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Iranian Azaris and their love and loyalty to motherland

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Do not be that sensitive about the words. there are lots of shared words in languages. for example bosh-gab means empty dish in turkey. or we have pirooz from farsi in turki. and lots of other words. this means the friendship cultures nothing else.

I know, but the original discussion was about where the dish originally came from. As far as I know, its the most popular Iranian dish, and it originates in Iran too. I know Kofteh Tabrizi as an Azeri dish, but I didn't notice the similarities with another Turkish dish.
Well you missed to answer my question so I ask you once again:

Are Kurds in Turkey allowed to have Kurdish surnames?

Well, i didn't miss it but i chosed not to answer it. Because i can keep blabber the same thing over and over again, such as you are hanging people from cranes just because of their thoughts, in front of children. Yet you are talking about how the Iranian constitution supposedly the most 'advanced' one in the region like it makes some difference.

Just for your information, there are many Kurdish names and surnames being used by both Kurds and Turks commonly. The most common one is: Baran.

Being allowed to use ethnical surnames is a matter of basic human right. .

So does being able to chose what to wear without fear of religion police.

Depriving ethnic minority group´s fundamental human rights of being able to name their children and themselves whatever they want is an elementary human right abuse and a clear discrimination.

We are focussing on much more serious problems than names and surnames, such as teaching Kurdish, saving Kurds from the influence of PKK, education, unemployment, etc... I assure you, you wouldn't want me to count the abuse of human righst in Iran one by one. So try to use it as a general term instead of focusing on a single 'abuse' and make a useless point over it.

You missed another point too. This thread is not about turks in Iran because there are no turks in Iran. We have Shia Azaris in Iran.

As mentioned before, Ahl ul Bayt or islamic Shiism, is the foundation of modern Iranian statehood making the nation immune to any foreign attempts to divide and conquer.

It is not a very wise decision to talk how Iran is the beacon of tolarance and the shining castle of human rights while refusing the identity of Azeri Turks in Iran. Btw, being a Turk doesn't contradicting with being an Iranian.
I think Iran should seriously work on making allies. I thought relations between Iranians and Turks were cordial but guess some people haven't forgotten Saffavid-Ottoman wars yet. This is very childish fight.

Iran seriously needs support as its the only country facing up to the US. Instead Arabs don't like it, Turkey doesn't, Afghanistan hates both Pakistan and Iran while Pakistan is too heavily influenced by the US to develop a positive relationship with Iran.

Isolation for a country that isn't completely independent can be an issue, I think alliances should have been made with Russia after the Shah's departure but Irans tacit support for the mujahideen and Northern alliance destroyed the possibility of a positive relationship. Personally I am an admirer of Iran's foreign policy though not really of the ruling group and the human rights situation. Best make some allies. It should be one of the top concerns for Iran currently.
Safavids were Persian, Azeri and Kurds. Shah Ismael (founder) was a Persian Kurd.
Safavids were Persian, Azeri and Kurds. Shah Ismael (founder) was a Persian Kurd.

Everything is Persian mate, our culture is Persian, our language, even our ethnicity... Just relax... Persia Stroo000oong!!!111! You are the best. Although it would have cause Hitler to kill himself a little bit early if he had the change to know it, but you are Aryan. You are pure, you are not a gypsy at all...
Saffavid were Azeri ruling Iran, not Persian.

Does it make a difference? Why these relatively stronger Islamic countries put these issues in the bin and work on some unity. There have been entire defense pacts involving Paakistan, Iran, Iraq and Turkey in the past... its pretty useless to continue bickering about issues. We hold a high view of turks and as far as Iran's foreign policy is concerned at least they are facing up to the US... pretty bold stand for a country with basically sticks and stones compared to their shiny swords and armor.
Although it would have cause Hitler to kill himself a little bit early if he had the change to know it, but you are Aryan.

Exactly my Turkish friend:

Iranians were immune to the racial Nuremberg Laws on the grounds that they were pure blooded Aryans. In 1939, Nazi Germany provided Iran with what they called a Germany Scientific Library. The library contained over 7500 books selected "to convince Iranian readers...of the kinship between the National Socialist Reich and the Aryan culture of Iran"(Lenczowski. 1944, p. 161). In various pro-Nazi publications, lectures, speeches, and ceremonies, parallels were drawn between the Shah of Iran and Hitler, and praise the charisma and virtue of the Fuhrerprinzip (Rezun. 1982, p. 29).
Everything is Persian mate, our culture is Persian, our language, even our ethnicity... Just relax... Persia Stroo000oong!!!111! You are the best. Although it would have cause Hitler to kill himself a little bit early if he had the change to know it, but you are Aryan. You are pure, you are not a gypsy at all...
Language is partly true. When the Turkic tribes came to the middle east, they adopted some words from Arabic/Persian. Ottoman Turkish also used the Arabic script.

As for ethnicity, modern Turks are a mix of Turkic, Persian and some European peoples...
Modern Turks are a mix of countless past ethnicities, just like most of the modern ethnicities, anyone who cames with dna claims should not expect a serious answer.
Ḥashshāshīn;3758721 said:
Language is partly true. When the Turkic tribes came to the middle east, they adopted come words from Arabic/Persian. Ottoman Turkish also used the Arabic script.

They didn't use Arabic script. They used Ottoman script.
Ḥashshāshīn;3758721 said:
As for ethnicity, modern Turks are a mix of Turkic, Persian and some European peoples...

All i care is, like all other Persians, i'm pure as hell. Who cares what the Turks are?
We Persians have the ability to mix with other races but not being effected from it, we always remain pure. We're that cool!
Safavids were Persian, Azeri and Kurds. Shah Ismael (founder) was a Persian Kurd.

Safavid was a Turkic empire. Not Kurdic or Persian. Kurds never had an empire. Desperate clown.

All i care is, like all other Persians, i'm pure as hell. Who cares what the Turks are?

The funny thing is that Greeks say that Turks are Greeks. Haha. All these insignificant countries with their big mouths. Gotta love it. They all want a piece of the pie, because they ain't got it.
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