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Iranian Chill Thread

Environmentalists are not traitors. Shame on you. What a great way to encourage the educated and wealthy Iranian diaspora to return to Iran.[/QUOTE

Environmentalists are not traitors but those who conduct espionage for foreign enemy states under the guise of "environmental work" are nothing short of traitors and will be treated as such!
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Environmentalists are not traitors. Shame on you. What a great way to encourage the educated and wealthy Iranian diaspora to return to Iran.

How do you know for sure they are not spies?
Surely it is for the courts to determine this after looking at the evidence..... but your carte blanche dismissal of their allegations are worrying.

Do you think the Israelis and Americans and the British send in spies with tattoos on their foreheads reading "I am a spie"?

By the way, who funds Iran Human Rights Organisation?

If there are any real Human rights organisations that don't have the Israeli, American, British and Saudi crimes against Humanity as thier top agenda, then know for a fact that they are being funded by satan.
They just order them to Chinese companies ,and green is famous for its Power and cases and they even don't design them they just copy some other company design and just put their own brand on them

تو چه عقده ی شدیدی ضد کشورت داری. ما بی شرف تو دنیا کم داریم اما مثل اینکه تو ایران زیاد پیدا میشن. تو بری اونور آب چی میشی. لابد یکی مثل محمد حسینی

میخاستم بگم تف به ناموس هرچی بی شرف، اما بی شرفا که اصلا این چیزا حالیشون نمیشه

یکی نیست بگه پلیده پست، نکته ی منفی دیگه ای هست که تو تریدا در مورد ایران بگی

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