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Iranian Chill Thread

Bro, he called me a troll, i called him a troll, but where is your warning for him??? he makes accusations and you people dont do crap about it but when i hit on the truth, you mods start using different languages on me.

Actually, i am reading now about the ISI and jundollah thing on wikipedia..oh boy, its bringing up good information.


1. Jundollah is accepted as having a high level of professionalism in their attacks, and that alludes to sophisticated training, which isnt possible without support from a top military power.
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2. There is so little way that Jundollah could have carried out such attacks on Iran without ISI or the Pakistani military knowing about it. Iranian MPs complained about this:
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From the information above, even IRan's intelligence minister said that Pakistan was not "HELPING WITH INVESTIGATIONS RELATED TO JUNDOLLAH"...Some Iranian MPs in the snapshot above are confronting Iran's diplomatic and military apparatus for not confronting "Pakistan's harboring of Iran's enemies".

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We know Saudis and US funded JUndollah....
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AND WE KNOW PAKISTAN AND SAUDI ARABIA HAVE GOOD RELATIONS , SO What is the chance that a country(Pakistan) with good relations with another(Saudis)will not know about the latter funding a terorist group in the former?? in my opinion, there is almost no chance. ISI and Pakistani military are not naive or incompetent about whats happening in Pakistani territory.

3. EVen the founder of Jundollah, Rigi, used to be a former Taliban! Once again, we know ISI and Taliban have good relations, so whats the chance that a former Taliban who leads Jundollah would be unknown to ISI?
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4. Even wikipedia lists Pakistan as an alleged ally of Jundollah(before it was disbanded offcourse, because it was used as a tool to disrupt IRan to quit its nuclear program- 1 reason US supported them):
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ALSO, Pakistani govt currently hasnt even banned the offshoot of Jundollah called Jaush- Ul Adl:
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WIth all this information, i believe i have rigorously defended my thesis that ISI indirectly supported Jundollah against IRan by allowing US and Saudi ARabia to use Pakistani territory for terrorism against Iran. We know Pakistani officials discussed Jundollah with US govt officials and they were secretive so why??
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These are evidences and information strongly suggesting ISI knew about Jundollah, and allowed Jundollah carry out its activities from its territory in order to allow Saudis and AMericans take actions against Iran that were beneficial to their "national security"....
All your sources suggest nothing of any evidence. Please try again.

As far as name calling, everyone is responsible for the rules. Worry about your own post first.

this u.s. admin is really taking drugs or something. due to the sactions the trump admin reactivatet Iran can't export the uranium to another country, which was a condition in the deal. so they sanction us and we can't export uranium for example to russia and then they blame us having 10 times more. 😂😂😂😂 thats a big joke.
the sad thing is people don't see the context and blame like always Iran.
All your sources suggest nothing of any evidence. Please try again.
what qualifies as evidence in this case??
All your sources suggest nothing of any evidence. Please try again.
Also, if all i wrote here isnt any proof or strong indiciation, then this Pan-Islamic dude's accusation that IRan was supporting INdian terrorist Yadav also cant be proven, based on the HIGH standard of evidence you are requesting here. def cant be proven...we dont work for any intelligence agencies so i dunno what sort of secret evidence you expect us common people to have.
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what qualifies as evidence in this case??

Also, if all i wrote here isnt any proof or strong indiciation, then this Pan-Islamic dude's accusation that IRan was supporting INdian terrorist Yadav also cant be proven, based on the HIGH standard of evidence you are requesting here. def cant be proven...we dont work for any intelligence agencies so i dunno what sort of secret evidence you expect us common people to have.
:lol: Yadav had passport with Iranian visa and he himself is caught red handed disclosing all he did. Do you have someone? You keep on posting wikipedia and irrelevant or not enough to suggest as quotes for evidence.
:lol: Yadav had passport with Iranian visa and he himself is caught red handed disclosing all he did. Do you have someone? You keep on posting wikipedia and irrelevant or not enough to suggest as quotes for evidence.

Now, more than a week after Rouhani’s visit, Pakistan’s government appears eager to control the damage. Nisar Ali Khan, Pakistan’s interior minister, cautioned the press against linking Yadhav’s arrest to Iran: “Iran has nothing to do with the activities of Indian intelligence network. Pakistan and Iran are tied through decades long religious, social, cultural and political bonds, and nothing can come in way of our relations,” said in Islamabad over the weekend. “Our ties with Iran are by no means linked with the arrest of an Indian spy,” he added.


your interior minister is saying this. and for yadav had having Iranian visa doesn't prove anything.
the mossad went to dubai and killed Mahmoud al-Mabhouh. they agents had german british and french passports. does that mean that all these countriese knew about it. they didn't had a clue. i don't think any country would give foreign intelligence agencies passports.
you think if Iran would have knew that he is a spy they would give him a visa? seriously?
it's like you want to kill someone an leave you id next to the dead.

but maybe you know more than your minister of interior.
:lol: Yadav had passport with Iranian visa and he himself is caught red handed disclosing all he did. Do you have someone? You keep on posting wikipedia and irrelevant or not enough to suggest as quotes for evidence.
But US govt made fake Afghan passport for Abdol Malek Rigi so why cant RAW make fake Iranian passport for Yadav??? This idea that IRan "just started attacking Pakistan and working with Pakistan's enemies against Pakistan when Pakistna did nothign to Iran " is a victim ploy....because there is not 1 good reason Iran would attack Pakistan indirectly if Pakistan wasnt doing anything intentional against Iran...
But US govt made fake Afghan passport for Abdol Malek Rigi so why cant RAW make fake Iranian passport for Yadav??? This idea that IRan "just started attacking Pakistan and working with Pakistan's enemies against Pakistan when Pakistna did nothign to Iran " is a victim ploy....because there is not 1 good reason Iran would attack Pakistan indirectly if Pakistan wasnt doing anything intentional against Iran...

I don't believe Pakistan is working against Iran nor do I believe Iran is working against Pakistan. If terrorists can get visa in Iran, then terrorists can also use Pakistani territory to launch attacks. Therefore, it is in the interest of both countries to coordinate better and eliminate terrorists and put pressure on other countries that want to use one vs the other that this will not be tolerated.
But US govt made fake Afghan passport for Abdol Malek Rigi so why cant RAW make fake Iranian passport for Yadav??? This idea that IRan "just started attacking Pakistan and working with Pakistan's enemies against Pakistan when Pakistna did nothign to Iran " is a victim ploy....because there is not 1 good reason Iran would attack Pakistan indirectly if Pakistan wasnt doing anything intentional against Iran...

even if Iran gave him the visa still don't prove that Iran was involved. before giving a visa they will make a background check of the person so if he don't have any criminal records and if there is no assumption that he is a threat for national security he will get a visa.
it's nearly impossible for any country to find a spy in a visa process. in most cases spies get caught operating for years in a country.

so if @WebMaster saying that, cause yadav came from Iran that Iran is involved, that means that in all terrorist attacks that took place at the border and the terrorist hide in pakistan, that pakistan is involved in this actions.
I don't believe Pakistan is working against Iran nor do I believe Iran is working against Pakistan. If terrorists can get visa in Iran, then terrorists can also use Pakistani territory to launch attacks. Therefore, it is in the interest of both countries to coordinate better and eliminate terrorists and put pressure on other countries that want to use one vs the other that this will not be tolerated.

bro the truth is Iran and pakistan are neighbours. and we nees peace in our neighbourhood after all this problems the american brought since 9/11. the way for peace is not only in exchenging securit matters but cultural and sciences. in pakistan and Iran doing that for many years.
do you know how many pakistani students i met in Iran last time i wa sthere.

but people think only of fighting and things like that. people google for war and proplems and issues countries have. google culture exchange Iran and pakistan you will find more common things than thing that will divide us.
even if Iran gave him the visa still don't prove that Iran was involved. before giving a visa they will make a background check of the person so if he don't have any criminal records and if there is no assumption that he is a threat for national security he will get a visa.
it's nearly impossible for any country to find a spy in a visa process. in most cases spies get caught operating for years in a country.

so if @WebMaster saying that, cause yadav came from Iran that Iran is involved, that means that in all terrorist attacks that took place at the border and the terrorist hide in pakistan, that pakistan is involved in this actions.

bro the truth is Iran and pakistan are neighbours. and we nees peace in our neighbourhood after all this problems the american brought since 9/11. the way for peace is not only in exchenging securit matters but cultural and sciences. in pakistan and Iran doing that for many years.
do you know how many pakistani students i met in Iran last time i wa sthere.

but people think only of fighting and things like that. people google for war and proplems and issues countries have. google culture exchange Iran and pakistan you will find more common things than thing that will divide us.
You can wake up someone who is asleep but you can't wake up someone who is acting like they are asleep!
:lol: Yadav had passport with Iranian visa and he himself is caught red handed disclosing all he did. Do you have someone? You keep on posting wikipedia and irrelevant or not enough to suggest as quotes for evidence.

Pakistan’s counsel English Queen's Counsel Khawar Qureshi presenting his arguments before ICJ:

"...In reply to a question about Iran, the official said the Pakistan government was convinced that Iran had no role in Jadhav's episode though he remained there for some time. "India wants to drag Iran into this dispute but we will not let it happen," he said. .."

He clarified, "Iran has nothing to do with the Jadhav case. Jadhav was arrested from Balochistan and not Iran and the story regarding his kidnapping from Iran is baseless."
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