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Iranian Chill Thread

I'm hearing that the Azeri forces have sustained massive casualties recently in Artsaskh (Nagorno_Karabakh). Now Armenians are releasing drone footage. I can't show it here but there are new videos showing piles of dead azeri soldiers on the field. Erdogan better send in massive reinforcements soon.

Syrian militants crying after being captured in Artsaskh (Nagorno-Karabakh)

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this prostest looks fabricated to me.
1. there are i guess 20 or so people. i have more poeple hanging around infront of my house.
2. this kind of slogan, saying persians are enemies of turks sounds like turkey and not azerbaijan.
3. i am sure they want that azeri speaking Iranians go to the streets. the reason i am saying this why there is no protest infront of russian embassy, even russia is the main supporter of armenia and Iran didn't took any sides in this conflict (if yes i couldn't find any footage. maybe someone can share if i am wrong).

i think turkey is at the end. the corona virus made the economy nearly collapse. the lira start to going down even before the corona virus. except of tourism turkey don't have alot of income, maybe a bit with some food supplies here and there, but thats not enough to run a country.
as i mentioned before erdogan started to send troops in every region he thought he can increase the turkish influence and he failed. thinking that turkey have enough power to fight on different front (lybia, syria, iraq, azerbaijan and inner turkish conflict with the kurds) was a wrong assessment. even the u.s. has difficulties to fight on different front.
turkey regional rival is Iran, so my guess is erdogan is loosing ground in every conflict and now want to try to weaken Iran from inside, by trying to making azeri speaking Iranian to go the streets.
this so called proetst are there for trigger something, casue obviously turkeys intelligence agencies are not strong enough to make big operations in Iran.
or maybe i am just overestimating it.
Turkey knew that Iran is very sensitive to have ISIS terrorits on its borders.... and yet they flew them into Iran´s Northern boarder......this says it all.
I highly doubt if Azerbaijan would be foolish enough to station Al Qaeda linked Syrian rebels and other takfiri mercenaries directly on Iran's borders. Even if Azerbaijan did such a thing, then they certainly wouldn't boast about it.

If however Azerbaijan did the unthinkiable, stationing Takfiris on Iran's border and then ordering them to attack Iran,then Iran's response would be immediately, firm and decisive.

With just a few missiles Iran could easily eradicate the Takfiri groups. It would be like Iran flicking away a bug.

Considering the massive casualties that Azerbaijan is sustaining right now, I really don't think that they want to get on Iran's bad side.

Iran could very easily turn the tide of the war with a few dozen missile strikes. Especially since it's right on Iran's border. Even the Armenians are now flying drones above the Azeri army freely. It would only require Iran to lift it's pinky to finish the job.

Turkey knew that Iran is very sensitive to have ISIS terrorits on its borders.... and yet they flew them into Iran´s Northern boarder......this says it all.

Azerbaijani forces have sustained massive casualties and losses of equipment and material in their latest failed offensive, including high ranking officers.

For the first time the Azerbaijani army is trying to conquer densely populated areas in Artsakh and they've failed miserably.

Only time will tell if they will eventually succeed, however winter is approaching and It's also become painfully obvious now that the Azeri army has lost it's initial air superiority.

In the beginning, we would see Azeri drone footage every single day pretty much. Now I haven't seen anything for a while and the last time was recycled footage. To make matters worse, the Armenians are now releasing their own drone footage on a regular basis.

The Azeri military has lost over 200 drones, helicopters, aircraft, loitering munitions since the start of the conflict.

Like I said before, Artsakh is not Afrin and the Armenians are not the Kurds in Syria. Armenia has air defenses, fighter jets with BVR capabilities and they're constantly being supplied by Russia and to a much lesser extent ran.

So last time I checked the Azeri casualty count was at 7000+. Now there are some analysts saying 10,000+. Remember the Azeri army numbers 50,000. With injuries, Aliyev has lost atleast 1/3rd to half of his army to death and injuries

All I can say is that Erdogan better send reinforcements soon. I mean you have to keep in mind that the Azeri military has been trying to advance on multiple fronts. From the north, north east, east and south on several fronts.

So far however they've only had success in the south and their losses seem to be mounting as this appears to be turning into a war of attrition. Aliyev's only hope seems to be Erdogan sending enough reinforcements to push through.

It's become obvious since the start of the war that without direct help from Turkey, that Aliyev would not have been able to gain anything.

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I highly doubt if Azerbaijan would be foolish enough to station Al Qaeda linked Syrian rebels and other takfiri mercenaries directly on Iran's borders. Even if Azerbaijan did such a thing, then they certainly wouldn't boast about it.

i would agree, if there wouldn't be any turkish involvment. don't forget that azerbaijans army is fighting with the help of turkish forces and i am sure that turkish forces lead this war and not azerbaijan. don't forget this now in this time is a turkish geopolitical war and not azerbaijan. but aliyev can't give up now cause he will lose face in the population.
this war would have never started wouldn't be there erdogans promise for supporting azerbaijan and i am sure he said that he is sure they will win within days.
i don't think even it was in israels favor, since Iran send huge amount of war machines and troops to the border, now the zionist can't operate that easy anymore.

when it comes to the terrorists who where brought from syria they are directly under turkish commmand and turkey don't care if they are at Irans borders or not. i said it multiple times in this forum, erdogan want a ottoman empire and he said it few times in his speeches. Iran and turkey are working together in many fileds but are also competitives when it comes to the geostrategic in the region.
there are many reports from the pentagon and us military advisors and generals, who see Iran as the regional power in the middle east. erdogan want change it in turkey faviour and replace Iran. thats a long term plan. they didn't woke up in the morning and decided to send troops so all this countries.
erdogan overestematet his abilities! they don't have the money the troops the logistic to fight in different fronts.
this are the last tries for erdogan to at least have a victory there is no battlefield that he has won.

With just a few missiles Iran could easily eradicate the Takfiri groups. It would be like Iran flicking away a bug.

thats exactly what i am thinking of.
but why sending so much troops thats a overkill.
in my opinion either there is something that Iran knows and it's not public yet or Iran is watching closely and due some circumstances will intervene and sending troops in (maybe building a for example 10-20km safe zone).
خوب همه جا آدم قابل مسخره شدن گیر میاد.اینجا و اونجا ندارد.

من ندیدم جای دیگه از قاضی دادگاه عالی تا دعاخون و جن گیر و فالگیر حرمشون همه دختر بلوند جوون باشه

بگذریم قضیه انتخابات امریکا تموم شدست و دعواهای ترامپ و ابروریزیش فقط میشه شکلات روی کیک برای چین و ما بقی

قضیه مهم سناست
سنا هنوز ممکنه مساوی بشن​
Turkey knew that Iran is very sensitive to have ISIS terrorits on its borders.... and yet they flew them into Iran´s Northern boarder......this says it all.
Thats why i've been telling PDF that when Russia and Iran gang up on Turkey, NATO wont come to save Turkey. Screenshot this. ErDOGan will complain and beg for help, but it wont come. Iran and Russia have to stretch Turkey so Turkey can come back to its senses.

Iran solidarity with Afghanistan

Houthi's gain in Yemen

Good aim WOW

Are those Iranian Chieftains and M-113's ?

Areas in blue are allegedly controlled by Azerbaijan. Fighting is ongoing as winter is approaching.

The Azeri army is now trying to take densely populated areas of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) for the first time. Keep in mind, the army of Azerbaijan has been trying to advance from multiple directions since the start of the conflict.

So far however the Azerbaijani military has only had decent success in the south. To try and capitalize on that success it now seems that Aliyev is putting all his eggs in one basket. Now it remains to be seen if the Azeri military can conquer and hold onto densely populated territory in Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh)

So far, their first offensive has failed miserably with mass casualties and devastating losses of material. It's also become apparent that the Azeri's have lost their initial advantage in the air, even with direct help from Turkey

In the first few days and weeks the Azeri military was constantly releasing videos showing UAV strikes on Armenian positions. Now the Armenians are actually showing off UAV footage more often. This goes to show the limitation of drones when the enemy has decent air defenses and fighter jets with BVR capabilities.




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Ahwazi leader Habib Asyud abducted in Turkey and handed to Iran

The head of the National Security Committee in the Iranian Parliament confirmed that the Iranian intelligence services kidnapped Habib Asyud
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani. AP

The National
November 1, 2020
Iranian security and intelligence services have abducted Habib Asyud, the former head of the Arab Struggle Movement for the Liberation of Ahwaz, the head of the Iranian Parliament's National Security Committee said on Sunday.
Mojtaba Dhu Al Nuri said Mr Asyud is currently under investigation in Tehran after being taken from Turkey.
The Arab Struggle Movement for the Liberation of Ahwaz is a separatist group based in the oil-rich south-west of Iran. It is classified as a terrorist group by Iran.
"The arrest of the leader of an Ahwazi group and his transfer to Tehran is another great success for the intelligence and security services in our country," Mr Dhu Al Nuri told the Iranian Parliament News Agency.
"The accused will receive his punishment in a trial after taking the necessary information from him in the investigation and completion of the case," he added.
The Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs told Swedish TV it was aware of his arrest in Turkey and his extradition to Iran.
His wife, Hoda Hawashmi said her husband boarded a flight to Turkey, intending to travel on to Doha. While in transit in the country, Ankara handed him over to Iranian intelligence, she said.
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Mr Asyud, 47, holds Swedish citizenship and could face the death penalty, according to Tehran. The arrest risks embroiling Sweden in a diplomatic tussle over Mr Asyud's life.
The Iranian armed forces news agency said on Friday that Turkish authorities had handed Mr Asyud to Iran. The transfer took place through the port of West Azerbaijan province, in north-west Iran, it said.
It is expected that Turkey's extradition of a Swedish citizen to Iran will have a negative impact on Ankara's recently strained relationship with the European Union.
ASMLA said Mr Asyud was kidnapped “after a process of enticement in which a Gulf Arab country participated and contributed”, without naming it. But Ahwazi activists on Twitter accused Qatar of complicity in luring and kidnapping the former head of the movement.
In a statement, the movement said Iran had pursued “a policy of assassinations or kidnapping and detention, to exclude members of the movement from their role in the fields of political and media work”.
Updated: November 1, 2020 07:45 PM
سیاست خارجی برتر برای ایران در اینده نزدیک-
-قسمت اول

بهترین چیزی که ممکن بود برای اقایان حاکم داره رخ میده. پیروزی بایدن با شکلات اضافه با یک دوران گذار وقتگیر, زشت و ابروبر پیش چشم مردم ایران

بایدن اما دیر یا زود میاد و همه خودشون رو برای تغییرات اماده میکنن
از نگرانی های اسراییل و نتانیاهو تا شادی ارام چین

ایران باید تصمیمات قدرتمندانه و درستی در این مسیر بگیره که نه ضعیف و عاشق بایدن به نظر بیاد و نه بیهوده به رابطه صدمه بزنه. ما هر دو مدل رو در ساختار حاکم داریم

کسانی در زمان اوباما که سرباز واضحا بی ازار امریکایی رو روی زانو گریه انداختن مرزدار درستکار بودند ولی اونها که تصاویر ماجرا رو منتشر کردند سیاستمداران بدی بودند
اونها همونها بودند که جلوی ترامپ به اقتضای شرایط هیچ کاری نکردند و صبر استراتژیک کردند
ترامپ رو با دست های خودشون بالا بردند
و اوباما رو زمین زدند
ناشران این عکسها افرادی با تحلیل استراتژیک بینالمللی بسیار ضعیف بودند

ما متاسفانه افراد با تحلیل استراتژیک اشتباه رو اخراج نمیکنیم
کسانی که گفتند بیخود روی سوریه وقت و سرمایه نگذارین اسد سقوط می کنه
کسانی که گفتن به کرکوک حمله بشه امریکا وارد میشه
و کسانی که سرباز امریکایی که واضحا دنبال جنگ نبود و سریع تسلیم شد رو گریه انداختن و عکس رو رسانه ای کردند

اوباما با پنبه سر میبرید بله
اما به سود مردم ما بود.

دموکراتها حالا بیشتر از پیش با اسراییل فاصله گرفتند و نسل جدید دموکرات رسما اسراییل رو دشمن خودش میدونه

استراتژیست ما باید نسل جدید دموکرات رو بشناسه. طرز فکر امریکایی ها رو بدونه
رابطه بایدن نتانیاهو رو بشناسه
و اوباما و کلینتون ها رو که هنوز پشت صحنه بسیار تاثیرگذار و قوی ان

ادامه دارد​
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