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Iranian Chill Thread

they fought turkey? they fought isis. sorry yes they fought turkey cause turkey was and is a supporter of isis. my fault. you really are against shias fighting against a group who behead women and children sunni shia no matter what they are. you told me that who says the shahada is not to be killed. but i guess there are exceptions. it's a matter who kill them. they rather are friends with israel and shake hands with bibi and mccain. and you call those countries finance them give them weapons logistic your allies? really?

here you can see how israel helping al nusra and treat them in israeli military hospital.

i never see one of you guys condem isis and al nusra and al qaida, the american policy in the middle east israel. and never talk or condem turkey to support those barbaric groups. you just avoid that and post about something else.
Can you ask him what his opinion on Turkey RECRUITING SYrians to fight in Libya and Azerbaijan????? he seems only angry when its SHia Iran recruiting people....like i said, he doesnt like Iran, and he doesnt like CHristians. ive seen at least 2 posts of his attacking Iran on the AZ-AM thread, but then he will come over here to say there is nothing wrong with Iran..expert manipulator.

He went and reported my posts accusing ISI and Pakistani military of supporting indirectly Jaish Ul Adl and Jundollah attacks on Iran from the Pakistan border(but the mods didnt do crap, because it was a reasonable statement, they just ignored his babying...)...playing victim is natural for him, because its a tool of manipulation. US SOOOO distrusts pakistan govt right now, even US is moving military equipment t othe Afghan -Pakistan border to ensure the peace deal with Taliban is executed properly....US doesnt even sell Pakistan any weapons today....he will attack Shia countries and then play victim when Sunni countries like TUrkey or Pakistan get backlash.. let him say that TUrkish govt and military doesnt support ISIS here and i will give him a boat load of evidence that they do. i'm just waiting...ha ha .....


"You are Bangladeshi so i dunno why you talk this way of Paksitan"
"He's a NIgerian CHristian, so i dunno why he doesnt like Pakistan since Nigeria and Pakistan have good relationship"(what simple thinking)
today i saw on the AZ-AM thread "you're not like other Vietnamese"..YO CAN THESE MODS REGULATE THIS MANN!!!! damn..just trolling with dangerous baiting tools and then why he gets the same currency back he will answer with "nobody should insult Pakistan"....smh
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Can you ask this vicious troll what his opinion on Turkey RECRUITING SYrians to fight in Libya and Azerbaijan????? he seems only angry when its SHia Iran recruiting people....like i said, he doesnt like Iran, and he doesnt like CHristians. ive seen at least 2 posts of his attacking Iran on the AZ-AM thread, but then he will come over here to say there is nothing wrong with Iran..expert manipulator.

He went and reported my posts accusing ISI and Pakistani military of supporting indirectly Jaish Ul Adl and Jundollah attacks on Iran from the Pakistan border(but the mods didnt do crap, because it was a reasonable statement, they just ignored his babying...)...playing victim is natural for him, because its a tool of manipulation. US SOOOO distrusts pakistan govt right now, even US is moving military equipment t othe Afghan -Pakistan border to ensure the peace deal with Taliban is executed properly....US doesnt even sell Pakistan any weapons today....he will attack Shia countries and then play victim when Sunni countries like TUrkey or Pakistan get backlash.. let him say that TUrkish govt and military doesnt support ISIS here and i will give him a boat load of evidence that they do. i'm just waiting...ha ha .....


"You are Bangladeshi so i dunno why you talk this way of Paksitan"
"He's a NIgerian CHristian, so i dunno why he doesnt like Pakistan since Nigeria and Pakistan have good relationship"(what simple thinking)
today i saw on the AZ-AM thread "you're not like other Vietnamese"..YO CAN THESE MODS REGULATE THIS MANN!!!! damn..just trolling with dangerous baiting tools and then why he gets the same currency back he will answer with "nobody should insult Pakistan"....smh

i am not a member since long time. i still don't know the users here, but one thing i can say, if you confront them with something they don't give you an answer. they just jump to another topic to avoid the bitter truth. i still didn't see one prove of what they say about Iran. Iran is heloing indian spies even the pakistani goverment said thats not true.
how can people be so blind and don't see that ALL the situation now in the middle east is because of british, american and zionist imprealism. yes Iran use the situation and build up it's military and economical ties and became the major player in the region. pakistan turkey saudi qatar uae all would have done it BUT they couldn't. reason lack of discipline, logistic, military capacity etc. if one of those countries could do what Iran did, they wouldn't even think 1 sec about it (of course they treid later with isis al nusra and other proxies).
why the people don't condem saudi back terrorists who attacked Iran parlament? the people got killed there weren't innocent?
show me one case that for example hezbollah or other Iranian proxies went and attackt civilian places to send a message (i am not talking about civilian casualties in action, even if it would be for that then by faaaaaaar saudi and turkey are ahead of Iran and her allies).
and talking abizt turkey like it's a symbol for islam in the world. where alcohol, gay parades, beach parties (not a normal party but a type of sexual thing) are at least tolerated if not even in most places allowed.
everywhere in the world 99.9% of the terrorist attacks taken place no matter europe america (if you believe the official 11/9 report, the terrorist where saudis and emaratis) are from one of the sunnis branches yet they blame Iran doing this Iran doing that. and trying to explaine no sense thing without having historical background.

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Iraqi resistance groups fire 'all their weapons' against US troops if they fail to withdraw: Kata'ib Hezbollah

Iraq's anti-terror Kata'ib Hezbollah group says all Iraqi resistance groups and factions will “use all the weapons at their disposal” against American forces in the Arab country if Washington refuses to withdraw its forces despite a parliament’s decision to expel them from Iraq.

In a joint statement on Saturday, Iraqi resistance groups agreed on a conditional ceasefire to American forces present in Iraq, saying they would halt their military operations against the US troops, including rocket attacks, providing that Washington does not persist in maintaining their presence in the Arab country.

They stressed that the “conditional opportunity” was created “to respect the good efforts made by some national and political figures to draw up a clear and specific timetable for the implementation of the decision of the Iraqi people, parliament, and government on withdrawal of foreign troops from Iraq.”

Iran is heloing indian spies even the pakistani goverment said thats not true.

Kulbushan Yadav.
Can you ask this vicious troll what his opinion on Turkey RECRUITING SYrians to fight in Libya and Azerbaijan????? he seems only angry when its SHia Iran recruiting people....like i said, he doesnt like Iran, and he doesnt like CHristians. ive seen at least 2 posts of his attacking Iran on the AZ-AM thread, but then he will come over here to say there is nothing wrong with Iran..expert manipulator.

He went and reported my posts accusing ISI and Pakistani military of supporting indirectly Jaish Ul Adl and Jundollah attacks on Iran from the Pakistan border(but the mods didnt do crap, because it was a reasonable statement, they just ignored his babying...)...playing victim is natural for him, because its a tool of manipulation. US SOOOO distrusts pakistan govt right now, even US is moving military equipment t othe Afghan -Pakistan border to ensure the peace deal with Taliban is executed properly....US doesnt even sell Pakistan any weapons today....he will attack Shia countries and then play victim when Sunni countries like TUrkey or Pakistan get backlash.. let him say that TUrkish govt and military doesnt support ISIS here and i will give him a boat load of evidence that they do. i'm just waiting...ha ha .....


"You are Bangladeshi so i dunno why you talk this way of Paksitan"
"He's a NIgerian CHristian, so i dunno why he doesnt like Pakistan since Nigeria and Pakistan have good relationship"(what simple thinking)
today i saw on the AZ-AM thread "you're not like other Vietnamese"..YO CAN THESE MODS REGULATE THIS MANN!!!! damn..just trolling with dangerous baiting tools and then why he gets the same currency back he will answer with "nobody should insult Pakistan"....smh

I am pulling up a thread to deal specifically with your accusations directly to Mods.

Until then, keep your nonsense out of this thread.
A recent post of mine on this thread was edited by Mods, reason? "Tone softened"....what is that even?? wow, PDF will keep surprising us.

PDF is censoring me..ha ha .....if this post gets deleted, then thats confirmation.
It is very likely this troll hates Christians. He is now frequently referring to me as a "Nigerian Christian"....which is VERY suspicious because 99% of people on PDF dont refer to Christians that way. This might also explain why he is SOOOOO into supporting Azerbaijan....because Azerbaijan is killing CHristians in its war....the signs are showing...
Avoid calling others trolls and name calling. Stick to the topic, there is plenty of freedom of speech given here. Also back your sources when you say ISI supports attacks on Iran. Pakistan has zero interest in a weak Iran.
The Turks can't build a land bridge to Azerbaijan. Putin and the Russians are a few steps ahead of the game and won't allow it. Russia has stated that they will not tolerate any direct attack on Armenia proper.

Turkey stands no chance against Russia from a military standpoint. Turkey is giving Russia billions of dollars to purchase more S-400 batteries and to build nuclear power plants, not to mention the pipelines that go through Turkish territory.

Putin has Erdogan on a leach. As soon as Erdogan tries over extending his hand, Putin will firmly pull on the leach, that's all.

Turkey under Erdogan is collapsing economically and now desperately looking for a way out and looking to distract general attention towards various conflicts. However Erdogan doesn't have too many options left.

Erdogan wants to steal southern Cyrprus's natural gas concessions but the threat of EU sanctions has forced Turkey to take a step back. On the other hand, the various conflicts abroad have more or less reached various stalemates.

In Syria, Turkey spent billions and all they have to show for it is a few unstable agricultural, rural areas with no natural resources. Making further inroads will be costly and difficult and in the new year the SAA will launch a new offensive in Idlib.

In Libya, Turkey has managed to consolidate GNA control over Tripoli. However the people of Libya are restless and constantly protesting. Haftar and the LNA control most of the oil resources. The GNA can barely pay their own bills. Turkey lost 20+ UAV's ($5 million a piece) and spent billions in Libya.

They had their eyes on the city of Sirte however Egypt has warned that they will intervene if the city is attacked. A few months ago, Egyptian / UAE Rafale jets destroyed 3 Turkish air defenses in Watiya airbase. The Turks didn't even know what hit them. That event quickly dashed their hopes of further adventures in Libya.

In Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) we saw what happened. 5000+ Azerbaijani soldiers / Turkish mercenaries have died so far. With the entire Azeri army numbering 50,000, it's obvious why the Azerbaijani's were forced to sign a ceasefire. Their initial goal was to liberate the entire enclave, however despite all their efforts, they have barely "liberated" 5% of the territory. Their territorial gains are minor and indecisive. All of their gains could easily be reversed at any time since their forces are surrounded by enemy units in a mountainous terrain without constant air support.

In the long run, Erdogan has a faltering economy that is worsening by the day and thousands of restless, radical militants that are restless and just as much of a threat to Turkey as they are to its enemies. Billions have been spent with minor, inconsequential gains all across the board. Turkey is actually in a very precarious situation right now.

Erdogan is currently embroiled in 3 warzones stretching from the Caucasus to north Africa. If the SAA, Armenians, LNA/Egyptians were to act in unison and launch major counter attacks all at once, Turkey's resources would be strained and they could easily lose all of their gains.

So far the SAA are planning a major offensive in Idlib in the new year. The Armenians are determined and are constantly being resupplied with weapons. In my opinion, if Egypt and the LNA were to launch a major offensive tomorrow, they would inevitably be victorious.

Egypt by itself has a formidable airforce, air defenses, missiles and a few thousand Abram tanks. Add to that the LNA and I don't see Turkey or the LNA being able to win. The only thing separating Egypt from Libya is a line in the sand that doesn't really exist. Turkey meanwhile has to send forces and supplies across the Mediterranean.

Erdogan is playing a truly dangerous juggling game. He's playing with fire. One wrong move could leap to ruin and calamity. Unlike Iran, Turkey doesn't have massive natural resources to fall back on. Their economic situation is worsening and there really isn't any way out for them. Iran is planning to reform their currency soon but Turkey, they've already slashed 6 zeros from the Lira in 2005. Erdogan has truly dug himself into a hole with no way out. Only time will tell what the future holds but I don't see a bright future for Turkey or Erdogan anytime soon.
Turkish export is 170bln$ and import is 210bln$----a trade deficit of -40bln$ which must be financed by dollars coming into Turkey from Foreign Direct investments and foreign loans.

Now, this trade deficit situation can't last forever especially since foreign debt is already huge and FDI dries up---devaluation of lira is inevitable due to balance of payment problems

Currently, Turkey protects the value of lira by exhausting Central bank's forex reserves---they exhausted 65bln$ of their forex reserves to protect lira and their forex reserves stand today at only 41bln$ (compared to 107bln$ in 2017)

Now, as forex reserves are exhausted Turkey will have no other choice but to devalue lira even further.

Devaluation of lira will result in rise of inflation (as import becomes more expensive).

Rise in inflation will force Central bank of Turkey to increase interest rate in order to fight inflation.

Increase of interest rate will make credit more expensive and will result in recession.

Foreign investors will withdraw their money from Turkey
due to worsening economic conditions and this capital outflow will devalue Turkish currency even further.

Because many companies and households in Turkey have big debts in dollars while income in lira---devaluation of currency will result in inability of households and companies to service their dollar debts----so defaults and bank failures in few years are to be expected

So, probably, Turkey will experience economic crises and recession in few years...

Now, economic crises will raise questions about political future of Erdogan.

Economic crises might force Erdogan to start a neo-Ottoman war in the Middle East, Caucasus or Eastern Mediterranean in order to distract his people's attention from domestic problems------so expect Turkey becoming more aggressive in the next few years

(also note that Putin started a war in Syria after devaluation of Russian ruble and recession in 2014 --and after this his approval rating increased dramatically )

Of course the odds of this happening are extremely low, but imagine Turkey reducing her ties with the US and Tel Aviv, operating further rapprochment with Moscow and daring to do the same with the Iran-led Axis of Resistance, as timidly commenced during the initial phase of Erdogan-Davutoglu's foreign policy conducted under the slogan "zero problems with neighbours", when the Shamgen trade and visa-free travel zone was envisaged, and when Turkey along with Brasil (under president Lula) mediated on Iran's nuclear dossier. For this to happen, Erdogan would need to shelve much of his neo-Ottoman dreams.

Retrospectively, it's unfortunate that during the so-called "Arab Spring", the Erdogan administration let Turkey be goaded into the fallacious prospect of being allowed to implement a subordinate zone of influence in the Middle East by means of associating herself with the American and Isra"el"i regime change plan for Syria. The main result of this policy shift, from the perspective of Ankara's geopolitical situation, was that a US-protected PKK-affiliate now controls much of the Syrian border with Turkey. Erdogan has revealed himself as a way too opportunistic, unstable and unprincipled leader.

I have a feeling that if the late Necmettin Erbakan had been given the chance to carry out the "Islamic experience" in Turkey instead of Erdogan, maybe then Ankara wouldn't have taken such an erratic path. In effect there's footage of Erbakan were he apparently warns of Erdogan as an untrustworthy if not traitorous element within the AKP; about a decade ago he also labelled Erdogan an "unconscious helper of the Western, Zionist world order" due to the latter's continued attempts to integrate the EU.

If the zio-Americans are hell bent on trying everything in their power to subvert ties between Iran and her allies, it's not out of a desire to help Iran spend more money at home: it's because they want to undermine Iran's strategic depth and deterrence, a crucial first step prior to bringing the war onto Iranian soil. The network of regional allies is one of Iran's most solid security guarantees, something Saddam lacked and we saw how it ended for Iraq.

Iran hasn't spent that much money on these countries anyway, zionist propaganda is intentionally making exaggerated claims in this regard, in order to turn public opinion in Iran against the Islamic Republic's foreign policy. And as said, this was money well spent because it served urgent national security imperatives, namely repelling a concerted aggression on Iran's allies whose ultimate target had always been Iran herself. So this spending by Iran was every bit as necessary as the money spent on defending the nation during the 8-year war imposed by Saddam's Iraq.

That said, Iran is increasingly turning relations to her allies into economically profitable ones, as seen with the procurement of gold from Venezuela (obtained in exchange for cheaply produced gasoline), the export of electricity to Iraq, or the lucrative (at least in the long term) reconstruction contracts signed with Syria.

I forgot to add: Iran's regional network of allies is also critical in helping Iran circumvent the severe US-imposed sanctions regime. Can you imagine how much more bite the sanctions would have if Iran could no longer count on her allies within the Iraqi, Afghan etc state administrations? Once again, Iraq under Saddam did not enjoy this sort of an advantage and it cost her dearly. Hence why Iran must stand firmly against zio-American attempts to jeopardize her regional alliances.

Of course another factor benefitting Iran, which Iraq did not enjoy and which is unlikely to ever go away is Iran's sheer size in terms of population and therefore economic market. Thanks to this, a minimum amount of black market or official trade with countries such as the UAE, Qatar and Turkey is almost guaranteed to continue no matter how severe the US sanctions.

Third factor: between 2.5 and 3 million Iranians (and naturalized ex-Iranians) living abroad, particularly in north America (1 to 1.4 million, of which 220.000 in Canada according to official statistics from the regime in Ottawa), western Europe (an estimated maximum of 650.000, including 145.000 in Germany, about 100.000-120.000 in Scandinavia of which around 70.000 in Sweden, some 120.000 to 150.000 in the UK and France combined (significantly more so in the UK), about 80.000 in the Benelux countries of which 65.000 in the Netherlands, approximately 30.000 in Austria and Switzerland (20.000 in Austria alone)), the Persian Gulf (official UAE statistics claiming 500.000, probably closer to 350.000 or 400.000 since many residence-permit holders do not actually live there, with another 80.000 or so spread between Kuwait (45.000 according to 2012 census), Oman and Qatar, not so many in Saudi Arabia), parts of south Asia (maybe 45.000 or 50.000, essentially Iranian students temporarily staying in India and 14.000 mostly Baluch Iranians living in Pakistan), southeast Asia (approximately 75.000, most of them in Malaysia (some 60.000, with a relatively high proportion of students), the rest living mainly in Thailand, oddly including a few criminal smuggler gangs), Australia and New Zealand (perhaps 30.000 or 40.000, in the official 2004 census by Australia about 18.000 people claimed Iranian ancestry), and northeast Asia (less than 25.000 I would guess, most of them in Japan (probably fewer than in the 1990's, when for Japanese immigration standards, the number of Iranians living essentially in Tokyo and Kyoto was not negligible), a couple thousand in south Korea and a few less in China, essentially business people and students). This too helps Iran fight the sanctions. Iraq nowadays has almost as many of her people living abroad, but they mostly emigrated after and due to the US occupation and subsequent destruction of their country, so during the 1990's sanctions period Baghdad could not benefit quite as much from this.
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what did they expect? we will never sit and watch them destroy iran.
Even if life is hard in iran (which it is!) we will always fight back.

You see the problem they have is that they do not have the capability nor mettle to do anything else other than these sanctions, outside of peaceful measures. These sanctions at most will slow down Iran's inevitable path to a major power. So even though they understand ultimately all these sanctions are futile, this is the only power card they have to play. The other alternative is negotiations, which as Obama realised is the smartest play they can do. Trump is not smart enough to realise that hence the current cul-de-sac they're in. Biden will probably be smart enough to return to the JCPOA, but we'll see. These Americans don't seem to learn from even their own history, that's how you know they will ultimately reach their demise.
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Avoid calling others trolls and name calling. Stick to the topic, there is plenty of freedom of speech given here. Also back your sources when you say ISI supports attacks on Iran. Pakistan has zero interest in a weak Iran.
Bro, he called me a troll, i called him a troll, but where is your warning for him??? he makes accusations and you people dont do crap about it but when i hit on the truth, you mods start using different languages on me.

Actually, i am reading now about the ISI and jundollah thing on wikipedia..oh boy, its bringing up good information.


1. Jundollah is accepted as having a high level of professionalism in their attacks, and that alludes to sophisticated training, which isnt possible without support from a top military power.


2. There is so little way that Jundollah could have carried out such attacks on Iran without ISI or the Pakistani military knowing about it. Iranian MPs complained about this:

From the information above, even IRan's intelligence minister said that Pakistan was not "HELPING WITH INVESTIGATIONS RELATED TO JUNDOLLAH"...Some Iranian MPs in the snapshot above are confronting Iran's diplomatic and military apparatus for not confronting "Pakistan's harboring of Iran's enemies".


We know Saudis and US funded JUndollah....

AND WE KNOW PAKISTAN AND SAUDI ARABIA HAVE GOOD RELATIONS , SO What is the chance that a country(Pakistan) with good relations with another(Saudis)will not know about the latter funding a terorist group in the former?? in my opinion, there is almost no chance. ISI and Pakistani military are not naive or incompetent about whats happening in Pakistani territory.

3. EVen the founder of Jundollah, Rigi, used to be a former Taliban! Once again, we know ISI and Taliban have good relations, so whats the chance that a former Taliban who leads Jundollah would be unknown to ISI?

4. Even wikipedia lists Pakistan as an alleged ally of Jundollah(before it was disbanded offcourse, because it was used as a tool to disrupt IRan to quit its nuclear program- 1 reason US supported them):

ALSO, Pakistani govt currently hasnt even banned the offshoot of Jundollah called Jaush- Ul Adl:

WIth all this information, i believe i have rigorously defended my thesis that ISI indirectly supported Jundollah against IRan by allowing US and Saudi ARabia to use Pakistani territory for terrorism against Iran. We know Pakistani officials discussed Jundollah with US govt officials and they were secretive so why??


These are evidences and information strongly suggesting ISI knew about Jundollah, and allowed Jundollah carry out its activities from its territory in order to allow Saudis and AMericans take actions against Iran that were beneficial to their "national security"....
WOW.....WHAT A POST. I will say it again....WHAT.....A......POST! Congrats. if i could donate some crypto or something on this forum i wouldve done so. Your understanding and description of what is happening to and with Iran regionally and internationally is SPOT ON.

I'm not Muslim but i think i understand that IF there is a country to lead Muslims globally, it wont be a NATO or US proxy and it wont be dependent on western countries for economic survival. thats what i know. SOme are too westernized to even hold consensual Islamic credentials to lead the Muslim world, and some are too backwards and offer no worthy ideologies that can carry the masses forward....

This country called Iran is SOMETHING. There is no non-first world country that has opposed US wholeheartedly, and survived the onslaught from the US WITHOUT major support from a major competitor to the US. They want me to be amazed at them, when they do nothing amazing.....is there something i'm missing???? I will compliment when i see something good....and i will admonish when i see something bad....if you take the latter personal then thats your issue because that person is too emotional, i'm logical.

so much for 400 billion "Azeris in Iran"......smh....they're probably mad that Iranians dont have trigger irrational reactions because of ethnicity...if not some Iranians would've packed their AK47 and headed to Secular, pseudo athiest, Shia Azerbaijan to fight for them...smh...

I agree.

I've mentioned this multiple times, especially against this troll here and others who manipulated to make Iran look like terrorist supporter when their govt was also an accomplice in letting certain proxy terrorist groups attack Iranian law enforcement in the border regions with Pakistan.

I've mentioned this multiple times....some of them will pretend they dunno what is happening, or say the region is not demarcated....but Iran has fenced up all its border with Pakistan....

NO LIE DETECTED. If you know you know...ISI was letting some of these groups setup...FOR DIFFERENT REASONS, i am not sure...i feel strongly some was to help Saudis get back at Iran during their coldwar that ende recently...Saudi is no match militarily for Iranian....they will need miracles to even extricate a military worth saving from Yemen.

I hear you...it does look like Iran allowed some Indian spying/playing blind to them..but that was most likely done after Pakistani govt and ISI were not being "friendly" with IRan.....Iran respects and like Pakistan as an Islamic country, but when Pakistani govt does things that are aginst IRan's interest, Iran has to pay attention and sometimes take action.

I agree.

Duuhh.....Iran will take in Pakistani refugees.. and there would be so many of those.

I get the feeling you have a problem with Pakistan, are you delusional on purpose, or enjoy spreading lies.
I have read your comments but they read like something out of One Thousand and One Nights.

I recognise there are problems, but it is better to analyse problems between friendly countries for sake of finding solutions, rather then finger pointing. Is that not a better approach? especially if one desires peace.
They've not locked his thread where he tried to stir up trouble. OWKAY....
I get the feeling you have a problem with Pakistan, are you delusional on purpose, or enjoy spreading lies.
No i dont, i'm an objective person who stands for the truth, and i dont fear the truth or objectivity. If you show me Iran doing terrorism and i see a strong link, i will accept it.

I have read your comments but they read like something out of One Thousand and One Nights.
and what does that mean? this doesnt prove i was wrong btw.

I recognise there are problems, but it is better to analyse problems between friendly countries for sake of finding solutions, rather then finger pointing. Is that not a better approach? especially if one desires peace.
I support and encourage and Iranian-Pakistani friendship..both are Islamic republics and neighbors. i have never told IRan not to befriend Pakistan..but it seems Pakistan has more important priorities than being friends with Iran, from not activating IPI or IP pipeline, to not buying things from Iran due to fear of sanctions.

I have my opinions and last i knew, am i required to lie about Pakistan related things on PDF??? if thats a rule please let me know. Also why did Pakistan jail the guy who led CIA to Bin Laden??? hes still in jail now, so whats the reason??? i question motives and weird patterns!! this is a military forum...its not personal for me to discuss and learn...but when i see manipulation, people calling out my nationality and religion despite proving it here, mods censoring me while letting some Pakistanis say mean things to non-Pakistanis..have i not done well with keeping my composure??? respect is mutual...there are Pakistanis on this forum i disagree with and still even like their posts and converse with them on topics...go through my posts.

If i was anti-Pakistan, Mods would have banned me along time, because i would've said some objective hateful stuff towards Pakistani people(but did you know that everytime i say something about "Pakistan" that might not be so positive, this Pan-Islamic guy will come and say i'm badmouthing Pakistanis?? HOOOW????). I'm not a hateful type...i'm a truth teller. if it burns, its prolly true then. cheers.
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