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Iranian Chill Thread

Sheikh Khomeini (grandson of a Kashmiri scholar, Syed Ahmad Hindi)

Actually Imam Khomeini's grand-father was Iranian.

His great-grandfather was an Iranian who in the late 18th century AD moved from his hometown of Neyshabur (northeastern Iran) to a location near Lucknow in India's Uttar Pradesh, which at the time was governed by a Shia dynasty. These Shia rulers invited Iranian scholars to their land.

His grandfather Seyyed Ahmad Musavi Hendi was born in Uttar Pradesh, but left India for Najaf in 1830 and finally settled in Khomein, central Iran in 1839 because, so it is said, he couldn't stand the British presence in India.

In all, Imam Khomeini's great-grandfather and grandfather spent no more than some 50 or 60 years in India before returning to their homeland i. e. Iran.
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And yet iran cant provide u with a forum and hence u basically live on a Pakistani forum and then bad mouth Pakistan. In urdu we call people like u namak haram.
Learn to take criticism, everything isnt a personal attack. I know you already...when you hear certain things about Pakistan that you didnt want to hear, you go bezerk...i sometimes just laugh because to me it wasnt that serious. At least you dont hate Christians.
And yet iran cant provide u with a forum and hence u basically live on a Pakistani forum and then bad mouth Pakistan. In urdu we call people like u namak haram.
ALso, i think you generalize my opinion about Pakistan - for example, when Pakistan shot down the IAF jet over Kashmir last year, i commended Pakistan for it, so i will give Pakistan its credit where i believe it is fairly due. When Pakistani economy is doing well, i will also give compliments, but when i hear manipulation and lies and fallacies and 1 sided stories, especially related to Iran, i feel its my duty to clear up the air.

THE BANS and censored posts IMO PROVE that i spoke the truth. if it was lies why didnt they leave it up and disprove them?
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Actually Imam Khomeini isn't the grandson of a Kashmiri scholar.

His great-grandfather was an Iranian who in the late 18th century AD moved from his hometown of Neyshabur in northeastern Iran to a location near Lucknow in India's Uttar Pradesh, which at the time was governed by a Shia dynasty. These Shia rulers invited Iranian scholars to their land.

His grand-father Seyyed Ahmad Musavi Hendi was born in Uttar Pradesh, but soon left India for Najaf in 1830 and finally settled in Khomein, central Iran in 1839 because, so it is said, he couldn't stand the British presence in India.

In all, Imam Khomeini's great-grandfather and grandfather spent no more than some 50 years in India before returning to their homeland Iran. They were Iranians.

It is in an autobiography by Mollah Pasandideh, the brother of Sheikh Khomeini.

The name Syed Ahmad Hindi should be known. Check it out.
And yet iran cant provide u with a forum and hence u basically live on a Pakistani forum and then bad mouth Pakistan. In urdu we call people like u namak haram.

He would probably be anti-Iranian on such a forum.

Some people like him, the Euro in Azerbaijan thread, and the BD brother here play these kinds of characters on PDF. I doubt they are this way in real life.
Just a little correction: Persian Gulf islanders sampled there are neither more Semitic or African. They are a very original unique unmixed people.

As for Pan Turkists: If they stay to the facts, that graphic would tell them how similar Azaris are to the rest of the Iranians and how much their distance is to the even Iranized Turkmens.
Biology would force them to get rid of pan-Turkism and stick to that is measurable in the laboratory.

Excellent, thanks for the correction. I even suspected that they aren't more Semitic or African, but couldn't think of what exactly it is that sets them apart, relatively speaking, from the mainstream genetic make up of Iranians, and so I reluctantly went for what might have appeared the most plausible explanation at a cursory, superficial glance (given the presence of Arab-speaking groups and token numbers of African descendants, mostly mixed with locals, in those areas - but then again, these latter populations aren't confined to the islands and reside along the coast as well, which made me hesitate all along).

Also my estimate that the number of Persian Gulf islanders is in the low hundreds of thousands was probably too high, they're possibly just a few tens of thousands (the cumulative indigeneous population of Iran's PG islands is quite low).

Agree 100% with your observation about Azari Iranians.

To expand upon my previous mention of Turkmen Iranians: some have more Turko-Altaic looks, and are mostly to be found in the nomadic and rural steppes of Dashte Torkaman; they are represented by that separate, dark green colored item on the graphic, or to be more precise, they probably fall into the lower portion of that item. But then we also have many Turkmen Iranians (surely a majority) with more or less important degrees of Aryan genetic admixture. In fact many Turkmen Iranians have more Aryan than Turko-Altaic looks.
Something else they are mad about is that the West hasnt succesfully dismembered or disintegrated Iran, DESPITE THEIR BEST CONSISTENT EFFORTS...
yes they are. They are straight up haters. Iran is not only defying the whole world but also defying those ppls logic. They cant stand the fact that Iran is better than them in literally every aspect. They also dont like the fact that they are irrelevant in the world.

The main obstacle for these people is acceptance. They cant overcome it. Because truth is too much to handle for these ppl. And the truth is, their country have stood silently decade after decade in the face of western hegemony and complied like a good lil boy to everything uncle sam commanded. Iran's resistance have made them look that much more insignificant. These are the same ppl who used to do cheerleading for the saudis not so long ago. Then it turned out that saudi is just a big American stooge. LMAO

Now they do the same for some other leader (You know who) whose policies are the most confusing and deluded in the region. And they dont even know that the love affair between these countries will end as soon as that man is voted out of office, cuz all the other parties are pro west, pro nato and anti fundamentalist. So a change of governance or political party will shift the whole policy of that country on its head. What wil these ppl say then , I wonder.

All the people in the world (Normal Citizens) know the names of these countries but dont know about their specialties and their military. But heck, They all know who IRAN is. They know that very very well. These ppl believe in non existent hype and make up scenarios in their mind to keep themselves relevant.

They have so many things to say about Iran, whilst they are incapable of doing anything to those who caused the madness in the middle east post ww2. Not once they stood and confronted them.

And they talk about Iran. Iran, who are the only country in the world (Proud to say that too an Islamic country) on record post WW2 to have attacked the UNITED STATES military directly and shook them to the point that they didnt even fight back.

You know i come over to this forum and argue with these ppl. But after I turn my computer off , I laugh at these ppl and their delusions. Then i wonder, why are they so deluded? And the only answer i find is that , they cant handle the TRUTH.

The Truth that It is Iran that is the future. It is Iran that has stood. It is Iran That shall be Victorious.
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Learn to take criticism, everything isnt a personal attack. I know you already...when you hear certain things about Pakistan that you didnt want to hear, you go bezerk...i sometimes just laugh because to me it wasnt that serious. At least you dont hate Christians.

ALso, i think you generalize my opinion about Pakistan - for example, when Pakistan shot down the IAF jet over Kashmir last year, i commended Pakistan for it, so i will give Pakistan its credit where i believe it is fairly due. When Pakistani economy is doing well, i will also give compliments, but when i hear manipulation and lies and fallacies and 1 sided stories, especially related to Iran, i feel its my duty to clear up the air.

THE BANS and censored posts IMO PROVE that i spoke the truth. if it was lies why didnt they leave it up and disprove them?

Why cant u take criticism? When we criticise iran, we do its regime and not the people. Infact the people of iran themselves are against the regime. When iran takes a good step, we also support them. And talking of criticism, I've never seen the iranians on pdf criticise their country or regime but just check Pakistani sections and see how furiously we criticise our own govt and even army. We never mind criticism but generalizing whole country and showing distorted image is not right. Infact i will welcome any constructive criticism u have about Pakistan.
this manipulative troll with lie to attack Iran, then come here and say his only issue is the Iranian govt.

Look at what he's saying about Iran:
View attachment 678265

Iran never backstabbed any of her allies, it's the opposite. you know how much propblems Iran got cause of helping other countries fighting terrorism and injustice. syria, iraq, lebanon, yemen and venezuela. (and please don't start again with shia etc.) as i proved in other posts Iran helped sunnis, yezedis and christians also.
in some posts in another thread i wrote about jundullah terrorist group who make attacks in Iran and run over the boder to pakistan and hide there. why you never mention that. why no one mention how many attacks take place from pakistans border against our border patrols. what you call that? Iran had nothing to do with pakistan before these terrorist groups started in 2003. (btw what a coincidence same year usa attacked iraq and one year later also pejak was founded).so what was happening is usa founded jundullah to unsecure Iran from south and pejak from the west, while nato was at our eastern borders by occupying afghanistan and in the north west having bases in turkey and in the north having a base where israel could operate from.
yes we have send drones to pakistan not one of the was armed just for surveillance to counter attack terrorism at our borders. to be faire pakistan has nothing Iran want to spy on. if yes prove the oppsite. so it was only for counter terrorism.
it's a bit naive to see it from one prespective. geopolitic and strategies are not black and white.
and i would like to mention if pakistan would be in a situation like syria or iraq believe you me Iran would be the first country helping.
And yet iran cant provide u with a forum and hence u basically live on a Pakistani forum and then bad mouth Pakistan. In urdu we call people like u namak haram.

Your so called "urdu" quote is persian.
What about Afghanistan today under Taliban? What about Pakistan?

I dont like the talibans who blow up lil girls going to school. But , Pakistan is wat it is. I see pakistan in a way that I think you havent realized yet. I dont agree with Pakistanis in alot of issues but I want it to prosper And . there's more than one reason why. Its not just religious. There are also other factor. I cant explain them here.
It is in an autobiography by Mollah Pasandideh, the brother of Sheikh Khomeini.

Is there a precise reference for this? I'm sure you must have stumbled upon a misquote.

The name Syed Ahmad Hindi should be known. Check it out.

Of course. I cited him in my previous comment.

Seyyed Ahmad Mousavi Hendi was the son of Iranian migrants to Uttar Pradesh. He was of Iranian descent, his father Deen Ali Shah had freshly settled in India and came from Neyshabur (northeastern Iran).



Sources for the above are:

* Algar, Hamid (2010). "A short biography". In Koya, Abdar Rahman (ed.). Imam Khomeini: Life, Thought and Legacy. Islamic Book Trust. p. 19. ISBN 978-9675062254

* Sacred space and holy war: the politics, culture and history of Shi'ite Islam by Juan Ricardo Cole

* Art and culture: endeavours in interpretation by Ahsan Jan Qaisar, Som Prakash Verma, Mohammad Habib

* Encyclopædia Iranica, "Avadh", E. Yarshater

* Ruhollah Khomeini's brief biography by Hamid Algar

* Moin, Baqer (2000). Life of the Ayatollah. Thomas Dunne Books. ISBN-10 0312264909

But to remove remaining doubts, the Institute for Compilation and Publication of Imam Khomeini's Works, the main foundation in Iran tasked with preserving Imam Khomeini's literary heritage, confirms on its website that Seyyed Ahmad Mousavi Hendi's father was an Iranian immigrant to India:


Link: http://en.imam-khomeini.ir/en/n3123/Biography/The_Imam_s_Background
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Interesting how their new tank has an uncanny resemblance to the Abrams tank. No reactive armor though ? That's pretty alarming.

I doubt if it has any APC system. Those launchers on the left side are they ATGMs or MANPADs ?

I wonder if this was a result of exchanging technology with Iran. I'm sure that at the least Iran has its hands on the blueprints of these new missiles. If I had to guess I would say that this is probably a result of Iranian funding and a collaboration between engineers from both countries.
Armenia occupying Azeri lands... okay but 95%+ are Armenian in Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh)

Also before the USSR breakup and subsequent war 75%+ were Armenian.

If they were to have a referendum in the last 40 years, then obviously they would be a part of Armenia.

The only reason Armenia didn't want to declare that territory as part of their own is because of pressure from Turkey and Russia.

Russia is the country that benefits most from all this fighting. They sell both sides weapons and they make sure that the Caucasus stays divided so that they can continue to spread their influence.

I believe in the 80's Iran was on the verge of brokering a peace deal between both sides but some gunmen stormed the Armenian parliament and it never materialized.

Nigerian Isayy, Shah se zyada Shah ka wafadar.

Anyone who insults and degrades Pakistan will be reported by us, esp in threads having nothing to do with Pakistan.

All valid points, thanks for sharing.

I pray that in the future Azerbaycan and Iran are the best of friends.

However when we see Armenia occupying Azeri land, that should be distressing for all of us.
yes they are. They are straight up haters. Iran is not only defying the whole world but also defying those ppls logic. They cant stand the fact that Iran is better than them in literally every aspect. They also dont like the fact that they are irrelevant in the world.

The main obstacle for these people is acceptance. They cant overcome it. Because truth is too much to handle for these ppl. And the truth is, their country have stood silently decade after decade in the face of western hegemony and complied like a good lil boy to everything uncle sam commanded. Iran's resistance have made them look that much more insignificant. These are the same ppl who used to do cheerleading for the saudis not so long ago. Then it turned out that saudi is just a big American stooge. LMAO

Now they do the same for some other leader (You know who) whose policies are the most confusing and deluded in the region. And they dont even know that the love affair between these countries will end as soon as that man is voted out of office, cuz all the other parties are pro west, pro nato and anti fundamentalist. So a change of governance or political party will shift the whole policy of that country on its head. What wil these ppl say then , I wonder.

All the people in the world (Normal Citizens) know the names of these countries but dont know about their specialties and their military. But heck, They all know who IRAN is. They know that very very well. These ppl believe in non existent hype and make up scenarios in their mind to keep themselves relevant.

They have so many things to say about Iran, whilst they are incapable of doing anything to those who caused the madness in the middle east post ww2. Not once they stood and confronted them.

And they talk about Iran. Iran, who are the only country in the world (Proud to say that too an Islamic country) on record post WW2 to have attacked the UNITED STATES military directly and shook them to the point that they didnt even fight back.

You know i come over to this forum and argue with these ppl. But after I turn my computer off , I laugh at these ppl and their delusions. Then i wonder, why are they so deluded? And the only answer i find is that , they cant handle the TRUTH.

The Truth that It is Iran that is the future. It is Iran that has stood. It is Iran That shall be Victorious.

Wrong. This just shows that you don't understand the Pakistani mindset. Actually no one here on this thread understands it except for Philosopher and Aspen.

Pakistanis keep their head down and work for their country, we don't bother with these sectarian and racial rivalries in the ME. Our loyalty is only to Islam.

Why cant u take criticism? When we criticise iran, we do its regime and not the people. Infact the people of iran themselves are against the regime. When iran takes a good step, we also support them. And talking of criticism, I've never seen the iranians on pdf criticise their country or regime but just check Pakistani sections and see how furiously we criticise our own govt and even army. We never mind criticism but generalizing whole country and showing distorted image is not right. Infact i will welcome any constructive criticism u have about Pakistan.

Turks, Arabs, and Iranians are hands down some of the nicest and most down to Earth people I have ever met. In regards people to people relations, we get along fine.

How can we racially hate the Iranians? They are related to us. We have ancient ties.

Is there a precise bibliographical reference for this? I'm sure you must have stumbled upon a misquote.

I did not stumble on it, I heard it in a lecture from a respected Islamic Scholar and did some research on it.

I will look for the source and I'll tag you later when I find it.

I would not put too much weight on Wikipedia.
Hahahahahaha.... that cracked me up so much. Dnt expect them to know that man. These people are really making them look silly. I enjoyed that laugh man. Even Joker cudnt beat that. thank you.

Why? Farsi is also one of our native languages. All my grandparents and ancestors spoke Farsi fluently. Mostly the kind spoken in Afghanistan today.

If you had allowed Farsi script for Bengal, you guys would also be able to appreciate Farsi poetry as we do. Unfortunately BD had a language movement to remove Arabic and Farsi influence and return to Pali influences.
Armenia occupying Azeri lands... okay but 95%+ are Armenian in Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh)

Also before the USSR breakup and subsequent war 75%+ were Armenian.

If they were to have a referendum in the last 40 years, then obviously they would be a part of Armenia.

The only reason Armenia didn't want to declare that territory as part of their own is because of pressure from Turkey and Russia.

Russia is the country that benefits most from all this fighting. They sell both sides weapons and they make sure that the Caucasus stays divided so that they can continue to spread their influence.

I believe in the 80's Iran was on the verge of brokering a peace deal between both sides but some gunmen stormed the Armenian parliament and it never materialized.

The problem is 800,000 Azeris were removed from Nagorno-Karabakh, and more importantly, its surrounding Armenian occupied areas, all to exert dominance over 150,000 Armenians.

Don't you feel that is unjust?

The Azeris did not kill Armenians or desecrate churches as Armenians did to them.
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Pakistanis keep their head down and work for their country, we don't bother with these sectarian and racial rivalries in the ME. Our loyalty is only to Islam.
Absolutely. The pakistani state doesnt bother with sectarianism. The pakistani government doesnt. Nor does the people. Im not talking about sectarianism. Im talking about a small number of ppl who have problems accepting realities. Everyone knows you are not at all sectarian, as are most ppl.

The pakistani state understands things that pakistani average joe doesnt. Thats why the Pakistani state never went against Iran.
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Well there is no picture / video evidence to prove that any S-300 systems were destroyed.

On the other hand, looking at this website, https://www.lostarmour.info/karabakh/
66% of losses are Armenian and 33% are Azeri. However that site isn't a glass ball and doesn't show everything.

I've seen countless videos with piles and truck loads of azeri soldiers bodies. I've also seen videos showing Azeri mass retreats in the face of stiff Armenian resistance. A few days ago the Armenians claimed 3000+ Azeris had died on the field.

Logically if you think about it, Azerbaijan tried to push forward on the entire front. The were only able to have a little success in 2 areas on the border.

Keep in mind Armenia has fighter jets with BVR capability and air defense systems. At first the Azeris saturated the skies but allegedly they lost over 100+ drones, helicopters, loitering munitions (Harop UAVs from Israel), aircraft

In the first few days we saw tons of UAV footage. After the first week, we saw footage trickle down and attempts by Azerbaijan to recycle various angles and old strikes as new ones. At one point they even showed reconnaissance footage with no impact footage and tried to pass it off as genuine strike footage.

If even half of the casualty count stated by Armenians is true, that would explain why
A) after the first few days Azerbaijan began targeting civilians (out of frustration)
B) Azerbaijan has been caught putting out fake evidence, like the alleged Armenian strikes on the power station and pipelines which both turned out to be fake
C) why Azerbaijan chose to go along with a ceasefire

Remember the Azeri army is 50,000 strong. 3000+ killed would mean several times that number, atleast double, were injured. Close to 10,000 deaths and injuries in about 1 week of fighting ? That would be 20%.

Even if half is true, 10% ? That's pretty devastating.

Armenia will lose more land, unless a deal is made. Don’t fool yourself with biased news. Armenia has lost 70 T72 and parts of S300.

Without direct Russian help or help of others in EU, NK is gone in 2-3 months. Land matters the most in this war.
Wrong. This just shows that you don't understand the Pakistani mindset. Actually no one here on this thread understands it except for Philosopher and Aspen.

Pakistanis keep their head down and work for their country, we don't bother with these sectarian and racial rivalries in the ME. Our loyalty is only to Islam.

Turks, Arabs, and Iranians are hands down some of the nicest and most down to Earth people I have ever met. In regards people to people relations, we get along fine.

How can we racially hate the Iranians? They are related to us. We have ancient ties.

I did not stumble on it, I heard it in a lecture from a respected Islamic Scholar and did some research on it.

I will look for the source and I'll tag you later when I find it.

I would not put too much weight on Wikipedia.

Why? Farsi is also one of our native languages. All my grandparents and ancestors spoke Farsi fluently. Mostly the kind spoken in Afghanistan today.

If you had allowed Farsi script for Bengal, you guys would also be able to appreciate Farsi poetry as we do. Unfortunately BD had a language movement to remove Arabic and Farsi influence and return to Pali influences.

The problem is 800,000 Azeris were removed from Nagorno-Karabakh, and more importantly, its surrounding Armenian occupied areas, all to exert dominance over 150,000 Armenians.

Don't you feel that is unjust?

The Azeris did not kill Armenians or desecrate churches as Armenians did to them.

800,000 can't be right. There are 150,000 people in that region today and before the breakup 75% were Armenian. Azerbaijan has been caught faking evidence this time on a massive scale so I don't believe their numbers at all.

Azerbaijan, after the first few days began bombing civilian institutions on purpose. They also targeted a historic Church with airstrikes.

The "alleged" Armenian strikes on the pipeline and power station have been proven to be fake by analysts.

The targeting of civilians was most likely one out of sheer frustration, because of lack of progress on the front. Azeris tried to progress on multiple fronts, on the entire border. They were able to take a little bit of land in the far north and some in the far south border after sustaining mass casualties.

If Azeris had not sustained mass casualties and were progressing "on every front" like Aliyev claimed then they never would have agreed to a ceasefire after 1 week.
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