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Iranian Azeris (Azaris) - Who we are. Please visit Tabriz, Iran.

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Actually Alyev republic,stole the name Azerbaijan (which is 2000 years old) for the name of their country who was part of Iran before.Azerbaijan or Azeri is not an invented name,it's just a Persian name for areas of northwestern of greater Iran.Before Turks came to this area,it was still called Azerbaijan.Azeris are Iranian people that their language is from a Turkish family.

About Shahriar,I don't know what you are trying to imply here,he is one the greatest contemporary Iranian poets who has a lot of poems in Persian and Azeri language.He was a real patriot and loved Iran more than anything else.This is one his famous poems in Persian,warning against any divison and saying that Iran and Azerbaijan are all the same and that difference in languages and accents is not important.However,you don't understand Persian,but I will bring it here:

روز جانبازیست ای بیچاره آذربایجان سر تو باشی در میان هر جا که آمد پای جان…
ای که دور از دامن مهر تو نالد جان من چون شکسته بال مرغی در هوای آشیان..
تو همایون مهد زرتشتی و فرزندان تو پور ایرانند و پاک آیین نژاد آریان
اختلاف لهجه، ملیت نزاید بهر کس ملتی با یک زبان کمتر به یاد آرد زمان
گر بدین منطق تو را گفتند ایرانی نه ای صبح را خواندند شام و آسمان را ریسمان!
بیکس است ایران، به حرف ناکسان از ره مرو جان به قربان تو ای جانانه آذربایجان
با خطی برجسته در تاریخ ایران نقش بست همت والای سردار مهین ستارخان
این همان تبریز کامثال خیابانی در او جان برافشاندند بر شمع وطن پروانه سان…
این همان تبریز کز خون جوانانش هنوز لاله گون بینی همی رود ارس، دشت مغان…..
یاشاسین آذربایجان . یاشاسین آنا یوردوم ایران.

Ethnical identification is done by three facts.

Language, personal identification and historical records. All of these facts state that Turks of Azerbaijan and Iran are Turkish people migrated to Anatolia, Caucasus and Iran. Ofcourse these people lived and mixed with local people of these areas and experiencedintermarriges. Noone can deny that. But saying that Turks of Iran and Azerbaijan are Iranic people is nothing more than state assimilation policiy and propaganda.

I didn't said he wasn't an Iranian. I said he was one of the most important peots in Turkish language. I think you misunderstood me.
Actually if you really want to know, I can tell you. I have my families written works that go back several hundred years. Around the 13th century the language started to change in Northern Iran from Old-Azari (an Indo-European language) to New-Azeri (a blend of Turkic and Persian). There are many good books on it from reputable Universities.

Seriously, you are so full of BS that its not even funny. Yeah sure. Blend of Turkic and Persian? LOL

And you also claimed that Azeris are bi-lingual, which is certainly not true, most of elder people specially in rural areas cannot speak a damn word of Persian. They learn Persian at school.
I honestly don't understand why you repeat same things over and over. First of all, in what is now Republic of Azerbaijan, there existed the kingdom of Caucasian Albania, which was neither Iranian/Persian, nor Zoroastrian.

And what if Persian was spoken in Azerbaijan? Russian steppes was once dominated by Scythians, then by Kypchaks-Cumans, now its Russian lands who came from west. Population always changed, and there was a mass-migration of Oghuz tribes over centuries. There is not one "Azeri" ethnicity, but collection of several tribe/clans of Oghuz origin.

Similar to America. There mayans, Incans, Aztecs used to live. After colonialism, people were replaced by whites and blacks.

500 years ago, Jamaica was home to yellow skinned people, now home to black skinned people.

Years of conquest and pillage supressed Persian, Kurdish ethnicities. And Turkish language and Arab religion prevailed. And Humans intermarried.
I may not be master of linguistics, but I also am not deaf. Bring someone speaking Azeri (Iranian variant, heard Azerbaijani one is slightly different) and someone else speaking Anatolian Turkish. The difference is as clear as day, Azeri is much softer language and less harsh then Anatolian Turkish. Also to my ear atleast they don't seem to have as many vowels (not sure).

Also as far as I know Anatolian g with the hat is similar to y sound. Like erdogan is pronounced something like erdoyan. That is why words which are written in persian/azeri with q are written in turkish with k. For example qabul (acceptance) is written in Turkish as kabul because you can't pronounce q. Another example is Khan/Xan is written as Han because you don't have Kh/x.

with my little knowledge of linguistics and phonetics the difference you mentioned in the two languages are being created by the changed script of Turkish from Arabic to Roman by Kemalists.
Ok let me explain, there was one language in the past, its seperated to two different dialects, the reasons are clear, sect difference opened a way to different cultural influences and different political entities that putted distance between Turks of Anatolia and Iran, and of course geoghraphical distance, if the distance was closer two dialects would be probably same.

Istanbul dialect which is the base for modern Turkish is way different then the Anatolian dialects, Anatolian dialects more common with Azeri, include many pronounces that İstanbul Turkish don't have.
Its the opposite, Azerbaijani are much "harsher" language. LOL

Also thanks for pointing out the obvious difference between Persian and Azerbaijani accents, Persians with their gay-like accents and compare it to kinda harsh Azerbaijani accent.
Harvard University Press, Department of Linguistics. Old Azari is listed.

I may not be master of linguistics, but I also am not deaf. Bring someone speaking Azeri (Iranian variant, heard Azerbaijani one is slightly different) and someone else speaking Anatolian Turkish. The difference is as clear as day, Azeri is much softer language and less harsh then Anatolian Turkish. Also to my ear atleast they don't seem to have as many vowels (not sure).

Also as far as I know Anatolian g with the hat is similar to y sound. Like erdogan is pronounced something like erdoyan. That is why words which are written in persian/azeri with q are written in turkish with k. For example qabul (acceptance) is written in Turkish as kabul because you can't pronounce q. Another example is Khan/Xan is written as Han because you don't have Kh/x.

You are talking about written version and I am talking about its pronunciation. ''Ğ'' is equal to both ''kh'' and ''q''. ''K'' used for Q is only beginnings of words as Anatolian Turks don't use ''Ğ'' in beginnings of words. Khan is pronounce as Kağan in Anatolian Turkish. And Han and Khan is different things as Khan means great Han.

Harvard University Press, Department of Linguistics. Old Azari is listed.


You are forgetting that There is nothing as Azeri language but there is something as Azerbaijan Turkish...
Tabriz Azari, even if its true, it doesn't matters when Turks of Azerbaijan never used such a denonym as "Azari". :)

Change your name, and then continue your propaganda, because then we can have more healthy discussion. Like said, you are neither from Tabriz, nor an Azeri Turk.
At least act more professional in hiding your Persian identity :D
This guy is full of BS, I'm not fan of these Caucasian Alban guys, but before arrival of Oghuz Turks in Azerbaijan lived these people, and the Caucasian Albania kingdom also existed until Arab invasion (Persians was also conquered in the same invasions) only 2-3 centuries later Oghuz Turks arrived.

My point is, Azerbaijan was not even Persian/Iranian before arrival of Oghuz Turks, and Caucasian Albania alone crushes this guys BS's.

Caucasian Albania - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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