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Iranian Azaris and their love and loyalty to motherland

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HEY SURENAS, HOW IS KAVURMA(Qavurma ) DISH GOING? Are you owned that hard that you totally ignore and retreated your arguments about Azeri cuisine?

Another demonstration of your mighty knowledge:


According by your logic, Ayyubid should have been Iranic too.

No it wasn't. Safavid, were both in ethnicity, language and culture Turkic.
The funny thing is that Greeks say that Turks are Greeks. Haha. All these insignificant countries with their big mouths. Gotta love it.

You guys stole Greek lands. Thats for sure. About that insignificant part, this insignificant country is still opposing Turkish influence in the region, and even supporting armed groups in Turkey. Iran is more influential in the M-E than Turkey, in despite of the differences in size and strength of both armies.

HEY SURENAS, HOW IS KAVURMA DISH GOING? Are you owned that hard that you totally ignore and retreated your arguments about Azeri cuisine?

Ghormeh Sabzi is not an Azeri dish. Its Persian. Fool.

culture Turkic.

Name one Turkic cultural element with Safavids.
Ghormeh Sabzi is not an Azeri dish. Its Persian. Fool.

I told you that is Turkish.

People who speak Azeri Turkish say that is Turkish.

People who speak Turkish say that is Turkish.

You still insisting that is Persian? hahahahahaha

Who else do want to ***** slap you? Ahmadinejad?
Safavids were Persian, Azeri and Kurds. Shah Ismael (founder) was a Persian Kurd.
some members need more brain
You guys stole Greek lands. Thats for sure. About that insignificant part, this insignificant country is still opposing Turkish influence in the region, and even supporting armed groups in Turkey. Iran is more influential in the M-E than Turkey, in despite of the differences in size and strength of both armies.

Ghormeh Sabzi is not an Azeri dish. Its Persian. Fool.

Name one Turkic cultural element with Safavids.
Ever heard about the term "gained land"? Greeks also stole it from Hittites,Lydians, Frigians and other small nations. Since there is no living Hittite or Lydian or whatever else, Turkey claims that it is the rightful successor of these nations, which makes Turkey as the legal owner of the Asian Minor.

Turkey was not in the region when Iran did spread its influence there. Turkish interest in ME began with AKP goverment (mid-2000s) while Iran was there since 90s.
Kavurma as we Turks call is a simple dish and used by many nations aswell. (Homeros mentions this kind of dish too in his Iliad while it is in almost every Turkish dastan)
Without knowing every detail of Azerbaijani culture we can't give fully correct answers.

But I checked wedding traditions in wiki, and pretty much same with ou traditions, just small differences.

Name one similar dish:
Dolma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Baklava - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Börek - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Name one similar feasts:
After the acceptance of Islam, Turks abolished their feasts. But still, Turkish leaders gather in some random Turkic city and celebrate the exit of the Göktürks from the mythological mountain mentioned in Ergenekon.
Explain this similar family culture:
Turks are traditional oriental people, an ordinary Turkish family has no differences between a Persian or an Arab one. Of course, it changed (and still changing)
kavurma is belong to turkish nomads saç kavurma and tantuni :D:D :D



Thanks for the dishes, but there is a lot of discussion whether those dishes are Turkish or not.

After the acceptance of Islam, Turks abolished their feasts. But still, Turkish leaders gather in some random Turkic city and celebrate the exit of the Göktürks from the mythological mountain mentioned in Ergenekon.

Azeris don't celebrate this event.

Turks are traditional oriental people, an ordinary Turkish family has no differences between a Persian or an Arab one. Of course, it changed (and still changing)

There is much differences between Persian and Arab families. Differences in the importance of education, etc. With Turks its probably less, but still significant.
Guys, roasting piece of meat with oil is not a difficult task. Greeks also have these kind of dishs aswell.
Without knowing every detail of Azerbaijani culture we can't give fully correct answers.

But I checked wedding traditions in wiki, and pretty much same with ou traditions, just small differences.
another ownage for Surenas. He should stop pretending he knows ****.

Guys, roasting piece of meat with oil is not a difficult task. Greeks also have these kind of dishs aswell.

Yes, of course. But we are talking here Azeri Cuisine as a whole. It is undeniable the same as Turkish cuisine. But this Surenas dude, I don't know if he is trolling or dead serious, tries to make lies about our Azeri brothers.

Every Azeri I knew say they were Turks, not Azeri but somehow Surenas knows it better then them.
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