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Iranian Chill Thread

And bringing iranian Shia proxies

Pro-Iranian groups in Syria have no agenda nor history of attacks against Turkey. As opposed to Al-Qaida type organizations said to have been sent to Karabakh, since these are officially enemies of Iran.

and PKK to Turkey's doorstep was ok?

Initially the PKK was created inside Turkey. Concerning their presence outside Turkish borders, Iran did not bring them to these areas (KRG-ruled Qandil mountains in northern Iraq, US-controlled northeastern Syria, etc).


Pashinian came to power in a color revolution and replaced Rus

He opened an embassy in Israel. Don’t you guys think, it is also Eu and US job to help him?

Wasn't aware he opened an embassy there. In previous comments, I talked about Erevan's rapprochment with the US regime in the aftermath of the CIA-sponsored colored "revolution" and assumed it could possibly lead to a parallel rapprochment with the zionist entity, but didn't know this had effectively taken place already. Also I had referred to Pashynian and Sarksian as "presidents" when in fact they are prime ministers of Armenia, so I must now correct that detail (not that it would be of great consequence to the discussion).

Now, this offers additional reason for Iran to stay neutral in the current spat. If anything, Iran will now be able to confront Armenia with the fact that there's nothing to be gained from establishing or enhancing ties with the US and zionist regimes. Armenians hardly got anything out of this, and when they needed international support the most, i. e. during the recent conflict with Azarbaijan, they enjoyed as good as no assistance whatsoever from their newfound "partners". Which should make them rethink and revise this recent foreign policy reorientation of theirs.

Of course the major exception to and red line for Iranian neutrality ought to be the arrival of characterized anti-Iranian terrorists (or any other zionist-controlled or actual Isra"el"i assets) on the border. On this point, Iranian intervention would be perfectly legitimate.
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Pro-Iranian groups in Syria have no agenda nor history of attacks against Turkey. As opposed to Al-Qaida type organizations said to have been sent to Karabakh, since these are officially enemies of Iran.

sia-friendly Serkisian. He decreased its dependence on Iran through using Turkish transportation.

The PKK was created inside Turkey. As for their presence outside Turkish borders, Iran did not bring them to these areas (Qandil mountains in northern Iraq, US-controlled northeastern Syria, etc).


Wasn't aware he opened an embassy there. In previous comments, I talked about Erevan's rapprochment with the US regime in the aftermath of the CIA-sponsored colored "revolution" and assumed it could possibly lead to a parallel rapprochment with the zionist entity, but didn't know this had effectively taken place already. Also I had referred to Pashynian and Sarksian as "presidents" when in fact they are prime ministers of Armenia, so I'll have to correct that little detail (not that it would be of great consequence to the discussion itself).

Now, this offers additional reason for Iran to stay neutral in the current spat. If anything, Iran will now be able to confront Armenia with the fact that one does not get much out of establishing or enhancing ties with the US and zionist regimes. Erevan hardly gained anything out of this, and when it needed international support the most, i. e. during the recent conflict with Azarbaijan, they enjoyed as good no assistance whatsoever from their newfound "partners". Which should make them rethink and revise this recent foreign policy reorientation of theirs.

Of course the major exception to and red line for Iranian neutrality ought to be the arrival of characterized anti-Iranian terrorists (or any other zionist-controlled or actual Isra"el"i assets) on the border. On this point, Iranian intervention would be perfectly legitimate.

No comments on Chabahar, Kulbushan Yadav, Kabul puppet government, BLF, and attempted hit on Mufti Taqi Usmani?

This is not the Ottoman-Safavid era. Iran and Turkey are not enemies nor are they friends. They are living day by day as neighbours. Can't do much except coexist together.

On a regime level i won't even talk about how the Erdogan family literally became millionaires through the Iran sanctions.

not enemies? all was good before erdogan changed his politics 2014 and start supporting terrorist who directly threaten Iran and Iranian intrests.

yes specialy in ahmadinejad period they sold a lot of turkeys gold to Iran under the market price.
his son in law berat albayrak made oil delas with isis. so they made of money.
you need to go a bit back in history i say it once again there wouldn't be any iranian proxies wouldn't it been for american saudi zionist creating isis. NO country would tolerate terrorist at it borders. since the 2nd world war the western policy in the middle east was wrong. they created wars between nations destabilized countries. only to install pro western regimes.
but what happend since the 50s no matter what they did it was somehow in favour of Iran. all other countries would use the advantage if they could. i think you still see it as a sectarian thing, but if you sit down and just see it as a geopolitical game than everything will makes sense.
just open the middle east map and see what is connected to what and of course you need to have understanding of the historical and political facts (otherwise in won't change).

i don't have much time these days, but if you make research for pkk and pjak then you'll find that israel is supporting them openly. AND i say it again no other turkish administration had that much coorperation in military and economy with isreal then under erdogan. even the israelis supporting kurdish rebels train them and sending them weapons.
cause it's not about religion and sceterion wars it's about geopolitics economic coorperation. we have nearly 200 countries. america got more then 700 bases in 200 countries you think they what to bring christianity?
yes there was a time Iran supported pkk it was in the 90s. at that time the turkey and Iran had their problems. it's never one sided. there is always a reason. Iran and turkey ties wasn't good in the 90s. Iran supoorted pkk and turkey supported azeris seperatist in Iran. thats a game.
but believe you me erdogan is poison for the turkish poeple, he tries to dance on every wedding and thats not possible. one day he have to choose a side.

and for pakistan and Iran relations. these two countries never had big issues. we some border problems but as for now we change intelligence together and we have alot of coming and going by our two militaries.
thats why i don't understand some pakistani peoples hate towards Iranian here.

It all comes down to which side you believe: Turkey/Azerbaycan/Syrian people/Iraqi Sunnis or Iran/Hezbollah/Assad regime/Iraqi Shia government.

It is am impasse, so let us leave it there.

As for Pakistan and Iran, Solemani's little stunt before Balakot was a giant stab in our back. We are fighting India on our East, we shouldn't have to worry about Iran from our West. However your government saw fit to establish Indian terror/spy apparatus in Chabahar after Taliban kicked them out of Afghanistan. Then the flood of Shia pilgrims with COVID back to our country. Illegal recruitment of our pilgrims for Liwa Zanabiyuon to fight our ally Turkey. New nexus in Oman against us. When MBS visited Pakistan, you guys politicized the issue and issued threats again. So too the support of BLF, and treating Riggi in your hospital.

List goes on.

Is this the behavior of a friend?
not enemies? all was good before erdogan changed his politics 2014 and start supporting terrorist who directly threaten Iran and Iranian intrests.

yes specialy in ahmadinejad period they sold a lot of turkeys gold to Iran under the market price.
his son in law berat albayrak made oil delas with isis. so they made of money.

Turkey and Pakistan are still helping Iran skirt sanctions and smuggle oil across the borders.

We are not Gulf Arabs, we don't have an existential struggle with iran.
And bringing iranian Shia proxies and PKK to Turkey's doorstep was ok?

Bringing Indian terror apparatus to Chabahar was ok?

you ever think about things you write?
where iran is brings pkk troops to turkish borders? iran some time fight like turkey against kurdish rebels in the border areas of iran. and some time they make operations at the same time like the turks ageinst this kurdish groups. where iran brings shia terrorists to turkish borders? there are no terrorist, they fight ageinst isis and are no risk for turkey they are in Syrian area and if Syria is save they can go home. but turkey start war there ageinst that groups that try to save Syria.
you ever think about things you write?
where iran is brings pkk troops to turkish borders? iran some time fight like turkey against kurdish rebels in the border areas of iran. and some time they make operations at the same time like the turks ageinst this kurdish groups. where iran brings shia terrorists to turkish borders? there are no terrorist, they fight ageinst isis and are no risk for turkey they are in Syrian area and if Syria is save they can go home. but turkey start war there ageinst that groups that try to save Syria.

Exactly, your narrative blinds you. There is nothing more to discuss.

PKK is in coalition in Syria with Assad and Iranian proxies, but I guess you don't know about it.

We can discuss Syria later in the relevant thread.
you ever think about things you write?
where iran is brings pkk troops to turkish borders? iran some time fight like turkey against kurdish rebels in the border areas of iran. and some time they make operations at the same time like the turks ageinst this kurdish groups. where iran brings shia terrorists to turkish borders? there are no terrorist, they fight ageinst isis and are no risk for turkey they are in Syrian area and if Syria is save they can go home. but turkey start war there ageinst that groups that try to save Syria.
LMAO.....he decided to pretend to not understand what you said when he cant combat your logic.
No comments on Chabahar, Kulbushan Yadav, Kabul puppet government, BLF, and attempted hit on Mufti Taqi Usmani?


The discussion was about Iran and Turkey (since initially your reaction was to aryobarzan's comment about the deployment of such groups on her borders being for Tehran). I'm not certain that the quoted topics are directly relevant in this regard. Unless you mean to suggest that Turkey is entitled to jeopardize Iran's national security because Iran purportedly did so against Pakistan (I'm not sure Ankara herself would invoke this as a justification).

I also prefer not to comment on things I know too little about. My understanding is that there's no official accusation by the government of Pakistan that Iran deliberately hosted an Indian agent in Chabahar with the goal of destabilizing Pakistan. The same would apply to claims that the BLF is using Iranian territory as a safe haven to attack Pakistani forces. I also remember @raptor22 posting a statement from Pakistani officials to the effect that Iran bears no responsability in the Yadav affair.

Regarding mufti Usmani, I didn't see conclusive proof of Iranian implication, but moreover this begs the question what Iran would stand to gain from attempting to assassinate a cleric who as far as I'm aware has neither been known for taking strong anti-Iran positions nor for legitimizing sectarian killings of Pakistani civilians? In Iraq, according to credible sources, activists have just recently been targeted in CIA / Mossad false flag operations right in the middle of US-sponsored anti-Iran protests, so these murders could then be blamed on Iran, as part of a comprehensive policy to torpedo relations between Tehran and her neighbors (part of Trump's and his zionist masters' "maximum pressure" policy). Why is it not plausible for the same hands to be at work in Pakistan, against Pakistan's true interest?

The Kabul government is backed by the US regime even more than by Iran, and is also recognized and supported by Turkey. Should the latter two not also be reproached for their ties with Kabul if we are to condemn Iran for the same thing? Maybe this could be a starting point to ponder whether the degree of Islamabad's relations with Washington and the large US embassy do more good than harm to Pakistan, or whether it's the opposite.
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No comments on Chabahar, Kulbushan Yadav, Kabul puppet government, BLF, and attempted hit on Mufti Taqi Usmani?

what about Chabahar , we started it before Gwaddar in fact you copied us on that and instead of us complaining you re the one who complain .
you made Kabul government a possibility by open your Air and land to the invading party . we didn't allowed them use our territory for that.
BLF is Pakistan internal matter fix your shit in Baluchistan and it made everything a lot easier here
Also about Taqi Osmani if your police is more than one year that have key leads that can result in arrest of the one who commit it and still don't ac on it we are not responsible go ask your government and judiciary system and police force why .
about Kulbushan Yadav it clearly explained why it has nothing to do with us and you still complaining.
As for Pakistan and Iran, Solemani's little stunt before Balakot was a giant stab in our back. We are fighting India on our East, we shouldn't have to worry about Iran from our West. However your government saw fit to establish Indian terror/spy apparatus in Chabahar after Taliban kicked them out of Afghanistan. Then the flood of Shia pilgrims with COVID back to our country. Illegal recruitment of our pilgrims for Liwa Zanabiyuon to fight our ally Turkey. New nexus in Oman against us. When MBS visited Pakistan, you guys politicized the issue and issued threats again. So too the support of BLF, and treating Riggi in your hospital.
the first part even don't worth answering as it is explained many times . and your government didn't asked us not to send the pilgrims back also the fact remain that majority of your initial patient come from Europe but you tend to not mention that.
about recruiting Pakistani people for Liwa Zanabiyuon there is nothing illegal about it both Pakistan and Iran consider it as legitimate organization and its just like your national apply for legitimate work oversea . if its illegal its not you who must tell us , its your foreign ministry , have any complaint go take it to them. and when any Indian representative visit Iran you politicize it .
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The same applies to claims that the BLF is using Iranian territory to attack Pakistani forces.
what Iran territory , it happened more than 20km inside Pakistan and the terrorist escaped inside Pakistan not toward Iran . and then some Pakistani media claimed the terrorist opened fire from Iranian side of the border .

for Gods sake it happened more than 20km inside Pakistan what they used Artillery rockets ? ballistic missiles ?
Regarding mufti Usmani, I didn't see conclusive proof of Iranian implication, but moreover this begs the question what Iran would stand to gain from attempting to assassinate a cleric who as far as I'm aware has neither been known for taking strong anti-Iran positions nor for legitimizing sectarian killings of Pakistani civilians?
they even don't have inconclusive proof that implicate any body . their police more than one and half years go claimed thy have evidence who did it and soon make an arrest but still they didn't do any move
PKK is in coalition in Syria with Assad and Iranian proxies, but I guess you don't know about it.

well thats not true. i don't know what sources you have but it need to be proved.

please read this articel. as i said there was a time in the 90s when Iran gave limited support to pkk cause at that time turkey and Iran hadn't good relations. it was teh time when khatami was president.

since the american invasion of iraq turkey and Iran and had joit many opertions together against pkk and pjak.
even now syrian army force fighting ypg in syria. sometimes i feel that you don't make a research, you hear something somwhere and thats it.

the pjek was a affiliation from pkk. so how can Iran support pkk and same time fighting pjek which is basically pkk in iraq. there is no logic behind your claims.
Exactly, your narrative blinds you. There is nothing more to discuss.

PKK is in coalition in Syria with Assad and Iranian proxies, but I guess you don't know about it.

We can discuss Syria later in the relevant thread.

And why? becourse Turkey Attack Syria. If Turkey hasn’t Attack Syria, than Sooner or later Assad take the kurdish territory back. But Turkey bring the Kurds and Assad together. With these attack. Turkey make These Not Iran or Assad. You have to look why Thinges Happen.
یک روحیه تحقیرپذیری و تهدید پذیری در اقایون به وجود اومده که سابقه نداشته

برای اوباما شیر بودند و سرباز امریکایی رو گریه مینداختن ولی جلوی ترامپ ذلیل شدند
میترسن لابد حرکت احمقانه ای بکنه

اگه زمان اوباما اونقد زر نمیزدن الان جلوی ترامپ اینقد حقیر به نظر نمی اومدند‌‌
زمان اوباما اورانیوم سریعتر غنی میشد

رفتن عراق پول نفت ازاد کنند و شاید اقلام مجاز دارویی و غذایی وارد کنند‌
خاک بر سر ها خوبه عراق به برقتون نیاز داره
این حقارتتون از سر پیریه یا از اوایل انقلاب درس گرفتین

اون موقع که باید حسابگر میبودند شدند چه گوارا و از دیوار سفارت بالا رفتن

الان سر پیری هر از گاهی یه فحشی میدند و تهدیدی میکنند

ترامپ فاک هم بهشون گفت و جوابی نگرفت و خوب دفعه بعد جسورتر میگه

بیخود مشکلات رو تقصیر روحانی نیندازیم
مشکل جای دیگست

از بی بخاری اینها اسم قاچاقچی شد کولبر و مقدس‌ شد
مبادا پس گردن موبایل قاپ ها بزنید زشته برامون

و جوون رعنای هجده ساله کشور در مرز کشته میشه و هیچ صدایی نمیاد
نفت در برابر غذا شد افتخار

جرات موشک رونمایی کردن و نمایش هسته ای هم ندارند‌
از اون جوونک کره شمالی هم کمتر شدند
ثمره هشتاد نود سال زندگی

یه مشت بی خاصیت امام جمعه کرده که هنرشون تهدید دخترای بی حجابه
خوب زورتون به ترامپ نمیرسه اینور خالی کنین خودتونو
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Illegal recruitment of our pilgrims for Liwa Zanabiyuon to fight our ally Turkey

they fought turkey? they fought isis. sorry yes they fought turkey cause turkey was and is a supporter of isis. my fault. you really are against shias fighting against a group who behead women and children sunni shia no matter what they are. you told me that who says the shahada is not to be killed. but i guess there are exceptions. it's a matter who kill them. they rather are friends with israel and shake hands with bibi and mccain. and you call those countries finance them give them weapons logistic your allies? really?

here you can see how israel helping al nusra and treat them in israeli military hospital.

i never see one of you guys condem isis and al nusra and al qaida, the american policy in the middle east israel. and never talk or condem turkey to support those barbaric groups. you just avoid that and post about something else.


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The discussion was about Iran and Turkey (since initially your reaction was to aryobarzan's comment about the deployment of such groups on her borders being for Tehran). I'm not certain that the quoted topics are directly relevant in this regard. Unless you mean to suggest that Turkey is entitled to jeopardize Iran's national security because Iran purportedly did so against Pakistan (I'm not sure Ankara herself would invoke this as a justification).

I also prefer not to comment on things I know too little about. My understanding is that there's no official accusation by the government of Pakistan that Iran deliberately hosted an Indian agent in Chabahar with the goal of destabilizing Pakistan. The same would apply to claims that the BLF is using Iranian territory as a safe haven to attack Pakistani forces. I also remember @raptor22 posting a statement from Pakistani officials to the effect that Iran bears no responsability in the Yadav affair.

Regarding mufti Usmani, I didn't see conclusive proof of Iranian implication, but moreover this begs the question what Iran would stand to gain from attempting to assassinate a cleric who as far as I'm aware has neither been known for taking strong anti-Iran positions nor for legitimizing sectarian killings of Pakistani civilians? In Iraq, according to credible sources, activists have just recently been targeted in CIA / Mossad false flag operations right in the middle of US-sponsored anti-Iran protests, so these murders could then be blamed on Iran, as part of a comprehensive policy to torpedo relations between Tehran and her neighbors (part of Trump's and his zionist masters' "maximum pressure" policy). Why is it not plausible for the same hands to be at work in Pakistan, against Pakistan's true interest?

The Kabul government is backed by the US regime even more than by Iran, and is also recognized and supported by Turkey. Should the latter two not also be reproached for their ties with Kabul if we are to condemn Iran for the same thing? Maybe this could be a starting point to ponder whether the degree of Islamabad's relations with Washington and the large US embassy do more good than harm to Pakistan, or whether it's the opposite.

Ofcourse you have nothing to say against Iran. I would not expect you to.

However it is beneficial for Iranian members to know the view from the Pakistani side.

Also Turkey is a very rational actor, regardless of Iranian inability to understand it.

It is the reason that the majority of the Muslim world supports the Turks.

And why? becourse Turkey Attack Syria. If Turkey hasn’t Attack Syria, than Sooner or later Assad take the kurdish territory back. But Turkey bring the Kurds and Assad together. With these attack. Turkey make These Not Iran or Assad. You have to look why Thinges Happen.

It was not acceptable for Assad to slaughter the Sunni majority of Syria. He went way overboard. He chased out a significant percentage of the Syrian people, who became refugees and had to flee.

they fought turkey? they fought isis. sorry yes they fought turkey cause turkey was and is a supporter of isis. my fault. you really are against shias fighting against a group who behead women and children sunni shia no matter what they are. you told me that who says the shahada is not to be killed. but i guess there are exceptions. it's a matter who kill them. they rather are friends with israel and shake hands with bibi and mccain. and you call those countries finance them give them weapons logistic your allies? really?

here you can see how israel helping al nusra and treat them in israeli military hospital.

i never see one of you guys condem isis and al nusra and al qaida, the american policy in the middle east israel. and never talk or condem turkey to support those barbaric groups. you just avoid that and post about something else.

War crimes were on both sides. By far the most vile entity in Syria is the atheist dictator Assad whom you guys are supporting.

Tag me in the Syrian thread, we can continue there.

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