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Iranian Chill Thread

yes they are. They are straight up haters. Iran is not only defying the whole world but also defying those ppls logic. They cant stand the fact that Iran is better than them in literally every aspect. They also dont like the fact that they are irrelevant in the world.

The main obstacle for these people is acceptance. They cant overcome it. Because truth is too much to handle for these ppl. And the truth is, their country have stood silently decade after decade in the face of western hegemony and complied like a good lil boy to everything uncle sam commanded. Iran's resistance have made them look that much more insignificant. These are the same ppl who used to do cheerleading for the saudis not so long ago. Then it turned out that saudi is just a big American stooge. LMAO

Now they do the same for some other leader (You know who) whose policies are the most confusing and deluded in the region. And they dont even know that the love affair between these countries will end as soon as that man is voted out of office, cuz all the other parties are pro west, pro nato and anti fundamentalist. So a change of governance or political party will shift the whole policy of that country on its head. What wil these ppl say then , I wonder.

All the people in the world (Normal Citizens) know the names of these countries but dont know about their specialties and their military. But heck, They all know who IRAN is. They know that very very well. These ppl believe in non existent hype and make up scenarios in their mind to keep themselves relevant.

They have so many things to say about Iran, whilst they are incapable of doing anything to those who caused the madness in the middle east post ww2. Not once they stood and confronted them.

And they talk about Iran. Iran, who are the only country in the world (Proud to say that too an Islamic country) on record post WW2 to have attacked the UNITED STATES military directly and shook them to the point that they didnt even fight back.

You know i come over to this forum and argue with these ppl. But after I turn my computer off , I laugh at these ppl and their delusions. Then i wonder, why are they so deluded? And the only answer i find is that , they cant handle the TRUTH.

The Truth that It is Iran that is the future. It is Iran that has stood. It is Iran That shall be Victorious.
WOW.....WHAT A POST. I will say it again....WHAT.....A......POST! Congrats. if i could donate some crypto or something on this forum i wouldve done so. Your understanding and description of what is happening to and with Iran regionally and internationally is SPOT ON.

I'm not Muslim but i think i understand that IF there is a country to lead Muslims globally, it wont be a NATO or US proxy and it wont be dependent on western countries for economic survival. thats what i know. SOme are too westernized to even hold consensual Islamic credentials to lead the Muslim world, and some are too backwards and offer no worthy ideologies that can carry the masses forward....

This country called Iran is SOMETHING. There is no non-first world country that has opposed US wholeheartedly, and survived the onslaught from the US WITHOUT major support from a major competitor to the US. They want me to be amazed at them, when they do nothing amazing.....is there something i'm missing???? I will compliment when i see something good....and i will admonish when i see something bad....if you take the latter personal then thats your issue because that person is too emotional, i'm logical.

so much for 400 billion "Azeris in Iran"......smh....they're probably mad that Iranians dont have trigger irrational reactions because of ethnicity...if not some Iranians would've packed their AK47 and headed to Secular, pseudo athiest, Shia Azerbaijan to fight for them...smh...
Iran never backstabbed any of her allies, it's the opposite. you know how much propblems Iran got cause of helping other countries fighting terrorism and injustice. syria, iraq, lebanon, yemen and venezuela. (and please don't start again with shia etc.) as i proved in other posts Iran helped sunnis, yezedis and christians also.
I agree.
in some posts in another thread i wrote about jundullah terrorist group who make attacks in Iran and run over the boder to pakistan and hide there. why you never mention that.
I've mentioned this multiple times, especially against this troll here and others who manipulated to make Iran look like terrorist supporter when their govt was also an accomplice in letting certain proxy terrorist groups attack Iranian law enforcement in the border regions with Pakistan.

why no one mention how many attacks take place from pakistans border against our border patrols. what you call that?
I've mentioned this multiple times....some of them will pretend they dunno what is happening, or say the region is not demarcated....but Iran has fenced up all its border with Pakistan....

Iran had nothing to do with pakistan before these terrorist groups started in 2003. (btw what a coincidence same year usa attacked iraq and one year later also pejak was founded).so what was happening is usa founded jundullah to unsecure Iran from south and pejak from the west, while nato was at our eastern borders by occupying afghanistan and in the north west having bases in turkey and in the north having a base where israel could operate from.
NO LIE DETECTED. If you know you know...ISI was letting some of these groups setup...FOR DIFFERENT REASONS, i am not sure...i feel strongly some was to help Saudis get back at Iran during their coldwar that ende recently...Saudi is no match militarily for Iranian....they will need miracles to even extricate a military worth saving from Yemen.
yes we have send drones to pakistan not one of the was armed just for surveillance to counter attack terrorism at our borders. to be faire pakistan has nothing Iran want to spy on. if yes prove the oppsite. so it was only for counter terrorism.
I hear you...it does look like Iran allowed some Indian spying/playing blind to them..but that was most likely done after Pakistani govt and ISI were not being "friendly" with IRan.....Iran respects and like Pakistan as an Islamic country, but when Pakistani govt does things that are aginst IRan's interest, Iran has to pay attention and sometimes take action.

it's a bit naive to see it from one prespective. geopolitic and strategies are not black and white.
I agree.
and i would like to mention if pakistan would be in a situation like syria or iraq believe you me Iran would be the first country helping.
Duuhh.....Iran will take in Pakistani refugees.. and there would be so many of those.
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Why cant u take criticism?
Have you accounted for the criticism you gave that i let go???? be honest, if you post screenshot of your posts, i have also accepted some of your comments, i respect your country and your citrizenship and your right to support your country. I just dont like it when people disagree with a point and others(some Pakistanis on PDF) now take it as a personal attack...dont you know in life there wil lalways be people who dont agree with you?
When we criticise iran, we do its regime and not the people
and when we criticize Pakistan, we also criticize the govt and ISI and military and never the people. We are discussing military politics on PDF, not traits, characteristics, sterotypes or anything of any country. AFterall, we have never met these people so that would be a wrong and premeptive judgement we cant make.

. Infact the people of iran themselves are against the regime.
LOL...can you show me 1 good statistics to back this up? i bet you cant. I'm waiting.

When iran takes a good step, we also support them. And talking of criticism, I've never seen the iranians on pdf criticise their country or regime but just check Pakistani sections and see how furiously we criticise our own govt and even army.
then whats your issue then? me being a Nigerian telling you things you dont want to hear?
We never mind criticism but generalizing whole country and showing distorted image is not right.[/QUOTE]
Oh, some of you(including you) HATE criticism...when we shine light on the dirty work your ISI and govt do, you will get angry, thats why your mods ban us, delelte our posts, etc....but daily insults from Pakistanis to INdians is kosher.....cant you just see humanity and not nationality or religion??
Infact i will welcome any constructive criticism u have about Pakistan.
no you wont...dont go there. actually, lemme screenshot this now even, so u dont turn around and say you didnt say it.
Is there a precise bibliographical reference for this? I'm sure you must have stumbled upon a misquote.

The name is known, of course. I cited it in my previous comment.

Seyyed Ahmad Mousavi Hendi was indeed the son of Iranian migrants to Uttar Pradesh. He was of Iranian descent, his father Deen Ali Shah had freshly settled in India and came from Neyshabur (northeastern Iran).


View attachment 678266

The sources for the above are:

* Algar, Hamid (2010). "A short biography". In Koya, Abdar Rahman (ed.). Imam Khomeini: Life, Thought and Legacy. Islamic Book Trust. p. 19. ISBN 978-9675062254

* Sacred space and holy war: the politics, culture and history of Shi'ite Islam by Juan Ricardo Cole

* Art and culture: endeavours in interpretation by Ahsan Jan Qaisar, Som Prakash Verma, Mohammad Habib

* Encyclopædia Iranica, "Avadh", E. Yarshater

* Ruhollah Khomeini's brief biography by Hamid Algar

* Moin, Baqer (2000). Life of the Ayatollah. Thomas Dunne Books. ISBN-10 0312264909

But to remove any doubts, the website of the Institute for Compilation and Publication of Imam Khomeini's Works, the main foundation in Iran tasked with preserving Imam Khomeini's literary heritage, confirms on its website that Seyyed Ahmad Mousavi Hendi's father was an Iranian immigrant to India:

View attachment 678271

Link: http://en.imam-khomeini.ir/en/n3123/Biography/The_Imam_s_Background

Here you go bro, check it out.

Ayatollah Pasandideh, Imam’s elder brother in writing about the origins of his family says: our great grandfather, Din ‘Ali Shah, resided in Kashmir. It is said his ancestors were from India. Here, in this phrasal name ‘Shah’ means ‘Sayyid.’ (Memoirs of Ayatollah Pasandideh, Oral and Written History, The Institute for Compilation and Publication of Imam Khomeini’s Works, p. 41)

He also adds: Sayyid Ahmad, our grandfather, known as Sayyid Ahmad Hendi, is the son of Din ‘Ali Shah based on the available documents. In the years between 1861 and 1871 Din ‘Ali Shah migrated from Kashmir and went on a pilgrimage to the holy city of Najaf in Iraq. Colonization and occupation of Indian sub-continent by Britain was perhaps a cause of his migration. (Ibid, p. 42)

In another account, narrated by Heshmatullah Riyazi Yazdi, which has been mentioned at the last part of the same source, it is said Sayyid Heydar Mousavi Safavi Ardebili, one of the Imam’s forefathers—thirteen generations back according to the family tree—was sent to Kashmir by Mir Sayyid ‘Ali Hamedani, a great mystic of the time, to promote the message of Islam in that region. History is the witness of many sacrifices made by Imam’s ancestors some of whom were even martyred in their struggles against cruelty and oppression of dictatorial rulers. Sayyid Ahmad Hendi, however, returns and resides in Khomein after years of living in different sites and cities away from the home.


800,000 can't be right. There are 150,000 people in that region today and before the breakup 75% were Armenian. Azerbaijan has been caught faking evidence this time on a massive scale so I don't believe their numbers at all.

Azerbaijan, after the first few days began bombing civilian institutions on purpose. They also targeted a historic Church with airstrikes.

The "alleged" Armenian strikes on the pipeline and power station have been proven to be fake by analysts.

The targeting of civilians was most likely one out of sheer frustration, because of lack of progress on the front. Azeris tried to progress on multiple fronts, on the entire border. They were able to take a little bit of land in the far north and some in the far south border after sustaining mass casualties.

If Azeris had not sustained mass casualties and were progressing "on every front" like Aliyev claimed then they never would have agreed to a ceasefire after 1 week.

Ofcourse bro, Armenians always tell the truth... lol

Just because you choose not to believe it, it doesn't make it so. there is a reason why UN recognizes Azerbaycan's right in Nagorno-Karabakh and the much larger occupied area around it.

Armenians got very greedy.
Well there is no picture / video evidence to prove that any S-300 systems were destroyed.

What do you say of the video evidence of it in the relevant thread?

Please comment there, so you guys can have your Chill thread back.
I dont like the talibans who blow up lil girls going to school. But , Pakistan is wat it is. I see pakistan in a way that I think you havent realized yet. I dont agree with Pakistanis in alot of issues but I want it to prosper And . there's more than one reason why. Its not just religious. There are also other factor. I cant explain them here.

When did this happen?

Absolutely. The pakistani state doesnt bother with sectarianism. The pakistani government doesnt. Nor does the people. Im not talking about sectarianism. Im talking about a small number of ppl who have problems accepting realities. Everyone knows you are not at all sectarian, as are most ppl.

The pakistani state understands things that pakistani average joe doesnt. Thats why the Pakistani state never went against Iran.

I think you are just young and immature, and you have not figured your identity out yet. That is why I won't take offense to your abuse and trolling.

This is a professional forum, so please keep that in mind in the future. Already you had some run-ins with Mods, I suggest you just take it light-hearted and not take this forum too seriously.
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I would not put too much weight on Wikipedia.

Not putting weight on Wikipedia. But in this particular case, the sources upon which their statements are grounded are solid ones. Hamid Algar for instance is an accomplished and serious academic, an expert on Iran's Islamic Revolution and a convert to Islam who had met Imam Khomeini in person.

The other source I pointed to is authoritative as well, i. e. the Institute for Compilation and Publication of Imam Khomeini's Works based in Tehran. Their word amounts to an official confirmation of sorts, since they're a dedicated foundation tasked with preserving Imam Khomeini's heritage, so they'll be well informed about his biography (and that of his immediate forebears).

Ayatollah Pasandideh, Imam’s elder brother in writing about the origins of his family says: our great grandfather, Din ‘Ali Shah, resided in Kashmir. It is said his ancestors were from India. Here, in this phrasal name ‘Shah’ means ‘Sayyid.’ (Memoirs of Ayatollah Pasandideh, Oral and Written History, The Institute for Compilation and Publication of Imam Khomeini’s Works, p. 41)

This quote from ayatollah Pasandideh happens to be from the same website I just mentioned.

However, it contradicts the website's main biographical article on Imam Khomeini of which I posted a screenshot. Which is quite peculiar.

He also adds: Sayyid Ahmad, our grandfather, known as Sayyid Ahmad Hendi, is the son of Din ‘Ali Shah based on the available documents. In the years between 1861 and 1871 Din ‘Ali Shah migrated from Kashmir and went on a pilgrimage to the holy city of Najaf in Iraq. Colonization and occupation of Indian sub-continent by Britain was perhaps a cause of his migration. (Ibid, p. 42)

This is a somewhat strange quote, because the given dates do not seem to match the biographical timelines of those involved.

Seyyed Ahmad Mousavi Hendi, the son of Deen Ali Shah, is said to have gone on a pilgrimage to Najaf in or around 1830. Hence, the notion that his father did the same 30 to 40 years later is puzzling.

In another account, narrated by Heshmatullah Riyazi Yazdi, which has been mentioned at the last part of the same source, it is said Sayyid Heydar Mousavi Safavi Ardebili, one of the Imam’s forefathers—thirteen generations back according to the family tree—was sent to Kashmir by Mir Sayyid ‘Ali Hamedani, a great mystic of the time, to promote the message of Islam in that region. History is the witness of many sacrifices made by Imam’s ancestors some of whom were even martyred in their struggles against cruelty and oppression of dictatorial rulers. Sayyid Ahmad Hendi, however, returns and resides in Khomein after years of living in different sites and cities away from the home.

Well, this here again attributes distant Iranian origins to Imam Khomeini's forefathers who it claims had settled in Kashmir.

As the world is observing the 39th anniversary of the Iranian Revolution, many in Kashmir are recounting the preparations to host the exiled leader in the Valley at the peak of the revolution. Althoug


This contains two references of import to the question at hand:

1) A statement by Kashmiri scholar Aga Syed Yusuf, according to whom Imam Khomeini wrote to him in a letter, that "he would have loved to come to Kashmir as it was also his ‘ancestral land’".

It is conceivable that this mention by Imam Khomeini was referencing Kashmir as a land where some of his ancestors had settled for a given period of time. It does not necessarily imply, in my opinion, that he meant to describe said ancestors as being of Kashmiri origins.

This assumption tends to be supported by the article's second relevant point, namely:

2) In reply to a subsequent letter from Aga Yusuf asking Imam Khomeini to elaborate on his connection to Kashmir, the latter replied that his grandfather Seyyed Ahmad Musavi Hendi "came to Najaf from India or Kashmir. From Najaf, he went to Khomeyn and settled there."

Here, Imam Khomeini puts side by side two possible points from where his grandfather moved to Najaf: India, which seems to echo the Lucknow hypothesis, and Kashmir.

To add to the confusion, according to the author of the article, the same ayatollah Pasandideh (Imam Khomeini's elder brother) cited above, has stated that his grandfather Seyyed Ahmad Musavi Hendi departed from Lucknow to Najaf.

Khomeini's Kashmir connection Greater Kashmir | During this time, Kashmir''s noted religious cleric Ayatollah Aga Syed Yusuf dispatched a letter to Ayatollah Khomeini, asking him to visit Kashmir.

This article contains a few additional points of note:

1) It offers a different wording for Imam Khomeini's remark about Kashmir in his letter to Aga Yusuf:

"I would have loved to visit Kashmir, which apparently is my ancestral place"

So here, with the addition of the adverb "apparently", an element of doubt is introduced, suggesting that this was not a categorical assertion by Imam Khomeini.

2) Concerning Imam Khomeini's reply to Aga Khan's subsequent request for more details, the article states:

"He replied that he does not know much except the fact that his grandfather had migrated from Kashmir to Iran about 130 years ago"

Again we have no definite affirmation of a Kashmiri ancestry by Imam Khomeini. That his grandfather emigrated from Kashmir in the 1830's, still does not invalidate the notion that either his great-grandfather or previous ancestors of his came from Iran and chose to settle in Kashmir.

3) The article evokes a copy of the Holy Quran belonging to Imam Khomeini's grandfather, which, according to Aga Yusef's son, bore the mention:

"This (holy book) belongs to Ahmed al-Moosvi al-Kashmiri"

However this does not conclusively establish that Seyyed Ahmad Musavi did not have Iranian roots, as some Kashmiris indeed do.

4) Local historians and genealogists contacted by Aga Yusuf believe that three of Imam Khomeini's ancestors settled in Kashmir in the 14th century AD. The article doesn't mention where these ancestors hailed from, but one can presume they came from Iran.

I would like to know more about Hamid Algar and Baqer Moin's primary sources for comparison, but I do not have access to their books right now.

In conclusion, apart from one statement by ayatollah Pasandideh, the other sources making detailed and assertive claims about Imam Khomeini's ancestry ascribe either more immediate (great-grandfather) or more distant Iranian forebears to Imam Khomeini, alternatively claiming they settled either in Kashmir or near Lucknow.
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Mods @The Eagle @AgNoStiC MuSliM @BHarwana @PakSword @waz

Please take care of this latent Pakistan hater and his blatantly false insinuations and open misinformation against the Pakistani government, Pakistani military, and ISI.

I have bolded it for your attention.

when their govt was also an accomplice in letting certain proxy terrorist groups attack Iranian law enforcement in the border regions with Pakistan.

Bold-faced lie.

say the region is not demarcated....but Iran has fenced up all its border with Pakistan....


ISI was letting some of these groups setup...FOR DIFFERENT REASONS, i am not sure...i feel strongly some was to help Saudis get back at Iran during their coldwar that ende recently

False insinuation.

hear you...it does look like Iran allowed some Indian spying/playing blind to them..but that was most likely done after Pakistani govt and ISI were not being "friendly" with IRan.....Iran respects and like Pakistan as an Islamic country, but when Pakistani govt does things that are aginst IRan's interest, Iran has to pay attention and sometimes take action.


and when we criticize Pakistan, we also criticize the govt and ISI and military and never the people. We are discussing military politics on PDF

Criticizing Pakistan is like oxygen for you, without it, you will not take a breath.

when we shine light on the dirty work your ISI and govt do, you will get angry, thats why your mods ban us, delelte our posts, etc....

All insinuation and unbacked assertions, nothing more.

Such false accusations have no place in a serious discussion form.

but daily insults from Pakistanis to INdians is kosher.....cant you just see humanity and not nationality or religion??

Yes, ofcourse, here we can see your true loyalties. You must be so hurt by Pakistanis attacking India on PDF.

Comments? @Aspen @SalarHaqq

Thoughts? @PAKISTANFOREVER @Dalit @masterchief_mirza @Musings @Verve @PakFactor @BATMAN @Blacklight @Areesh @21st Century Vampire @TNT @Mamluk @xyx007 @xyxmt @Falcon29
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You're pretty delusional kid. If you really want to compare Iran and Pakistan, then here are some FACTS.

Literacy rate:
Iran 96%
Pakistan 65%

Human Development Index:
Iran 65 out of 189
Pakistan 152 out of 189 - Pakistan is right above the Low Human Development threshold

List of countries by number of scientific and technical journal articles
Iran is number 15
Pakistan is number 38

Consider the fact that Iran is currently under some of the harshest sanctions ever imposed on any nation.

Despite this Iran's economy is set to grow in less than 2 years.

Pakistan is not currently under any sanctions, yet it's economy is bankrupt.

Mods @The Eagle @AgNoStiC MuSliM @BHarwana @PakSword

Please take care of this latent Pakistan hater and his blatantly false insinuations and open misinformation against the Pakistani government, Pakistani military, and ISI.

I have bolded it for your attention.

Bold-faced lie.


False insinuation.


Criticizing Pakistan is like oxygen for you, without it, you will not take a breath.

All insinuation and unbacked assertions, nothing more.

Such false accusations have no place in a serious discussion form.

Yes, ofcourse, here we can see your true loyalties. You must be so hurt by Pakistanis attacking India on PDF.

Comments? @Aspen @SalarHaqq

Thoughts? @PAKISTANFOREVER @Dalit @masterchief_mirza @Musings @Verve @PakFactor @BATMAN @Blacklight @Areesh @21st Century Vampire @TNT @Mamluk
منافع ما در دفاع صد در صد از ارمنستان نیست و باید بالانسی برقرار کنیم. حتی روسیه هم اینطور صد در صد از ارمنستان حمایت نمی کنه و سیاست به خرج میده

موازنه نظامی به نفع اذربایجانه و تا تجهیزات از مسیر گرجستان میرسه دست بالا رو داره
خیلی کشته داده ولی زمین گرفته‌
البته روسها حواسشون هست و دارن جمعش میکنن

Lotfan jahate hefze zaaher dar injaa ham shode ye movaaze beine in do keshvar bargharaar konin​
You're pretty delusional kid. If you really want to compare Iran and Pakistan, then here are some FACTS.

Literacy rate:
Iran 96%
Pakistan 65%

Human Development Index:
Iran 65 out of 189
Pakistan 152 out of 189 - Pakistan is right above the Low Human Development threshold

List of countries by number of scientific and technical journal articles
Iran is number 15
Pakistan is number 38

Consider the fact that Iran is currently under some of the harshest sanctions ever imposed on any nation.

Despite this Iran's economy is set to grow in less than 2 years.

Pakistan is not currently under any sanctions, yet it's economy is bankrupt.

I think you meant to quote someone else..

Anyway, in response to the comparisons, they are insufficient.

Iran doesn't have a 7x larger populated country occupying its crucial territory.

Iran was not directly affected by the Russian and American invasions of Afghanistan as Pakistan was.

Iran was led by loyal leaders for the past three decades, while Pakistani past rulers siphoned most of the money out of the country.

iran didn't face 75,000 casualties from Indian-sponsored TTP terrorists which rocked Pakistan for a decade.

As for sanctions, we have FATF hanging over our neck and repayment of loans from crook governments in our recent past.

Go to Pakistani sections and educate yourself. There is no excuse, you are on PDF.

Fact is that Turkey, Iran, and Pakistan, all three are under the US radar. Trump showed us that when he came into office.

Pakistan is better off geopolitically because of its nuclear power, airforce, military, and alliance with China.
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Iran doesn't have a 7x larger populated country occupying its crucial territory.

thats true.
I think you meant to quote someone else..

Anyway, in response to the comparisons, they are insufficient.

Iran doesn't have a 7x larger populated country occupying its crucial territory.

Iran was not directly affected by the Russian and American invasions of Afghanistan as Pakistan was.

Iran was led by loyal leaders for the past three decades, while Pakistani past rulers siphoned most of the money out of the country.

iran didn't face 75,000 casualties from Indian-sponsored TTP terrorists which rocked Pakistan for a decade.

As for sanctions, we have FATF hanging over our neck and repayment of loans from crook governments in our recent past.

Go to Pakistani sections and educate yourself. There is no excuse, you are on PDF.

Fact is that Turkey, Iran, and Pakistan, all three are under the US radar. Trump showed us that when he came into office.

Pakistan is better off geopolitically because of its nuclear power, airforce, military, and alliance with China.

you have some good points.

only 2 points i would like to disagree with you.

we had 8 year long war with nearly 300000 matyrs and alot of civilan died in that war cause saddam just bombed everything. when the iraqi air force couldn't reach their target cause of iranian fighters chasing them, they just dropped their bombs no matter if it was a neighbourhood or just empty land. we lived in gisha and our neighbours kid had a bday party and as soon as the iraqi fighters saw the lights there they dropped their bombs more than 30 children died and their parents only in one of those attacks. i just say that so you can realize how this war threw Iran back. even we are catching up now in many fields but in other fields, but in other fields we should have been much more far by now. so that war threwed us back for maybe a decade or two.

the other point i want to mention are the sanctions. sanctions are not sanctions. russia is also sanctioned china too, turkey etc. but Iran is facing the harshest sanctions in history of mankind. we don't even can use swift to buy medicine. only last year 3000 children died in Iran cause they couldn't get the medicine they need for threatment. Iran is producing a big amount of medicine in the country, but for some special diseases we need to import the medicine.

and we have a big brain drain which is if i am not wrong the highest in world by % of the population.

you should also consider that we are 24/7 under the threat of being attackt, even many don't think that will happen but as obama always said all options are on the table.
You're pretty delusional kid. If you really want to compare Iran and Pakistan, then here are some FACTS.

Literacy rate:
Iran 96%
Pakistan 65%

Human Development Index:
Iran 65 out of 189
Pakistan 152 out of 189 - Pakistan is right above the Low Human Development threshold

List of countries by number of scientific and technical journal articles
Iran is number 15
Pakistan is number 38

Consider the fact that Iran is currently under some of the harshest sanctions ever imposed on any nation.

Despite this Iran's economy is set to grow in less than 2 years.

Pakistan is not currently under any sanctions, yet it's economy is bankrupt.

Pakistan would be a developed country with the level of hydrocarbon wealth God gifted you. Forget Pakistan, even Somalia would look like Europe with that much oil and gas.

Whatever HDI you maintain is thanks to your energy resources not Iranian human resources, just like with Arabs. Credit goes to God.
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I think you are just young and immature, and you have not figured your identity out yet. That is why I won't take offense to your abuse and trolling.

This is a professional forum, so please keep that in mind in the future. Already you had some run-ins with Mods, I suggest you just take it light-hearted and not take this forum too seriously.

Can you tell me where and how i abused and trolled you. I just said pakistanis are not sectarian. nor does Pakistani state care about sectarianism. Im just talking about a group of ppl who see reality through their own FUNK GLASSES, Am i not allowed to say that?

I wasnt joking wen i made the comments. Did you think i was trolling ? Have you ever seen me saying anything bad about pakistan preemptively ?
Mods @The Eagle @AgNoStiC MuSliM @BHarwana @PakSword @waz

Please take care of this latent Pakistan hater and his blatantly false insinuations and open misinformation against the Pakistani government, Pakistani military, and ISI.

I have bolded it for your attention.

Bold-faced lie.


False insinuation.


Criticizing Pakistan is like oxygen for you, without it, you will not take a breath.

All insinuation and unbacked assertions, nothing more.

Such false accusations have no place in a serious discussion form.

Yes, ofcourse, here we can see your true loyalties. You must be so hurt by Pakistanis attacking India on PDF.

Comments? @Aspen @SalarHaqq

Thoughts? @PAKISTANFOREVER @Dalit @masterchief_mirza @Musings @Verve @PakFactor @BATMAN @Blacklight @Areesh @21st Century Vampire @TNT @Mamluk @xyx007 @xyxmt @Falcon29

An Iranian who gets hurt by Pakistanis hurling abuse at the most racist and anti-Muslim people on earth???????????............... :disagree: Since when was anti-indian sentiment ever a concern for Iranians????????............:lol:...........if you are going to false flag then you need to do a better job than that...........:disagree:
Have you accounted for the criticism you gave that i let go???? be honest, if you post screenshot of your posts, i have also accepted some of your comments, i respect your country and your citrizenship and your right to support your country. I just dont like it when people disagree with a point and others(some Pakistanis on PDF) now take it as a personal attack...dont you know in life there wil lalways be people who dont agree with you?

and when we criticize Pakistan, we also criticize the govt and ISI and military and never the people. We are discussing military politics on PDF, not traits, characteristics, sterotypes or anything of any country. AFterall, we have never met these people so that would be a wrong and premeptive judgement we cant make.

LOL...can you show me 1 good statistics to back this up? i bet you cant. I'm waiting.

then whats your issue then? me being a Nigerian telling you things you dont want to hear?
We never mind criticism but generalizing whole country and showing distorted image is not right.

So you are NOT Iranian?
Pakistan would be a developed country with the level of hydrocarbon wealth God gifted you. Forget Pakistan, even Somalia would look like Europe with that much oil and gas.

Yet here you are, a mulla run shith0le abhorred by the entire world. Whatever HDI you maintain is thanks to your energy resources not Iranian human resources, just like with Arabs. Credit goes to God.
Reported. Here, we were talking and arguing opposing view peacefully enough. But then people like these show up and mess up everything.

He called Iran, "Mullah run shithole". Please uphold the same standard for all nations. if we say that to Pakistan would you not ban us ? So this cant be tolerated.


Look, these are the Kinda ppl I have been talking about. Who have fueled the fire of abuse in every iranian thread. Who is he to call a Country "A mullah run shithole"? what wud you do if we say the exact same about Pakistan?. So these hateful trolls can say watever they like on every damn thread and we are supposed to sit down and observe mosquitoes?

You add up tens of your countrymen to draw their attention to things, and sumtimes even when you really dont have to. How about you draw their attention to this ?

we have contradictory views but 6-7 of us have been at it since yesterday without crossing the line. Then out of nowhere, a disrespectful man shows up and stokes tensions. Now, wud you like it if i go to your country's threads and make the same comment that he made?
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I'm not Muslim but i think i understand that IF there is a country to lead Muslims globally, it wont be a NATO or US proxy and it wont be dependent on western countries for economic survival. thats what i know. SOme are too westernized to even hold consensual Islamic credentials to lead the Muslim world, and some are too backwards and offer no worthy ideologies that can carry the masses forward....

They accuse IRAN of backstabbing. We all know who have done the backstabbing. We know who did the backstabbing for decades. We know who supported the American Stooges of AL SAUD. We know who supported regimes who had ties to the Western aggressors who destroyed the Middle East Little by Little.

We also know who recently shifted Allegiance and now support a NATO MEMBER STATE. Yes, , I repeat, A NATO MEMBER STATE. They have always been on the side of the west without even knowing it. they have done this for decade after decade and evidently to this day.

Yet they show up here and say IRAN is backstabbing. The Nerve of these ppl are astonishing. They never picked the side of a regional muslim power. But always states that took orders or were a part of western military alliance.
Reported. Here, we were talking and arguing opposing view peacefully enough. But then people like these show up and mess up everything.

He called Iran, "Mullah run shithole". Please uphold the same standard for all nations. if we say that to Pakistan would you not ban us ? So this cant be tolerated.

Why are you triggered? Are you Irani?

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