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Iranian Arabs

The famous as-Sadr family also has many members in Iran. Musa as-Sadr himself was born and raised in Iran.
Mohammad Khatami the former president of Iran is also married to Musa as-Sadr's niece, Zohreh Sadeghi.
Since when do "married" exist for mutah'ers? :woot:
In that picture from your post, it lists semites and then lists Egyptians. But ancient Egyptians where semites. So I don't know what type of semites they are talking about. Maybe Canaanites or Phoenicians? I have been to Dubai and from what I saw there where some average skin color Emiratis and some dark tanned Emiratis. I didn't see any Emiratis with light features that you would find in Syria or Lebanon. But maybe this has to do with UAE being a very hot place. Also I seem to notice (not taking into consideration Afro-Saudis) that wealthier Saudi people tend to be lighter skinned. I don't know if this is a correct assumption or not, just something that I noticed.

Well, the ancient Egyptians were a Hamitic people and thus related with Semitic people. They were basically a hybrid and also had influence from outside the ME (Greece for instance). Libyans belonged to the same group while Nubians are entirely differently. Nubians are Sudanic people belonging to the Nilo-Saharan language family.

Roman-era portrait of an Egyptian mummy from the Fayum collection, c. AD 125 − AD 150

UAE only has about 15-20% Arabs today, man.:lol: Also you have Arabs from across the Arab world as well. UAE was not very populated just 100 years ago. Basically the interior was roamed by a few Bedouin tribes (3-5 I believe) while most of the people lived in the coastal regions and were engaged in trade, pearling industry etc. Most local Emirates basically have roots to Najd and Yemen, mostly Hadhramaut.

Well, KSA is a quite diverse country, contrary to popular belief, and the Saudi Arabian national team is mostly made up by Afro-Arabs. Well, the reason for them being pale probable has something to do with them not being out in the sun. I have noticed this among all ME people actually. People living on the countryside also tend to be darker than those living in cities. But that's mostly due to the work outside. I mean you can even witness that in Southern Europe. Arabs are white or swarthy by nature but the skin color quickly turns tanned when exposed to the sun. That's only a natural thing. Like with nearly all ME people. There are people on genealogy etc. forums that have posted plenty of "pure" Saudi Arabian Arabs from across the country and there you can get an idea how most look.

I think for instance that this is a very stereotypical Hijazi Arab look:

Basically the Arab Hijazis are a hybrid between people from the Levant just north bordering the region and the people from Yemen just south bordering the region. But basically Hijaz is one of the most mixed areas today in the Muslim world. For instance Makkah is widely known as one if not the most cosmopolitan Muslim cities in the world.

Today, more than 15 million Muslims visit Mecca annually, including several million during the few days of the Hajj.[9] As a result, Mecca has become one of the most cosmopolitan and diverse cities in the Muslim world,[10] despite the fact that non-Muslims are prohibited from entering the city.[11][12]

But if you go to Ta'if, Yanbu, Al-Bahah, Madinah and the outskirts of all those areas you will find the native and "pure" look.

For instance I can spot a Hijazi and Najdi apart quite easily. In most cases that is. There is also a North-South and West-East divide. I imagine that it is similar to Iran. I mean far from all Iranians look similar.

Anyway @SinaG do you know more Iranian-Arabs than those you posted and those that I have posted?
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Eh I'm sure they do it in a halal way. Wali > Nikkah > Done ;)

Later on, divorce exists. That's life.

So if they do the paperwork right it’ll be halal, no more mut’ah.
I like that, 30 divorces isn’t mut’ah.
Thanks for that.

Of course I know that having an Arab first name and last name does not make you an Arab. Far from it. In that case most Muslims if not 90% would be Arab! I am solely looking at the last name. Hejazi basically means a person from Hijaz. I asked some Iranians I know and they told me that it is a rare name but that it is found among Iranian Arabs. So I just wondered. And when we say Arab then we are talking about their lineage. Obviously most of the ordinary Iranian Arabs living outside of the majority Arab areas/or areas with Arab presence in Iran have married Iranians of all origins by now. Only the apparent Sadah families generally married into other Sadah families and did not marry every Joe around.;)

I think what is amazing in all this is that Arab village (Khalaf) 150 km northeast of Birjand. I find that astonishing that they nearly 1500 years after still speak an Arabic dialect not spoken anywhere else.

Only female Sadah never used to marry outside the lineage although now in modern times it is more common. For men it was never a problem and used to happen all the time. Like my great grandmother maternally was Persian but not a Sadah while from my fathers side some of the women married into my family were brahmin converts. A women has never married a non Sadah in my family. That is actually why my uncle (the shia I told you about) was married into my family because marrying women to Syeds was more important than sect. Anyway sorry for off topic this is a good thread.

So if they do the paperwork right it’ll be halal, no more mut’ah.
I like that, 30 divorces isn’t mut’ah.

Well we know rulers will always abuse religious tenets countless rulers in the Islamic world had tens of wives heck the Ottomans didn't even start marrying until Suleiman and instead had hundreds of concubines lol.
Genetic tree of West Asia


Yemenis Saudis and Bedouins closely cluster.

Turks, Iranians, Lebanese, Druse, Jordanians, Assyrians, Iraqis, Kurds, Caspians, Georgians, Kuwaitis, North Caucasians, Aremenians, Hazara and Pashtuns cluster.
So if they do the paperwork right it’ll be halal, no more mut’ah.
I like that, 30 divorces isn’t mut’ah.
loool no Mutah is a temporary marriage. Ex: I can make 2 nights with her in a contract then next one repeats with another through permission.:man_in_love:
loool no Mutah is a temporary marriage. Ex: I can make 2 nights with her in a contract then next one repeats with another through permission.:man_in_love:

2 nights -3 months.

Just a longer Mut’ah, no difference.
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loool no Mutah is a temporary marriage. Ex: I can make 2 nights with her in a contract then next one repeats with another through permission.:man_in_love:

Are you really Albanian? I have never seen such a sectarian Albanian, most Albanians don't care about such things.
Are you really Albanian? I have never seen such a sectarian Albanian, most Albanians don't care about such things.
True most don't but also do you actually think the Muslims ignores the crimes of Assad and the Shii.

Go see how many Albanians are in Syria or how many Arabs came during Serb's genocides.
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