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Iranian Chill Thread

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Interesting how their new tank has an uncanny resemblance to the Abrams tank. No reactive armor though ? That's pretty alarming.

I doubt if it has any APC system. Those launchers on the left side are they ATGMs or MANPADs ?

I wonder if this was a result of exchanging technology with Iran. I'm sure that at the least Iran has its hands on the blueprints of these new missiles. If I had to guess I would say that this is probably a result of Iranian funding and a collaboration between engineers from both countries.

APC system? :P
You mean APS (Active Protection System)?
This tank has 7 rollers like heavier tanks - Leo2, Abrams, T-14 ..
The frontal smoke launchers are inbuilt, the sides have something similiar, maybe they (on the sides) aren't smoke launchers but APS?
This tank looks in few aspects more modern than Iranian T-72S Karrar Upgrade.
(Have in mind that ATM the sexy Karrar has NO APS ...)
I find the remains of the Frankenstein-Tanks like 2018 modified Chonma-216 or the even better Songun-Ho, the double ATGM, this time sidewards like from a Bradley IFV, funny.
Indicator that the NorK 125mm isn't that good? But to have a double Kornet-ATGM launcher is never bad ...
Otherwise it could be a much improved variant, look at the gun optics/laser designator AND new turret (wanna show them, no ERA because of that) with more room and this whole thing has definetely strong composite material.
Hail to King Trump 😂 , he makes NK, Iran strong and make US grip on Europe weaker ...8-)
This troll is using divide and conquer, be very cautious and dont fall for the fake diplomacy. If he lsp loves Iran yhencejats his beef with me? He said it because I insult Pakistan..but @Philosopher asked him to point to where I insulted Pakistan and he ignored that request. This man will attack Iran in front of other Pakistanis then when ucguys confront him here he will say there is no issue he has with iran... you understand the real politics but pls beware of the personal politics going on here. He hates when a Christian says anything not positive about pakistan.
Absolutely. The pakistani state doesnt bother with sectarianism. The pakistani government doesnt. Nor does the people. Im not talking about sectarianism. Im talking about a small number of ppl who have problems accepting realities. Everyone knows you are not at all sectarian, as are most ppl.

The pakistani state understands things that pakistani average joe doesnt. Thats why the Pakistani state never went against Iran.
They accuse IRAN of backstabbing. We all know who have done the backstabbing. We know who did the backstabbing for decades. We know who supported the American Stooges of AL SAUD. We know who supported regimes who had ties to the Western aggressors who destroyed the Middle East Little by Little.

We also know who recently shifted Allegiance and now support a NATO MEMBER STATE. Yes, , I repeat, A NATO MEMBER STATE. They have always been on the side of the west without even knowing it. they have done this for decade after decade and evidently to this day.

Yet they show up here and say IRAN is backstabbing. The Nerve of these ppl are astonishing. They never picked the side of a regional muslim power. But always states that took orders or were a part of western military alliance.
DONE DONE DONE! Dont forget they forgot Palestinians and Uighur Muslims(BECause they needed China's money).....but like you've said, they've shifted allegiance to a Secular, Shiite, Disoriented republic north of Iran...smh....
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The new North Korean Tank from the side.


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He called Iran, "Mullah run shithole". Please uphold the same standard for all nations. if we say that to Pakistan would you not ban us ? So this cant be tolerated.

and if you answer him with the same language you get a warning and nothing happen to them. this happend to me in another thread.
They accuse IRAN of backstabbing. We all know who have done the backstabbing. We know who did the backstabbing for decades. We know who supported the American Stooges of AL SAUD. We know who supported regimes who had ties to the Western aggressors who destroyed the Middle East Little by Little.

We also know who recently shifted Allegiance and now support a NATO MEMBER STATE. Yes, , I repeat, A NATO MEMBER STATE. They have always been on the side of the west without even knowing it. they have done this for decade after decade and evidently to this day.

Yet they show up here and say IRAN is backstabbing. The Nerve of these ppl are astonishing. They never picked the side of a regional muslim power. But always states that took orders or were a part of western military alliance.

thats the point i want to make all the time. they say Iran is backstabbing. none of the members who saying this (lets be clear i am talking about few members) brought any historical prove or fact. and when you show them facts that it wasn't Iran it was the opposite side backstabbing they just jump to another topic. a debate like that will never end.
and if you answer him with the same language you get a warning and nothing happen to them. this happend to me in another thread..
This is also how i got banned. Only using his same style of argument against him....and then they banned me in another thread because what said about China hurt them, and i did not insult China....so we all know how PDF GOES...if if hurts certain peoples feelings, it turn into "being against PDF rules"...smh..
Why are you triggered? Are you Irani?
Yes i am . Im as much Iranian as any other iranian. How about instead of asking pointless question, you explain ur hateful remarks about another country? Its not just Iran. You say that about any country ppl wud be offended.

قصه ما وحجم موشکهایی که خاک میخورند
و سیاستمدارانی که هر چه پیرتر میشن ترسوتر میشن

فکرشو کردین مصر نمیتونه به سد نهضت اتیوپی حمله مخرب و جدی کنه ولی ما از همین تهران دستمون تا سد نهضت اتیوپی میرسه
thats true.

you have some good points.

only 2 points i would like to disagree with you.

we had 8 year long war with nearly 300000 matyrs and alot of civilan died in that war cause saddam just bombed everything. when the iraqi air force couldn't reach their target cause of iranian fighters chasing them, they just dropped their bombs no matter if it was a neighbourhood or just empty land. we lived in gisha and our neighbours kid had a bday party and as soon as the iraqi fighters saw the lights there they dropped their bombs more than 30 children died and their parents only in one of those attacks. i just say that so you can realize how this war threw Iran back. even we are catching up now in many fields but in other fields, but in other fields we should have been much more far by now. so that war threwed us back for maybe a decade or two.

the other point i want to mention are the sanctions. sanctions are not sanctions. russia is also sanctioned china too, turkey etc. but Iran is facing the harshest sanctions in history of mankind. we don't even can use swift to buy medicine. only last year 3000 children died in Iran cause they couldn't get the medicine they need for threatment. Iran is producing a big amount of medicine in the country, but for some special diseases we need to import the medicine.

and we have a big brain drain which is if i am not wrong the highest in world by % of the population.

you should also consider that we are 24/7 under the threat of being attackt, even many don't think that will happen but as obama always said all options are on the table.

Appreciate your reply brother.

All three of us, Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, have been through alot. Glad we can discuss these points in a rational manner, without outsiders getting us emotional.

An Iranian who gets hurt by Pakistanis hurling abuse at the most racist and anti-Muslim people on earth???????????............... :disagree: Since when was anti-indian sentiment ever a concern for Iranians????????............:lol:...........if you are going to false flag then you need to do a better job than that...........:disagree:

So you are NOT Iranian?

Nigerian Christian hai.

We know who supported the American Stooges of AL SAUD.

US and Israel.

KSA is a bigger backstabber than Iran, but that is for another time.

Why are you triggered? Are you Irani?

Bangladeshi hai.

We don't have any problem with our Iranian brothers. Most of the vehemently anti-Pakistani posters here are not iranians.

and if you answer him with the same language you get a warning and nothing happen to them. this happend to me in another thread.

thats the point i want to make all the time. they say Iran is backstabbing. none of the members who saying this (lets be clear i am talking about few members) brought any historical prove or fact. and when you show them facts that it wasn't Iran it was the opposite side backstabbing they just jump to another topic. a debate like that will never end.

It is all related to Indian terrorism, spy network coming from Chabahar. Support for them and helping them establish themselves in Afghanistan and Oman. Solemani's threats against Pakistan (in coordination with Kabul regime border attacks) at the time of Feb 27 2019, trying to create an opening by pulling Pakistani troops from our Eastern border. Alhamdulilah the Solemani chapter is closed now, and seems Iran has recovered some sense.

We just had to shoot 2 Indian jets, take the fight to Kabul, and adopt a tough line with Tehran to get through those days, now it seems generally peace is restored between us.
Yes i am . Im as much Iranian as any other iranian. How about instead of asking pointless question, you explain ur hateful remarks about another country? Its not just Iran. You say that about any country ppl wud be offended.


Stop larping as an Iranian, bro.

Accept yourself. There is nothing wrong with being Bangladeshi.
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Here in this thread we have a CLASSIC troll move by this guy. him and all of us already agreed that we can make negative comments and assertions about govts and military but not the people. i made a negative assertion about ISI, so i did not speak about Pakistanis as a people(which i never do anyways, if its true then let him post it here), but NOOOOW, he has now copied more Pakistanis so they can come in here, and side with his lies, AGAIN....he hates CHristians, thats why he has a special invisible beef with me..
Pakistan would be a developed country with the level of hydrocarbon wealth God gifted you. Forget Pakistan, even Somalia would look like Europe with that much oil and gas.
Fake hypothetical here- we can only judge by reality and reality is that Pakistan doesnt have a strong economy, despite tons of US and Chinese financial and strategic help. BUt maybe thats because Pakistani govt(under Musharaff or hte leader after him) were also reallocating funds for economic development that US gave Pakistani govt to the Pakistani military, so Pakistani govt hurth Pakistan's economy that way, so this is bogus cuz its not reality or the full truth or story.
Yet here you are, a mulla run shith0le abhorred by the entire world. Whatever HDI you maintain is thanks to your energy resources not Iranian human resources, just like with Arabs. Credit goes to God.
Now the truth comes out!!! nuff said.
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Appreciate your reply brother.

All three of us, Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, have been through alot. Glad we can discuss these points in a rational manner, without outsiders getting us emotional.

Nigerian Christian hai.

US and Israel.

KSA is a bigger backstabber than Iran, but that is for another time.

Bangladeshi hai.

We don't have any problem with our Iranian brothers. Most of the vehemently anti-Pakistani posters here are not iranians.

It is all related to Indian terrorism, spy network coming from Chabahar. Support for them and helping them establish themselves in Afghanistan and Oman. Solemani's threats against Pakistan (in coordination with Kabul regime border attacks) at the time of Feb 27 2019, trying to create an opening by pulling Pakistani troops from our Eastern border. Alhamdulilah the Solemani chapter is closed now, and seems Iran has recovered some sense.

We just had to shoot 2 Indian jets, take the fight to Kabul, and adopt a tough line with Tehran to get through those days, now it seems generally peace is restored between us.


Stop larping as an Iranian, bro.

Accept yourself. There is nothing wrong with being Bangladeshi.

Nigerian???????............Shouldn't he be more worried/concerned about black lives matter rather than Brown/Olive-Skinned Muslims?........... :disagree:
Nigerian???????............Shouldn't he be more worried/concerned about black lives matter rather than Brown/Olive-Skinned Muslims?........... :disagree:

Nigerians are very nice people, I don't know what happened to him. We keep getting these spurred Non-Pakistanis who join this forum to unload their anti-Pakistanism.

I mean we have South Africans, Eurofascists, the odd Latinx, a Sri Lankan, and a Nigerian who seem to be on here due to some bad experiences they had with one or a few Pakistanis in the past.

Hadd to v hondi e.

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