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Iranian Azeris (Azaris) - Who we are. Please visit Tabriz, Iran.

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1. Tabriz, how strong is the Azeri army relative to Iran?

2. The Azeris have anyways pissed Russia off by breaking away too right?

3. Russia and Iran seem to be in the same camp.

4. Armenia though much weaker, is still one more hostile neighbor boxing the Azeris in.

5. Turkey is separated geographically. As of course is fiendly Israel.

6. So my earlier question, if I may repeat - what stops Azerbaijan from being invaded by Iran or re-invaded by Russia?

7. Are the Americans taking special interest here on behalf of Israel?

1. One week of work for our army, but we do not want to hurt anyone there. That's why we are trying diplomacy, but several thousand have fled the Republic of Azerbaijan into Iran precisely because of the program of brainwashing. The Gov't of Azerbaian admitted they were vulnerable to Iran in Wikileaks.

2. Yes, but also because they are inviting the NATO and Israel there which threatens Russia.

3. Yes.

4. Armenia and Republic of Azerbaijan are in the same zone militarily -- they may debate that -- but Armenia won the last war.But as you can imagine, the Armenians go nuts when they hear these same types of strange historical explanations because the last time that happened was the Armenian genocide.

5. Yes.

6. Nothing, except humanity.

7. Yes, but that's in Russia's and Iran's backyard: It's easy to block out the US. Russia already sent a message to Georgia by invading after Georgia invited NATO in. The Rep. of Az. is doing the same = recipe for disaster.
You are nothing more than poor racist,I pity you.

So why still majority of Iranians speak Persian?Why They have kept their Persian culture(Including Iranian Azeris)?Why no one in Iran chose nomadic culture of Turks?Why Seljuqs,Safavids,Timurids all chose Persian language and culture and developed it?Turkish culture never prevailed Iran,now you may want to hang yourself because of it,but it's a fact.They preserved their original culture and traditions.

I don't really know how to put it,Iranian Azeris are a group of Iranian people who speak Turkish language.All of their other specifics,like culture,heritage,traditions,customs, celebrations,beliefs and other things are identical to rest of Iranian society.They are as Iranian as Persians,Kurds,Arabs,Baloochs,Turkmens and all others who are living in Iran.Iranian Azeris should not be mistaken by the Turks who migrated to ME in past centuries,they have lived here for thousands of years and in a period of time,because of mass migrations of Turks and near interactions between Iranian and Turkish society,their language changed.

Culture can change with religion as we can clearly see from difference between Turks of Iran and Turks of Anatolia. Cultural differences between Turks of Anatolia and Turks of Iran/Azerbaijan caused by secterian differences between them. The Iranian identity was a consequences Shia campaing of Shah Ismail and other Safevid shahs. They created Shiadom and that Shiadom become an Iranian identity.

So you are saying that Turks of Anatlia is not Turks but Turkified Helens (and before that Helenified Hitits and Armenians) :) Assimilation by centuries of living together is a normal events we have seen countless times. Romans with Italy, Helens with Anatolia, Franks with Fance, Turks with Anatolia and etc etc but this state policy of assimilation of Turks of Azerbaijan is barbaric and it is really disheartining to see people falling for it...
So why still majority of Iranians speak Persian?Why They have kept their Persian culture(Including Iranian Azeris)?Why no one in Iran chose nomadic culture of Turks?Why Seljuqs,Safavids,Timurids all chose Persian language and culture and developed it?Turkish culture never prevailed Iran,now you may want to hang yourself because of it,but it's a fact.They preserved their original culture and traditions..

Turks settled fertile highlands suitable for herding sheeps and horses. In baluchistan or Arabia, you cant find grass to feed animals. Where Turks settled, they replaced the other societies.

If Shah Ismail had not provoked Secterian war and Sultan Selim had not counterattacked, east Anatolia would have preserved its Turkish character.

Till 19th century, Turkmens preserved their nomadic lifestyle in Anatolia, still some do today. For Iran, Qashgais and northeastern Turkmens still preserve their nomadic culture, though i have No first eye experience on this issue.

Persian language was the Lingua latina of Muslims. Since science developed in west adopted by Muslims, Persian language lost its value. Nowadays nobody care about Persian poetry.

But the lives of ordinary Turks were not affected by Persian education. They continued to speak Turkish. With the 19th century reforms, Ottoman State made its language suitable for People, meaning Turkish speakers. Same thing applies to Azerbaijani Turks, they were not affected by Persian education, still speak Turkish.

Even after one century of Persian assimilation campaign, Turks of Iran preserve their language. When i talk about Turks of Iran, i mean almost half of Iran.
Actually they look like some of those hardened people from Pakistan's North or the Pashtoons from the Tribal belt or even the Baloch from the South

Thanks for some sanity. Prepare for people with Turkish flags to stalk you. :yahoo:

What about Pakistan ?

Bro, we love Pakistan too.
Tabriz thanks so much for sharing. My fundas are getting in place now.
THere is nothing as called Azeri language... Can't you understand that? It is called Azerbaijani Turkish or Azeri Turkish and Azeri identification of Turks started after ridiculus ''historical'' theories and used after 1936 as offically.
Azerbaijan is the name of geographic area and has nothing to do wth Turks of Azerbaijan and Iran being Turks or not. Just like Anatolia is the name of geographic area Turks live in but the name itself is Greek origin. First learn this than try to have a usefull discussion. P.S: Writing in larger letters and making them darker doesn't make your propaganda more believable...

Can you answer these questions in numbered form? Thanks.

1. List the date Turkey adopted its alphabet?

2. Post a photo of the earliest writing in Turkish from Turkey?

3. State the date "Turkey" started calling the country "Turkey"?

4. Post a photograph of the earliest written work in New-Azeri (Turkic).

5. List the date the Republic of Azerbaijan chose that name?
Azaris of Iran and other Iranians share the same religion/sect, culture, heritage, and are genetically similar to other Iranians, they are just Turkified.
Azaris of Iran and Azaris of Republic of Azerbaijan and Turkey just share the same language.

Now which one is more ridicolous, considering them Iranic, or Turkic?
Do Azeris celebrate Nowruz like Kurds.

Yes. :rofl: Great question.

But someone people form Turkey will show up and tell you it's really the "Turkish New Year."

Erdogan doesn't celebrate Norouz; neither did Attaturk.

I want to explain for my Pakistani and Indian friends what if feels like to Iranian-Azari.

Just imagine 30 usernames with Japanese flags nonstop telling Indians and Pakistanis that they really are Japanese. That's what the people from Turkey do to Iranian-Azaris just because we also speak Turkic.
Actually they look like some of those hardened people from Pakistan's North or the Pashtoons from the Tribal belt or even the Baloch from the South !

Nope they don't. They don't look like Pashtuns or Balochs. There is a biodiversity forum on the internet, try posting this pic over there. And just from the physical phenotype, ppl will tell you that they loook more like Turks. Persians eye brows, eyes, noses usually give it away that they are Persians, they look quite different from Turks.
Culture can change with religion as we can clearly see from difference between Turks of Iran and Turks of Anatolia. Cultural differences between Turks of Anatolia and Turks of Iran/Azerbaijan caused by secterian differences between them. The Iranian identity was a consequences Shia campaing of Shah Ismail and other Safevid shahs. They created Shiadom and that Shiadom become an Iranian identity.

So you are saying that Turks of Anatlia is not Turks but Turkified Helens (and before that Helenified Hitits and Armenians) :) Assimilation by centuries of living together is a normal events we have seen countless times. Romans with Italy, Helens with Anatolia, Franks with Fance, Turks with Anatolia and etc etc but this state policy of assimilation of Turks of Azerbaijan is barbaric and it is really disheartining to see people falling for it...
You are fed with Pan-Turkic propaganda.
So the differnece between Iranian Azeris and Anatolian Turks is only because of religion?Are you fu***g kidding me?For example Azeris of Iran celebrate Nowruz as the new year,what the hell does that have to do with religion?
Deno,we better not argue with each other,you have no common sense,and your only goal here is to following your Turkish agendas here,you can not have a sane discussion.
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