

Like that person in the early days of the pandemic, who filmed random body-bags in a morgue, claiming these were all coronavirus victims, and who was arrested. Or quite obvious fake videos posted online of women falsely claiming to be nurses and giving fictive, over-dramatized accounts of fatalities from COVID-19.

So we know there are elements keen on assisting the enemy in its psy-ops campaign against the IR by blowing out of proportion the extent of the COVID crisis in Iran and by making false claims of state cover up in relation to the number of victims.

3) The figures provided by Iran are corroborated by international organizations.

4) Worldwide deaths reach 1,18 million from COVID-19. While for Iran, the figure stands at about 33000 fatalities.

To suggest that 3 times this number, i. e. some 100.000 have deceased in Iran, would imply that nearly 8.5% of all victims of this coronavirus were located in Iran, when Iran's population of 83 million or so represents merely 1,06% of the world's 7,8 billion people.

In other terms, the claim that the official figure given by Iran represents a minimization by a factor of 3, would imply that the death toll in Iran has been more than 8 times superior to the world average...

Now it doesn't take much more than some basic common sense to realize that this is an extremely unrealistic and even an outlandish claim.

Also, 100.000 is about a third of the total number of Iranian martyrs in the 8-year war with Iraq. You can't just cover up the disappearing of 100.000 (or 70.000) people due to a disease over less than 9 months in an a country of 83 million.

Cemetary records are public in Iran, and can be consulted by anyone. Which makes any attempt at a cover up even more difficult.

5) Arguably, responsability for the relative spread of the coronavirus first falls onto Iranians themselves. Iranians can certainly blame some of their compatriots more than state authorities.

In Iran, legal security, that is the extent to which laws can actually be expected to be executed, is notoriously low in a series of common civil matters. Meaning that authorities will often turn a blind eye to citizens breaking the law, and will forego arrest, fining and / or prosecution of said individuals.

Conversely, non-negligible numbers of Iranians are not particularly law-abiding (some even take pride in it).

This comes in addition to the exhibiting of rather reckless, careless behaviour by said individuals in the social realm. A look at the average driving habits in Iran will provide ample confirmation.

The fact that the number of traffic fatalities in Iran (over 15000 per year) is five times higher than in a country with a comparable population like Germany (some 3000) is not simply due to the respective quality of roads, traffic signs and public education.

Successive administrations of the Islamic Republic have been investing quite a lot into awareness raising campaigns and into improving the country's road network (advertizing and pedagogic measures, conversion of several thousands of kilometers of simple roads into four-lane expressways, etc).

But it's a cultural problem of the Iranian society itself, that takes generations and immense efforts to solve fully, no matter who's in charge. Some progress has been made so far, but there remains a lot to be done, while the key to the issue at the end of the day lies in the hands of the people rather than the authorities.

Back to the corona topic, how many in Iran have ignored so-called "distancing" rules and other prescriptions designed to contain the spread of COVID-19? Have we forgotten the naggers complaining about not being allowed to spend the weekend in 'Shomāl', and those circumventing these travel restrictions?

6) The IR's response to the epidemic, considering the technical and financial means at Iran's disposal, not to mention criminal US-imposed sanctions, has been satisfactory in international comparison.

A different political system wouldn't have been able to achieve better results, and actually might have done considerably worse.
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I am too worn out to spend time by arguing with payed agent , may they be Israelis , Turks , arabs or even I.R virtual officers ...

you simply can find them out by looking at length of their post , the keyword they using ; and how many post they send in each week ...
I am too worn out to spend time by arguing with payed agent , may they be Israelis , Turks , arabs or even I.R virtual officers ...

Isra"eli", Turkish, Arab regime agents will spend time defending Iran online...? Or did I misunderstand that part of your post?

I wish I was "paid" for my comments here, I really do for I could use any surplus income right now.

Not only am I not paid a dime, I'm not in contact nor related in any shape or form to any government / state, nor even to any non-governmental group, association or organization. I'm no more than a simple person motivated by the defense of what I consider to be right and what I ardently believe in.

I hope that you will at least read my replies, as they are courtous and non-confrontational enough, in addition to being properly argued. It'd be a pity if you simply dismissed the facts and documents I cited without even bothering to consider them.

And instead preferred to believe talking points that reflect propaganda and disinformation concocted against your country and your people by actual regimes such as the US, Isra"el" or their regional clients, via state-sponsored official media arms like the BBC, VOA, Saudi International, and via zio-American-controlled "social media" like Twitter or Instagram.

you simply can find them out by looking at length of their post ,

Who knows, but I'm not sure that people employed by governments would make lengthy posts. More posts but shorter ones, on a maximum number of different websites and platforms, is what I would personally have them do if I was in charge of such an operation.

the keyword they using ;

Aha. Like which ones?

and how many post they send in each week ...

By all means, look at the frequency of my posting activity. I am far from being among the most prolific users here. Very far from it.
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Covid-19 numbers are rapidly increasing all over the world
Iran is now in the third wave of the Covid-19 pandemic along with the USA and many other nations
Both Iran and the USA are witnessing their highest new cases and highest daily deaths yet

Do you remember when this Palestinian member @Falcon29 was saying that Iran didnt supply hamas any weapons its using today? Well WHAT IS THIS THEN? IT SHOWS the name FADJR 5 and those rockets came straight from Iran!!!
I took screenshot from an aljazeera documentary(dont attack the source unless you can attack the information it proves, because that is not logical but a fallacy)
Screenshot_2020-10-31 Gaza, Hamas and the New Middle East Al Jazeera World.jpg

Even this Hamas guy is on video admitting arms come from Iran!
Screenshot_2020-10-31 Gaza, Hamas and the New Middle East Al Jazeera World.png

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