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Iranian Azeris (Azaris) - Who we are. Please visit Tabriz, Iran.

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Don't waste your time with those propagandas, Pakistanis and Indians don't care about internal matters of Turkey and Iran.
Shahriar is one of the most important poets of Turkish language and there is nothing as ''Azari'' or ''Azeri''. It is a newly invented propaganda name for Turks of Azerbaijan.
Actually Alyev republic,stole the name Azerbaijan (which is 2000 years old) for the name of their country who was part of Iran before.Azerbaijan or Azeri is not an invented name,it's just a Persian name for areas of northwestern of greater Iran.Before Turks came to this area,it was still called Azerbaijan.Azeris are Iranian people that their language is from a Turkish family.

About Shahriar,I don't know what you are trying to imply here,he is one the greatest contemporary Iranian poets who has a lot of poems in Persian and Azeri language.He was a real patriot and loved Iran more than anything else.This is one his famous poems in Persian,warning against any divison and saying that Iran and Azerbaijan are all the same and that difference in languages and accents is not important.However,you don't understand Persian,but I will bring it here:

روز جانبازیست ای بیچاره آذربایجان سر تو باشی در میان هر جا که آمد پای جان…
ای که دور از دامن مهر تو نالد جان من چون شکسته بال مرغی در هوای آشیان..
تو همایون مهد زرتشتی و فرزندان تو پور ایرانند و پاک آیین نژاد آریان
اختلاف لهجه، ملیت نزاید بهر کس ملتی با یک زبان کمتر به یاد آرد زمان
گر بدین منطق تو را گفتند ایرانی نه ای صبح را خواندند شام و آسمان را ریسمان!
بیکس است ایران، به حرف ناکسان از ره مرو جان به قربان تو ای جانانه آذربایجان
با خطی برجسته در تاریخ ایران نقش بست همت والای سردار مهین ستارخان
این همان تبریز کامثال خیابانی در او جان برافشاندند بر شمع وطن پروانه سان…
این همان تبریز کز خون جوانانش هنوز لاله گون بینی همی رود ارس، دشت مغان…..
یاشاسین آذربایجان . یاشاسین آنا یوردوم ایران.
Shariyar - Türkün dili

Türkün dili

Türkün dili tək sevgili, istəkli dil olmaz,
Özgə dilə qatsan, bu əsil dil əsil olmaz.

Öz şerini farsa, ərəbə qatmasa şair,
Şeri eşidənlər, oxuyanlar kəsil olmaz.

Pişmiş kimi, şerin də gərək dad-duzu olsun,
Kənd əhli bilirlər ki, doşabsız xəşil olmaz.

Sözlər də cəvahir kimidir, əsli bədəldən
Təşxis verən olsa, bu qədər zir-zibil olmaz.

Şair ola bilməzsən, anan doğmasa şair,
Missən, a balam, hər sarı köynək qızıl olmaz.

Ötməz, oxumaz bülbülü salsan qəfəs içrə,
Dağ-daşda doğulmuş dəli ceyran həmil olmaz.

İnsan odu tutsun bu zəlil xalqın əlindən,
Allahı sevərsən, belə insan zəlil olmaz.

Hərçənd Sərabın südü çox, yağ-balı çoxdur
Baş ərşə də çatdırsa, Sərab Ərdəbil olmaz.

Millət qəmi olsa, bu cocuqlar çöpə dönməz,
Ərbablarımızdan da qarınlar təbil olmaz.

Məndən də nə zalım çıxar, oğlum, nə qisasçı,
Bir dəfə bunu qan ki, ipəkdən qəzil olmaz.

Düz vaxtda dolar taxta-tabaq ədviyyə ilə,
Onda ki, nənəm sancılanar, zəncəfil olmaz.

Fars şairi çox sözlərini bizdən aparmış,
Sabir kimi bir süfrəli şair pəxil olmaz.

Türkün məsəli, folkloru dünyada təkdir,
Xan yorğanı, kənd içrə məsəldir, mitil olmaz.

Azər qoşunu qeysəri-Rumi əsir etmiş,
Kəsra sözüdü, bir belə tarix nağıl olmaz.

Bu Şəhriyarın təbi kimi çimməli çeşmə,
Kövsər ola bilsə, demirəm, Səlsəbil olmaz.
Shah Ismail just had the title Shah of Iran. Just because some people (probably yourself) edit Wikipedia to add Shah of Azerbaijan doesn't make it true. Azerbaijan was a part of Iran then. It would be like saying Queen of England and Queen of London.

Second it doesn't matter what language they spoke or wrote poems in. Ofcourse he would write more in Azeri as that is his native language. Azeri Turkic is a language of Iran. Same reason why Shahriar is a national treasure of Iran.

Also please don't make it out that Anatolian Turkish and Azeri are the same. They are mutually intelligible, but that is about all. They use letters such as q and x that Anatolians have no idea how to pronounce. Also they share many, many words with Persian that Anatolian Turkish does not.

I do not use wikipedia as a sourse for any of my readings or researchs and seeing you using it only makes me want to stop arguing with you because of your lack of knowledge. Only people who uses wikipedia are people who doesn't have any idea of what they are speaking...

I didn't said he wasn't a Iranian treasure, I believe you are confusing nationality with ethnicity. Ethnicity and nationality is very much different things.

Turks of Anatolia use ''ğ'' and Turks of Azerbaijan ''q'' and Turks of Anatolia use ''^'' on top of letters to pronounce the effect Turks of Azerbaijan create with ''x''. You are not a linguistic so please lets not enter discussions I by far have the superior knowledge.
Persian was like French of 19th century, had a influence in the region.

19th century? Wow! I always thought Iran had a bigger influence at an earlier date. I better ask for a refund from Oxford University and take my classes again in Ankara to undo the damage caused to my brain from not learning world history in Ankara. Thanks for your help.

Can you help me find Turkey on the map?

See the text below that "looks like Arabic"? It is an Iranian alphabet and script that predates Arabic. More people need to study the origin of languages and alphabets. Iran has 7,000 plus years of history: It has been through several alphabets.


My friend i am not talking about the script that predates Islamic conquest of Persia, tell me about present day script of Azeri Turkish in your region. This language remained only in spoken form and very little modern literature is available. Only few news papers are being published from Tabriz & Ormiyeh ? Kindly address the post 7 please.
Shahriyar - El Kimin

Do you understand these lines?

Heç elden özgeye gardaş olar mı?
Fars, Çin, Urustan yoldaş olar mı?

Turan hayalimdir, etim, derimdir,
Oğuz Atam bizi görse neyliyer,
Dövüner dizini helak eyliyer,

Şehriyar'ım gözüm yaşı sel kimin,
Garip sen mi vetanında el kimin,
Sevdan üreğimde kara yel kimin,
Heç elden özgeye gardaş olar mı?
Haramzadalardan yoldaş olar mı?

Gurt gurtnan dolaşır, itler it inen,
Gurt şikarnan doyar, itler küt inen,
Yanaşmanın goynu dolar pit inen
Heç elden özgeye gardaş olar mı?
Fars, Çin, Urustan yoldaş olar mı?

Oğuz Atam bizi görse neyliyer,
Dövüner dizini helak eyliyer,
Yeğin geyze gelir, gönü göynüyer,
Heç elden özgeye gardaş olar mı?
Yılandan, çiyandan yoldaş olar mı?

Bed-güman değilem Allah kerimdir,
Turan hayalimdir, etim, derimdir,
Böyyük Asya nece olsa benimdir,
Gurt yuvalarına tilki dolar mı?
Ayıdan, Moskof'tan yoldaş olar mı?

Şehriyar'ım, incinmeyin sözüme,
Dost acı danışar dostun özüne
Gah ağlaram, gah vururam dizime
Heç elden özgeye gardaş olar mı?
Hayından, uğrudan yoldaş olar mı?
It's true. But with Turkey, they've got a history of how they became Turkey and its not all too flattering: Ask a Kurd, Armenian, Assyrian, Syrian, or Zaza sometime. They'll give you the inside scoop.

Historian Asikpasazade gives some scoop. When ghazis enter a city, they used to take widowed women as wives. There are some stories related to Turkmen tribesmen taking christian women from neighboring villages. After Turkmen and Tatar invasions, people started to speak Turkish.

I wonder why Azeris speak Turkish? Can you give me a inside scoop? :)
As I was suspecting, you don2t understand English at all, thats why you're repeating the same things over and over.

I said Persian had a role in the region that similar to role French in 19th century.

And stop acting immature.
One day he had a conversation with his mother: Mother, look, how great poet your son has become, her mother replies: Son, what kind of great poet are you that your mother does not understand what you write. From that time, he began to write in Torki (Azeri Turkish) only.

Where did you learn these type of things? He is reciting Poems written in Persian below. He did this consistently throughout his life. His inspiration was Ferdowsi, Hafez Shirazi, and Omar Khayyam.

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AFAIK Turkish & Turkic is a ethno-lingual idetity and azeri Turkish is a ethno-geographical identity. It is a branch of wider Turkish & Turkic tree. Yes Persian has huge influence on Turkish language & culture that is spoken in Persian controlled region.
I wonder why Azeris speak Turkish? Can you give me a inside scoop? :)

Actually if you really want to know, I can tell you. I have my family's written works that go back several hundred years. Around the 13th century the language started to change in Northern Iran from Old-Azari (an Indo-European language) to New-Azeri (a blend of Turkic and Persian). There are many good books on it from reputable Universities.

Do you want me to give you some books to look up?
I honestly don't understand why you repeat same things over and over. First of all, in what is now Republic of Azerbaijan, there existed the kingdom of Caucasian Albania, which was neither Iranian/Persian, nor Zoroastrian.

And what if Persian was spoken in Azerbaijan? Russian steppes was once dominated by Scythians, then by Kypchaks-Cumans, now its Russian lands who came from west. Population always changed, and there was a mass-migration of Oghuz tribes over centuries. There is not one "Azeri" ethnicity, but collection of several tribe/clans of Oghuz origin.
I may not be master of linguistics, but I also am not deaf. Bring someone speaking Azeri (Iranian variant, heard Azerbaijani one is slightly different) and someone else speaking Anatolian Turkish. The difference is as clear as day, Azeri is much softer language and less harsh then Anatolian Turkish. Also to my ear atleast they don't seem to have as many vowels (not sure).

Also as far as I know Anatolian g with the hat is similar to y sound. Like erdogan is pronounced something like erdoyan. That is why words which are written in persian/azeri with q are written in turkish with k. For example qabul (acceptance) is written in Turkish as kabul because you can't pronounce q. Another example is Khan/Xan is written as Han because you don't have Kh/x.
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