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Iranian Azeris (Azaris) - Who we are. Please visit Tabriz, Iran.

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You, Iranians cant do a damn thing to iranify Azerbaijan.

75% of Azaris live in Iran - Like me; and were proud Iranians thousands of years before Turkey even existed. So when you say "You Iranians" you better watch your mouth or we will Kurdify Turkey.

Shahriar is one of the most important poets of Turkish language and there is nothing as ''Azari'' or ''Azeri''. It is a newly invented propaganda name for Turks of Azerbaijan.

It's not my responsibility to educate fools.

Come to Iran and enjoy the ancient portraits of Iranian-Azari kings showing their love for Ottoman Turkey:


Shah Ismael Saffavi official portrait - Notice where it says Rex-Pers (Persian King)
75% of Azaris live in Iran - Like me; and were proud Iranians thousands of years before Turkey even existed. So when you say "You Iranians" you better watch your mouth or we will Kurdify Turkey.

It's not my responsibility to educate fools.

Oh, I didn't know that in Persian ''fool'' meant, people who know history more than you and don't care about state assimilation policies? Pity...
What you're mistaking here, we're not speaking about if Azeris are Iranian nationals or how Iranian patriots they're, its not concerns us if you're a seperatist or a patriot. we're talking about ethnicity of Iranian Azaris, not about their political views.
Oh, I didn't know that in Persian ''fool'' meant, people who know history more than you and don't care about state assimilation policies? Pity...

Why don't you find another thread to play on - This is an Iranian thread.

"Assimilation" isn't a word that should come out of the mouth of a country accused of so many genocides.

Find another thread for your reindeer games.
75% of Azaris live in Iran - Like me; and were proud Iranians thousands of years before Turkey even existed. So when you say "You Iranians" you better watch your mouth or we will Kurdify Turkey.

It's not my responsibility to educate fools.

I think you just experienced a brain mulfunction my friend...

Come to Iran and enjoy the ancient portraits of Iranian-Azari kings showing their love for Ottoman Turkey:

Shah Ismael Saffavi official portrait - Notice where it says Rex-Pers (Persian King)

So we should all follow the wrong information rather than correct one... Shah Ismail has the titles of ''Shah of Azerbaijan'' and ''Shah of Iran''. He is a poet who wrote more than 1500 poems in Turkish and 50 in Persian.

I think you just experienced a brain mulfunction my friend...

So we should all fallow the wrong information rather than correct one... Shah Ismail has the titles of ''Shah of Azerbaijan'' and ''Shah of Iran''. He was a poet who wrote more than 1500 poems in Turkish and 50 in Persian.

Why don't you find another thread to play on - This is an Iranian thread.

Nope... I kinda enjoy busting the bubbles of propaganda makers and assimilation supporters.
75% of Azaris live in Iran - Like me; and were proud Iranians thousands of years before Turkey even existed. So when you say "You Iranians" you better watch your mouth before of we will Kurdify Turkey..

Azeris of Turkey and Azeris of Azerbaijan speak Turkish. Never heard them saying them Iranians.
For Iranian Azeris, you decide what you are.

i cant watch my mouth, my tongue gets nastier sometimes, doesnt listen to me then. to Tell the truth, in northern Azerbaijan do Azeris live and speak Turkish language. They claim, shah Ismail was Turk, Qajars were Turk, Nadir Shah was Afshar Turkmen.

These northern Azeris claim recent Iranian history is full with Turks, written by Turks. That contradicts with Persian/Iranian School teachings. There comes a struggle.

Like Shah said: men pirimi hak bilirem, yoluna kurban oluram, dün doğdum bugün ölürem, ölen gelsin işte meydan.

Sultan added: sanma şahım herkesi sen sadikane yar olur, herkesi sen dost mu sandın belki o agyar olur, sadikane belki o alemdebir dildar olur, yar olur, agyar olur, dildar olur, serdar olur.

Shortly: choose your friends carefully.
Turk is not equal to person from Turkey fool, its an ethnicity, dynasties, empires has nothing with that.
Azerbaijan must come back into the fold.

So must Iran for that matter.
Shah Ismail just had the title Shah of Iran. Just because some people (probably yourself) edit Wikipedia to add Shah of Azerbaijan doesn't make it true. Azerbaijan was a part of Iran then. It would be like saying Queen of England and Queen of London.

Second it doesn't matter what language they spoke or wrote poems in. Ofcourse he would write more in Azeri as that is his native language. Azeri Turkic is a language of Iran. Same reason why Shahriar is a national treasure of Iran.

Also please don't make it out that Anatolian Turkish and Azeri are the same. They are mutually intelligible, but that is about all. They use letters such as q and x that Anatolians have no idea how to pronounce. Also they share many, many words with Persian that Anatolian Turkish does not.
Azerbaijan must come back into the fold.

So must Iran for that matter.

Thanks. Come visit Iran sometime - Norouz is a good time.

Shah Ismail just had the title Shah of Iran. Just because some people (probably yourself) edit Wikipedia to add Shah of Azerbaijan doesn't make it true. Azerbaijan was a part of Iran then. It would be like saying Queen of England and Queen of London.

You're right. Just ignore them. The Armenians are complaining that they tried to turn them into "Christian Turks." The Kurds are complaining that they tried to turn them into "Mountain Turks." The Assyrians are complaining. The Greeks are complaining. The Talysh, Zazas, and the Lezgins are complaining.

The last thing they want to do is piss-off Iranian-Azaris, but it's their choice if they try. It just paints them as grander fools on the world stage, especially given that the EU countries are also protesting their membership.

At some point Russia will step in - I'm sure of it. Russia sent a Senior delegation to Iraq-Kurdistan and seems to have had enough of their games. It's funny when they say these bizarre things about Iranian-Azaris, yet don't have the stones to come to Tabriz and say the same things.
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Situation of Turks of Anatolia and Turks of Iran is like Serbs and Croats, different religious sects, different cultural influences, in the beginning they were same though, also Anatolian Turkish has many Persian words too, Persian was like French of 19th century, had a influence in the region.

also, as I said we're not questioning situation of Azeris in Iran, their political views not concerns us(at least majority of us, every society has some trolls), we're talking about their ethnicity, specially when people try to enchant it with propaganda.
There will always be conflict between modern political states as long as there is an overlap of blood and faith and language and ethnicity.
There will always be conflict between modern political states as long as there is an overlap of blood and faith and language and ethnicity.

It's true. But with Turkey, they've got a history of how they became Turkey and its not all too flattering: Ask a Kurd, Armenian, Assyrian, Syrian, or Zaza sometime. They'll give you the inside scoop.
How clueless are you of Shahriar. Have you seen some of his Azeri Turkish poems and what he says?

One day he had a conversation with his mother: Mother, look, how great poet your son has become, her mother replies: Son, what kind of great poet are you that your mother does not understand what you write. From that time, he began to write in Torki (Azeri Turkish) only.

One of his poems in Azeri Turkish, there are more.

"Bütün dünya bilir - sənin qüdrətinlə, dövlətinlə
Abad olub, azad olub mülki-İran, Azərbaycan."

The whole world knows, by your power, by your state
Iran has prospered, has become free, Azerbaijan.

"İgidlərin İran üçün şəhid olub, əvəzində
Dərd almısan, qəm almısan sən İrandan, Azərbaycan."

Your warriors have fallen for Iran
In return, you have only received grief from İran, Azerbaijan.

"Dur ayağa! Ya azad ol, ya tamam yan, Azərbaycan!"

Stand up, either be free, or burn completly, Azerbaijan.

Here is the whole poem;

Könlüm quşu qanad çalmaz sənsiz bir an, Azərbaycan.
Xoş günlərin getmir müdam xəyalımdan, Azərbaycan.
Səndən uzaq düşsəm də mən eşqin ilə yaşayıram,
Yaralanmış qəlbim kimi qəlbi viran Azərbaycan.
Bütün dünya bilir - sənin qüdrətinlə, dövlətinlə
Abad olub, azad olub mülki-İran, Azərbaycan.
Bisütuni-inqilabda Şirin-vətən üçün Fərhad
Külüng vurmuş öz başına zaman-zaman, Azərbaycan.
Vətən eşqi məktəbində can verməyi öyrənmişik,
Ustadımız deyib "heçdir vətənsiz can", Azərbaycan.
Qurtarmaqçün zalimlərin əlindən Rey şümşadını
Öz şümşadın başdan-başa olub al qan, Azərbaycan.
Yarəb, nədir bir bu qədər ürəkləri qan etməyin,
Qolubağlı qalacaqdır nə vaxtacan Azərbaycan?!
İgidlərin İran üçün şəhid olub, əvəzində
Dərd almısan, qəm almısan sən İrandan, Azərbaycan.
Övladların nə vaxtadək tərki-vətən olacaqdır?
Əl-ələ ver, üsyan elə, oyan, oyan, Azərbaycan!
Bəsdir fəraq odlarından kül ələndi başımıza,
Dur ayağa! Ya azad ol, ya tamam yan, Azərbaycan!
Şəhriyarın ürəyi də səninki tək yaralıdır,
Azadlıqdır mənə məlhəm, sənə dərman, Azərbaycan!
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