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Iranian Chill Thread

Webmaster clearly said not to use this thread for such discussion just last night but you seem to think this forum is your own personal play ground. Now I will ask you again, don't misuse these threads, go make your own threads and leave people here alone.

My good friend, how have you been? I was wondering where you were. I hope you and family are keeping safe. How is life?

I am fine how you been its been okay I am starting a podcast in near future in the works how you been
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I am fine how you been its been okay I am starting a podcast in near future in the works how you been

That's good to hear bro, I am good, trying to keep safe form the pandemic but it's always a risky game given I work in healthcare. Thank god so far me and family have been safe. What will your podcast be about?
Alright, lets keep this topic for chill thread. This is not the topic for serious discussions. Please utilize other threads. Secondly, no mod on PDF is bias and everyone will act per the rules. If you follow the rules no one can touch you. Thirdly, respect everyone be it Iranian, Pakistani or Turkish. We are all brothers so dont use words that might hurt one another. thanks.
100% on the mark sir. There is too much diversity anamosity and back stabbing and portraying harmony and well being is imperative not only for the site but for all Muslims. I also believe Mods are objective and show no biased behaviour. Far from it.
Will try to adhere to the standards set.
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That's good to hear bro, I am good, trying to keep safe form the pandemic but it's always a risky game given I work in healthcare. Thank god so far me and family have been safe. What will your podcast be about?
Geopolitics and current events kinda like Caspian Report was suppose to be travel vlog but pandemic you know messed up plans
Geopolitics and current events kinda like Caspian Report was suppose to be travel vlog but pandemic you know messed up plans

Godspeed bro, definitely share them with me when ready, I'll be looking forward to hearing your thought on these issues. Where will your platforms be on? Youtube?
Godspeed bro, definitely share them with me when ready, I'll be looking forward to hearing your thought on these issues. Where will your platforms be on? Youtube?

You Tube tho its rough with the algorithms but might as well try but I also will be doing Twitch livestreams
Doostane khube Irani, ze amd inshekli minvisam ta kamtar sareshunshe. meseinke un farde iransetiz ke in ruza kheili shulugh mikardesh inja, va ke man bash varede bahse tulani shode budam az bande chogholi karde bashe. un hatman partisham kolofte. dar natije modira engar oftadan be noi lajo lajbazi baham. arze chand saate gozashte dota az neveshteham pak shod, ie matne taze rahndazi karde budam unam hazf shod (dar surati ke benazaram hich masalei nadashtesh - kheili dus daram haminja domartebe postesh konam, ama labod bazam gir midan). az un shulughkon ham shekayati karde budam, fori taghazam rad shod o peyghum umad ke az un monazere kolan kenarbekesham (vaseye chi? engar bazia ye jashun badjuri sukhte az pasokhaye kubandam).

ye matni jadid mizanam hamin emruz farda ba tarjomei az dana darmorede khianate rejime shomale rudearas aleye iranzamin peye dargirie navade miladi. pasokhamam be un shulughkone tu un matni ke felan ghofle, hanuz bayad benvisam. ta bebinim chi mishe. age nazashtan dige harfi bezanam, mikhastam bedunin shoma k dastan chi bude.

baradare aziz omidvaram ke moafgh bashi.
ina vakhti mibinan ke ba mantegh nemitoonan javab bedan foran miran shekayat mikonan. khodeshoon harchi mikhan migan va kheilia bad harf mizanan. yeki az ina ba man bad harf zad va kalameye bad nevesht, vakhti man hamoonjoori javabesho dadam baram peygham oomad, va payame mano pak kardan. vali be harfaye zeshte oon hichi nagoftan.
man inja ye zamane kootai hast ke payam mizaram, vali ma hame baham hastim va havasemoon beham bayad bashe.
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Meanwhile...peace and tranquility in the Iranian Caspian shores..

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