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Iranian Azeris (Azaris) - Who we are. Please visit Tabriz, Iran.

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@ Tabriz Azeri

I think you really caught in turks and western member hand .... you really don't need to show the truth to them , they knew it but they want to dream about separatism in Iran ....
Who are you ? well , you're a Persian.

Can't you just simply stop posting provocative threads ?
Tabriz, can you post a map of Iran, Turkey, and Azerbaijan and show us the demographic situation as well as where exactly Tabriz is?!

For the majority of recorded history the lower Caucuses looked something like this.


And here you can see clearly what happened: Russia takes Aran, renames it as the same name as the other province of Iran, and then tries to take the 2nd province.


The other thing I will tell my friends from both India and Pakistan is since the history books in the Republic of Azerbaijan have been "sanitized" often they are taught very racist things: They commonly say things like Iranians are related to %^&$#-Indians and &^#$@-Pakistanis. It's important for everyone to know that does NOT come from Iran but rather from the Republic of Azerbaijan. In other words, they use "Indian" and "Pakistani" as a kind of racial epithet. Many of their parents were forced to take on this new identity and they and some people from Turkey often try to hijack any discussion of anything related to Azaris. Most Azaris live in Iran and have been Iranians for thousands of years. Iranian-Azaris also have no problems with Iranian-Kurds or with Iranian-Armenians: All of that nonsense for the most part is happening in Turkey the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Azaris are Iranians there is no doubt in that because they're citizens of Iran, its have nothing with their ethnicity.
@ Tabriz Azeri I think you really caught in turks and western member hand .... you really don't need to show the truth to them , they knew it but they want to dream about separatism in Iran ....

Thank you. But I'm showing it more to our Indian and Pakistani friends, so they are not confused. They should know why a hundred profiles from Turkey suddenly jump on every post when I try to explain I am Iranian-Azari. Also since the Republic of Azerbaijan is teaching people to be racist against Indians and Pakistanis, I want them to know that this does not come from Iranian-Azaris.

Thanks Tabriz, that was helpful! How does Azerbaijan get its oil to Israel bro?

Pipeline: Through Georgia onto Turkey. One of the reasons Russia invaded Georgia after NATO started establishing a presence there. Today Russia realizes it was the biggest mistake to separate Aran from Iran.
Pipeline: Through Georgia onto Turkey. One of the reasons Russia invaded Georgia after NATO started establishing a presence there. Today Russia realizes it was the biggest mistake to separate Aran from Iran.

I'm sorry about my regional geography bro, but doesn't Armenia come in the way?

Also, Russia has no love lost for Israel, and is in fact a supporter of Iran now. How does Azerbaijan hold off surrounded as it is by such hugely disproportionate hostility - Russia on one side and Iran on the other.

Not to mention their ongoing deal with Armenia.
(1) I'm sorry about my regional geography bro, but doesn't Armenia come in the way?

(2) Also, Russia has no love lost for Israel, and is in fact a supporter of Iran now. How does Azerbaijan hold off surrounded as it is by such hugely disproportionate hostility - Russia on one side and Iran on the other.

1. Armenian doesn't get in the way of the pipeline because they can go: Caspian Sea >> Rep. of Azerbaijan >> Georgia >> Turkey / Black Sea >> to Israel and Europe.

2. They do it by sending these guys who are paid from Turkey to hijack a discussion anytime someone says Iranian-Azari. The leaders of the Rep. of Azerbaijan don't sleep well at night; that's for sure. They know they're on borrowed time.
Holy... I can't even begin to explain how much propaganda you use....

The word Azeri was invented after 1925 (the time when Turks lost the rule of Iran) and used by Russia in 1937 as a part of project to distance them from Anatolian and Balkan Turks and lessen their national bonds. Turks of Azerbaijan (both the republic and Iranian provience) speaks Turkish dialect closer to old Turkish than even Anatolian and Balkan Turks.

I just hope that people like you (people who deny Turks of Iran's ethnicities because of of your pathetic fear of rebellion) are significant minority in Iran. Because nationalism will only raise by opression as we are seeing from state newspaper calling Turks cockroach....
2. They do it by sending these guys who are paid from Turkey to hijack a discussion anytime someone says Iranian-Azari. The leaders of the Rep. of Azerbaijan don't sleep well at night; that's for sure. They know they're on borrowed time.

There are two things i wish to make it clear.

First, Aliyev must go. I share same with Iranians.

Secondly, azerbaijan is already Turk. Has Turkish language, Turkish history and Turkish culture. You, Iranians cant do a damn thing to iranify Azerbaijan. Iran is loner in politics, dont get lonelier. And even if you somehow managed to get Azerbaijan Unıted, how can you make 9 millions Turk speak Farsi?
I wonder which of Iranians can understand Shahriyar's poems?

Don't make a fool out of yourself unless you understand what Shahriyar says in the video in his own voice about Iran. Everytime we say that we speak BOTH Persian and Azari people like you throw a fit. The problem is that you can't even understand what he is saying.

Shahriyar has nothing to do with Turkey or the Republic of Azerbaijan.

mekanin cennet, ruhun shad olsun
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Deno: you are quite the master of propaganda yourself. The term Azerbaijan is over 2000 years old and dates to the Satraps of the Aechamanid Empire. It literally means land of fire and refers to the areas Zoroastrian roots.

You also bring the cockroach incident of 7 years ago and try to pass it off as recent news. Did you know that the cartoonist who drew that picture was an ethnic Azeri himself?

Also Iran was ruled by Families of Turkic origin, but had heavily intermingled with different Iranian and caucasian peoples by the time of the Qajars.
Don't make a fool out of yourself unless you understand what Shahriyar says in the video in his own voice about Iran. Everytime we say that we speak BOTH Persian and Azari people like you throw a fit. The problem is that you can't even understand what he is saying.

Shahriyar has nothing to do with Turkey or the Republic of Azerbaijan.

I understand when he speaks Turkish language.
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Shahriar is one of the most important poets of Turkish language and there is nothing as ''Azari'' or ''Azeri''. It is a newly invented propaganda name for Turks of Azerbaijan.
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