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Iranian Chill Thread

قرار بود 20 مهر تحریم تسلیحاتی به پایان برسه ... خبری چیزی !؟
با این قیمت دلار
حتی یک فرماندار شهرستان با حقوق 90 میلیونی در ماه ، در آمدش کمتر از 3000 دلار و یک تمیز کننده ی توالت در آمریکا می شه ...

حالا حساب کن نفوذ و ایجاد خرابکاری های قانونی ( مثلا به تعویق انداختن پروژه و یا تصمیم نگرفتن در یک موضوع و یا گذاشتن یک آدم بی صلاحیت در یک پست ... ) چقدر کم هزینه هست ....

این نوع خرابکاری ها ، از بمب گذاری ها هم بدترند ...

خاک بر سر ج.ا که اونقدر غرق دزدی و فساد و مزدور گرفتن در خارج کشور بود که به این فضاحت رسید ....
He was not banned for those posts, as you have clearly seen.

Nigerians love Pakistan. We have excellent ties with them. They are our defense partners. We share close relations.

Its cringey, please stop.


Iranian brothers, this thread here requires your attention.

One of the forum staff is making false claims. He claims Azeris are not allowed to speak their mind in Iran.


Nigeria is also in the process of purchasing JF-17s.
The remains of an Israeli "Harop" loitering munition UAV / drone

Azerbaijani armor taking direct hits

Ganja, second largest city in Azerbaijan gets hit by SCUD missiles. Interesting how Turkish fanboys are freaking out about this online when their side initiated the targeting of civilians AND they have been indiscriminantly bombing Stepanakert, the capital of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh), every night

An Azerbaijani army unit enjoys a nice picnic in hostile territory. They get ambushed and it does not turn out well for them.

Kim Kardashian contributes $1,000,000 to the ongoing fundraiser currently at $90,000,000+

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Pashinian came to power in a color revolution and replaced Russia-friendly Serkisian. He decreased its dependence on Iran through using Turkish transportation.

He opened an embassy in Israel. Don’t you guys think, it is also Eu and US job to help him?
I am completely neutral about this Azari/Arminian war..But bringing the Arab Terrorists on the doorstep of Iran is completely unacceptable. These Arabs will be used by Israel to conduct terror acts in Iran just like Jundaallah was used by Saudis in Sistan/balochestan. The Azari side has 3 times manpower advantage to Armania so they do not need manpower..Turkey has brought these savages and started this game..so What is Iran's reaction...I am pissed now..lol
At the start of the conflict Aliyev swore that he would not stop until all of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) was liberated

A few days into the conflict Azerbaijan began targeting civilians, especially in Stepanakert, the capital of the Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) enclave

Almost 1 week in, Aliyev claimed that his army was advancing on all fronts. This turned out to be a complete lie.

A little over a week, after suffering extremely heavy casualties, Azerbaijan had no choice but to sign a ceasefire. To put it simply, their heavy losses are not sustainable and certainly not worth the tiny gains they have made.

The Armenians are claiming that the 4700+ Azerbaijani soldiers have been KIA (killed in action) so far. The Azerbaijani army numbers approx 50,000.

That would mean that approx 10% of Azerbaijani soldiers have died. Considering the fact that injuries are usually several times higher than deaths, that would mean that 20%-30% of their soldiers have been killed or injured in just 1 week of fighting.

Even assuming that half those numbers are true, it's still a terrible loss for very little gained.

Remember Azerbaijan has "liberated" something like 5% of the Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) territory at the most. However their gains are not at all decisive and the situation on the ground is extremely fluid.

Now Azerbaijani forces are stuck in a rather precarious situation, especially in the south. Rather than advancing like a widening circle, they seem to be lunging forward is various areas.

If the Azerbaijani military had complete air dominance then they wouldn't have to worry about their flanks as much, in the same way that the US military in 2003 went straight for Baghdad and decapitated Saddam's regime in one swift stroke.

However since Azerbaijan does not have completely air dominance, advancing in straight lines, rather than like an outwards circle, is a recipe for disaster.

They could be so easily exploited at this point that it's not even funny. Looking at the map below, they could easily be cut off and encircled by the Armenians. In my opinion the risk for them is very real.

I've enlarged the images.

These are all Azeri gains based on geo-location, picture, video evidence. The green are proven gains, the blue are contested territory, claimed as "liberated" by Azerbaijan, but not proven as of yet.


The second picture, below, shows the gains in the south, on the border with Iran. I have drawn a circle where the Azeris are vulnerable to be cut off. If that "bridge" which I have circled, is cut off, then all the units west of that "bridge" will be encircled. It's almost as if they're being lured into a trap ? Who knows, only time will tell.

I'm certain that Iran has already warned Azerbaijan of the consequences should they try anything in the slightest.

I'm also certain that Iran is keeping a close eye on the terrorists. If they try anything Iran's response should be extremely unproportional.

For example if they attack an Iranian army base even with artillery shells, then Iran should respond with 8 or more missiles, completely wiping out their bases and logistics.

It would be almost too easy for Iran that close to the border. Imagine Iran using their Saegheh UAVs. Fly low, cross the border and hit them with a few Sadid missiles right where it hurts.

I honestly doubt if they're dumb enough to try anything though. Azerbaijan is in a very precarious situation right now on the border with Iran. They've sacrificed 4000+ soldiers for very minor and insignificant territorial gains.

If Iran were to launch even a very limited missile / drone strike on its border against Azeri forces, it would completely shift the balance of power in favor of the Armenians. The Azerbaijani army would most likely have no choice but to relinquish the very minuscule gains that they've sacrificed so much to acquire.

I am completely neutral about this Azari/Arminian war..But bringing the Arab Terrorists on the doorstep of Iran is completely unacceptable. These Arabs will be used by Israel to conduct terror acts in Iran just like Jundaallah was used by Saudis in Sistan/balochestan. The Azari side has 3 times manpower advantage to Armania so they do not need manpower..Turkey has brought these savages and started this game..so What is Iran's reaction...I am pissed now..lol
I'm certain that Iran has already warned Azerbaijan of the consequences should they try anything in the slightest.

I'm also certain that Iran is keeping a close eye on the terrorists. If they try anything Iran's response should be extremely unproportional.

For example if they attack an Iranian army base even with artillery shells, then Iran should respond with 8 or more missiles, completely wiping out their bases and logistics.

It would be almost too easy for Iran that close to the border. Imagine Iran using their Saegheh UAVs. Fly low, cross the border and hit them with a few Sadid missiles right where it hurts.

I honestly doubt if they're dumb enough to try anything though. Azerbaijan is in a very precarious situation right now on the border with Iran. They've sacrificed 4000+ soldiers for very minor and insignificant territorial gains.

If Iran were to launch even a very limited missile / drone strike on its border against Azeri forces, it would completely shift the balance of power in favor of the Armenians. The Azerbaijani army would most likely have no choice but to relinquish the very minuscule gains that they've sacrificed so much to acquire.
IMHO turkey is thinking long term...they want a land bridge to Azarbiagan...the transport of Arabs is only the first step to gain leverage on iran .when the time comes to action their land bridge they know iran will oppose that...they will use thses Arabs that by then have trained many Azaris to stop iran from any action...

The game is set ...time for iran to gain extra leverage on turkey...use turkey's natural enemies (there are many) just as they do...iran should think long term and plan accordingly...Sultan of the turks has big plans for this part of the world.
I am completely neutral about this Azari/Arminian war..But bringing the Arab Terrorists on the doorstep of Iran is completely unacceptable. These Arabs will be used by Israel to conduct terror acts in Iran just like Jundaallah was used by Saudis in Sistan/balochestan. The Azari side has 3 times manpower advantage to Armania so they do not need manpower..Turkey has brought these savages and started this game..so What is Iran's reaction...I am pissed now..lol

And bringing iranian Shia proxies and PKK to Turkey's doorstep was ok?

Bringing Indian terror apparatus to Chabahar was ok?
use turkey's natural enemies (there are many) just as they do

i said before if turkey is trying to do something against Iranian intrest, Iran should attack turkey in syria and and in iraq. if this attacks happen erdogan will know where it comes from and maybe step a bit back.

And bringing iranian Shia proxies and PKK to Turkey's doorstep was ok?

you need to go a bit back in history i say it once again there wouldn't be any iranian proxies wouldn't it been for american saudi zionist creating isis. NO country would tolerate terrorist at it borders. since the 2nd world war the western policy in the middle east was wrong. they created wars between nations destabilized countries. only to install pro western regimes.
but what happend since the 50s no matter what they did it was somehow in favour of Iran. all other countries would use the advantage if they could. i think you still see it as a sectarian thing, but if you sit down and just see it as a geopolitical game than everything will makes sense.
just open the middle east map and see what is connected to what and of course you need to have understanding of the historical and political facts (otherwise in won't change).

i don't have much time these days, but if you make research for pkk and pjak then you'll find that israel is supporting them openly. AND i say it again no other turkish administration had that much coorperation in military and economy with isreal then under erdogan. even the israelis supporting kurdish rebels train them and sending them weapons.
cause it's not about religion and sceterion wars it's about geopolitics economic coorperation. we have nearly 200 countries. america got more then 700 bases in 200 countries you think they what to bring christianity?
yes there was a time Iran supported pkk it was in the 90s. at that time the turkey and Iran had their problems. it's never one sided. there is always a reason. Iran and turkey ties wasn't good in the 90s. Iran supoorted pkk and turkey supported azeris seperatist in Iran. thats a game.
but believe you me erdogan is poison for the turkish poeple, he tries to dance on every wedding and thats not possible. one day he have to choose a side.

and for pakistan and Iran relations. these two countries never had big issues. we some border problems but as for now we change intelligence together and we have alot of coming and going by our two militaries.
thats why i don't understand some pakistani peoples hate towards Iranian here.
i said before if turkey is trying to do something against Iranian intrest, Iran should attack turkey in syria and and in iraq. if this attacks happen erdogan will know where it comes from and maybe step a bit back.
This is not the Ottoman-Safavid era. Iran and Turkey are not enemies nor are they friends. They are living day by day as neighbours. Can't do much except coexist together.

On a regime level i won't even talk about how the Erdogan family literally became millionaires through the Iran sanctions.

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