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Iranian Chill Thread

جهان_نژادیان# Is trending on Twitter, can anyone give insight into what it is about?
جهان_نژادیان# Is trending on Twitter, can anyone give insight into what it is about?

A woman was brutally beaten by what looks like a man and his family members over a serious dispute. It appears to be about male violence against women. The women is badly bloodied but i think she'll be okay as they appear to be more like small gash wounds than life-threatening wounds. It's very bad regardless
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جهان_نژادیان# Is trending on Twitter, can anyone give insight into what it is about?

i saw the video the women who are holding her down saying that she had a knife and i think even one said that she had a electro shocker, which one of the owmen said to the police guy and pointed on the floor.

i am now waiting for the western media to make a big thing out of that and saying innocent women git beaten by her husband. and they will show a video without sound and saying that the other women wanted to help her and the police is also brutal putting his boots on her.
they are already compering her with george floyd. 😂 😂 😂 😂 WTF.
in the u.s. the police would have shot her for the weapons she had whit her.
US Amb. to Iraq, Matthew Tueller, has had a central role in coordinating terrorist acts in Iraq & beyond, in criminal assassination of Gen. Soleimani & in advancing sanx agst our ppl. Today, Iran designated him & two other officials involved. Anti-Iran moves won't go unanswered.

ترامپ گفته مصر اخر سد رنسانس اتیوپی رو منفجر میکنه. کاری که نیاز به چندین هواپیمای مصری و بمب سنگر شکن و همکاری سودان داره
اگه مصر خرابش کنه چن تا کشور دو هفته محکومش میکنن و تمام

ما هم سدسازی افغانستان رو تماشا می کنیم

یه گروه طالبان یک بار گفت ما پول ایران رو گرفتیم که سد افغانستان رو خراب کنیم ولی نکردیم. پول رو هم خوردیم

اب ژرف ما رو ایشالا از هیرمند بی نیاز کنه و محتاج عزت و حکمت اقایون در روابط خارجی نباشیم

کاش مصر بزنه تا اینها ترسشون بریزه و
روی طالبان حساب نکنن
کمتر جایی از دنیا چن روز پشت هم دعوای خیابانی تیتر اول همه رسانه ها میشه

و حالا مهرداد سپهری، اسمی باکلاس برای یه معتاد که به دلایلی نامعلوم بعد از فحاشی جلوی خانه پدرزن وکتک خوردن از مردم و اسپری فلفل و شوکر کشته میشه

بررسی ویدیو نشون میده این فرد با فحش دادن رو اعصاب بوده و کتک خوریش هم ملس بوده و در جواب فحش از مردم کتک میخورده و باز فحش میداده

به علت اعتیاد و مواد استانه درد متفاوت داشته و حتی بعد شوکر هم یه اخ نگفته

البته جون یه معتاد فحاش هم مهمه و نباید بی ارزش بشه
چیزی که دل رو به درد میاره سکوت خبری بود وقتی مرزبان هجده ساله ما برای حفظ جان ما پر کشید. پوشش خبری در سطح این معتاد فحاش هم نبود


Meanwhile...peace and tranquility in the Iranian Caspian shores..

View attachment 681779

So beautiful. Iran is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. After 120 years of atrocities against Iran, killing 10m Iranians in WW1 and 2m Iranians in WW2, stealing their oil for 67 years, sanctions and threats during Winston Churchill's bullying of 1951-1953, the 26 years of oppression during a repressive military puppet government, then the 8-year war, then the Israeli plan of 1996 to demonize and villainize Iran and instigate sanctions ... STILL IRAN IS ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD.

Long live this beautiful land and her people - and may god strike upon those with great vengeance and irreparable fury, those that harm this nation and her people, with ill-intent, cruelty, brutality, and savagery.

A great book for anyone who is interested in knowing the recent 50 yr history of the middle east: Max Blumenthal "Management of Savagery". Parts of it is heartbreaking but truth makes one stronger.
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