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Iranian Aviation Products..military and civilian

Iranian Passenger plane Project
Progress report
  • 72 passenger civilian jet airplane
  • High level design done.
  • Preliminary design (PDR) done
  • Computer modelings and simulation completed.
  • physical modeling (various sizes) and Wind tunnel tests to establish aerodynamics Characteristics are in-progress for the critical design (CDR)
  • Prototype build to commence next year (Iranian calendar year)
  • 120 people are working on the project
  • Estimated 5 year to completion.
Note: They also talk about a Mega project for a 150 seat passenger plane that has started the same time..!

آخرین وضعیت طرح کلان ساخت هواپیمای جت ۷۲ نفره

آخرین وضعیت طرح کلان ساخت هواپیمای جت ۷۲ نفره

یکی از محققان تیم طرح کلان ساخت هواپیمای جت ۷۲ نفره ایرانی گفت: در صورت موفقیت در تست‌ها ساخت قطعات پروژه از سال ۱۴۰۱ آغاز می شود.
سعید حسینی یکی از محققان هواپیمای مسافربری جت ۷۲ نفره به خبرنگار مهر گفت: این پروژه اکنون در مراحل انتهایی فاز دوم و نهایی طراحی مقدماتی است.
وی با بیان اینکه طراحی جزییات هواپیمای ۷۲ نفره در حال انجام بوده و بخش‌هایی از طراحی جزییات به اتمام رسیده است، ادامه داد: مدل‌هایی در ابعاد مختلف برای تست تونل باد طراحی و برنامه‌ریزی شده و برخی از آنان در حال ساخت است.
وی اضافه کرد: با توجه به اینکه تست‌ها و شبیه‌سازی‌های نرم افزاری هواپیما طی پنج الی شش سال گذشته به اتمام رسیده، اکنون در وضعیتی هستیم که بتوانیم آیرودینامیک، پایداری، و مهارپذیری آن را در تونل باد تست کنیم تا در ادامه اصلاحات لازم قبل از اتمام طراحی جزییات اعمال شود.
وی ادامه داد: پس از دریافت نتایج تست‌های تونل باد و کسب اطمینان از صحت و انطباق آن با نتایج نرم افزار، برای توسعه و اتمام طراحی جزییات و ساخت قطعی قطعات هواپیما در مقیاس اصلی گام بر می‌داریم.
حسینی با بیان اینکه به احتمال زیاد و در صورت مناسب بودن نتایج تست‌ها می‌توان گفت که ساخت قطعات هواپیمای پروتوتایپ جت ۷۲ نفره از سال ۱۴۰۱ آغاز می‌شود، افزود: مجموعه‌ای از شرکت‌های دانش‌بنیان با همکاری‌های دانشگاه‌های کشور زیر نظر معاونت علمی و فناوری ریاست جمهوری و وزارت و راه شهرسازی روی این پروژه مشغول به کار هستند، و تقریباً ۱۲۰ نفر روی این پروژه کار می‌کنند.
این محقق با تاکید بر اینکه بعد از تست‌های تونل، نتایج و اسناد طراحی به سازمان هواپیمایی کشوری برای اخذ گواهی ایمنی ارسال خواهد شد، عنوان کرد: اما گام اول و اصلی در این پروژه توسعه فناوری‌های هواپیما جت بوده و در ادامه کسب گواهی از سازمان هواپیمای کشوری است.
به گفته وی، بعد از آن دوسال دیگر زمان می‌برد تا تست‌های ایمنی و اعتمادپذیری هواپیمای جت ۷۲ نفره کسب شود. در این زمان کارایی و کارآمدی هواپیما مشخص می‌شود.
حسینی افزود: پیش بینی می‌شود که تا ۱۴۰۵ پروژه به نتایج قابل قبولی برسد.
به گزارش مهر، توسعه فناوری‌های کلیدی طراحی هواپیمای مسافربری جت ۱۵۰ نفره، به عنوان بزرگترین طرح کلان ملی مصوب شورای عالی علوم، تحقیقات و فناوری در سال ۹۱ به تصویب رسید.
این طرح با همکاری دانشگاه‌های صنعتی امیر کبیر، علم و صنعتی، صنعتی اصفهان و صنعتی شریف و حمایت معاونت علمی و فناوری و مشارکت وزارت دفاع، از همان سال آغاز به کار کرد.
Wind Tunnel Tests of Iranian 72 seat passenger plane starts

no longer on paper..it is happening!

Wind Tunnel Tests of Iranian 72 seat passenger plane starts

no longer on paper..it is happening!

View attachment 858617


Are we not seeing the revival of the aviation industry after we are done with Missiles/SLVs, and Airdefence ?

We have Kowsar, Simorgh, Yasin, Shahed Flying wings, Panha helis, Kaman-22 etc. All picking up.
We are indeed witnessing the CIVIL side of "space" and "aviation" being put on front burner in this government...In the "military" side we can see the Simorgh being rolled out...I like to see that Kowsar II..and our airborne AESA radar at least being announced..but best of all it seems like MOU with China is now producing some results.
We are indeed witnessing the CIVIL side of "space" and "aviation" being put on front burner in this government...In the "military" side we can see the Simorgh being rolled out...I like to see that Kowsar II..and our airborne AESA radar at least being announced..but best of all it seems like MOU with China is now producing some results.
for kowsar-2 we must master two field first.
1 - how to produce titanium skeleton for the airplane as it must tolerate a lot more stress than Kowsar
2- we master turbofan engine
We are indeed witnessing the CIVIL side of "space" and "aviation" being put on front burner in this government...In the "military" side we can see the Simorgh being rolled out...I like to see that Kowsar II..and our airborne AESA radar at least being announced..but best of all it seems like MOU with China is now producing some results.

I am also rather more interested in Kowsar-II with Bayyenat-AESA (Grifo-E equivalent)

for kowsar-2 we must master two field first.
1 - how to produce titanium skeleton for the airplane as it must tolerate a lot more stress than Kowsar
2- we master turbofan engine

- Kowsar-I already uses Al-Ti Alloy for whatever % of structure they produce at HESA. If you look at airframe construction videos the turbojet nozzles are shining brand new. They cant sustain heat from the afterburner if they are not high-performing Ti-Alloys.
- That is indeed a requirement. Either Jahesh-700 (FJ33) becomes FJ44-4A with afterburner or we take the TOT route.
- That is indeed a requirement. Either Jahesh-700 (FJ33) becomes FJ44-4A with afterburner or we take the TOT route.
FJ44-4A from power production point of view is equal to OWJ. so its weak for Kowsar-2
For Kowsar its ideal as it increase the range of the airplane and its characteristic will be far more like how engine on kowsar-2 would act

- Kowsar-I already uses Al-Ti Alloy for whatever % of structure they produce at HESA. If you look at airframe construction videos the turbojet nozzles are shining brand new. They cant sustain heat from the afterburner if they are not high-performing Ti-Alloys.
Ti-Alloy is not used for heat resistance
example of TI use in aerospace

its demand is for its high strength, corrosion resistance It is also compatible with carbon fiber reinforced plastic – CFRP – which is often used in both airframes and engine parts (improved fuel consumption as a result).
Titanium has been used in the aerospace industry for some time now, redefining the equipment and its subsequent performance. Commercially pure titanium is preferred for the making of airframes, while titanium alloys are generally used for the development of engine parts.

Titanium alloys are used for the development of turbo fan engines, especially for the actual fan and the associated compressor (temperature relatively low, at approximately 600 degrees Celsius).
you see the titanium in engine is used in areas that have relatively low temperature
  • Ti-6A1-4V
    • Used for the airframes and engine parts
    • Characteristics: high strength, weldability
    • Structural material for bolts and seat rails
    • Engines – fan blades, intake section (low temperatures)
  • Ti-6A1-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo
    • Characteristic: heat resistance
    • Use – compressor discs
  • Ti-8A1-1Mo-1V
    • Characteristic: heat resistance
    • Use – compressor blades
  • Ti-17
    • Characteristics: high strength, heat resistance, excellent fracture toughness
    • Use – fan and shaft (one piece to reduce engine weight)
    • Excellent crack propagation characteristic
  • Ti-6A1-2Sn-4Zr-6Mo
    • Characteristics: heat resistance, high strength
    • Used in engines due to excellent creep characteristic
  • Ti-15V-3Cr-3Sn-3A1
    • Available in the form of a titanium sheet
    • Strength higher than commercially-pure titanium
    • Welded piping and ducts from grade 5 titanium sheet in airframes
  • Ti-10V-2Fe-3A1
    • Characteristics: high strength, high fatigue strength, corrosion resistance
    • Excellent hardenability
    • Use – landing gear.
In the name of Parvardegar
I open this thread to document the Products that Iran produces in the field of Aviation and their status as we know todate. The thread is intended as a catalog of civilian and military, fixed wing or rotary wing products (drones not included). If you have interesting photos or videos please pitch in...(The thread will be populated as time allows)

I start the thread with Iran's most recent product: Iran's first indigenous light fighter jet.

Kowsar Jet Fighter
  • Function: Light fighter
  • Status: limited production (one or two squadrons planned)
  • Construction: 98% Iranian components including.. Jet engines, Airframe (inspired by F5), Fully digital Avionics (flight and mission)...Ejection seat, Landing gear
View attachment 816901View attachment 816902View attachment 816903View attachment 816904View attachment 816905View attachment 816906View attachment 816907View attachment 816908

Yaseen Jet Trainer

Yaseen development team last year.

What does Parvardegar mean?
Aim23B Fakour-90 BVR missile

Seeker: Semi Active Radar Homing (SARH)
Range: 150-160 km
Speed: 5 Mach
Diameter: 370 mm
Weight: 450-500 Kg
Seeker: Shalamche SARH seeker
Motor: Solid Fuel M112 ROCKET MOTOR


Shalamcheh Seeker


Test Video



Next generation under development is Maghsoud LR-BVR

Maker: Babaei Missile Industries
Range: ~180-200 Km
Guidance: Active Radar Homing ARH Seeker with ECM control
Speed: ~5 Mach
Motor: M190 probably

Yasin is the first 100% designed and 100% built jet aircraft in Iran...It has been almost two years that the aircraft entered Flight tests..looking forward to see the first few "limited Production" series soon.:cheers:
Yasin is the first 100% designed and 100% built jet aircraft in Iran...It has been almost two years that the aircraft entered Flight tests..looking forward to see the first few "limited Production" series soon.:cheers:
instead I rather see more kowsar, its better , and more in line with our future aircrafts
instead I rather see more kowsar, its better , and more in line with our future aircrafts
I actually like to ask the question from yourself and @drmeson or any one who can answer..

Why Iran goes for Yasin trainer when they could use Kowsar as well as a trainer..

1- can be marketed as export without F5 legacy of Kowsar
2- Kowsar more expensive to be used as trainer!
3- chance to have fully in-house airframe design
4- do not know!!!!!

I actually like to ask the question from yourself and @drmeson or any one who can answer..

Why Iran goes for Yasin trainer when they could use Kowsar as well as a trainer..

1- can be marketed as export without F5 legacy of Kowsar
2- Kowsar more expensive to be used as trainer!
3- chance to have fully in-house airframe design
4- do not know!!!!!

the answer is do not knew,
even F5 is a very good trainer. and the price of the airframe is the same , the total price vary on what you put inside the airplane and you can put cheaper avionic inside the trainer if 9m $ is considered too much for a modern trainer, honestly its not specially if you consider , your future pilot learn flying in an airplane that act similar to an airplane they fly in later
chance of the fully in house airframe design , irrelevant , if they make smallest change in the airframe they must do all the calculation from start and they did that with Saeqeh and even kowsar. there is no need to do that again with Yasin
I actually like to ask the question from yourself and @drmeson or any one who can answer..

Why Iran goes for Yasin trainer when they could use Kowsar as well as a trainer..

1- can be marketed as export without F5 legacy of Kowsar
2- Kowsar more expensive to be used as trainer!
3- chance to have fully in-house airframe design
4- do not know!!!!!


(Copied from IRIAF post of mine)

Yasin AT's case is indeed thought-provoking.

Imagine the late 2020s, we have an IRIAF made of:

- 100~ x Kowsar-I (70) + Kowsar-II production (30+)
- 80+ x F-14AM + MIG-29 9.12 locally upgraded IEI avionics + Bayyenat-AESA on MIGS
- 100~ x F-4E/D (already flying with Bayyenat-I) + SU-24M
- 500 x HALE/MALE UCAV Interceptors/wingmen, SIGINT/ELINT, PGM, CM carriers.
- Network of GWACS + LORADS + SHORADS on the ground + Satellite surveillance from above.

What is common in this group? avionics, nav-comm, radars, e-warfare suites, and datalinks are all by IEI SAIRAN. So how do you train pilots/engineers/electronic warfare experts/maintenance crew for such a diverse fleet? you train them on one single small platform first before they go to combat dedicated squadrons. They fly/work on the same electronic systems that they will find in combat squadrons or in the battlefield.

IRIAF still to this day maintains an average of 160-190 flight hours/year for frontline pilots in conjunction with their ground crew. if we just count the radars, its crazy. We have:

AWG-9 of F-14A
AWG-9+ IEI upgraded on F-14AM
RPKL-29 Phazotron of MIG-29
Cyrano IV of Mirage-F1
APG-153 of F-5E/F
APG-120 of F-4E
Bayenat I of Dowran F-4E/D
Bayenaat-II of Kowsar
SY-80 NRIET of F-7N

So there is zero interoperability among pilots and crews. One pilot/technician has to get massive training on fighter-trainer versions of an aircraft before getting operational on another machine. It's a waste of time/energy/resources to have so many different platforms with different training programs for them. If IRIAF gets its advanced training squadron of 12 x Yasin AT with the same avionics package of Kowsar with IEI e warfare package, Bayenat-II radars with HMD slaved Fatter missiles etc. Pilots who train on them can go to ... Kowsar-I, F-4E/D (dowran upgraded at Busher), Kowsar-II in future, whichever aircraft gets IEI SAIRAN upgrade (MIG?). This happens because they have operated and trained themselves on same-origin electronics, and systems. It IMPROVES combat efficiency multifold without

My assumption is that Yasin is another one of those "Saeqeh" like projects or its variant will get operational but maybe only some 1 training squadron at best.

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