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Iranian Chill Thread


thats for you always saying Iran is against pakistan and helping india etc.

I thanked you earlier for that gesture.

Iran, like every other country, has factions and groups. Not all are anti-Pakistani, and some are pro-Pakistani, pro-Azerbaycan'i, etc.

Anyway, let's respect Webmaster and keep politics out of this thread.
I thanked you earlier for that gesture.

Iran, like every other country, has factions and groups. Not all are anti-Pakistani, and some are pro-Pakistani, pro-Azerbaycan'i, etc.

There is no support for a hostile regime like the Aliyev clan of Baku within the state apparatus or governmental institutions. Please do not misrepresent Iran's political realities.

Anyway, let's respect Webmaster and keep politics out of this thread.

Great idea.

@SalarHaqq bro, have you seen this Omid's episode, it was pretty interesting.

Hadn't seen that one yet, brother. Thanks for pointing me to it. What fantastic news, this will certainly make for some entertaining viewing.
I don’t know but this clown became silly with his conspiracies with Iran secret super weapons

his statements about weapons and military hardware is sometimes not right (i don't know what sources he uses), but most of his political analysis where right till now.
his statements about weapons and military hardware is sometimes not right (i don't know what sources he uses), but most of his political analysis where right till now.
Yes but I don’t get how he is anti Islam yet he supports the Iranian regime when the try to revive an Iranian empire
Yes but I don’t get how he is anti Islam yet he supports the Iranian regime when the try to revive an Iranian empire

the reason for his support is that he realized, that u.s. and israel will try with all influence they have to cannabalize Iran, should the Iranian current authority fail to stay in power.
he is seeing thing from a political and strategic point of view.

as he is saying himself it took years for him to realize that. he said that in 2008 he was also on the street demonstrating against ahmadinejad and that they put him in prison, and after he came out he went to sweden for assylm. there was when he start to see how europe is and he start making researches, reading and talkng to Iranians who where politicaly active outside Iran.
he is saying that he was wrong to go against the goverment at that time.

even i am not sharing his views on many fields, but in the political point of view he is right in some issues.
the reason for his support is that he realized, that u.s. and israel will try with all influence they have to cannabalize Iran, should the Iranian current authority fail to stay in power.
he is seeing thing from a political and strategic point of view.

as he is saying himself it took years for him to realize that. he said that in 2008 he was also on the street demonstrating against ahmadinejad and that they put him in prison, and after he came out he went to sweden for assylm. there was when he start to see how europe is and he start making researches, reading and talkng to Iranians who where politicaly active outside Iran.
he is saying that he was wrong to go against the goverment at that time.

even i am not sharing his views on many fields, but in the political point of view he is right in some issues.
One of the things tha Arabs say and I realized it’s true that all Iranians from different faction agree that Iran should be a regional power or an empire even the shah hence why they support the Islamic regime even if they hate Islam and call it a tazi religion
i didn't know where to post this video, so i thought to post it here.

it's a nice interview with dr. morandi about the current u.s. elections. there are also some historical information as dr. morandi start to explain it since the end of ww2.

i hope you all enjoy it.

@AgNoStiC MuSliM

Brother, there is already another thread running on the topic:

So if its easier you can just delete the other one to save your time trying to clear it all.
I take a hiatus from this forum and nothing has changed as usual no wonder folks have left already anyways how you been @Philosopher anyways the fine so called Doctor "Turkophile" seems to be causing ruckus

My good friend, how have you been? I was wondering where you were. I hope you and family are keeping safe. How is life?
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